Firepower is king

Chapter 332 The scapegoat

The battle didn't last very long, but it was fierce.

The Lion Mercenary Group dropped quite a lot of corpses. Their number of personnel was at least halved. Twenty corpses were dropped just near the factory wall.

But the Lion Mercenary Group finally withdrew. After the people sent by Jacob lost their command, their will to fight quickly disappeared, so the battle could end quickly.

The two sides ended the fight and retreated. Then the Lion Mercenary Group quickly cleaned up the mess and left.

After the battle, Andrew didn't want to leave.

The most dangerous time has been passed safely, and then it is time to make money while lying down. Although the risk is indeed much greater than usual, compared with the commission earned, the risk at this moment is negligible.

In short, the current situation is very good, and Andrew is in a good mood, so he even has the intention to send the only doctor in the team to help.

Four people from Alpha 5 Company were injured, and there were two doctors in the Alpha 5 Company team. In fact, they were not really doctors, that is, field doctors who could deal with emergencies. Andrew went to see him specially, and his level was not bad. , it can be regarded as saving the lives of several wounded people, but it is definitely not possible to stay in the factory, and they need to be sent to the hospital to ensure safety.

He asked the doctor to do a favor and received verbal thanks from Langley, which also repaired the relationship. Andrew knew that what he did today would definitely make Alpha and King Defense dissatisfied, so in order to get along more happily in the future, it is best to You still have to show a friendly attitude.

After following Langley and the mad dog for a while, Andrew had to flatter him for a long time against his will. It was not until he saw Alpha Company sending a vehicle to take the injured to the hospital in Kimberley City for further treatment that he returned. own room.

Andrew's judgment is that nothing will happen in a short time. Even if someone wants to attack the factory again, it will be three days at the earliest. If it takes longer, it will be a month. It is more likely that both parties will stop and make peace. Fighting will not produce results, and in the end it is not about negotiation.

The monthly salary is 16,000 US dollars, but the daily combat allowance can reach 8,000 US dollars. Such opportunities are not many.

I will make money and send others to death. Fight if you can. If you can't fight, just surrender and leave. It is just a job in the first place. There is no way you can risk your life. Although the reputation of doing this is not good, the Armored Group is better than If the mission fails, there are too many people who are more afraid of death and need to pay for pensions.

Andrew hoped that this security and wartime salary would allow him to earn a few more days. This was the good thing about working for a large company. Although the salary was lower, the money was easy to earn.

So Andrew was very relaxed, but his relaxation did not last long.

It was getting dark, and fighting would not affect eating. Andrew just wanted to take a short rest before dinner.

But just as he returned to the room, the phone rang, and the call was from his immediate boss.

It is estimated that the combat allowance has been adjusted again. According to today's combat intensity, the wartime allowance will have to be increased by one-third, and the combat allowance may be doubled.


Andrew didn't even finish saying hello, but heard his boss roar: "Andrew! What have you done!"

The tone sounded very unkind. Andrew was stunned for a while and said, "I didn't do anything."

"You didn't do anything, so why did Eric Mining terminate its partnership with us! Bastard, you killed me!"

Andrew was shocked. When he met Malcolm just now, there was nothing wrong with Malcolm. How come the partnership was terminated after so many hours?

Andrew immediately became anxious.

That bastard Malcolm snitched quietly, does that mean he was fired?

But think about it, okay, I didn’t do anything today, and my performance was indeed bad, but as the company’s security team dispatched outside, I have the power to make decisions based on the situation. Even if Andrew did not participate in the war, it cannot be said that he has any responsibility.

"What? Terminate cooperation? Why? They can't do that!"

"Can't we do this? They have already done it. You understand, Eric Mining Company has terminated all cooperative relationships with us! It means terminating all cooperation!"

Andrew was immediately stunned.

It turned out that it was not his team that was fired, but the cooperation of the entire company. Now...he was in trouble.

Andrew didn't know how much the annual cooperation between Armor Group and Eric Mining Company was, but he thought it should be tens of millions of dollars, because Eric Mining Company was a big customer, but now, because of him, Armor Group was completely Lost this customer?

Andrew didn't know what to say. He could only stammer: "Is this impossible? Our contract will expire in a few months..."

"Eric's company will pay the full amount, but they will not renew the contract and require our people to withdraw immediately. The damn War Group will take over immediately. We have lost a big customer. What's worse is that the War Group will take over." Damn, Andrew, you’ve caused a lot of losses to the company! I really want to know what you did now!”

The boss was still gritting his teeth at the beginning, but now he was weak even when he spoke. Andrew knew that his job in the Armored Group could not be saved this time.

But, it’s just a job…

If you can't work for Armor Group and just go to another company, and other companies don't want it, then you can open your own company. There is always a shortage of people in the PMC profession, and it's too easy to find a new job.

"Okay, I'm sorry,, should we get out of here now?"

"It's up to you. Come meet me at the company tomorrow. There's nothing to say. Let's pack up and get out together."

The boss hung up the phone. Andrew was stunned for a while, and suddenly said with disdain: "Ha, it's time for me to find a new job."

Since it is impossible to have a wartime allowance, which is three times the daily salary, and it is impossible to have a combat allowance, there is no need to stay here and just leave overnight.

Why stay? Although there is no chance of fighting today, it is still not safe. Since the people of Alpha Company can send the wounded to Kimberley, of course Andrew can leave the place of trouble and wrong first.

Let's go to Kimberley and spend the night first. It's only 160 kilometers away and only takes two hours to drive.

Andrew was in a bad mood. He called his subordinates and packed his luggage. However, his luggage had been packed long ago and he could just pick it up and leave now.

When he saw Malcolm again, Andrew wanted to punch him in the face, but that was the end of the matter. Why talk nonsense? Anyway, he would definitely get the combat allowance today.

Not even bothering to talk to Malcolm, he just snorted disdainfully and angrily at Malcolm. Andrew led his brothers, drove six cars, and drove out of the factory gate in a mighty manner.

If he wanted to leave, he would have to leave in a big way, letting people outside know that the factory's protective power had been weakened a lot. Now, Andrew really hoped that someone would attack this broken factory immediately and kill everyone inside.

As for safety on the road, there is nothing to worry about.

Who messes with the Panzer Group? Not to mention the consequences of offending the Armored Group, the key question is, is it necessary?

Attacking a departing Panzer Group squad, Matala would be crazy to do this, Jacob would be crazy to do this, so there is nothing to worry about.

The sun was about to set and the sky was about to get dark, but Andrew's motorcade had already driven thirty or forty kilometers. The journey was calm and very safe, and he didn't even see an eyesore.

Andrew finally relaxed. He picked up the walkie-talkie and said lazily: "Guys, after arriving in Kimberley, you can move around freely and relax."

There was a cheer immediately on the walkie-talkie, and the car where Andrew was in also cheered immediately. Then, Andrew seemed to hear someone on the walkie-talkie utter an exclamation.

With a bang, the world in front of Andrew began to tumble, and when the car stopped, he found that the car had reached the ditch on the side of the road, but luckily, he was still sitting on the seat and could still move.

"get off!"

He unbuckled his seat belt and pushed the car door in a daze, but Andrew found that his car door could not be pushed open. At this time, he saw four people wearing black clothes, helmets, and goggles, and then A face mask that could protect against pistol bullets and grenade fragments appeared in front of him.

Why do these people wear face protection? To hide your identity?

"Who is Andrew!"

A man holding a rifle but also holding a transparent bulletproof shield shouted next to him, and Andrew's driver subconsciously looked at Andrew after hearing it.

Odrew was so confused that he raised his hands and said loudly: "Hi, gentlemen, I..."

A man wearing a face mask angrily pushed away the bulletproof shield held in front of him. Then he stared at Andrew and said, "Do you think I will just let it go? You killed so many of my brothers. Do you think I’ll just let it go?”

Andrew shook his head and said: "You must have misunderstood, man, don't be impulsive, listen to me, no matter what you want to do, you misunderstood..."

"What do I want to do? I want to get that batch of gold, and I want to kill you! Aren't you a good marksman? Come on, hit me!"

"No, not me, not me!"

Andrew said anxiously: "You want revenge? But I didn't fire a single shot today. Man, I was planning to surrender. I, I don't know what happened, but the person you are looking for is not me, but the mad dog of the King's Defense. It’s Langley from Alpha Company!”

"If it wasn't you, why would you run away in a hurry? Also, do you think I don't know? I saw your people. It was your people who shot us with machine guns on the roof. Do you think I am blind? Well, do you think I’m an idiot!”

Andrew said anxiously: "That's the person from the King's Defense! The person you are looking for is not me! Not me!"


Smiling casually, the person protecting the face raised his pistol and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll confirm after I kill you. Whether it's doesn't matter. You all have to die anyway!"

A gunshot sounded and a bullet hole appeared between Andrew's eyebrows. He lowered his raised hand and his expression froze.

Andrew's face was full of confusion.

The person who fired the gun said very calmly: "Take a photo and identify whether it is this guy, the Armored Group, bah, is it very powerful? I am shooting the Armored Group!"

Sorry for being late, my mind is a little confused and I write too slowly.

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