Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

97. Ye Xuan: Step into the air? Lao Tzu’s shipment can kill you!

When Ye Xuan swiped Weibo by accident.

I just saw someone message me.

When he saw the news, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Can I participate in the century reorganization ticket of the North and South Cars?

I can't see it, because I don't care about those few points to make T profit, okay?

And according to Ye Xuan's current bargaining chip, it is not realistic to want to be a T completely.

If you use a small amount of money to do T, you can't afford to lose that person.

He's going to hit the plate at the highest point!!

Crazy shipping!!

Take a look at the current position.

Huaguo CSR, which was bought for 12 yuan, has now risen to 21.33 yuan.

Over 75% yield.

That is to say, Ye Xuan's chips of 80 billion are now more than 60 billion in profit.


It's crazy!

Even the village chief could not help but have a headache when he saw Ye Xuan's crazy chips.

The village chief can see everyone's chips, and people like Ye Xuan who have registered with him are the most important object of attention.

The village chief rubbed his eyes and said speechlessly: "This Ye Xuan, 04 is too ruthless, 80 billion has taken so many chips in the low position, almost double it and still don't spit it out, is it true that we have to wait for it to rise to the highest level. Just leave? Or wait until the merger is complete?

The village chief actually wanted to warn Ye Xuan.

But he thought about it again. In fact, more than half of the chips in Ye Xuan's hands were funds from Zhengcheng Social Security Bureau and Qinghe Finance Bureau.

Although 20% and 30% of the profits are for Ye Xuan.

But if he really forced him to leave, the bosses in those places would not agree.

Those who are in the capital are Shenwan Hongyuan, and they are the rest of the funds.

I am afraid that Kyoto will not agree.

This 80 billion fund is too much involved.

The village chief sighed.

This little guy has grown up too fast and has good skills.

And also know not to be gluttonous, everyone eats food.

There is a provincial social security bureau on the left, and a provincial finance bureau on the right.

In front, there are the second generation behind the background of Shenwan Hongyuan's Kyoto headquarters to protect it.

No way.

Let him take it.

Let's see when he will ship.

Even the existence does not know how much the merger of North and South cars will rise, nor who will take over.

But looking at Ye Xuan's past record, once he shipped it, the sky and the earth would definitely fall apart.

That's the genius of Ye Xuan.

If he was holding so much money himself, I am afraid that the village chief would not be able to sit still.

But there are various intertwined and complex background supports, coupled with their own strong strength, this will allow the existence of compromise.

Yesterday, the North and South cars received a big bad board.

Today's bid is a big low of -3%.

Then it suddenly smashed towards −5% after the market opened.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan only commented: "The profit market is running, but the strength of the undertaking is okay, it is indeed a North-South car!"


The funds that run away today are the batch of profit-making stocks on Friday, or the retail investors who entered the market with bad boards on Wednesday.

But today it is clearly shrinking.

The turnover in the whole day was only more than 10 billion, and the amplitude was also controlled in the middle of three points.

With such an amplitude, everyone with discernment knows that this ticket has not yet reached the end!

But dare you?

I dare not go up.

The message in the stock bar skyrocketed.

"Damn, I got in at the end of yesterday, but I didn't expect it to be like this today.

"It's really a fool, I take another day, if it's not good, I will run away decisively!!

"Trash, cut the meat, otherwise I will be numb if I open it low tomorrow!!"

"You have to die on the dragon's head, rush!!

"I got the leverage to buy the Huaguo South car, and I beg for a rise tomorrow, or I will blow up my position!!

Worth mentioning.

The current trend of Huaguo North and South Cars, there are really people who are rushing on the leverage!

Today, in this leveraged bull market, a lot of people are using leverage to buy tickets.

CSR has even more people financing and buying it!!

For example, Brother Zhao in the hot money group of Taogu Bar.

He has done careful research, coupled with his own experience.

In the end, it is concluded that there will be a very large increase in Huaguo CSR.

At least before the reorganization, there can be no risk.

Based on this, he decided to increase the position and buy the full position on the leveraged Stud!!

I don't know how many people, in fact, are like him, buying crazy.

This is also the reason why the transaction volume of North-South vehicles is so large.

At 3:00 pm, Huaguo CSR charged a price of 20.98 yuan.

Today's shock is simply a short stop on the way up.

Change hands and give people a chance to get on and off.

Otherwise, it will be the daily limit again tomorrow!

The person in the car can't get off!

It's Friday again.

After yesterday's volatile small Yinxian, today turned out to be another gaping open, and the stock price reached 21.15 yuan.

This high opening can be said to have laid the foundation for the last wave of leading rising and the main rising wave!!

But few people can realize it now.

Perhaps for retail investors, today's high opening is another high opening to escape.

After the opening of 890, it will definitely kill at a high speed, just like yesterday!

"Let's run, the leader is the cow, give you a chance to run every day!

"Haha, the bidding ran, and the snack was 3 points."

"Brilliant, it seems that yesterday was the lowest point of bargain hunting."

"I don't understand. Yesterday, the one who dared to buy the bottom of the market turned out to bid today and ran away. How many years does it take for a cerebral thrombosis to come out!!?""

"Hehe, if you sing a lot, you'll know when it hits the limit!!

9.30 points.

Big A opens.

Huaguo CSR did not follow that person's wishes. On the contrary, it was a ride to the extreme. After the market opened, the volume went straight to the daily limit!

In just 3 minutes, it rose from +1.6% to the daily limit, and then was smashed down in seconds.

But this is what caught everyone's attention.

"?? What the hell?"

"What's the situation, the faucet really took a rest yesterday? Continue to pull today!!

"It's too strong, it's really too strong, the negative line is to buy something!!"

"Chong Chong Chong, this ticket was so fierce before the reorganization, it must be a trillion market value after the reorganization!!

"It's only a few hundred billion now, it's simply a depression of value!

"The only fly in the ointment is that the prophecy emperor didn't buy it, it's a pity!"

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