Firepower is king

Chapter 273 Comfort

Mike has already put on full-body heavy armor with protective legs. It's like bringing medieval full-body armor to modern times, except that the plate armor has been replaced by ceramic bulletproof plates.

With this protection, it’s hard to say whether it can protect against bullets with a caliber of 12.7 mm, but it can protect against bullets below 12.7 mm.

The hotel is monitored and blocked by snipers, and one of the three sniper positions has been knocked down. The Tiger Mercenary Group knows that the plan has been exposed and has been attacked, so they will definitely fight back.

So the section from the hotel to the Hummer is the most dangerous for Mike.

But the moment he received Gao Guang's order, Mike rushed straight to the Humvee parked outside.

Even with a thick and cumbersome body armor on his body, Mike only looked bloated, and his speed would not even be affected.

Get in the car, start it, then drive out of the hotel and drive all the way to the door of the cake shop that Gao Guang and the others just won. The whole journey is only a few hundred meters, and one or two minutes is enough. At this time, Gao Guang and the others had just left from the third floor. Come down.

The first attack was launched suddenly enough that there would not be much danger, but the second attack had already prepared the enemy, so it was impossible to get close too smoothly. At this time, even those who could block the bullet attack could not The Humvee that protects against rockets also comes in handy.

The distance between the two sniper positions is five to six hundred meters. It would be too slow to run there, but it would only take a minute at most to drive there.

When the battle started, it was as if the start button was suddenly pressed on Gao Guang's side, and everyone who had been hiding and avoiding had to start taking action.

This was a very scattered battle. The largest combat group turned out to be Kuzsayev and the four people he led in the hotel. There were five people in total, which turned out to be the largest combat group.

The rest are either in groups of two or three. They have no other tasks. They are responsible for keeping an eye on the movements of the Tiger Mercenary Group and not letting the Tiger Mercenary Group escape. But now, Once the battle started, they had to move at the same time.

It cannot be said that the command is stable and the advance and retreat are orderly, but the problem is that the Tiger Mercenary Group has divided its forces into pieces and has no other choice but to fight independently. Therefore, this is a typical bad battle, a chaotic battle. The highlights felt messy to them, and Ortlov felt even more messy.

"The enemy is trying to leave."

"Fire! Fire!"

The shouting on the walkie-talkie was chaotic, but the chaos was good for Gao Guang, because it showed that the people of the Tiger Mercenary Group could no longer carry out organized confrontation.

Mike drove his car and parked it in front of a store selling electrical appliances. As soon as his car stopped and before he could see what was going on inside, a string of bullets hit the windshield of the Hummer, shooting out a string of bullets. of white spots.

"Back off, back off!"

Francisco yelled, and Mike scrambled to put the reverse gear into gear, but at this time Paul yelled: "Crash in!"

Use a Hummer as a tank?

Gao Guang glanced at the door of the shop. The door was quite wide, and it was a framed glass door, but it didn't seem to be high enough. However, if you had to get out and rush in, it seemed like you might as well just drive in.

"Come in!"

Mike didn't hesitate anymore, he stepped on the accelerator, and the heavy bulletproof car roared onto the low sidewalk, aiming at the door of the home appliance store and crashing into it.

With a loud crash, the Hummer barely encountered any obstacles and crashed directly into the store, finally hitting a wall full of TVs.

Gao Guang pushed the car door open with one kick, held a pistol, and fired repeatedly at the enemy hiding behind the door through the gap in the car door.

This is different from the first position. The first position only had snipers, but the enemies guarding the first floor here are all wearing body armor and holding automatic rifles.

This is opposite the hotel and very close to the hotel. Ortlov put an assault team here. If an assault was to be launched against the high light, this would be the starting point, so not only were there more people here, but the firepower was also denser.

Gao Guang's two shots hit the enemy he was aiming at, but they were not fatal, because after the car broke through the door and crashed in, the enemy who was behind the door began to avoid it. He did not reveal his fatal face, and if Gao Guang only used a pistol, he would not be able to kill him at all. It also cannot penetrate the enemy's body armor.

Both of Gaoguang's shots hit the enemy's arm, and the enemy in front of him immediately screamed and started to retreat, and then hid behind a large double-door refrigerator.

On Paul's side, there was a fierce exchange of fire with the enemy. Paul pushed the car door open a gap, and the enemy had complex obstacles to hide. The two sides started a fierce shooting at a distance of only three meters.

How big can a shop be, so the fight that takes place here cannot be more than ten meters away, but because the distance is too close, it is impossible for both sides to exchange fire directly and use their bodies to block the bullets, so this real indoor fight, On the contrary, it seems not very efficient.

However, Gao Guang had already wounded the enemy in front of him with two shots, so he opened the car door, got out of the car, and then ducked down to find the enemy hiding behind the refrigerator.

Now I don’t dare to be afraid of Gao Guang.

In such a small place with dense obstacles, Gao Guang is good at extremely close gunfights, but when shooting against an enemy so close, life or death can be a matter of seconds, so Gao Guang will definitely be nervous, but he can't be afraid. , when you are afraid, you will hesitate and change your movements, so you need to be braver at this time.

Gao Guang rushed behind the refrigerator, and his enemy put down his rifle. He just took out a pistol and held it in his hand. When he found that Gao Guang had chased him to the back of the refrigerator, he panicked and pulled the trigger on Gao Guang.

In such a small gap, there is no place to hide, so the highlight is to swing the gun, and shoot the unprotected enemy in the face.

The muzzle of the gun is almost hitting the person's face. It is difficult to miss in a firefight at this distance, but it is indeed even more difficult to hit the fatal position with great accuracy.

After killing the enemy with one shot, Gao Guang heard someone yelling from behind.

"Nigger! Go to hell..."

Why does this voice sound familiar?

Gao Guang looked forward and saw a man holding a rifle hiding behind a door. He stretched out the gun and shot at the two people who were still in the car. Paul had already got out of the car. , he cooperated with Francisco, who was staying in the car, and had just shot to death another man who was playing hide and seek with them.

There are still people hiding in a hut whose purpose is unknown. The door is open, and the people inside are shooting outside. The voice of the person who is cursing and shooting still sounds very familiar.

Gao Guang was still very sensitive to sounds. He recalled it for a moment, and then he remembered that the sound was not that of the applicant who applied for the job and then left with a curse.

What's his name, Ralph, and his nickname is Falcon? This guy is the one who caused many people in the Thunder Company to die, but he's not dead yet?

Gao Guang suddenly shouted: "Falcon! Don't shoot."

Gao Guang yelled, and then the shooter who was hiding behind the door, just firing his gun outside without daring to show his face, suddenly paused, and then quickly looked outside.

He didn't expose his entire head, just a little bit, and then immediately tried to retract his head, but it was too late.

Gao Guang was waiting for this fleeting opportunity. Before Ralph just poked his head out, he had roughly taken aim. Then the moment Ralph poked his head out, the bullet accurately hit Ralph's eye socket.

The bullet hit the eye socket, but passed through the side, so the shot was not fatal.

"Ah! This bastard hit me in the eye! Fake..."

A series of obscene words rang out, and then Mike angrily rushed to the room behind the door, but before him, Paul had already thrown a grenade in.

Paul came from a major, and he and Mike were different in their highlights. One of them thought about rushing forward, and the other thought about shooting with a gun, but they just couldn't think of throwing a grenade into the crowd.

In fact, all of this happened in a very short period of time. It sounds like a long time, but it only lasted two sentences. After the grenade was thrown into the room, Mike rushed forward with a gun, and the highlight shot quickly towards Mike from the side. He moved closer, then pressed against Mike's back and rushed in.

However, the scene behind was beyond Gao Guang's expectation. Behind the door was not a room, but a corridor less than three meters long. The grenade exploded in the corridor, leaving traces of explosions on the walls on both sides, but there were nobody.

No matter how many there were, Mike stood in front and Highlight followed closely behind. The two of them rushed through the smoke and dust generated by the explosion.

It was another room, an office and a lounge. It was very small, but there were three people inside. One of them was lying on the ground with blood on his face. The other two were pointing their guns at the corridor. They were trying to pass through another door. The side should be accessible to the outside world.

"Surrender! Surrender!"

The people lying on the ground began to shout, but Gao Guang ignored them. Mike shot one person with the rifle in his hand, and Gao Guang shot both of them down to the ground with two shots.

It's useless for Mike to fight in a lively manner, the two fatal shots have to be high-gloss.

He had always felt that something was missing, but now Gao Guang realized that what was missing was the sense of security that Mike gave him. With Mike wearing a suit of heavy armor and blocking in front of him, he felt so safe that everything became easier.

Mike stepped on Ralph, whose face was covered with blood, and then he said with a evil smile: "I finally see you again, what did you just say?"

One of Ralph's eyes was blown out. He was seriously injured, but he would not die. After being stepped on by Mike, he yelled in a miserable voice: "Surrender!"

"Before I ask you..."

At this time, he was still talking nonsense to Ralph. Gao Guang said sharply from the side: "How many people are here? Where is Ortloff! Tell me!"

"There are seven people here. We are responsible for protecting the snipers and covering the snipers' evacuation. The two snipers ran away from the back door. Ortlov is not here. He is in another place. Don't kill me. I will take you to find them." he!"

Ralph had a strong desire to live and quick reflexes, so it was not unreasonable for him to survive until now.

"You'd better die."

The highlight shot towards Ralph's head. This shot directly and completely blew up Ralph's head. Then he took a deep breath and said with a relieved face: "Ah, now the idea is clear."

Mike said with a look of disbelief: "What are you doing! I haven't scolded him yet! I want to beat him to death after scolding him. Why did you let him die without pain?"

Gao Guang said angrily: "Shut up, Otlov hasn't been killed yet, there's no time for you to scold him, go! Next!"

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