Firepower is king

Chapter 253 If you are poor, you will think about changes.

A sad story about a medical dispute that destroyed a long-established brand that was at least a century old.

It is simply difficult for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to take the medical qualification certificate examination, so it is normal that the Huichun Hall cannot be opened. It is a pity that Dr. Lin is unable to use his skills in Baghdad.

What a pity, what a pity.

Gao Guang said to Lin Nianzu: "Then why can't you pass the medical qualification certificate?"

Lin Nianzu's face was dark, and Gao Guang said quickly: "I just wanted to ask... uh, I'm sorry."

"My dad has been abroad for 26 years. I am 24 years old this year and was born in Baghdad. My dad originally wanted to go to Italy or Spain, where we have many fellow countrymen, but he couldn't get along in Spain. He couldn't do business, and he couldn't do it. He didn't know how to wash dishes, so he came to Iraq as soon as people told him. Iraq was under sanctions at that time, and there was no traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Baghdad, so he took root in Baghdad."

Lin Nianzu said helplessly: "I was born here and went to school in Baghdad since I was a child. What can I learn? Then I followed my father in this medical clinic since I was a child. I learned Arabic during the day and my mother taught me at night. Chinese, and then I have to learn Chinese medicine, do you think I can get better at it?"

"Well, this is really difficult."

Lin Nianzu sighed lightly: "I finished high school here, and then applied to study abroad with Iraqi citizenship. My dad said that I knew and handled too few medicinal materials here, so I should go back to take classes on medicinal materials. Then he asked me Enrolled in Chinese Medicine."

Gao Guang didn't understand, but Lin Nianzu turned around and asked, "Do you know what Chinese medicine is about?"

"What to study?"

"The basic theory and clinical application of Chinese medicine is to study Chinese medicine in a modern scientific way, use Chinese medicine to analyze the active ingredients in Chinese medicine, and then how to extract the active ingredients in Chinese medicine."

Lin Nianzu said with a face full of sorrow and anger: "My teacher is not as accurate as me in identifying pulses, nor is he able to prescribe as well as me. He can't even tell a happy pulse! Well, I can't tell either, because I haven't seen any female patients here. I really don’t have the opportunity to take a woman’s pulse, but I was able to take her pulse in just a few days in China, but our teacher is several decades old and can’t take her pulse.”

"This is a bit excessive."

Lin Nianzu sighed and said: "The Chinese medicine research group of our university mainly studies licorice. A graduate student I know has been studying licorice for seven years since his master's degree. After seven years of doing nothing, he just studied licorice. I asked him to prescribe one He can only prescribe prescriptions for treating colds written in books. He can't even do it for one person. He doesn't understand anything about it. He's a graduate student! Oh my god, he's a graduate student in Chinese medicine!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Nianzu sighed: "I went to undergraduate school, but I couldn't change my department. Do you know what I did next?"

"what to do?"

"I went to a very famous Chinese medicine doctor to become a disciple. I skipped classes every day, so I helped him learn how to identify, identify, and decoct medicines. That doctor was very good, much better than my dad. He was an authentic Taoist doctor. I studied abroad for five years and studied medicine with Teacher Zhu for four years. Later, Teacher Zhu asked me to sit in the clinic and prescribe medicine, which was much better than what my father taught me."

Doctor Lin suddenly said angrily: "Mother Selin! You know nothing!"

Lin Nianzu seemed to have not said this to anyone for a long time. He spoke with great enthusiasm, and regardless of what his father said, he said to himself: "That's it. I have been studying medicine for a long time, but I...can't graduate. I can't even graduate. I don't even have a medical qualification certificate, let alone an internship. I can forget about working in a medical institution for a year."

Gao Guang said with emotion: "Oh, I don't have a diploma... Brother, I also went to college for four years, but in the end I didn't have a diploma."

We have sympathy for each other, we have sympathy for each other.

Lin Nianzu said curiously: "I couldn't pass the test at all. Uh, what's wrong with you?"

"I was fired for fighting..." Gao Guang didn't want to mention it anymore. He changed the topic and said, "Why don't you develop in China? After all, there is no living environment for traditional Chinese medicine here."

Lin Nianzu said with emotion: "If Teacher Zhu hadn't stopped opening the medical clinic, I wouldn't have come back. But it's no good. I don't even have a diploma. I will either practice medicine illegally or continue to work for people. Do I have money?" Why don't you come back? Now I'm quite helpless, forget it, why are you talking about this?"

Lin Nianzu came to the side, picked up a pen from his father's desk, pulled out a small notebook and started writing. After he finished writing, he tore it up and handed it to Gao Guang, saying: "Take the medicine according to the prescription, first take three Secondary medicine, capture it and I will boil it for you. I have to see if the medicinal materials can be used. You can try to see if you can buy them."

Gao Guang looked at the prescription. Fortunately, the handwriting was very clear. It was not a ghost sign, but the instructions for decoction and drinking of the medicine were not written.

"Okay, thank you, I'll find a way to get the medicine right now."

Doctor Lin suddenly said: "Show me the prescription."

Lin Nianzu didn't move or speak. Gao Guang could only walk in and handed the prescription to Dr. Lin.

Dr. Lin read the prescription, pondered for a long time, and finally said, "The brat is quite experienced in prescribing. Well, let's find a room to get the medicine."

Forget it, the father and son, it's better not to offend the doctor.

But where should I go to get the medicine? Gao Guang came out again and said to Lin Nianzu: "Where should I go to get the medicine? Do you know where it is in Baghdad?"

"I don't know. I haven't been back for three months, so I'm not familiar with the situation here."

At this moment, Dr. Lin suddenly said: "Take out the needle."

Lin Nianzu immediately said: "You can do it yourself."

Dr. Lin seemed to curse again in a low voice, but Gao Guang didn't hear it clearly. Then after a while, Dr. Lin and Fang Zhenwu walked out together.

Fang Zhenwu looked a lot more relaxed, but Dr. Lin was not in a high mood. He smiled reluctantly at Fang Zhenwu and said, "I'm sorry today. It's twenty thousand dinars in total. This is expensive because of the use." I need acupuncture, and acupuncture is very expensive here, so I’m sorry.”

Dr. Lin felt embarrassed that the charge was high. He had to explain that it was so expensive because he used disposable acupuncture needles, but after all the calculations, it was 20,000 dinars, which is about 90 yuan in RMB. .

This is too cheap. No wonder Dr. Lin's medical clinic doesn't look good.

Gao Guang touched his body and found that he had not transferred any money, so he looked at Mike and said, "Lend me some money."

Gao Guang didn't have the habit of carrying cash now, but Mike touched his pocket and stared, saying, "Oops, I don't have any money either."

Fang Zhenwu said helplessly: "Don't look at me, where did I get the money?"

Several people were talking in English, and Dr. Lin saw their embarrassment, so after smiling awkwardly, he said: "I'll give it next time, next time."

Dawson saw it. He waved his hand and said, "No, I'll take the money."

"Coachman, come here with the money."

The coachman was waiting in the car, and when he heard Dawson shouting, he got out with a bag of money.

Smith promised to give Fang Zhenwu 200,000 U.S. dollars. The money came from Dawson, and Dawson had already prepared the money.

Dawson took the bag, took out a stack from it, and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, but thinking that the money was for Fang Zhenwu, and drawing one was Fang Zhenwu's money, so Dawson immediately put the money back into the bag , then gave the bag directly to Fang Zhenwu and said: "You should pay for it."

Fang Zhenwu immediately took the money, drew a few cards from it, handed it to Dr. Lin, and said, "Put it away."

There were about four or five bills, that is, four or five hundred dollars. Dr. Lin's expression changed, he stepped back and said, "No, no, it's as much as it should be. This is too much."

"No, just take it. You're welcome."

Fang Zhenwu wanted to give it, but Dr. Lin refused to accept it. Gao Guang looked anxious. He went up and took the bag in Fang Zhenwu's hand, and then took out a bunch of money from it. He counted it, and there were nine in total, so he took another I got one and collected a thousand dollars.

"Doctor Lin, Doctor Xiao Lin, in addition to paying for this consultation fee, I also ask you to help me buy some medicine. I'll make it ready tomorrow... Xiao Liu will come again. His injury is not something that can be consumed in a day or two. This is If the prepaid consultation fee and medicine fee are not enough, he will pay for it. If it is too much, it will be refunded in the end."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said with a sincere look: "We don't understand Chinese medicine, and we don't know where to buy it. We need your help. Isn't the medicine here expensive? This money is probably not enough for you to talk about it. Don't worry about it. I need good and precious Chinese medicinal materials, Dr. Xiaolin, let’s leave each other’s phone numbers so we can contact you at any time.”

Lin Nianzu's face changed several times, and then he finally said: "If you want to buy medicine, this money may not be enough. The medicine here is indeed much more expensive, but let's wait until my dad finds the medicine and knows the price."

Fang Zhenwu said quickly: "That's it, that's it."

Dr. Lin could only say: "Okay, let's leave it like this for now. More withdrawal and less supplementation. Well, that's it."

When Gao Guang and the others were about to leave, Lin Nianzu suddenly said: "I'll go see Brother Liu and the others off. Dad, please pack up the needles."

Doctor Lin didn't come out, so Lin Nianzu sent Gao Guang and the others outside the door. Then, Lin Nianzu suddenly said: "Brother Liu, I don't know what your business is?"

Seeing two Humvees with machine guns outside the door, Lin Nianzu knew what question he was asking, so he immediately asked: "Are you still recruiting people?"

Fang Zhenwu looked at Gao Guang, who smiled and said: "We are PMC, legal, but our work is still very dangerous."

"Doctors are needed only in danger, right? Do you need military doctors? Well, medics are fine too. The more dangerous the situation is, the more dangerous it is, right?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Military doctors, there is no shortage of them in the hospital. As for medical soldiers, uh, Chinese medicine is not suitable."

Lin Nianzu didn't insist too much. After all, he was more curious about asking. Even if he had the idea of ​​becoming a military doctor, let alone whether a Chinese medicine practitioner could become a military doctor, the problem was that he didn't have to hang himself on Gaoguang's tree.

Fang Zhenwu also whispered: "Dr. Xiaolin, you'd better pursue a promising career as a doctor. Our profession is not suitable for you."

Lin Nianzu just had an idea to ask Gao Guang and the others first, so he just said: "Okay, okay, I'm just curious, um, it's okay, you guys go slowly, goodbye."

ps: From now on, the first chapter will be updated at 12 noon every day, the second chapter at 6 p.m., and if there are additional updates, it will be the third chapter at 9 p.m.

Let me tell you, recently I have been writing and publishing at the same time, so there is no way to fix the update time. Many book friends said that irregular updates seem troublesome, so I have to find a way to fix the update time.

Starting tomorrow, one chapter will be posted at 12:00 noon every day, and the next chapter will be posted at 6:00 pm, on time. If there are additional updates, the third chapter will be posted at 9:00 pm.

I don’t have to send it out at eight in the morning, because sometimes if the text is not written in advance, I have to stay up late to write it out at eight o’clock, and my body can’t handle it after a long time.

Today is the second update. I will prepare for the next update on time. I will continue with the third update tomorrow.

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