Firepower is king

Chapter 285 Are you ready?

The Texas Gun Show is also about to start. This is a festival for gun fans and a festival for Texans, because everyone in Texas owns guns.

This is one of the largest gun shows in the United States. Each company will bring out its own products, but this is not just an exhibition. Guns are sold at this time.

As a big boss, Smith didn't want to miss this event. As a gun fan, how could Gao Guang miss this opportunity.

But Smith came to the meeting as a prominent member of the Rifle Association, and he donated more money every year, while Highlights was there to make money.

The first is the signing ceremony.

Gao Guang thought that he could just find a place to sign the contract and be done with it, but he never expected that SIG Company would actually do something at the exhibition, in the largest company exhibition area of ​​the exhibition. A signing ceremony was held.

There is a special table with two microphones on it, and there are rows of chairs opposite it, which can seat about twenty people, and there are reporters and spectators.

Gao Guang was immediately stunned. He thought the signing ceremony was just something he said casually. He didn't expect that the signing ceremony actually had such a ceremony, and there were reporters.

There are newspaper reporters, magazine reporters, online reporters, and TV station reporters.

No matter what, there must be seven or eight reporters, and there are three huge cameras. This scene and this formation immediately put the spotlight on the scene.

"Why are there still reporters?"

They didn't even dare to go into the exhibition area. Just some distance away from the exhibition area, Gao Guang grabbed Smith, and then he whispered urgently: "I can't be on TV!"

Smith spread his hands and said: "I don't know why White wants to make the scene so big, but isn't it good that SIG Company values ​​you?"

In desperation, Gao Guang couldn't care less about being polite. He whispered: "No, what I did is legal, but... I'm not a professional shooter, not a professional shooter. In front of the public, what will I do if anything happens in the future?"

After all, it is inconvenient for the profession of Pmc to be exposed to the public too frequently. Although it is difficult to become famous in this industry, Sig Company quietly made a big move this time. As a Pmc, Gao Guang may appear Not famous, but becoming famous as a professional shooter is very possible.

People are afraid of being famous just as pigs are afraid of being strong. Gao Guang feels that being famous is not necessarily a good thing.

Smith must have understood these principles. He frowned and said to Danny, "Go and ask what's going on. We'll wait here before going over."

Danny didn't show up after getting off the plane last night. He was exhausted, but he didn't miss it when he visited the exhibition today. He walked to the SIG exhibition hall and talked to the staff for a few words. Then he found White and asked After he got it clear, he came to Smith and Gao Guang.

The executives were in the exhibition area of ​​FN Company.

Danny came back. He looked at Gao Guang with a narrow look on his face, and said unhurriedly: "The signing ceremony is indeed going to be held, but it is just for Bill Johnson. As for Mad Dog, Sig Company does also plan to borrow it." This ceremony is a way to sign a contract with him, but the reporters are not here for him."

Smith thought for a moment and then said: "The Bill Johnson who played for Glock?"

Danny nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

There are star players in any competition, and of course shooting competitions are the same, and Bill Johnson is a big star in professional shooting competitions.

Danny continued: "He just won the championship at the Florida Shooting Masters and won a prize of US$250,000. This is his seventh major championship this year. The champions of small competitions have won at least dozens. , he has participated in more than 70 competitions this year and won 55 championships."

Gao Guang couldn't help but asked: "What is the Masters?"

"It's the Masters tournament where only the best professional shooters in the United States are invited."

After Smith finished speaking, he shrugged and said: "It seems that your worries are unnecessary. Sig Sauer is not only going to sign a contract with you, I'm also surprised that you are just a cooperative shooter, how can you hold a press conference. "

Mike whispered to Gao Guang: "Boss, this is like a big star transferring. If you sign with the club before him as an additional player, it is considered a warm-up."

Although he didn't want to be photographed, and he didn't want to be famous, Gao Guang felt a little weird when he learned that this signing ceremony was not held for him, or that it was not held specifically for him. He didn't know why.

Smith exhaled and said: "Sig Company hired Bill Johnson. It seems that they are beginning to take the game seriously, but I think it is still difficult for them to beat Glock."

The modified group is monopolized by 1911, and the original gun group is monopolized by Glock. Occasionally, someone with a CZ75 will win the championship, but Sig Sauer's guns are really not good. Winning the championship is not as difficult as climbing to the sky, but it is also extremely difficult. rare.

Smith looked at Gao Guang and said, "Do you want to sign the contract in secret quickly?"


There was nothing to say. Gao Guang hurriedly followed Smith to Siger's exhibition hall. When he saw White, he found a corner to sign the contract, and then quickly withdrew, so as not to delay the signing ceremony.

After You signed the contract, he quickly left the exhibition hall. Then Gao Guang watched a group of people arrive at the exhibition hall and started busy with the signing ceremony.

A man in his thirties was led to the stage and sat down. He was wearing a Seager trademark hat. He looked like an ordinary person. This was Bill. Johnson, he and White sat side by side, the two formally signed a document, and then Seager's fans and Bill Johnson's gun fans began to cheer and applaud.

Looking at the highlights makes me feel weird.

It stands to reason that Sig Sauer has nothing wrong with it. It's just a nobody. It's nothing in the world of shooting competitions. Why should it compete with a star shooter for treatment?

Could it be that I am being petty and jealous?

Gao Guang felt that his mentality was not quite right. He analyzed himself for a long time and finally found that he did not seem to be jealous or envious, but that he refused to admit defeat.

It's not the kind of mentality that makes me feel uncomfortable because he can do better than me, but the mentality that if I can replace him, I must be better than him.

Gao Guang watched from a distance, and Smith stood with him. Then, Smith suddenly approached Gao Guang and whispered in his ear: "If you are not convinced, show off today. I want to see a real combat type." A shooter and a competitive shooter, who is more powerful when they meet on the court?"

Gao Guang was very surprised and said: "I still want to compete with him? No way?"

Smith smiled slightly and said: "You two have signed a contract today, and you have to show off in front of the other players. As a star shooter, of course Bill has to show off his skills, and of course you have to show off your skills. I didn't plan to watch the SIG factory team." It’s an internal shooting competition, but now, I just want to see it.”

Danny smiled and said, "I'm also interested now. Bill Johnson, he is indeed very powerful."

Both Smith and Danny were more interested in Bill, and then they wanted to see how different the highlight was from Bill. This was probably their idea.

Gao Guang also knows his own strengths. He may indeed have talent, but he has been training professionally for many years and has been famous for a long time. Now it is the explosive period of accumulation and accumulation. At this time, it is a bit boring to compare with others, but if you don't try, how can you do it? You know where the difference is.

Smith looked at his watch and said, "Hurry up and sign the gun purchase contract, and then we'll go watch the fun."


This is a gun show, and everyone sells guns, and the War Group uses guns. It is normal to sign a big contract and order a batch of guns at the show. After all, weapons companies also have performance requirements, although business can be done at any time. , but signing contracts at the show will increase business for the weapons company, which is also a repertoire of the gun show.

So Smith and Danny were also VIPs when they arrived at the company's showroom.

Gao Guang and the others followed Danny to enjoy VIP treatment. After signing two contracts, Smith finally received a call from White. Then Smith was very happy and said: "Siger is done, let's go take a look. If Gao plays a game with Bill, does he still have a contract to sign?"

"There is also a purchase contract for body armor."

"I'll sign again in the afternoon, and first go see...the excitement."

After Smith finished speaking, he said happily to Danny: "You know, Gao has mysterious powers. I feel like my gun is different from before."

Gao Guang was speechless, and Danny looked back at Gao Guang, seemingly wanting to say something, but in the end he just shook his head helplessly.

White was so happy that he came to greet Smith in person.

After receiving the highlight and others at the crowded exhibition, White approached Smith and whispered: "The shooting range has been arranged. Today's internal competition is not open to the public."

Smith smiled and said: "Yes, it's better to be more cautious."

White sighed and said: "We have just finalized the contract with Bill. The time is too tight this time, so he will probably not participate in this game."

"Oh why?"

White shrugged and said: "Bill Johnson has used our guns before, but he has never used Sig's guns in games. We are not sure what level he can achieve with Sig's guns, so today's practice It is very important to him and us, and it must not be made public. If he needs to run in the new gun, he will not participate in the official competition this time."

The reason why intra-team games are not open to the public is not to take advantage of the spotlight, but because no one knows how Bill performs with Sig's gun. What if a large number of reporters filmed Bill's bad performance with Sig's gun? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Changing guns before battle is a taboo for shooters. Bill Johnson must first get used to the new gun. It is normal that he will not participate in this shooting competition.

But let's just say these words. White turned his head and looked at Gao Guang and said: "Bill Johnson is looking forward to meeting you. He also wants to compete with you. I can't wait to see what you two can do." What kind of spark is high, are you ready?."

I'm not in good condition today, so I'll just update twice.

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