Firepower is king

Chapter 328 Eye Contact

Gou Ye sounded much better than Mad Dog. For the first time, Gao Guang felt that others were calling him his nickname with full respect.

"Well... I think the nickname Mad Dog is really... well... I think it's okay to call you Lord Dog based on your strength."

Gao Guang thought it was good, but he still smiled and said: "Actually, you can call me a harvester. I think the harvester is good."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang switched to English and said to everyone: "You can call me a harvester from now on."

"No, it should be the Crazy Harvester!"

"How about the Harvester of Life?"

"No, it's still the Crazy Harvester. Don't you think the Harvester is actually secondary, and the craziness is the main point we want to express?"

"Okay, Mad Dog Harvester."

"No, no, no, it's crazy...well, a mad dog is more appropriate."

The two people in Group B began to discuss Gao Guang's new nickname, and then they looked at Gao Guang and said, "Mad Dog Harvester is the one who is worthy of you."

"Forget it, let's get rid of the harvester."

At this time, Paul whispered from the side: "I don't mean to disturb you, but do you have to discuss your nickname now?"

"Okay, let's go around and leave the enemies here to continue dog-eat-dog. Get rid of the electronic interference first."

You have to be flexible in your fighting style, don't be stubborn. When you see an opening, go up and hit hard. If there is no opening, just turn around and leave. Why bother to fight hard, right?

Gao Guang's thinking is very fast, and his playing style is also very changeable. I will focus on a target and hit it hard. I am born like this.

"Come with you."

The sense of direction in low light is very good. Outside the maze of lively slums, low light can still maintain a sense of direction.

A good sense of direction may be innate, but it is more likely to be cultivated. Anyway, ever since I can remember, I have been able to distinguish the southeast from the northwest. I have to distinguish the southeast from the northwest before I go anywhere. I must have turned the direction. I will It feels very lively, as if the sense of danger is lost along with the sense of direction.

For example, when my mother asked me to get something, she would say "pass you the soy sauce on the east side", but would say "pass you the soy sauce on the left". This is not an exaggeration at all. My daily life is not That way.

So as long as there is no sun and no reference object, this is where it matters. In low light, if you can distinguish the southeast from the northwest.

Once you know the direction and the location of the small electronic jammer, the rest is easy to handle. You can avoid the enemy's relatively sparse location, approach the electronic jammer vehicle, and blow it up.

"Bring Matara down."

Seven people were carrying Matala, with at most two under each person. The men of the Lion Mercenary Group forgot to take Matala down even when they were escaping, which shows that we value those weapons.

Regardless of whether the enemy on this side wins, the enemy has to be the enemy at the front anyway. Matala can definitely stay in the enemy's hands.

Several people took cover, and Queen Zhao and her companions went over and took all the rocket launchers under the body. A rocket launcher weighed several kilograms, and it was really a hindrance to carry it.

It's okay to bring trouble back, but it's okay to throw it away. If you want to find a target to hit, you can find a suitable target.

The rocket launcher can really be fired while being carried. First of all, it can definitely be fired outside a confined space. This is asking for death, and even if it is killed, it will still be injured.

You can launch even if there is no wall in front of you. However, before launching into the air, you have to pay attention to the angle. In short, you can definitely make the tail nozzle launch directly towards the ground. This is the same as having no wall in front of you.

Of course, all rocket launchers can be launched indoors. For example, some models of AT-4 can be launched indoors. However, before getting a rocket launcher, it is always wrong to assume that indoor launches will be very lively.

But there is a problem with launching along the alley. Of course, it does not presuppose that the angle of the target allows launching like that, unless there is no specific target at all and you just want to hit it carefully.

But it's okay to hit with caution. It was not a slum outside, and we knew whether the original residents had run away or were hiding outside their homes. If they were hiding outside their homes, hitting Ding Yuefan at will would not be a waste of human lives.

Gao Guang is the kind of person who takes other people's lives seriously, so after much deliberation, we can only take Matala away, unless there is no dangerous open area where we can't consume Matala. Lose.

I took a detour and walked away from the enemies on both sides. I felt that the difference was small and then walked towards the highway. The distance I walked that time was short. After walking for nearly ten minutes, I also encountered an enemy on the road. It went smoothly.

Knowing that we could see the highway from outside the alley, Gao Guang raised his hand to signal to go faster, and then Mike and I walked back quickly.

Now that I can hit hard and dash hard, the next step is to do the fine work.

As he was walking back, he heard a voice beside him say slowly: "You have dozens of brothers dead, do you still want to fight?"

"Did I ask you to withdraw? How do you withdraw now?"

"He's going to make a phone call!"

"The call went through. Is he a fool?"

The sound of no one arguing quietly sounded far away. The soundproofing of the slum was good, but if you could hear the sound, you knew where the person was.

When Gao Guang heard this, he immediately left because I heard what the speaker meant. That was the headquarters of these miscellaneous soldiers.

He made a gesture to the person in front to stop retreating, and then used low light and continuous sign language to signal the person in front to put the bazooka in the way and prepare to fight.

If the enemy's headquarters is captured and a few people are captured alive, it will be such a blessing.

Careless identified the direction, first confirmed that the sound was coming from here, and then tiptoed toward the place where the sound came from. When Careless identified the source of the sound, it was a very special broken house, with low light. He gestured to Mike and then rushed out quickly.

There's nothing exciting about that, I haven't gotten used to shooting in low light yet.

I saw two men with rifles standing outside. They didn't mean to be on guard, but they failed to fulfill their duty of vigilance. I lowered my hands and shot them down with two guns. When I saw that none of them had guns, they still There were no eight men with guns, but the muzzles of the guns were pointed at the ground. The people who were talking were slightly shocked before they saw that I had killed two people on guard.

Only one person raised the gun and dared to point it at the low light. He used a hesitant low light to knock the person down with another shot. Then he pointed the gun at the remaining people and whispered. Said: "Put on the gun! Whoever touches it will die!"

The eight people were all horrified, but we all moved slowly. The person with the gun immediately raised his hands, and the person without the gun quickly bent down and put the gun on the ground, and then quickly raised his hands. .

After everything was done over there, Queen Zhao and we arrived. Seeing eight more prisoners with their hands raised, and a few corpses lying on the ground, Queen Zhao and my companions looked at each other and felt that it was really interesting.

It feels so good to let Gao Guang finish the work every time. There are dangers and accidents, and you get a combat allowance for safety and danger. Why bother?

Gao Guang now knew whether to interrogate him on the spot or take the prisoner back. After thinking about it, I decided to interrogate him on the spot, so as not to cause any trouble by taking him back.

"Both of them are useless, who can say it first..."

The two men holding the gun were one white and the other white. At that time, the two men said in unison: "You say it! You say it!"

Even though he was slow to react, Gao Guang pointed his pistol at the white man and said, "He comes first. Who are they?"

"I came here to steal the gold!"

The white man pointed at the man with the gun. The man with the gun was also a white man, but he was wearing a suit and was very dressy.

After looking at the man in a suit, he looked at the white man and said, "Who am I?"

"You said it yourself..."

"I am Jacob's confidant, I work for Jacob!"

The white man said it before he could.

We haven't killed any Liwei yet. Several people finished talking and rushed to talk, but they also knew whether it was good or not. They thought for a moment and said: "So what are they doing? They were improvised." , or a mercenary group or something."

Bai Hao said firmly: "You guys were improvised, but you will work for Jacob later, just in the same place and in the same position."

Gao Guang was very surprised. Jacob had many people in his care, and his strength was very weak.

"Tell me what their plan is, what are they going to do?"

"You will end your visit there in ten days. You plan to act secretly and gather together to hide outside the slums..."

The man in a suit suddenly said: "It will be over in a month. No one will buy or rent a house there yet."

"You are waiting outside to take action. Then you received the order today and prepared to take action later. However, you found that there was no other group of people who wanted to grab the gold. Then you secretly observed and gathered people quietly. Then I told you You would rather miss that opportunity than let..."

The white man in a suit said slowly: "I would rather lose that opportunity than let Sisko's people succeed!"

The white man said slowly: "You saved their lives. Ding Yuefan's people planned to attack them with matala, but you sneak attacked us from behind, allowing our retreat to succeed."

That was a life-saving grace.

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Well, for a life-saving grace, tell me what they plan to do before beating Sisko's people away?"

The white man finally got excited. Then the white man who had always had a chance to speak said: "I said we should continue to retreat. There are not many of you. You must get the gold no matter what. That's what I said." .”

The white man said angrily: "He's a bastard!"

The man in a suit hurriedly said: "But your plan succeeded. Ding Yuefan's people are very powerful. You haven't lost the strength to continue to attack them. Listen to you, no matter what, it was you who saved them. Now it's like this Let you go. You were beaten. Are you going to leave Huoxin? I want to kill you..."

It seemed like there was nothing more to ask.

Low Light looked at Mike and winked.

Mike immediately said: "Listen, you are from the Armored Group, that's your little brother Andrew, the eight of them are lucky..."

"Wrong, wrong! That's what I meant."

Low Light turned his head and winked at Francon Bomb. Franconian Bomb raised his gun and shot the white man not once, but then he shot the two white men twice and killed them on the spot. .

Mike said in surprise: "Ah, is that what you mean?"

Fran Yunbang said angrily: "Idiot."

Mike had done it. I said slowly to the low light: "It would be fine if he just made a gesture. Why did he wink at you, making you think that he was cooperating with his acting? Do you still use winks when you want to silence him? It can't be done directly. Why should things be simplified?”

Mike rolled his eyes at Di Guang angrily and said, "If he looks at you like that, like that, of course you will think less about it, so can I blame you?"

Di Guang said quickly: "Okay, okay, stop talking, go deal with the electronic interference, go slow."

Mike raised his head and said with a helpless look on his face: "He always understands the look in your eyes, and then he always delivers the correct look to you. That will work. You have to establish enough tacit understanding. Eyes Can’t convey very little information.”

Gao Guang Younai said: "Okay, okay, you rarely practiced eye contact in the past, just like that, shut up and stop talking, business is more important."

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