Firepower is king

Chapter 329 Done

The intensity of the battle seemed to be declining rapidly.

Thinking about it, Gao Guang and the others came out this time and killed all the leading figures on Jacob's side. Without command, there were not many people willing to fight to the end.

So if you want to maximize the results, you still have to strike while the iron is hot.

Now that Gao Guang and Mike were not carrying rocket launchers, Francisco and Paul were carrying one each, so their movements were not hindered much.

He quietly touched the roadside and took a cautious look. He found that there were still people on the road. There were more than a dozen people from the Lion Mercenary Group, but they also seemed to be in a mess.

Gao Guang pulled his head back, turned his head, and met Mike's big eyes.

Gao Guang tilted his head and whispered to the people behind him: "We are less than fifty meters away from the electronic jamming car, but there are about fifteen people outside. It seems that they are going to enter the slums, but stop now. Down, and they all have cover.”

Paul whispered from the side: "We use cloud explosion bombs to kill them, and then use another cloud explosion bomb to blow up the interference vehicle, or let them blow up the interference vehicle directly from the roof."

Cars cannot drive into the slums, so they can only park on the roadside. Then you can see the jamming car on the roof of the building, and you can also attack it directly. I didn't want to kill the jamming car before because I was worried that after the interference is gone, the enemy's The communication is more convenient, and it is more disadvantageous for Gao Guang and their defense.

But now even if the enemy can easily organize an attack, they don't have enough manpower and heavy weapons, so there is no problem in destroying the interference vehicle now.

Gao Guang thought for a while, then looked outside again, and then suddenly said: "Why do we have to blow up the interference vehicle?"

These words stunned several people, and then Zhao Qian said with a puzzled face: "What should we do if the jamming vehicle doesn't explode? We have no radio communication, can't make phone calls, and can't control the drone, so of course we have to Blow up the interference vehicle."

"I mean, why not grab the jamming car?"

Several people were stunned again.

Gao Guang whispered: "Let's drive the jamming car back. If it's dangerous or necessary, we can drive the electronic jamming ourselves. Isn't this good?"

The electronic jamming equipment is in the car, and as long as the car is not broken, it will drive away. So, wouldn't it be good to seize an electronic jamming car?

Mike winked at the highlight, glared, rolled his eyes sideways, and then said: "My eyes tell me how to fight."

Well, using eye contact and then explaining quickly seems to be a way to cultivate tacit understanding.

Gao Guang couldn't look into Mike's eyes for some reason, so he lowered his head slightly, put one hand on his forehead and said: "Rush out, kill the enemy, drive the car and leave."

It was said that it was not said, but several people had no objections.

Only Mike whispered: "Boss, you should look into my eyes and speak."

"Shut up! Stop rolling your eyes."

Francisco couldn't help it anymore. He stopped Mike unceremoniously, and then said softly: "Two people will cover the fire, and then the remaining people will take turns to fire the rocket launcher. There are still more than 200 meters to go back. Carrying the rocket launcher will affect action."

"Okay, use the rocket launcher to deal with the enemies outside. Let's go grab the interference vehicle. If we can't grab it, blow it up."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang picked up the rifle and whispered: "Look for the launch position. It is better to be inaccurate than to waste too much time."

Zhao Qian had already put the rocket launcher on his shoulders, and Paul also took one. Then the other two people in Group B put down the rocket launcher, and then each carried one on their bodies.

Shoot four cloud explosion bombs in one breath. Although the cloud explosion bombs are not effective in open areas, they are not useless.

"Get ready... go!"

Gao Guang gave the order and hid in the corner with his rifle. Zhao Qian ran away from him and left a few meters away. He probably aimed at the enemy and fired immediately, then threw the launch tube away and ran back.

This shot was not very accurate, but the rocket hit the wall. There were still a few meters away from the car where the three enemies were hiding, but a white cloud suddenly appeared on Lekong.

The white cloud was air fuel. After a brief moment, the fire flashed, and the cloud immediately turned into a fireball.

This is not an explosion, but a deflagration, or a detonation.

A man screamed and ran out from behind the bunker. He was walking staggeringly, with smoke coming out of his body, but there was no fire because the clothes on his body had been torn to pieces by the explosion, which lasted much longer than the explosion. fragments.

Covered in darkness and smoking, he staggered out and started rolling on the ground, howling miserably, but he couldn't die.

If it were in a confined space, this person would die instantly, but in an open space, he could only suffer.

There was a gunshot, not a gun fired by Gao Guangguang, but a shot fired by the enemy to end the suffering of his companions.

At this time, Paul ran out, and Gao Guang immediately fired, and the enemy also fired, but after Paul ran out, he quickly squatted down, kneeling on one knee and fired the rocket launcher.

After a loud bang, Paul threw away the empty tube, threw himself forward and fell to the ground. This action startled Gao Guang, who thought Paul had been shot.

This cloud explosion bomb is very accurate, because the distance is not that far and the target is large, so it is not difficult to hit it accurately.

There was another dull explosion. Even with a noise-canceling headset, the huge shock could be felt in the heart.

Paul crawled back quickly on the ground, and the enemy began to leave their hiding place, and they had to flee.

Who is it that can face the damage of cloud bombs and remain indifferent?

Anyway, these elites who come here for money and plan to grab a vote and leave will never fight to the end despite a fatal threat.

Fighting with a favorable wind means that elites fight against a headwind and disperse in a rush. This is a common problem among all those who fight for money in the world, without exception.

So there is no need for four cloud explosion bombs, two rounds are enough.

When he saw that the enemy was beginning to collapse, Gao Guang didn't wait any longer. He put away his rifle again, drew his pistol, and waved, "Follow me!"

Mike and Francisco rushed out right after the highlight, and then Mike quickly passed the highlight.

When it comes to speed, Mike can compete with the world champion. He is bullying Gao Guang by carrying 30 pounds on his back and running with high light. As for Francisco, he is not disadvantaged by his size, but when it comes to speed, he should step aside.

So now it's Mike at the front, Highlights in the middle, and Francisco at the end.

Two people came out of the slum. They rushed towards the car, but after seeing Gao Guang and the three of them, one suddenly turned around and retreated, while the other stopped on the spot, raised his gun and shot at Gao Guang and the others.

Before Mike could retaliate, and he couldn't retaliate with high light, the man just raised the gun. Although the movement was very neat, he did fall down as soon as he raised the gun.

Gao Guang was still wondering what happened, but he saw the dust raised by the bullet hitting the ground suddenly appearing next to the fallen enemy, and dust was also splashed around the enemy who turned around and ran back, and quickly fell into the ground. After falling to the ground, Gao Guang realized that it was Patrick who opened fire on the roof of the building and immediately eliminated the enemies on this side.

In the alley just now, Patrick couldn't provide fire cover without vision, but now, Patrick can provide fire cover at any time.

Of course, it also depends on the enemy's position, and these two people are within the range that Patrick can control, so highlighting the three of them will naturally save a lot of trouble.

"Bottle cap calls Mad Dog! Answer received!"

At the same time that the two people fell, Gao Guang's earphones suddenly heard John's voice, so he said urgently: "Mad dog got it!"

"The enemy has taken the initiative to cancel the jamming. If they want to run, you stop, and we will launch a rocket launcher to directly destroy the jamming vehicle."

"Don't fire, I'm going to drive the interference vehicle back! Over."

John was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately said: "Roger, our field of vision is limited and we are unable to provide comprehensive fire cover. The drone is about to be released. Over."

Gao Guang and the others continued to run forward, and the distance of about fifty meters was reached in an instant.

Mike went directly to pull the door of the van, but did not open it.

A wire was pulled out of the slum next to it, and Gao Guang looked along the wire and saw a man in black clothes running out with a bundle of wires, running face to face with him.

Gao Guang raised his gun and fired twice at the enemy who was running towards him. Even though he was more than thirty meters away, he didn't know if he hit the vital point, but the enemy fell down in response. Then Francisco raised his rifle and fired at him. After hitting the fallen enemy with another shot, he immediately said urgently: "Key!"

Francisco bent down, took a car key from the body that had just been shot by Patrick, and then ran towards the car door.

The car was a military vehicle or an old car. There was no electronic key and there were not many electronic components. Francisco inserted the car key and Mike opened the door. He looked into the car and said, "What is this?" car!"

The car was a manual transmission, or a very old-fashioned one. Mike was a little dumbfounded when he saw it, but Francisco pulled Mike and said, "You don't know how to drive a manual transmission? Get out of the way!"

Francisco got in the car, turned the key to start, and then immediately said urgently: "Get in the car, no, get out!"

Francisco didn't even close the door, put the car in gear, turned around, and then drove off.

It was not necessarily safe to be in the car at this time. Gao Guang turned around and ran back while saying on the intercom: "We succeeded, cover our retreat."

Paul and the others were watching from the side and noticed that Gao Guang and the others had driven back. Naturally, they took everything they could carry and hurriedly ran back along the side of the road.

Francisco drove directly to the gate. Gao Guang said urgently on the intercom: "Open the door, open the door!"

"I've already opened the door. There are no pursuers behind you, so don't be so afraid."

After John finished speaking on the walkie-talkie, he suddenly said: "Is this over? The enemy is no longer able to attack. I see that some people have begun to escape. It's over."

That’s two chapters today.

I thought I could just go to the clinic to fix my tooth, but after taking a picture, I found that even extraction could not solve the problem, and the alveolar bone needed to be repaired.

Alas, my heart is so restless that I can't write today, so let's leave it at that.

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