Firepower is king

Chapter 349 Complete Collapse

The barrel of the gun has turned a dangerous bright red, but Patrick is still shooting. The barrel, which is deformed by the high temperature, may be exploded by the bullets that continue to be fired at any time. If it detonates prematurely, the warhead will have nowhere to go, causing a fatal chamber explosion.

"It's going to explode!"

Malcolm couldn't help shouting again. Although he knew that the bullets could not stop now, he looked at the increasingly brighter barrel and couldn't help shouting.

"It's really going to explode!"

Malcolm also knew that he shouldn't hide, but knowing that a bomb that was not very powerful but could be fatal was brewing and could explode at any time, he still couldn't help but want to stay away.

Carrying a belt bag, Malcolm couldn't get close to the machine gun. This was probably due to his survival instinct. His brain told him to go over and change bullets, but his legs didn't obey him.

"You are surrounded by me!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched roar came from the earphones, and then a few eyes almost popped out of their heads. The people who were getting more and more chilled were surprised and then overjoyed.



"Get out and surrender, hand over your gun and don't kill, come out!"

As Malcolm listened to the words on the walkie-talkie, he felt like he was going to have a schizophrenia. His cognition and common sense were all leaving him at this moment, and a feeling for the unknown, close to faith, arose spontaneously.

It's not scientific, but it feels really happy.

Malcolm trembled, shook his head, and said in astonishment: "Fake, is this okay?"

John stopped shooting, he changed the magazine, and then he shouted hoarsely: "Go to support, go to support the mad dog! Who else can move!"

Who can move? Patrick must continue to use suppressive fire. He cannot leave. Once he leaves, the suppressive fire will be gone.

Fang Zhenwu went out and doesn't know where he is now.

Mike and Francisco were lying down long ago, and they didn’t know whether they were dead or alive. They hadn’t made a sound until now, so they were probably dead.

Paul was shot first. He was leaning against the wall and couldn't move. There was no hope.

After shouting for a while and realizing that he was the only one who could move, John said bitterly: "Fake!"

John turned around and ran away, but at this moment, he heard Fang Zhenwu whisper: "I'm coming!"

John turned around again, as if he had deliberately circled in front of the window, and then he said to the office building again: "Go and support the boss."

Anyway, as long as the highlight goes in, things will be easier to handle.

It's just that Gao Guang is injured now, and he can't see the enemy yet.

Although I can hear the noise and know that the enemy is here, it is really too difficult for one person to search such a huge office building and kill them one by one.

Gao Guang took a few steps forward. It was not a tactical move. Now that his stomach hurt and he was panting heavily, he had no energy to make any tactical moves. He just walked forward with the gun straight and straight, without even raising the gun. In front of you.

The enemy was silent, but that didn't mean they had given up completely. Gao Guang took four or five steps forward. Maybe his footsteps irritated the enemy. A man suddenly appeared from behind the corner with a loud roar.

Gao Guang really didn't aim this time, because he didn't raise the gun or put the scope in front of his eyes before shooting. He relied purely on feeling.

The rifle is just a little longer. You can shoot by feel with a pistol, and you can shoot with a rifle too.

There was a dull gunshot, because the gun came with a silencer, otherwise the 6.8-caliber muzzle would be too noisy.

The enemy who came out looked up to the sky and fell down and then lost his voice again.

"Come together! He is alone!"

Gao Guang heard the shouts of the enemies again. Those enemies finally shouted the classic lines of the villain.

So four people rushed out together. The three of them used the classic formation of indoor warfare, and three of them came out in one assault tactical move.

One person slides and tackles, another person bends down, and another person stands. Several people appear at the same time and can occupy different positions above, middle and lower and fire at the same time. These are indeed very practical tactical actions.

But these are useless in front of highlights, and those cool-looking tactical moves are of no use at this time.

One shot after another, the first shot blew open the head of the man below, the second shot penetrated the chest of the man in the middle, and the third shot penetrated the enemy's neck.

The muzzle jump is too large, and it is impossible to maintain accuracy in a very short period of time, but it is enough. Three consecutive shots sound like a burst, but every shot hits.

The fourth man shrank back again.

"come out!"

With a snap shot, Gao Guang gave the enemy who was shot in the chest a shot to make up for it, just in case he could still pull the trigger. Since he could still continue fighting after being shot in the stomach, there was no reason for the enemy to do the same, so at this time he was heading towards Head replenishment is very important.

"Get out of here!"

Gao Guang fired another shot, this time on the head of the enemy whose neck was shot through and was still bleeding.

Seeing that the enemy didn't come out and he had no target, Gao Guang said bitterly: "All the bells and whistles have no use."

Well, one person surrounded the enemy, but the enemy refused to surrender and dared to resist. This would be very difficult. Gao Guang could only move forward again.

The enemy had no choice but to kill them if they didn't surrender. Gao Guang was helpless because he really didn't know how he could kill all the enemies scattered in the building one by one.

Gao Guang dragged his heavy steps forward again, and then he heard someone saying helplessly: "Don't come over! I...surrender."

Surrender? That would be great.

Gao Guang said sternly: "Come out and hold the gun above your head."

"I'm coming out, don't shoot, don't shoot."

A man slowly moved out. He raised his hand, but it was not a gun, but a grenade.

Slowly walking out of the corner, holding a grenade, the surrendered enemy said helplessly: "The grenade has been pulled. Can I...can I throw the grenade out?"

He pulled away with the grenade, but didn't dare to throw it away. What kind of operation is this?

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Turn around and throw the grenade in front of you. Move slowly."

The prisoner, now considered a prisoner, slowly turned around and whispered: "I'm going to throw it away."

After reminding Gao Guang, for fear that Gao Guang would cause any misunderstanding, the prisoner waved his hand and threw the grenade. Then he took two steps back and ducked behind the corner, still facing Gao Guang.

With a bang, the grenade exploded.

Gao Guang whispered: "Kneel down and slowly put the gun on the ground."

The enemy unbuckled the gun belt with slow movements and put the gun on the ground. Then he whispered: "We have met before. You are the one who slaps the face, not Andrew. I should have known better, man, let's talk." …”

Gao Guang wanted to kill the prisoners, but killing the remaining ones would make it impossible for them to surrender, so he was hesitating.

"I am coming!"

At this time, the gunshots outside rang out again, and then Fang Zhenwu rushed in rolling and crawling.


Fang Zhenwu was stunned as he lay on the ground, and then he said in astonishment: "Is it really possible?"

There is help, but finally there is help.

Gao Guang was determined, and then he said to the prisoner again: "Keep talking!"

"We surrendered, surrendered, completely surrendered, really surrendered, we won't fight, we can't fight anymore, we won't be able to fight this battle, we won't fight..."

Muttering nonsense with the same meaning, the prisoner tilted his head and said: "You let us go, we will never fight."

The prisoner's face was covered with a half-width black mask, but there was also a transparent mask on the outside, and a night vision goggle on his head. This made it impossible to see the prisoner's face in high light, and his words were muffled and inaudible. .

Gao Guang exhaled and said, "Are you the leader of the Lion Mercenary Group?"

"Yes, and no. There are many of us, and I can't control them all, but now they must all listen to me. If you promise not to kill us, I will ask them all to come down and surrender."

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I won't kill you."

Gao Guang just said one thing. He didn't say anything about the guarantee, but the prisoner held the walkie-talkie without hesitation and said without hesitation: "I am a mad lion. The enemy is not a human being. I surrender. Guys, we surrender. No more fights, no fights at all..."

This always sounds weird.

Gao Guang frowned and said, "Your name is Mad Lion?"

"Yes, my name is Crazy Lion."

The prisoner knelt on the ground and bent down, saying feebly: "I will change my name from now on. I will no longer be called Mad Lion. My name will be Little Kitty. My name will be Hello Kitty. My name will be Sick Cat."

Is this the result of being beaten and giving up on yourself?

Fang Zhenwu got up and ran to Gao Guang. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, so he said in confusion: "What should I do at this time?"

Gao Guang didn't know either. He had never thought about this situation before and felt a little unprepared.

"Crazy Lion... ask all your people to come down and surrender here. When you come out, raise your hands. I can promise not to kill you."

Fang Zhenwu poked Gao Guang gently, did he mean to wait until the enemies really surrendered before taking action?

The mad lion picked up the walkie-talkie and said feebly: "Come to the hall, snipers, if I were you, I would choose to surrender. Is there any point in continuing to fight? You can die if you are willing to die. We will not fight. Our opponents They are really not human, we can’t fight anymore..."

"Tell the important point."

Gao Guang couldn't help but remind Kuangshi, so Kuangshi continued: "Anyway, if you don't want to die, come down and surrender as soon as possible!"

The mad lion was still angry, and he said viciously: "We are surrounded and there is no hope, Fake!"

The mad lion let out a long sigh, then he turned his head slightly and said to Gao Guang: "What can I do? I'm helpless too. You can beat me to death, but I won't."

Well, this is really a breakdown, a mental breakdown, a loss of will, and self-destruction to the point where I can love whatever I want, and I will love you to death.

The mad lion raised one hand, waved it feebly, and said feebly: "I have been fighting for more than 20 years and I have never seen you like this. I won't do it anymore. I won't fight anymore. You can negotiate whether you want, I don't care. .”

After waiting in line for a long time, I can finally have surgery tomorrow.

Brothers, when I return with full blood, I will definitely add a few more chapters to celebrate.

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