Fire Game

Chapter 138: water tank

"Where is the water tank in your hotel?"

After confirming that it was a water quality issue, Li Shuze quickly asked the waiter.

The male waiter replied subconsciously, "The two water tanks are both on the rooftop."

"Can you take us to see it?"

The waiter was a little hesitant, but he had to explain this to the guests.

"Okay, okay, everyone, come with me."

The waitress, who had no choice, nodded.

Li Shuze and his party, together with a few guests in the restaurant, left the restaurant. Under the guidance of the waiter, they took two elevators to the sixth floor, then took the stairs and climbed one more floor.

The entrance to the rooftop was blocked by a fire door, which logically should have been locked, but at this time it was just hidden and was easily opened by the waiter.

The group came to the empty and lonely hotel rooftop.

"That's it."

There were two cylindrical containers in the direction the waiter pointed, about three meters high and two meters in diameter, with escalators on the side and covers on them.

"Last night when I was brushing my teeth, the water went up and down."

Zhang Meilu inadvertently recalled the situation she encountered last night.

"Go up and have a look."

Zhu Chaoyang rubbed his hands, and climbed up to a water tank first. After a lot of effort, his face flushed, and he finally opened the lid.

He leaned forward and looked into the water tank. After a few seconds, he moved his head out and shook his head at the teammates below.

Li Shouze remained calm, and moved his gaze to another adjacent water tank.

The size, shape and volume of the two water tanks are generally the same.

"I go."

Qi Pengcheng volunteered, just like Zhu Chaoyang's previous movements, and climbed up the left water tank with agility.

Zhu Chaoyang closed the lid again, jumped down, clapped his hands, exhaled, and there was an inexplicable expectation in his eyes. He raised his head and looked at Qi Pengcheng, who had already climbed to the top of the escalator.

In front of everyone's eyes, Qi Pengcheng pulled open the cover of the second water tank, and also looked into it with a probe, and then... his color suddenly changed.

"There is a person in the water!"

The lonely rooftop suddenly burst into an uproar.


Upon receiving the news, the police rushed to the scene.

The person in the tank, or to be more precise, the body has been salvaged.

Even though the terrifying phenomenon of the Giant View has already appeared, and the face is unrecognizable, the forensic doctor confirmed that the deceased in the water tank was the resident of 413, Yang Xueqing, who had disappeared before.

As witnesses who discovered the body, Zhu Chaoyang and others were naturally questioned by the police.

Zhang Meilu squatted on the edge of the rooftop and vomited.

The pale-faced Liu Xiazi stayed by her side. It wasn't that she didn't want to vomit, but she had already vomited. Thinking that the water in the bath last night was more likely to be the "corpse water" that had soaked the corpse, she couldn't help but her hair stood on end, and her whole body was covered in panting. Goosebumps.

"feel better now?"

Jiang Wan, who left the rooftop and came up again, approached and handed over two bottles of water.

Of course.

It is mineral water, which has not been opened.

Liu Xiazi took it and said thank you, unable to squeeze out the smile.

She handed the first bottle of water to Zhang Meilu, who almost sat on her knees and wanted to spit out the acid in her stomach.

"Why is Yang Xueqing in the water tank?"

Liu Xiazi looked at the busy crowd. Even though she knew it wasn't the water from the hotel, she still didn't dare to drink it. It was disgusting and shadowy.

In contrast, Jiang Wan's outstanding psychological quality is reflected most vividly, and there is no strange color on that beautiful face with unique charm.

No wonder the police didn't find anything after digging three feet in the ground. Who would have thought that the body was actually hidden in the water tank?

"Did someone throw her in?"

"I don't know." Gu

After all, Jiang Wan is not omniscient, so she did not give a clear answer to this question.

Liu Xiazi squeezed the mineral water bottle, endured the double discomfort in her heart and body, and hesitated: "Is it possible... it's a sexual assault?"

Jiang Wan looked calm and said softly, "It shouldn't be."


Liu Xiazi was confused and curious, "Isn't her clothes stripped naked?"


Not only was Yang Xueqing's body found in the water tank, but the body was in a state of **, only wearing underwear. The jeans and blue tops that Liu Xiazi had seen were all floating around.

"She was in a state of mania when she disappeared."

Jiang Wan turned her face sideways, "What is the state of mania, you have seen it with your own eyes, do you think anyone would be interested in women in this state?"

Liu Xiazi's tone was stagnant and speechless.


The Yang Xueqing she saw yesterday was just like a lunatic, so people couldn't avoid it. Even if she was a pervert, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so, so hungry, right?

However, why did she take off all her clothes?

"Miss Jiang, do you think this is suicide or homicide?"

Liu Xiazi asked tentatively.

Jiang Wan remained silent.

Liu Xiazi didn't find it difficult to be a strong man. After all, the other party was just a psychologist, not a policeman.

The disappearance case is solved.

But the cloud of suspicion surrounding Yang Xueqing did not dissipate, on the contrary, it became more intense.

The disappearance case was solved, but it turned into a more serious murder case.

"I knew it."

The suspected players gathered on the first floor, and the police were interrogating the hotel guests one by one.

It is already afternoon.

But the nine people didn't eat lunch, they were not in the mood, and more importantly, they had no appetite.

Even if the water tank that soaked the corpse was immediately deactivated by the hotel, the psychological shadow could not be eliminated so quickly.

"According to the hotel's statement, Yang Xueqing has never had any conflicts or quarrels with anyone. Who is so cruel?"

Zhu Gongzi muttered: "Or is it suicide?"

"Then how do you explain her undressing?"

Qi Pengcheng, who was the first to see the corpse, said with an unnatural expression on his face. Even if he controlled himself not to think about it, the more restrained he was, the more terrifying the scene would haunt him. in front of you.

"A hypothermia."

Li Shuzhe opened his mouth.

"A hypothermia?"

"When people are exposed to cold for a long time, their body temperature will decrease rapidly due to excessive heat loss. At this time, the human body will experience hypothermia symptoms. Not only will they not feel cold, but they will feel hot..."

"It's like saying that she took off her own clothes?"

Liu Xiazi cried out in surprise.

Li Shuze nodded, "Theoretically, there is this possibility."

It was too late to sigh the other party's knowledge, Zhu Chaoyang doubted: "Brother Li, do you think she committed suicide?"

Li Shouze didn't answer immediately. After a while of silence, he said, "If she really died of drowning, then the possibility of suicide is higher than the possibility of homicide."

"Yang Xueqing had a manic episode at the time, and I'm afraid I couldn't control her. According to the surveillance footage, she had delusions and thought that someone was going to hurt her, so she probably took the elevator to the rooftop and saw the water tank, so she jumped in to hide. , These all make sense, but Li Ge, have you thought about a question?"

The thoughtful Zhu Chaoyang is no longer as frivolous and sloppy as usual, with thoughtful eyes and a solemn expression.

"When we went to the rooftop, the water tank was covered. If she committed suicide, how did she close the cover of the water tank?"

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