Firepower is king

Chapter 2 Value

My mind was a little confused. I looked along the dark shadow and saw several people on both sides of the door of the kidnapper's house. They were using a standard indoor fighting formation to rush into the door they just walked out of.

The first person who rushed into the door fell on his back, but the second one stepped over his companions and rushed into the house, and then gunshots rang out quickly and intensively.

There were gunshots and nervous shouts, but no screams could be heard. The battle was going on quickly and fiercely.

Gao Guang originally wanted to stand up, but he heard the sound of whizzing through the air. This was a sound that could only be heard when bullets flew by at close range. So Gao Guang did not stand up, but lay motionless on the ground.

The gunfire stopped soon, and the battle lasted only more than ten seconds before ending. The battle started suddenly and ended very quickly.

At this time, someone returned to the door of the house with a gun, leaned over and took off the helmet of his fallen companion.

The man who was shot must be dead, because the bullet entered from the forehead and passed through the back of the head. The helmet was full of blood and brain matter, but the bullet failed to penetrate the layer of the helmet at the back of the head.

Gao Guang could see and hear clearly, and he could even see the small bullet hole in his helmet because he was less than five meters away from the door.

The man who took off his comrade's helmet first cursed, and then said weakly: "Guys, the bison is dead, we are in trouble."

At this time, someone in the room loudly shouted again: "This bastard can't speak English, but the hostage must be here, Joey, Eraser, you two search quickly, Bottle Cap, what are you still doing standing there? Check it out If there are any survivors, then go on the alert!"

Hearing what the people inside said, the person standing at the door immediately said: "Captain, there is a Kung Fu boy here who is the hostage."

The person at the door must be Bottle Cap. He walked up to Gao Guang, gave Gao Guang a light kick and said, "Can you speak English?"

Gao Guang immediately nodded desperately and looked up at the other party with affirmative eyes.

These people were not police, and if they were Mexican police they certainly didn't speak English.

Gao Guang also thought about whether he should pretend not to speak English. He didn't hesitate too much and nodded almost subconsciously, because judging from the conversations between these people, if they didn't show any value, they might as well immediately He was silenced.

"Captain, this guy speaks English."

Bottle Cap yelled first, then he squatted down, stretched out a finger to clasp the tape on Gao Guang's mouth, pulled it off suddenly, and said impatiently: "Do you know where the hostages are kept?"

"I speak English and Spanish. I don't know where the hostages are, but I can ask for you."

Highlight immediately began to show his value, showing that he could give these people the help they so desperately needed.

Bottle Cap wears a mask on his face, and the expression on his face cannot be seen, but Gao Guang can still hear the surprise in his tone: "Very good, get up, come here."

The highlight was pulled up, but the bottle cap was not untied from his hands.

Back in the house again, the kidnapper boss's bodyguard was lying on the ground, but more bodies were in the next room.

It looked like it was a lounge with a TV, two couches, a few chairs, and a refrigerator, but there were four corpses thrown on the ground, with blood everywhere.

The kidnapper's boss was leaning on the sofa. He looked very miserable now. There was a bullet hole in one arm, his nose was crooked, and his face was covered in blood.

Opposite the kidnapper boss stood a man wearing a mask. At this moment, he looked at Gao Guang and said, "Who are you?"

"I am Chinese and a kidnapped hostage. I can be a translator."

After briefly explaining his identity and abilities, the skull-faced man didn't hesitate much. He immediately said: "You can call me Captain, Bottle Cap, and let him go."

A knife was drawn against the wrist, and Gao Guang's hands were finally free.

The captain pointed to the kidnapper's boss and said, "Let me briefly explain the situation. This guy's name is Sanchez. He kidnapped a person."

After finishing speaking, the captain immediately raised a mobile phone, pointed the screen at the highlight and said: "This is this person, have you seen him?"

On the phone was a young man who looked to be in his twenties, with a typical Mexican appearance. Gao Guang glanced at it and immediately shook his head and said, "No, I have never seen this man."

"So do you know where the other hostages are?"

"Sorry, I was just kidnapped here. I don't know where the other hostages are."

The captain said without hesitation: "Okay, then you can translate it for me and ask him first where the person in the photo is."

This is not Gao Guang's first time as a translator, but it is completely different from his previous experience, so Gao Guang is still a little nervous.

Pointing to the photo on his phone, Gao Guang said with a slight vibrato: "Where is this person in the photo?"

Sanchez glanced at the phone bitterly, then glared at the highlight and yelled: "I've never seen this person, I've never seen him, tell them I've never seen him!"

"He said he hadn't seen it."

"Ask him where the hostages are."

"Where are the hostages held?"

Sanchez straightened his body forward, but instead of looking at the captain, he looked at Gao Guang and said angrily: "Damn it, tell them the person they are looking for is not here. If you dare to talk nonsense, you will be dead."

Gao Guang didn't add any exaggeration, but he didn't completely translate every word of Sanchez's words. He just said immediately: "He refused to speak."

The captain put away his cell phone and said in a very low voice: "Eraser, let him speak!"

Immediately, someone rushed to the sofa, grabbed Sanchez's collar with his left hand, and pinched Sanchez's broken nose with his right hand, and then immediately began to twist it.

Sanchez wanted to shake his head and struggle, but this made him feel more pain, so he could only twist his head smoothly according to the rubber hand, and screamed with a thick nasal voice: "I said, I said!"

Sanchez's voice seemed muffled, and he surrendered much faster than Gao Guang expected.

Gao Guang didn't mind letting Sanchez suffer a little more, but being a translator requires professionalism, so he immediately said: "He is willing to say it."

Rubber let go of Sanchez's nose. Sanchez sniffed gently, and then said with a sad face: "The person you are looking for is not here with me. You, damn Chinese, tell them that I have never seen what they are looking for." people!"

The captain looked at Gao Guang and said with expectation: "What did he say?"

"He said that the person you are looking for is not there, and there were some swear words. Do you need to translate the content of the scolding you?"

Gao Guang definitely had the professionalism as a translator, but he also wanted to use the convenience of translating to make Sanchez suffer, so he passed on the curse words he used to him to the captain and the others.

He didn't get the answer he wanted, but the captain didn't say anything. He just said seriously: "Rubber, torture him."

Instead of pinching Sanchez's nose, Rubber took out a knife, first stabbed it into Sanchez's thigh, and then began to twist it gently.

Sanchez howled at the top of his lungs, and then he screamed: "For God's sake, it wasn't me. The person you are looking for is not here. It has nothing to do with me, it doesn't matter..."

Gao Guang translated Sanchez's words, and the captain immediately roared: "You took the ransom but refused to release the hostage, and killed the hostage. You are the only one who has ever done this."

Sanchez suddenly began to struggle and screamed: "It's not me! I didn't kidnap him. Damn it, I did it once when I first changed my career as a kidnapper. You can't just think that it was me who did this, not me." !Damn, I only did it once!”

Sanchez spoke very fast, so it was a little difficult for Gao Guang to listen, but fortunately, he was able to cope with it, and the translated content was still very accurate.

After hearing Sanchez's words, Rubber twisted the knife hard, and then he said angrily: "Now do you realize the importance of credibility! Your credibility will be ruined in one go, where are the hostages!"

Sanchez twisted back and forth in pain, and just yelled: "I didn't, it wasn't me..."

Although Sanchez strongly denied that he had kidnapped hostages, the captain was unmoved. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and then said to the rubber: "There is no time to waste, give him something hard."

Eraser pulled the knife out of Sanchez's leg and pointed the bleeding tip at Sanchez's eye.

Sanchez howled: "I work for the Zeta Group, you can't do this to me, do you want to die!"

After hearing what Sanchez said, Gao Guang immediately said to the captain: "He said he was working for the Zeta Group. If you do this, you will die."

The captain was unmoved and said calmly: "You can choose not to say anything until you are cut into pieces one by one."

Rubber did not rush to take action, but waited for Gao Guang to translate the captain's words, then pushed the knife forward, and then slowly pulled it down.

Sanchez's face was cut open, and he screamed again and yelled: "I said! I said! The hostages are in the dungeon, and the entrance to the dungeon is under the carpet."

Gao Guang immediately translated Sanchez's words, and then the captain breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted to the people who had been outside: "Joy, come in, the hostages are inside."

The lounge was not big, so the captain's men did not search the lounge carefully. Instead, they kept searching the place where the hostages were kept outside, so they did not find that the dungeon was in this room.

There was only a small carpet in the lounge, which could be seen at a glance, but such an obvious place was ignored. Until Sanchez told the location, a thin man immediately ran over and lifted the carpet.

After discovering the entrance to the dungeon, the next step was easy. Gao Guang helped translate some detailed questions, such as whether there was an ambush below, whether there were bombs, etc. After confirming that there was only a hostage in the dungeon, Joey was very happy. Go down quickly, and not long after, someone comes up with support.

A young man who looked very haggard repeatedly said to the people around him: "Are you here to save me? Are you here to save me?"

Gao Guang swallowed and said, "He asked if you were here to save him."

"Yes, we are here to save him and make him quiet."

Gao Guang envied the young man in front of him, so he said with emotion: "They are here to save you, you are saved."

The young man was immediately ecstatic, and then he began to cross himself repeatedly and began to thank God.

Gao Guang felt that this young man was a little ignorant. At this time, shouldn't he be grateful to the person who rescued him?

The captain waved his hand speechlessly and said, "Joy, get this idiot to the car. Let's drive the drug dealer's car and leave here first."

Joey helped the young man and walked out quickly, but the captain stayed behind. He looked at Gao Guang, his eyes looking a little complicated.

Gao Guang couldn't help but take a step back, and said nervously: "You saved me, you are my savior, I will never betray you, and, and, I am Chinese, it will be very difficult for you to kill me. Trouble, please don’t hurt me, I will never tell the police about you, I promise!”

The captain shrugged and said: "I believe you are unwilling to betray us, but the drug dealers and police will come soon. No matter who you fall into, it is not up to you to control whether you speak, and I firmly believe that only dead people cannot speak." , so if you don’t want to die, you’d better think of a way to convince me as soon as possible.”

We must find a method that is acceptable to both parties, so that I will not die, and at the same time, I can dispel the concerns of the captain and others.

Gao Guang almost immediately thought of an idea. His ancestors had a mature solution to this situation long ago. Anyone who has read a few books should know it.

Just submit a certificate of nomination.

Gao Guang looked at Sanchez, then he took a deep breath and whispered: "I'll beat him to death! This way I will never turn you in, okay?"

The captain thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "You came up with a good solution. Wait a moment, I have to record it as evidence..."

Holding the gun in his right hand and raising his cell phone in his left hand to point it at the highlight, the captain said solemnly: "Okay, please."

Gao Guang was very confused. He didn't want to kill anyone, but the current situation gave him no choice.

Gao Guang leaned over and picked up a gun from a dead kidnapper.

Glock 17, still Glock 17.

This is the first time Gao Guang has touched a real gun and held a gun in his hand.

Seeing Gao Guang's movements, Sanchez began to panic, and then he shouted hoarsely: "What are you going to do? You are going to..."

Before Sanchez could shout more, Gao Guang suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at Sanchez.

The Glock 17 has a trigger safety. As long as there is a bullet in the chamber, you can just pull the trigger. It is very convenient, so after the highlight was aimed at Sanchez's chest, he suddenly pulled the trigger.

With the sound of a gunshot, Sanchez's screams suddenly stopped and he began to twist his body with difficulty.

Looking at the person who almost killed him, this inhumane kidnapper, Gao Guang only felt anger and hatred in his heart, and then he felt that he had already shot him anyway, so he might as well shoot a few more times.

So Gao Guang raised the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at Sanchez's head, and pulled the trigger again.

Two shots were fired, both hitting Sanchez in the head.

I have to say that it makes sense for the Glock 17 to be a big seller. It does look ugly, but the directivity is great, the grip is also very good, and it is very comfortable to shoot. Even Gao Guang, a person who has never touched a gun, can pick it up. The shot was accurate.

It was the first time in his life that he touched a gun, shot for the first time, and killed a person with the first bullet. However, Gao Guang felt no guilt, no fear, and no psychological burden. He was able to kill a drug dealer and kidnapper leader with his own hands. His heart was filled with the joy and satisfaction of successful revenge.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Gao Guang put down the gun, turned to look at the captain and said, "Is it okay now?"

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