Fire Game

Chapter 96: Scarlet Jungle

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Taking advantage of the fact that all the villagers' attention was attracted by a fire, Ye Xin and Roy quickly rushed to the back mountain, intending to join up with their teammates.

Along the way, Ye Xin didn't say a word. For some reason, he always felt a little...

Not very solid.

He was sure that the map Ying'er gave him should not be fake, but would this game really allow them to pass so easily?


What exactly did Hu Die want to tell him when she appeared just now?

Could it be just because of the sudden fire?

"What about Shen Lu and the others?"

They didn't find any trace of their teammates until they passed the "Mass Burial Mound".

"I have written down the route."

Ye Xin was concise and succinct, as always, cherishing words like gold, although he still seemed a little withdrawn and indifferent, but looking at the calm profile face, Roy's impetuous heart gradually calmed down.

If this time can pass the customs smoothly, this young man will definitely take the credit.

But immediately, Roy couldn't help frowning.

What happened to yourself?

Although young, before the world changed drastically, her status in the unit was very important. In the face of some difficult cases, even some leaders would ask her for advice, but in this game, she seemed to be completely reduced to a vassal, and she He also actively contributed to this situation, especially without knowing it.

For himself who is accustomed to Qiankun's decisiveness and resoluteness, this is unbelievable.

Roy quickly withdrew his gaze, stopped talking, and hurryed away. After more than ten minutes, the two came to the place where Wang Wang and others were waiting.

The back mountain is faintly visible.

"The women in the village should be imprisoned there."

Roy's eyes are complicated.

Ye Xin glanced at the back mountain, and quickly withdrew his gaze, "They should have already left, let's go."

The Roy nodded. Now is really not the time to be "nosy". Nothing is more important than conquering this game.

After all, her world needs saving more than the imprisoned female villagers.

The Roy took a deep breath, drove away the distracting thoughts in his heart, and set foot on the road that Wang Wang and the others had walked with Ye Xin.


"What's wrong?"

Ye Xin, who was beside him, suddenly stopped.

The Roy had to stop in confusion.

Ye Xin frowned slightly and looked around.

The Roy saw the clue.

"You don't remember the wrong way, do you?"

Ye Xin didn't say a word, still staring at the deep jungle.

When he was young, he had an ability that was almost unforgettable. Originally, according to his talent, he was admitted to a top university. It is not difficult to change his fate by relying on knowledge. Man, that accident not only destroyed An Ran's life, but also made him lose his last chance to leap over the dragon's gate.

Since then, he has tried to work on the contrary, trying his best to make money. The only thought is to heal the legs of the girl who was desperate for him, and give the other party back the splendid life that the other party should have.

Even though he only glanced at the map, he already knew the route marked on it, but now something went wrong.

"Did you feel..."

Ye Xin, who couldn't even change his face when he talked about seeing a ghost, seemed a little hesitant at this time.


Roy asked subconsciously.

Ye Xin was silent for a moment.

"The tree here seems to be moving."

What? !

Roy was stunned for a moment, then frightened, and immediately looked around, but before she could notice the abnormality, a shrill scream suddenly came from a distance!

"It's Shen Lu!"

Roy's heart was suddenly tense, even if he didn't know what happened, he could tell from the sound that Shen Lu must be experiencing something extremely terrifying!

"Go and see."

Ye Xin did not hesitate, and immediately rushed to the direction from which the voice came.

The Roy quickly followed.


Invisibly, just as Ye Xin said, the surrounding trees seemed to have grown feet, and moved slowly with the movement of the two.

"This is……"

Not far away, Roy's pupils shrank, and a cracked urn was found not far ahead.

Ye Xin also saw it.

The two soon realized who the owner of the urn was.

"Wang Wang, something happened to them!"

First, Shen Lu's scream, and then Zhen Zhibing's ashes. Obviously, Wang Wang and his party who left first must have encountered huge trouble.

The two looked at each other with serious expressions, and were about to continue rushing in the direction where Shen Lu screamed, but a figure suddenly staggered forward.

Seeing Ye Xin and Roy, there was a ray of hope in the other's terrified eyes, as if someone who was about to drown grabbed the last straw.

"Save... help me..."

It's Zhou Like.

I don't know what happened to scare this professional horror writer into this, because it was too urgent, he stumbled under his feet and fell to the ground, his forehead was scratched, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, Not daring to delay at all, he hurriedly crawled and rolled back to his feet and ran towards Ye Xin and Roy.

Roy was stunned.

"What about the rest?"

Ye Xin, who had always been calm, had a condensed expression at this time.

"All dead! All dead..."

Zhou Like stumbled and ran to the front panting and lost.

"What did you say?!"

Roy's mind suddenly went blank, looking at Zhou Like in disbelief, apparently finding it difficult to accept such a fact.

"Ghost, that ghost..."

Because he was too scared, the horror novelist was incoherent, "It found us, it was in this forest, first killed Ge Rou, and then tore Shen Zhenggang..."

Roy's heart sank instantly, and he couldn't help but take a step forward, "Speak clearly, where is Shen Lu? I heard her cry just now..."

"Ye Xin!"

Before the Roy's words were finished, another voice came from not far away,

Ye Xin turned his head and saw Wang Wang was parked in front of the left. This determined and calm man who should be from the military also looked at the three of them with panic. There was a trace of fear on his face.

Zhou Like looked back.

"Stay away from him!"

Wang Wang shouted.

"He's not Zhou Like, he's dead!"

Ye Xin's pupils condensed, looking at the novelist who was close at hand.

"You just died! Don't believe him. I saw with my own eyes that Li Gui caught up with him. He was a ghost!"

Zhou Like pointed at Wang Wang with trembling arms, seemingly remembering the horror he had experienced before, and his tone was full of fear.

The Roy took a few steps back subconsciously, looked at Wang Wang, and looked at Zhou Like again, looking hesitant, the reason he had always been proud of was completely ineffective at this time, his mind was blank, and his thinking was extremely confused.

Although the two who escaped from the dead seemed to have no flaws, but both sides insisted on their own words, there must be one person who said panic.

after all.

Who is the ghost?

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