Firepower is king

Chapter 287 Please start your performance

Targeted by Smith and Danny, Highlights observed three seconds of silence for Bill Johnson.

But one thing must be made clear. Gao Guang will not sympathize with Bill. In his opinion, Bill being targeted by Smith and Danny is completely asking for it.

It's very baffling, but there is no shortage of fools like this in this world.

The only question is, Bill Johnson is Seager's contracted gunman and a teammate. Isn't it bad to be so shady against him?

"Would this make it difficult for White to do it?"

Smith said calmly: "Since you are competing on the same team, just knock him down and you can take over."

Danny exhaled. He looked at Bill with a smile on his face, but said coldly: "An extremely proud and arrogant guy will not be mentally strong enough to destroy his confidence in one go. Let him bid farewell to the professional arena."

It sounds very powerful, but I just don’t know how to operate it. After all, it is a bit difficult to destroy a professional shooter’s confidence and make him bid farewell to the game.

In a few words, Bill had finished the game, and the referee followed Bill back.

For a talented player like Bill, all you need to do is applaud and cheer. He is now the strongest shooter in the United States, at least one of them, so his results must be the strongest.

"It's unbelievable. It only took fifty-six seconds and the score was... 270.5."

The referee took a few minutes to calculate Bill's score, and White immediately began to applaud, saying with joy on his face: "It's great, it's just the first time, this is amazing."

Bill had no feelings for this level of praise, so he didn't say anything. He just nodded politely and looked at the highlight.

Gao Guang really has a lot to learn from Bill.

First of all, the highlight shot is accurate enough, but in this shooting method of running and shooting, and firing two shots at the same target, it is definitely not as precise as Bill.

This is a practical shooting competition, the focus is on actual shooting, but the nature is a competition, everything is in accordance with the rules.

But the highlight is actual combat shooting. The point is that there is no competition. If he hits the enemy, he will live. If he misses the enemy, he will die.

So you can see the difference. The highlight is a real battle, but what he is going to play now is a simulated real battle.

But Gaoguang doesn't pursue how small the distance between two bullets is. That's not his usual style of shooting. If he really fires two shots at the same target to ensure that the enemy loses the ability to move, Gaoguang's choice will be one shot. Hit the head and chest with one shot. Unless the enemy is wearing a body armor, then it is possible for the highlighter to shoot twice in the enemy's face.

But now Gaoguang's shooting habit is to shoot one target, because he kills the enemy with one shot, so why waste another bullet on the enemy.

Their habits and movements are different, and they play according to the same rules. Gao Guang estimates that he will lose, but when the two meet in actual combat, Gao Guang can beat Bill to death eight times.

But the question is how to beat Bill, even in one of the individual categories.

Gao Guang thought for a long time and looked at the pistol on Bill's waist. It was also a P320, almost exactly the same as his M17, except that it was missing a manual safety.

The civilian gun is called P320, and the military version with a manual safety is called M17. Since Bill was going to play for Seager in the game, he naturally had to switch to Seager's main gun.

Gao Guang knew what he should compete with.

Bill's skills cannot be said, but he has to pause every time he shoots while running. Although the pause time is much shorter than other shooters, a pause is a pause.

The highlighter can shoot without stopping. Even if you wave your hand and shoot casually while running, you can still hit the target.

One feature of IPSC shooting is that the target has no ring number, it is just a half-body target. The bullet only needs to hit the target. The smaller the distance between the two bullet holes, the higher the score.

This can be exploited to push down Bill with a super high rate of fire. Although the accuracy will definitely be lacking, and it may even be far behind Bill, it doesn't matter, as long as he can beat Bill in one of them.

Gao Guang exhaled, and then he said to White: "Then let me play a round too."

"Yeah, okay."

Gao Guang pulled out his gun. In front of Bill, he took off the magazine and emptied the chamber, because this was a must before the game.

Bill was indeed attracted by the high-gloss gun. He was slightly surprised and said: "Military version, with manual safety?"

As long as you have a manual safety, you must use it. This is a hard and fast rule, so Gaoguang has one more action than Bill before shooting.

Bill was a little surprised. Then he looked at Gao Guang and laughed again. He just shook his head slightly, and then Gao Guang clapped and said, "Please start your performance."

Smith suddenly said: "Hey, Gao, don't be like this, don't play in the same arena as Bill."

Danny said seriously: "Gao, you are very talented, but Bill has won seven major championships and more than fifty other championships. He doesn't know his strength at all, so Mr. Smith is right." , you don’t want to compete in the same arena as him. If you lose, you will have a psychological shadow, which will be very detrimental to your future growth. You are only twenty-two years old, and you still have a long way to go!"

Gao Guang was 24, not 22, but Gao Guang immediately understood what Danny meant, and made him two years younger, making Bill even more uncomfortable.

What should I say next? Gao Guang thought for a moment, and then he said to the two of them: "I think Bill still has a lot of room for improvement in speed."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was shocked, and Gao Guang continued: "The accuracy is okay, but Bill is too slow. Well, I'm sorry, no offense intended. After all, you are a master and I am just an amateur, so I didn't I have the qualifications to point out your shortcomings, but I must say that you are indeed slow and there is still room for improvement in terms of speed."

Gao Guang looked at Bill Johnson and said this, so Bill was stunned. He raised his eyebrows and said with a look of astonishment: "You are talking about me."

"Yeah, uh, this may not seem intuitive to you, so I'll give it a try."

Don't argue with Bill, don't give him a chance to let out his breath. Gao Guang turned around and said to the referee: "I'm ready."

The referee didn't say anything. After a beep, Gao Guang drew his gun and ran away.

Highlight's idea was simple. If he couldn't compare in terms of accuracy, he would crush it in terms of speed. He opened the manual safety with one hand, fired the first double-action shot, and the bullet hit the target.

But the highlight didn't stop. He didn't stop running. He just waved his hand at the target while running, and when his arm fell down, he fired again.

While waving his arms, two bullets were fired. The distance between the two bullet holes was almost ten centimeters. This distance was a bit far, but the highlight did not stop.

The martial arts routines he has practiced since childhood are the basis of Gao Guang's movements. His movements are very neat. He knows how to swing his arms and kick his legs faster, more accurately, and better looking.

At the second target, Gao Guang only glanced at it, and then without turning his head to look at it, he swung his arm diagonally and fired two shots.

As soon as the four shots were fired, Bill's eyes almost popped out.

White also sighed and said: "Gao's performance was even better than last night, much better."

At this time, Smith said in a voice that Bill could hear with confusion and confusion: "What's going on? Gao's speed is much faster than Bill's."

"Well, it seems so."

Bill didn't look back. He was still watching Gao Guang's performance, but Danny said with some doubts: "Gao Ke's first time shooting in this kind of competition. He should, um, can't be better than Bill."

Whispering, but Bill could actually hear it.

Bill clenched his fists nervously, but he didn't think about anything at the moment, because the incident happened suddenly and he didn't have time to think too much.

But it doesn't matter, Danny and Smith will think of it for him.

"It shouldn't be. Bill has been famous for a long time. This is Gao's first time competing in a regular competition. But judging from his speed, he is much faster than Bill. Well, it's over. Let's look at the results."

The gunshots stopped and Danny stopped talking, but Smith suddenly said: "If you beat Bill in the first shot, then Bill is nothing..."

Smith shut his mouth in time, and then they watched Gao Guang walk out with the referee. Then, the referee stammered: "Forty-five seconds, the score is..."

Danny immediately shouted: "Forty-five seconds? Are you kidding? Bill needs fifty-six seconds. Your timer is wrong!"

When it comes to precision, let's talk about speed. Speed ​​is the key point now. If you focus on this, Bill's confidence will be destroyed in one go.

The referee looked at the stopwatch in his hand, and then he loudly said: "The stopwatch must not be broken."

At this time, Bill finally heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I hope he hits the target every time he shoots."

What's the point of shooting fast? In a shooting competition, you have to be more accurate than shooting.

But the referee took the record book and counted it, and then he stuttered: "The score is two hundred and sixty-two points."

Score so high?

Bill was stunned for a moment. Even Smith couldn't believe his ears. He was very surprised and said: "Is it wrong? The score is so high? Is he playing so accurately?"

If you want to make a fuss about speed, don't mention accuracy. But now, the accuracy is almost the same, so what should we do? Isn't this a slap in the face?

At this moment, the referee continued to stutter: "Including the time bonus, uh, well, the time bonus is fifteen points, so the total score is two hundred and seventy-seven points."

Danny's eyes immediately widened and he exclaimed: "What? The total score exceeded Bill?"

The original plan was to stand out in one event, but in the end he actually won, so what does that count? The challenge round turned into a slap-in-the-face round, and the slap-in-the-face round turned into a crushing round?

Bill was stunned and muttered in a low voice: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, this is impossible!"

This time it was not all to stimulate Bill. Danny looked at Gao Guang and said in a very surprised tone: "How did you fight? How did you fight?"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said confidently: "Just hit it casually, it's very simple."

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