Firepower is king

Chapter 256 Don’t give up

Rigorous, punctual, stubborn, inflexible, which country has the above group of personality traits?

If the first thing that comes to mind is Germany, that’s right.

The two thinnest books in the world are German jokes and British recipes. Can you say that this is a disgrace to them? The answer is of course no, because this is a fact.

So when Gao Guang saw a person who was rigorous to the point of rigidity, the first thing that came to his mind was the Germans. This is absolutely normal.

And Patrick is German.

The Hummer went out and turned right. At this time, two more Hummers drove towards the gate. However, under the gaze of Gao Guang and others, the two cars that went out later turned left.

So when I saw someone who was probably a German driving a car out of the camp, I wondered whether I should stay or chase after him.

With almost no hesitation or thought, Gao Guang suddenly said: "Catch up."

"Chasing him directly will appear very hostile and he may be attacked."

Sanchi was unwilling to drive directly to chase someone who might be Patrick. After living in Baghdad for a long time, he had a very tight string in his mind, that is, not to do anything aggressive to a highly nervous American soldier. If you make any movement, you may be shot directly.

But Gao Guang isn't Iraqi, so he doesn't have to worry as much as Sanchi.

Gao Guang said anxiously: "He drove the car alone, and he was a machine gunner, but he couldn't operate the vehicle-mounted machine gun when he was driving alone. He had a rifle and a pistol on him, but he It’s definitely not convenient to open fire while driving, so we might have a better chance of chasing him and talking to him outside.”

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang pointed to the door and said: "Follow me!"

I don’t know why, but Patrick doesn’t seem to have a good relationship with his comrades.

Ali drove in a circle and then drove out towards the gate of the camp, while Mike and the others followed behind. The two cars went one behind the other and turned right outside.

It was too easy to track a car. The field of vision was very wide, and the speed of the Hummer was not too fast. Ali drove the car and gradually approached the Hummer from behind, and soon came behind the car.

"Go over and park far in front of him so he doesn't think we're going to attack him. Then I get out of the car, stop him and have a chat with him."

Gao Guang quickly formulated a strategy, and Ali accelerated his speed again, passed the Hummer on the left, drove a few hundred meters further, and stopped far away.

Gao Guang got out of the car, stood on the side of the road, raised his hands and started waving.

The car began to slow down and then stopped in front of Gao Guang, but the door did not open. After the person sitting in the driver's seat looked at him through the glass a few times, the driver took the rifle that was placed on the passenger seat, and then He opened the door and jumped out of the car.

"Hello, are you Patrick?"

Gao Guang directly called out the name, which would minimize the possibility of misjudgment, so he directly called Patrick's name, then stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face: "Hello, I'm here to pay you a special visit."

On a hot day, you still wear a helmet and body armor, and a headset on the helmet. In the high temperature of more than 40 degrees, those who are willing to wear this are either in a particularly dangerous war zone, or they have implemented the rules and regulations impeccably. Degree.

"Car No. 1 called the camp, and an unidentified vehicle intercepted me outside the camp. Two vehicles, with an unknown number of people. No obvious hostility has been expressed so far. Please answer after receiving it. Over."

In front of Gao Guang, after speaking stiffly on the intercom, the person standing opposite Gao Guang said very seriously: "This is the business defense area of ​​​​Three Leaf Jungle. Please indicate your identity and purpose of coming."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "I am the president of King Defense Company. My name is Otto Schmidt, nicknamed Mad Dog. If you are Patrick, then I have contacted you before."

"I'm Patrick, so you pulled me over for a personal matter."

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Yes, I think..."


Patrick very seriously stopped Gao Guang from continuing to speak, and then he said seriously and solemnly: "It is working time now, and I cannot discuss any personal topics with you during working time."

After finishing speaking, Patrick pressed the call button on the headset again, and then he said very seriously: "Car No. 1 called the camp. The person who stopped me was looking for me. It's a private matter. The other party claimed to be King Defense Company." President, nicknamed Mad Dog, I will start patrolling again, briefing completed."

Patrick finished speaking, and then he said to Gao Guang: "If you want to talk to me about personal matters, please come to me after get off work at six o'clock in the afternoon. Now please get out of the way."

Patrick looks to be in his thirties, with a slightly long beard. His appearance is indeed in line with the image of a German in the movie. His face is thin and a bit long, and his nose is very high, but because he is wearing a helmet, it is Wearing sunglasses, you can't see the color of your hair.

And he is also very tall, about 1.85 meters tall. He has a tall and thin figure.

When Patrick spoke in a serious manner, he seemed very dull, and the word stubborn was almost written on his face. This was Gao Guang's initial impression of Patrick.

"Just say a few words, it won't take long."

Gao Guang didn't want to wait six hours to talk to Patrick, but looking at Patrick's serious face, he suddenly felt that for a person who strictly followed the rules, it was best to respect the other person's choice to follow the rules.

So Gao Guang then said: "We will wait for you to finish your work at the camp. I'm sorry to disturb your work. See you in the afternoon."

Gao Guang's conversation changed quickly, but it flashed Patrick for a moment. His serious and dull face finally showed some expression changes, and then he nodded and said: "I will return to the camp at six o'clock. At six fifteen, we will Can meet and talk, bye.”

Patrick took the initiative to arrange a time to meet, then he turned around, got in the car, and the car drove off again.

Gao Guang stood on the side of the road and wiped his face. He had been in the sun for less than two minutes. His face was already sweating, but the sweat evaporated immediately after it came out. Only the sweat on his clothes could stay a little longer. a little time.

Sanji said in the car: "Why don't you explain things clearly here? Do we have to wait for him at the camp for six hours? It is very dangerous to go back to the city after dark."

How could Gao Guang leave now? He waved his hand and said, "Get in the car and go back to the camp. It doesn't matter if it's dark and we go back to the city. I have a strong feeling that today is a good opportunity."

Gao Guang returned to the car, and then he said in confusion: "I saw it right, Patrick is a very, very strict and responsible person. Who doesn't like such a person? Who would hate such a comrade and companion? But Why should Patrick patrol alone? This is unreasonable."

Fang Zhenwu and Gao Guang were in a car. After hearing Gao Guang's words, he said very carefully: "I don't know, the boss must like such employees, but it's hard to say for others, with such colleagues. , it’s actually quite uncomfortable, but I don’t care, I don’t have any problems.”

Gao Guang said: "Go back and we'll wait for him in the camp. I want to see what the hell this Patrick is."

It wasn't that far away from the camp, and it only took a few minutes to turn around and go back, but Sanji turned back to Gao Guang and said, "Patrick just used the walkie-talkie to inform his companions that these people in the Clover Jungle know that you are from the king's defense. You My identity has been leaked, now you go to the camp, please, you won’t be welcome.”

Gao Guang thought for a while, and then he said firmly: "Then we have to go, we are not looking for Sanye Jungle, we are looking for the oil company to take care of something, even if we are here to discuss cooperation with the oil company, Sanye The people in the jungle can’t stop us.”

Sanye Jungle is responsible for security work, so they have nothing to do with the oil company's affairs. Sangji is looking for connections with the oil company. Even if the people in Sanye Jungle find out, they won't have anything to worry about. The worst they can do is switch from secret digging to open digging. That's all. Anyway, if it works, just buy and sell it today, so you don't have to worry about trouble in the future.

The car turned around and headed back, and then Gao Guang and the others saw a Hummer coming out of the camp gate, followed by another one. After seeing Gao Guang's car, the Hummer at the front came directly towards them. .

"No, the people from the Clover Jungle are trying to block us!"

Fang Zhenwu suddenly said something. Before he could finish his words, the leading Hummer blocked the front of Gao Guang's car, and then three more cars parked directly on both sides.

Four cars blocked Gao Guang and the others. They would definitely not be able to get through the gate, and looking at their situation, they might not be able to leave even if they wanted to.

"How dare you stop us, we can't be intimidated by them!"

Gao Guang didn't want to be scared off just like that, so he put his hand on his waist so that he could draw his gun at any time.

The door of the first Hummer opened, and a man wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts got out of the car without closing the door, and walked directly to the high-gloss car.

The bright light lowered the glass, and he looked at the other person with an unkind expression. He put his hand on the handle of the gun and didn't say anything, just looking at the other person.

The person who got out of the car saw the bright light lowering the glass and lay down directly. Then he said without hesitation: "Are you a mad dog? Are you here to poach Patrick!"

Gao Guang said unceremoniously: "This is none of your business, man, you have crossed the line!"

The man holding the car window immediately said: "If you want to poach Patrick, then you should listen to my advice, man. If you really want to successfully poach him, we have to talk. Man, I know you are now It must be a failure, but don’t give up, you still have a chance, don’t give up!”

Gao Guang was stunned for a long time, and then he said in shock: "Don't you want to stop me?"

"Stop? No, no, no, no, no, man, we are just worried that you have given up and are leaving. We have no hostility. Come in and let's chat slowly, drink a bottle of cold beer and chat slowly, uh, uh... Patrick He is an extremely outstanding machine gunner, ah, that's right. Of course we don't want to lose an excellent machine gunner, but as Patrick's friends, we can't watch him lose a good opportunity to realize value, so you can't just do it. Give up, man, come in and chat, we have air conditioning and beer here, come in and chat.”

The speaker almost leaned his head through the car window. He looked very sincere, so after Gao Guang was stunned, he finally said, "Okay, let's go in and have a chat."

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