Firepower is king

Chapter 355 The Best Trophy

Carlos seems to have real qualities. Among other things, first of all, he is a Cuban doctor, so in the medical industry, he is basically from a well-known family.

A knowledge point that a few people know but most people don't know is that Cuba is one of the countries with the most developed medical care in the world. If you want to be more arrogant, you can remove it. If you want to be more low-key, you can add one of the countries with the most developed medical care. , but in any case, Cuba is definitely among the most developed countries.

If we look at the level of free medical care, then Cuba is unique, surpassing all developed and underdeveloped countries, and is truly a country that is almost completely free but can provide the highest level of medical care.

Cuba is a small island country with an area of ​​nearly 110,000 square kilometers. It has been blocked by the United States all year round and its economy is very poor. Apart from cigars, there are no special products. However, the medical level is surprisingly good.

Accident or not, surprise or not?

Why is this happening? It probably has something to do with the fact that several of the founders of Cuba were doctors. For example, Che Guevara, whose face is printed on the clothes of many people around the world, was a doctor and could fight with a gun. The kind who can command a war, put down a gun, and cure illnesses and save lives. .

With decades of full support and promotion from the state, Cuba's medical care is really strong. Now Cuba has regarded medical assistance as a diplomatic business card and an important means of generating income.

There are currently about 10,000 to 20,000 Cuban medical teams, which provide medical services in several countries in South America all year round, such as Brazil and Venezuela. Cuban doctors are present in many hospitals in these countries, even in some remote places where there are no domestic doctors. Doctors, but Cuban doctors are all normal.

Then, Cuba may not be able to build large-scale medical machines such as nuclear magnetic resonance, but Cuba has very advanced medical technology in many fields, such as ophthalmology, bioengineering, bone marrow transplantation, heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidney transplants of various organs, which are world-leading. , the most awesome thing is that Cuba actually created a lung cancer vaccine.

The most important thing is that medical care in Cuba is really cheap, especially for Americans.

Many surgeries that cannot be done in the United States can be done casually in Cuba. In this way, Cuba has naturally formed a medical tourism industry. Even the football champion Maradona went to Cuba for treatment.

For people from other countries, Gao Guang might not think so much, but after hearing that Carlos is a Cuban doctor, if Gao Guang is not interested, it means that he is a bit slow.

I originally wanted to find a good doctor, but then Carlos fell into the world. Although he was captured from the enemy, what did it matter?

Doctors are inherently high-paying and respected professions. A normal doctor, even a little normal, would not go to a battlefield with extremely high risk to display his medical skills.

Military doctors belong to the state, and no one can dig them out. And even if ordinary surgeons can dig them out, they are not suitable for use on the battlefield.

Gao Guang can now capture a doctor from a well-known family from a mercenary group that he destroyed. The key is that his level is really surprisingly high. Isn't this like gold falling from the sky?

The key is that Carlos's level has been verified and recognized by his peers. He has performed eight surgeries on his own, and no one has died yet. This means that he can show his true qualities without waiting for the fire.

There was no hard work, no coercion or inducement. Many of the methods Gao Guang imagined had not been used yet. Carlos had already boarded the King's Defense plane, so Carlos was Gao Guang's biggest trophy and biggest gain this time.

Even with a knife wound on his stomach, Gao Guang still had to understand his biggest gain.

"Carlos, you...why did you join the Lion Mercenary Group?"

Carlos shrugged and said, "Because they gave me too much. As long as I participate in this operation, I will get one million US dollars after it is completed."

One million U.S. dollars didn't sound like much, but Gao Guang's memory of poverty made him subconsciously say, "That's really a lot."

John said immediately from the side: "No, not as much as one of our single missions."

Gao Guang was shocked. When recruiting a doctor to join his team, he couldn't have the same mentality as a pauper.

"Yes, it's nothing compared to how much we made this time."

Carlos was very surprised and said: "How much do you take?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Two million per person."

"Oh, is it so?"

Carlos was extremely surprised and said: "There are dozens of defenders in the factory, and each of them can get two million? Impossible!"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Of course only our king's defense can get so much. Uh, were you a mercenary before?"

Carlos shook his head and said: "I was not a mercenary before, but I have been working as a doctor in very dangerous places. First in South America, I was sent to work in the rainforest of Brazil for two years, and then I went to Venezuela. , and then I was in Mexico, and I was in South America for at least ten years.”

John suddenly said: "How old are you this year?"

"38 years old."

Gao Guang and John were both stunned, but Fang Zhenwu, who was sitting opposite them, said in shock: "38? I thought you were 58."

Patrick shook his head and said: "Don't talk nonsense, that's how you look at 48 years old."

Carlos curled his lips and said, "You guys... I'm just bald, but I don't look that old."

Gao Guang said with great interest: "Ignore them, what happened next?"

Carlos thought for a while and said: "My aunt and a cousin are both in the United States. They smuggled me there in the 1980s. I worked outside for a long time in Florida, and then my parents died due to an accident. He passed away in an accident, so I thought it would be better to go to the United States, so I used some means to go to Florida."

Carlos scratched his head and said helplessly: "I have more relatives in Florida. I stayed there for a year and a half. There are many Cuban immigrants and there is a Cuban community. I treat Cubans in a private clinic. People were seeing doctors, but... I was reported, and then I was charged with practicing medicine without a license.”


"That's it."

Several people sighed with incomprehensible meaning, which sounded like sympathy, but in their hearts they were happy.

Unlicensed doctors are great, but it is better not to have a license. With a medical license, people can go directly to the hospital and become a serious doctor.

Carlos exhaled and said, "I was fined ten thousand dollars, spent nine months in jail, and then... I left."

Gao Guang said intentionally or unintentionally: "Why don't you plan to take the exam for a medical license?"

Carlos shook his head and said: "The reason why I was reported was because a Latin gang in Miami took a fancy to me and wanted me to work for them. I didn't agree, so they reported me and put me in jail. They forced me to I won’t give them a job, but I won’t. At worst, I will never go to the United States again and I won’t give in to these scumbags!”

Gao Guang nodded and said, "This move is so shameless."

Carlos exhaled and said: "I met a mercenary from prison. He said there was a way to make a lot of money. Then I came to Africa with him and stayed in Zimbabwe for half a year. Then my level was very high, so That crazy lion went directly to Zimbabwe to find me, and just like that, I joined the Lion Mercenary Group."

John whispered: "What are you doing in Zimbabwe?"

Carlos said calmly: "Being a doctor in a private clinic and treating white people in Zimbabwe, eh, but frankly speaking, white people in Zimbabwe don't have much money now, so the income is not very good."

"Are you going to fight?"

"Of course not, I'm only responsible for saving people."

Gao Guang didn't want to say it, but he had to say it, so he whispered: "When I saw you, you didn't have a first aid kit on you, but you had a gun."

Carlos shrugged and said, "When I saw you rushing in like that, I had to take up arms. After all, I didn't want to die, let alone be a prisoner. Based on my early medical experience in South America, when The fate of being captured is not good, but since the commander of the regiment has surrendered, I have no other choice. Fortunately, you are not the kind of inhumane guys."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "So you can also fight?"

"I can't say that I know how to fight, but at least I know how to use a gun. Besides... I don't know if you understand. Che Guevara is my idol, but it's just the kind of person I worship."

Gao Guang immediately said: "I understand, I understand very much."

John said at a loss: "What do you mean?"

Gao Guang smiled and said: "It's not convenient to say, you don't understand, only Carlos and I understand."

After finishing speaking, Gao Guang said to Carlos: "You can hang out with us from now on. You will definitely make money. I don't need you to be able to fight. You just need to be a doctor."

Carlos curled his lips and said, "Yes, with you as a face-slapping monster, there is really no need for others. Hmm, can you tell me your origins?"

"Us, our origins are... quite impressive."

Gao Guang had a habit of being self-effacing, but fortunately he changed his words in time, and then he said very proudly: "Our headquarters is in Los Angeles. We are a small defense company called King Defense, and I am the president of King Defense. "

John said from the side: "It's PMC, legal."

"Yes, we are legal."

After emphasizing the legality, Gao Guang looked at Carlos and said, "When you join our company, your treatment will be the best in the industry. Well, how much did you earn in a month before?"

Carlos was very proud: "It's about three thousand to five thousand US dollars. It's good to earn so much in Zimbabwe. I could get almost as much when I was in Miami. This income is not enough to reflect my value, but there are many reasons , my current income is not high.”

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Now let's put aside our previous identities and relationships. You will join our company. I will give you a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. Others will be discussed separately. In short, I will definitely have the benefits and treatment you should have." To put it bluntly, you will make money if you join King's Defense, our recruitment standards are extremely strict."

John immediately said: "Yes, you are very lucky to meet us."

Carlos was stunned for a while, and finally said helplessly: "Yes, I have been very lucky since I met you yesterday, but I will easily have nightmares when I think about it in the future."

Gao Guang was puzzled and said, "Why do you say that?"

Carlos spread his hands and said: "One shot at a time, and there is no chance of rescue. You will not understand that complete powerlessness unless you are a doctor."

Feeling much better today, let’s resume normal updates first.

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