Firepower is king

Chapter 276 The truth is always simple

There is definitely some disappointment, but it is also very normal that Ortlov is not here.

No matter why, Ortlov was not there, but he was on the way with people from the Armored Group. This was a bit too much.

Gao Guang couldn't figure out why Ortlov could let the Armored Group help him like this.

If you don't understand, you have to ask. Gao Guang stepped forward. He looked at the two prisoners and whispered: "Ask them what Ortlov's plan is."

Paul immediately said: "What is Ortloff's plan?"

"When I, I will fire immediately."

A man who looked like a sniper looked at the highlight, and then he said helplessly: "We came here yesterday afternoon. This is the order we received. We monitored the hotel 24 hours a day and found a face with Asian features. Shoot him immediately."

After Paul finished speaking, Gao Guang immediately said: "Tell me, why can Ortlov command the people of the Armored Group? Why is the Armored Group willing to help him? Also, did someone instruct Ortlov to kill me? If so, If so, who is it?”

Gao Guang just asked casually. He really didn't expect to be able to get the information he wanted to know most from the two prisoners. But the problem is, if you don't try some things, you really don't know how simple they can be.

"I...I heard that it was Ortlov who said that he heard that you killed Yadlev."

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, Yadlev, isn't this the man who stole Salah's goods? He is already dead, so why is he related to Ortlov again?

"You killed Yadlev, and Yadlev was Morse's man, so Ortlov went to Morse and said he was willing to kill you."

The prisoner took a breath, and then he continued: "Otlov wants to kill you, but he has no funds, so Morse is willing to pay two million dollars. Two million is not worth mentioning to Morse, but …”

"but what?"

"It's enough for us to make money for a long time."

"You go on."

"Yes, Ortloff got the money, and then he started recruiting people. He promised that everyone involved in Heartbeat could get at least one hundred thousand dollars. He just wanted revenge, and we could get the money... Well, then we coming."

It turns out that someone didn't hire Ortloff, but Ortloff took the initiative to find someone else. Gao Guang had offended someone, or offended someone unintentionally or indirectly, and then he got the funds.

I really didn't expect this.

Gao Guang said incomprehensibly: "Then why is the Armored Group willing to help Ortlov!"

"Otlov also went to the Armored Group. You made the Armored Group very embarrassed. This is what Otlov said. He said that the Armored Group would definitely be willing to kill you. So Ortlov found the Armored Group and said As long as the Armored Group is willing to help him, he will definitely be able to kill you, and the Armored Group has only one condition, and that is that it must kill you and the other Asian."

Sure enough, there were consequences for letting Fang Zhenwu help Zhanhuo defeat the Armored Group. I didn't expect that a company as big as the Armored Group would be so stingy.

"Otlov found the person in charge of the Armored Group, and then the Armored Group agreed to provide convenience for us, use the Armored Group's channels to bring us to Baghdad, and let us live in the Armored Group's place, and then there are three places here Two are provided by the Armored Group, they don’t have to pay a penny, but the Armored Group will be happy to... kill you.”

He wanted to curse, but Gao Guang held back. He said eagerly: "Then why didn't Ortlov come? Why could he persuade the Armored Group to rescue you."

"Tatlov originally came here, and he was with us, but he answered the phone and was called to the Armored Group. I don't know what he went to do, but just now we found out that after the attack, I called him, and he said he would immediately bring someone to rescue and pick us up, and he would bring people from the armored group with him."

Gao Guang immediately said: "Do you think he will come?"

"Yes, Ortlov is very trustworthy. I think he should come."

Now we know that Ortloff will not kill Gaoguang simply for revenge, but he can take the initiative to attract investment, ask Morse to pay, and then let the Armored Group provide convenience for him.

But Gao Guang couldn't figure out why the Armored Group was willing to go to the rescue in person, with just a few mercenaries. Why was it necessary for the Armored Group to go out in person to rescue them?

You have to know the underlying reason why the Armored Group did what they did. If you don't understand the reason, Gao Guang will not be unwilling to give up, but will have endless consequences.

Gao Guang stopped talking, Paul came closer to him and whispered: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Let me think."

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said to the two prisoners: "What preparations have you made to kill me?"

"After Ortlov knew the hotel where you were staying, he started to arrange sniper locations. He felt that there were not enough snipers, so he temporarily recruited several snipers. He didn't have any other preparations. Well, there are no more."

"It's that simple?"

The person who always answered the question was the injured man. He was a little confused by Gao Guang's question, and then he said with a confused look: "How complicated are sniper tactics? Ortlov said that you are very powerful in close combat. If we want to attack by force, If you do, a lot of people will die, so I’m waiting to snipe you.”

"How many of you are there in total? When Ortlov left, did he leave by himself or with someone else? Tell me!"

"He left on his own. Eight of our people accompanied an idiot who just arrived yesterday to look for his lost gun. The others are all in three sniper positions, and they are all here."

"What is your relationship with Ortlov!"

"It doesn't matter..."

"It doesn't matter. Do you know so many things?"

"He just invited me to join the Tiger Mercenary Group, and then I joined. He promised that we could make a lot of money..."

The speaker was very frustrated. He said dejectedly: "I was killed by Ortlov this time. I was really killed by him. If I knew you were so powerful, I would definitely not dare to provoke you. I had no intention." Being your enemy, I just... just want to make a living, we have no personal grudges, please let me go."

The conversation between Gao Guang and the prisoner needed to go through Paul, but Paul didn't say the last few words.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

He thought that the two captives didn't know much, so Gao Guang didn't plan to take the captive back and ask him slowly. However, he didn't expect that the captive knew so much, and it took at least five minutes to ask.

The interrogation took too long. The Green Zone was not big to begin with. If Ortlov came with reinforcements, it would be almost there.


As soon as the senior official said the word "retreat", Paul shot him twice. The one who spoke and the two prisoners who had never spoken fell to the ground without saying a word.

Gao Guang looked at Paul in shock, because he did not order Paul to kill the prisoners.

"You, you didn't mean..."

Gao Guang thought that Paul would share the love of his compatriots, but he didn't expect that Paul could shoot so neatly.

"They are not Russians." Paul said seriously, and then he continued seriously: "Russia does not have this kind of softness."

"You... did a good job, retreat."

Gao Guang wants to say that this is a bit too much, but it is indeed stupid to make promises to the enemy, and it is even more stupid to leave a curse for yourself, so Paul solved the trouble for him without letting him bear the moral shackles. How could he I have the nerve to say that Paul is not trustworthy.

Don't say anything and retreat quickly. It will be troublesome if they are really blocked by the armored group.

"Attention everyone, all enemies have been killed, evacuate immediately."

Gao Guang turned around, and after hurriedly speaking on the intercom, he turned off the intercom, because the automatic pickup headset would transmit his words, and he wanted to make a call now, and the content of the call could not be heard.

Now it was time to find someone to help end the matter. Gao Guang took out his mobile phone and dialed Dawson. Then he walked and said: "Hey, Ortlov brought people from the Armored Group to surround me. What's going on? You Didn’t you find it over there?”

Dawson said hurriedly: "I will take people to keep an eye on them. Don't be afraid. I will take people to pick you up and tell me your location."

"It's not far from the hotel I'm staying in. I'll go back right away."

Gao Guang hung up the phone, turned on the intercom again, and hurriedly said: "Kuzsayev, how is the situation over there? How is the person who was shot? Take your people away quickly. If you need to send them to the hospital, …”

"Two of them died. They were directly hit by large-caliber rifles and were hopeless. The other two were injured but could not die. They need to go to the hospital, but they need your help."

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "I understand. I'll be responsible for finding the hospital. Wait for me."

Give the wounded to the Zhanhuo Group and let the Zhanhuo Group send them to the hospital. Otherwise, the wounded in the Black Sea Mercenary Group may be in trouble.

Gao Guang hurriedly trotted along while talking on the phone in front, and Mike trotted after him, while Francisco and Paul sat a little further back.

Francisco suddenly took off the headset and said: "Lobster, I thought you were really...hehe, you were very clever and stole my job."

Paul also took off his headset and whispered: "Do you have to wait for the boss to say something before you do it? How can you let the boss order this kind of dirty work before doing it? Since I made the promise, I will naturally finish it. Someone who knows the rules.”

Francisco nodded happily and said nothing, but just put on the headset again, and then Paul also put the headset on his head again.

Francisco just thought that Paul was a kindred spirit, unlike Mike, an idiot with strong limbs and a simple mind. This smart man just liked to communicate with smart people.

Speeding up the pace and keeping up with the highlights, the four people returned to the main road from the alley, which was very close to the hotel, and Patrick also drove back to the main road.

Just as they were about to return to the hotel, at this time, several Humvees appeared from one end of the road, with the armored group's logo on the front of the car, and they came towards the high light.

When Gao Guang stopped, he looked both sides, and then saw that the machine guns on the oncoming cars were all pointed at him. After thinking briefly for a moment, he finally whispered: "You can't hide, stop hiding, just stand here!" I bet the armored group doesn’t dare to open fire!”

As soon as Gao Guang finished speaking, he heard the rapid sound of a horn behind him. He looked back and saw another group of Hummers rushing towards him. Then he looked at the logo of the War Group on the car, and then he took a long breath and said : "Okay, the armored group will definitely not dare to fire, don't be afraid!"

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