Firepower is king

Chapter 261 Would you rather lack than waste?

A noble man descends from heaven to make a mad dog famous

Now no one dares to mess with Gao Guang in Baghdad. That’s because Hank is obsessed with winning records. He led the air force and army to bomb, and slaughtered chickens with a sledgehammer to show the monkeys, which established his status as a boss. It can only be regarded as a chance encounter with Gao Guang. It is purely coincidental. .

But the status of the boss is a bit fictitious, but the title that can be achieved is real ability.

This tiger mercenary group is the stepping stone for Gao Guang, and this Otrov is the noble man who made Gao Guang famous in Baghdad.

It stands to reason that mercenaries will not take revenge easily, because fighting is the job of mercenaries. It is completely normal to fight and kill people all day long. If one person is killed and one has to take revenge, then the mercenary group will be gone after two battles. Stop doing serious business and run around for revenge all day long.

Although Otrov's brother died, the problem is that his brother is not someone else's brother. If he raises a team for revenge, he must have strong financial resources and pay enough for the people he recruits. .

Therefore, Gao Guang does not think that Outrov returned to Baghdad just for revenge. However, there is an enemy with a group of people who is quite powerful. Although the possibility of his revenge is unlikely, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

But Sanji was very sure that Ortlov was going to mess with him, so the situation would be complicated.

"How did you know he was going to fuck me? What news did you get?"

Sanchi immediately said: "There is no news, but I can tell from his actions, because Ortlov is currently temporarily recruiting snipers and machine gunners."

"Temporary recruitment?"

"It doesn't count as joining the Tiger Mercenary Group. I only performed one mission with him and paid him the money. It was over. Ortlov didn't release the news and publicly looked for people, but he was secretly contacting those snipers and offering high prices. Do you think Why does he need to find so many snipers? It's not because of you."

Gao Guang is too strong in melee combat. He cannot be said to be invincible in indoor combat. However, if Gao Guang wants to hide indoors, Ortlov wants to rush in and kill him by force. That is unless Ortlov plans to rebuild the Tiger Mercenary Group again.

Highlight once left a psychological shadow on Ortlov, so if he wanted to fight again, he would naturally have to prepare based on Highlight's strengths. And the way to deal with a master of indoor combat was actually very simple.

The first method is to directly blow up the building or bunker where he is hiding. You can also use deceptive drugs or cannons. Of course, laser bombs will also work if conditions permit.

But Gao Guang still lives in the Green Zone in Baghdad. Outrov doesn't have the ability to blow up Gao Guang's villa hotel, so he can only use other methods.

Method two, since you are invincible in close combat, then do it from a distance. If you don't have a cannon, use a rocket launcher. But the method that makes the least noise, the least cost, and has a very high success rate is sniping.

A sniper can kill a target with one bullet, making little noise, low cost, high efficiency, and not easily exposing himself. To deal with people like Gao Guang, there is no better choice than a sniper.

But there was a problem. Gao Guang felt that Sangji's basis for judgment was a bit far-fetched, as if it was deliberately trying to create a tense atmosphere so that he could continue to pay for information.

"Wait a minute, even if Ortlov is looking for a sniper, it doesn't mean that his target is me, right?"

Sanji said very directly: "With your current fame and status, can you do it without snipers? Look, you live in a luxury hotel, guarded by 24-hour guards, and you use bulletproof cars when you go in and out. , unless we use bombs on the road, there is no chance to attack you."

"Well, keep talking."

"You are a big shot. With just one phone call, many people will show up within a few minutes. If Ortlov wants to ambush you, he must be prepared to bury you with you. Unless he can accurately grasp your movement trajectory, in the green They will ambush you somewhere outside the area and blow up your vehicle. However, you are very careful about your own safety and do not communicate too much with the hotel. Even if Ortlov wants to bribe the hotel staff to obtain your information, it will not work. .”

Gao Guang suddenly had the feeling that Sanji had spoken as if his situation was very dangerous, and then he was very careful, so nothing happened until now.

Sanji continued: "That's why Ortlov had to find someone to inquire about you and spend money to buy your information. If he could do it himself, he wouldn't ask others. Now think about it in your shoes. If you It’s Ortlov, what can you do?”

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Surveillance on the hotel. Once you find the target going out, kill him with one strike in the short period of time before he gets in the car."

"Yes, but it's not easy to do this kind of thing if there are few snipers. At least you have to arrange more than three sniper positions. Well, even if there are only two sniper positions, for such a long-term squatting mission, each There must be at least two snipers in each position. If you have three positions, you will need six snipers, and if you have four positions, you will need eight. Can Ortlov not find someone?"

It sounds like this is indeed the case. Although these are just speculations, no matter what, since Ortlov has inquired about Gao Guang and temporarily recruited snipers, there is no saying that he must be dealt with.

Just to be able to sleep peacefully, Gao Guang also had to deal with potential threats for him.

"Well, you can find out where Ortlov is and find out how many people he has now and how many snipers he has, and then you can inform me."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Guang looked at Patrick, then he smiled slightly and said: "You are so lucky. You have something to do when you just joined. We have been bored for a long time."

Gao Guang's heart is never as relaxed as he appears on the surface, but he can't say congratulations. You just signed the contract and you will be with me through life and death. He can't say that for the sake of face.

But fortunately, an expression of surprise appeared on Patrick's dull face.

"Great! I'm really bored to death patrolling the oil fields every day! I'd really like to do something a little more exciting."

Knowing that someone is watching in secret, there is nothing to say, and everyone should prepare for war.

Mike and the others did not go to the lobby on the first floor to greet Patrick's arrival, but the newcomers had joined and the boss valued them, so they had to show some respect, so they waited in the reception room on the second floor.

But after Gao Guang took Patrick upstairs, before Mike and the others could express any welcome, Gao Guang said directly: "Something has been done. Ortloff wants to come and cause trouble. He may have found a lot of snipers to deal with us, but when we take action Before that, it’s best for us to get acquainted with each other.”

The highlight pointed at Patrick and said: "Patrick Ernst, you all know him. From now on, his code name is Alarm Clock, everyone remember it."

Highlight then pointed at Mike and said: "This is Mike, nicknamed Beast, Assaulter."

Mike smiled at Patrick and reached out to shake it.

Highlight pointed at Francisco and said: "This is Francisco, the commando. His nickname is...well."

Francisco had no nickname, and he had only acted with Francisco once, so Gao Guang ignored this issue for a long time.

Francisco scratched his head and said, "My nickname is Werewolf. You can call me Werewolf."

Before anyone else could ask, Gao Guang immediately asked curiously: "Why are you called a werewolf?"

Francisco said slightly resentfully: "It was the name given by my opponent. I thought werewolves were very powerful at first, but later I found out that werewolves have no IQ, so they were mocking me in a very connotative way. However, I think Werewolf isn’t bad.”

"It's better than...ahem, this is Paul, the assaulter, his nickname..."

Paul spread his hands and said, "I don't have a nickname."

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Then you will be called lobster from now on."

"Why lobster? Why?"

"First impression, okay, don't struggle, you will be called a lobster from now on."

Forcibly assigning a nickname to Paul, Gao Guang said happily: "Now our team has taken shape, and our shortcomings have been strengthened. From now on..."

"Wait a minute." Patrick said seriously: "Where are our snipers? Or precision shooters. As a complete combat team, there must be snipers, but you are all assaulters."

"There is another commando recuperating in Los Angeles. There is another commando, the one you saw last time. He is also recuperating. Well, we haven't found a sniper worthy of this team yet."

He spoke of the lack of people in such a fresh and refined way, with a bright face without a blush or a heartbeat, and continued: "In the past, we focused on personal protection as our main business, and later expanded to assault warfare. In the future, we will strengthen to become a full-featured combat team, but now It’s not that time yet, because I have to find the right person first, and then take on the right task. This is called rather lack than excess.”

Patrick nodded and said: "Yes, you must have enough strength to join, but I don't think you are familiar with each other... Is it my imagination?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "Yes, that's because Paul has just joined. Well, you should think of it this way. We have been so powerful and famous not long after we were founded. How strong will we be in the future?"

Patrick thought for a while and said, "That's the truth. You are right."

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Bring up the gun we prepared for Patrick."

Mike immediately brought it up with a long box in his arms, and then he smiled and said, "Please see, this is what we have carefully prepared for you."

Opening the box, a machine gun appeared in front of Patrick. Patrick said in shock: "A machine gun, a pkm? Is this a gift? Why should it be placed in the box?"

Gao Guang looked at Mike with reproachful eyes, and Mike said seriously: "Man, this is not an ordinary machine gun, this is a machine gun with your name engraved on it by laser! And this gun will belong to you from now on, this is for you. of."

Mike turned the gun over and asked Patrick to look at the name on the receiver. After Patrick glanced at it, he blinked and said, "I think you...well, engrave names on the gun, this...well, anyway. I'll accept it first, thank you."

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