Firepower is king

Chapter 236: Go big

Mike's happiness is based on the pain of high light.

Mike's chance of making a fortune is based on the success of his career.

So Mike is really blind. He can neither convey information to others through his eyes nor read information through other people's eyes.

It has to be Francisco.

"Boss, what happened?"

Completely different from Francisco, he didn't even wait for Gao Guang to say anything. Just by looking at him, Francisco knew that Gao Guang was very popular and depressed now.

"My goods were robbed. No, Salah's goods were robbed. It was the goods I protected that were robbed."

Francisco was stunned for a moment, and then he said cautiously: "Is that the shipment that you cooperated with the CIA to escort?"


Francisco took a breath and said with a worried face: "Oh, this is not good."

Mike was a little confused. He said blankly: "What's wrong with this? Is there any big problem?"

Francisco whispered: "The first business the boss took was robbed. How can he take on big jobs in the future? The most important thing is that this time he was escorted in the name of CIA, so who dares to rob him?" CIA products are definitely not ordinary people. "

Paul arrived late because he lived the farthest away, but when he arrived, he was carrying a gun in one hand and a backpack containing body armor and ammunition in the other.


Paul was obviously in a state of war, and Gao Guang looked at the things Paul was holding and said, "What are you doing with these?"

"Uh, I hear you sound anxious."

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Get ready, the war is about to start, but it's hard to say when exactly, so get ready, Mike, you and Francisco..."

Let Mike and Francisco go to war. Their bodies won't allow it, but if they stay in a hotel, wouldn't they still have no chance to perform?

"You two will still follow me, but I'll try not to let you join the fight."

At this moment, Gao Guang's phone rang. Gao Guang thought it was Tom, but the caller's number was unfamiliar. After Gao Guang connected, he heard Hank say, "The guy you want is awake. Please take the time to pick him up." go out."

At this critical moment, it was Peony who woke up. No, it was Fang Zhenwu who finally got out of the dangerous period and woke up.

This was originally good news, but it came at an inappropriate time.

Gao Guang and Tom worked together, but they let Hank go. Now that he received a call from Hank, Gao Guang felt embarrassed.

"Is he awake? That's great. Thank you, but it's too late today. I'll find a hospital to take him out tomorrow."

Gao Guang said awkwardly, but Hank immediately said: "Well, it's okay. You owe me a favor. Goodbye."

Hank's call came suddenly and he hung up immediately. Gao Guang held the phone for a moment and then suddenly dialed Tom.

Tom's phone was busy, but not long after, Tom called back and asked urgently: "Is there any news?"

"No, I just received a call from Hank. I was wondering if I could ask my friends in the Air Force to do a favor, such as conducting an aerial reconnaissance. I think it shouldn't be difficult to find a convoy of more than a dozen vehicles."

Tom said anxiously: "It's different now. In the past, there were always reconnaissance planes patrolling the airspace in northern Iraq, but now there is no regular patrol. Do you understand? By the time the reconnaissance planes take off from Baghdad and arrive at the Erbach border, the people will have already disappeared." ”

Gao Guang said in a low voice: "But the problem is that it is not necessarily only reconnaissance planes that can conduct reconnaissance. As long as there are fighter jets, transport planes, and even an attack plane that happens to be in that airspace, it can also help with the reconnaissance. It is a convoy, and it is night. , it’s easy to find by visual search.”

"Aerial reconnaissance is not as simple as you think, but wait."

Gao Guang is a military fan. A military fan will have a basic understanding of aerial reconnaissance. He will definitely not be familiar with it, but he knows the basic common sense. At this time, having common sense can at least make Gao Guang think that he can borrow an Air Force aircraft. Help with the investigation

Tom didn't know what he was thinking. After a moment, he whispered: "I now wonder if that colleague took my money and then robbed my goods, but it is possible that those guys from the Iraqi Defense Forces did this today." That's what happened. Now I'm going to call my colleagues and ask if it was the Iraqis who did it. I'll find out soon. "

Gao Guang whispered: "What if it is?"

"That's easy. What I hope most now is that they did it. But if not, our most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of that batch of goods. You wait for my news first. If there is no progress on my side, you can Let Hank help.”

Gao Guang said anxiously: "Why not contact him directly, we will do it at the same time, it will be faster."

"It costs money to ask Hank for help! You have to pay once the reconnaissance plane takes off!"

After all, it was still a matter of money. Gao Guang hesitated for a moment and said, "Then let me ask about the price first?"

"Okay, you ask the price first."

Tom hung up the phone in a hurry, but Gao Guang didn't call back the number Hank just called, but dialed the phone number he had saved.

After waiting for a long time, Hank answered the phone, and then he asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Gao Guang immediately said: "How much does it cost to ask friends from the Air Force to conduct an aerial reconnaissance?"

"Aerial reconnaissance!"

Hank immediately became energetic, and then he said without thinking: "Reconnaissance area, target, time, tell me these before I can quote."

"Well, the area is at the border of the highway entering Baghdad and Erbach. The target is a convoy of fifteen container trucks. What time is it? How much will it cost to dispatch tonight?"

"To be clear, it's the route. There are two main routes to enter Erbach, one is to go north through Kirkuk and enter Erbil, and the other is to go around Mosul and enter Erbach."

"The way through Kirkuk."

"Okay, this is convenient. I'll ask if there are any unmanned reconnaissance aircraft performing missions in the nearby airspace. If so, it will be cheaper to complete a reconnaissance on the way, but it will be more expensive to send a reconnaissance aircraft specifically. "

Gao Guang said hurriedly: "How much will each cost? Can you give me a rough price?"

"One hundred thousand for the investigation along the way, and five hundred thousand for the special trip. By the way, these are the prices that do not guarantee the investigation results, but generally speaking, they can definitely find a convoy traveling at night as long as no professional anti-reconnaissance measures are taken. "

"You ask, if you can investigate along the way, do it quickly."

The price is too conscientious. Gao Guang doesn't want to bargain or delay any longer. Now he just asks for a drone to be performing a reconnaissance mission, or a surveillance mission. In short, it would be great to have an airplane in the sky. .

The aerial reconnaissance has not yet been finalized, but the manpower for the operation must be prepared. Gao Guang called Kuzsanav, and after Kuzsaye answered the call, he said without hesitation: "There is a job. Can you pick it up?"

"How much does it cost and what kind of job!"

Ask first how much it costs, and then what kind of work it is. This is the sign of a poor man.

The Black Sea mercenaries have completed their outfit change, but they haven't had time to convert their combat power into cash. Now they have a job to do, and Kuzsayev couldn't ask for more.

"You can prepare according to revenge and seizing a convoy. I have to kill many people and completely recover the stolen items. The specific number and firepower of the enemy are not yet clear, so I can't give you an accurate estimate. The price is negotiable, but I hope you can prepare it immediately and be ready to go at any time. The price is negotiable. I will give you a good price according to the enemy's strength. "

Kuzsayev said without hesitation: "We are immediately ready to attack at any time. The Black Sea Mercenary Group is at our service at any time!"

Seeing Gao Guang hang up the phone, Mike said curiously: "It looks like the scene is big, but it must be somewhere far away."

Gao Guang thought for a moment, and then he realized that Mike had got the point this time.

Even if the aerial reconnaissance found traces of the convoy, how would they get there?

If you drive there, it will take several hours at best, and the day lilies will be cold by the time you get there.

So it's best to fly over, but if you fly over... the difficulty will double again.

With so many things going on, it’s not easy to accomplish one thing.

Gao Guang called Hank again. When Hank got through, he hurriedly said: "Sorry, let me ask again, how much will it cost if a helicopter is needed to airlift a combat unit to Erbach?"

Hank was silent.

Gao Guang said cautiously: "No?"

"Air transportation is the most difficult, and dispatching helicopters is the most troublesome. I was wondering how much it would cost to do it. Well, it is expensive."

"How much!"

"One million... one, Mad Dog. It's not that I want a high price, but the dispatch of transport helicopters needs approval. Otherwise, don't use helicopters, just use transport planes. I can arrange one for you for five hundred thousand." c130.”

"wait for my call."

He hung up the phone and called again, this time to Tom, but after the call was connected, before Gao Guang could speak, Tom said angrily: "My colleague promises that it was not him, and it was definitely not his companions. For After proving his innocence, he began to help find clues.

Then they found a suspicious-looking guy from the warehouse camera. Someone was keeping an eye on the goods. Following this clue, we all agreed that it was probably an arms dealer named Yadlev who was responsible!"

The results came out so quickly. Gao Guang was very surprised and said: "How could it be so fast? Did you deliberately divert your attention?"

Tom said fiercely: "It is impossible for Yadlev to know that we are protecting Salah's goods. Now Yadlev has also left Baghdad. There is absolutely no problem with my channels. This matter is Yadlev." Did it.”

"Can you contact him directly and ask Yadlev to send the goods back?"

Tom said anxiously: "I asked someone to contact Yadlev for help. As long as he sends the goods back, it will be treated as if nothing happened. But Yadlev is famous for his money rather than his life. At worst, he will never do it again." Not doing business in Iraq either.

He came under a false name, so it was unlikely that he would take the initiative to send the goods back. We had to be prepared to do it ourselves. "

Gao Guang thought for a moment, and then he whispered: "Tom, if you really can only do it, then you have to hurry up, speed is everything, so why not bring Hank in and make things bigger?" .


"Aerial reconnaissance first finds the convoy, and then helicopters transport us there for an air raid. We pay more for armed helicopters to accompany the operation. If that doesn't work, we also pay for ground attack aircraft for air strikes. It can be done with money. Let Han Ke also gives our friends in the Air Force an opportunity to make money. "

Tom was silent for a moment, and then he said seriously: "I agree, let's go big."

"You say it or I say it."

Tom sighed and said: "You are responsible for coordinating. I will show up as little as possible. The risk will be high if the Pentagon wants to pursue this matter. It is not good for me to be too involved. Mad dog, please ask Hank to pay attention. Don't do it." It's crazy."

Gao Guang asked in confusion: "What do you mean, don't be too crazy?"

"The Air Force guys are about to leave Iraq. They just want to make money and will do anything. I'm worried that they will make things impossible. If we have a way, we can only spend four million at most. It's more than that." We can't afford this amount, so this should make them restrain themselves. "

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