Firepower is king

Chapter 259 The top machine gunner

At 6:05 pm, the door of the conference room knocked on time.

Gao Guang and the others didn't leave, they were just waiting for Patrick to get off work. They knew that he had nothing to do now and knew that he was in the next room, but Gao Guang was determined to wait for six hours and wait for Patrick to get off work before talking. .

But it turns out that every effort is rewarded, and Patrick finally showed up on time.

"I can talk about personal matters now."

When they were discussing private matters, Patrick had lost his heavy combat attire. He just wore a T-shirt with a pistol hanging on his waist, but he still came dressed neatly.

"You want me to work for the King's Defense, right?"

This time Patrick wanted to take the initiative, so he spoke first, but Gao Guang said unhurriedly: "Yes, we are looking for an excellent machine gunner."

Looking for a machine gunner doesn't necessarily require Patrick, but there is a difference.

Gao Guang answered Patrick's question, but didn't seem to acknowledge Patrick's question directly. This slightly slick way of responding made Patrick very uncomfortable.

Highlights can't let Patrick take the initiative, because if you let a square head raise the topic and then let another square head decide the content of the conversation, then you have to fall into the square head's orbit. Many people feel that it is too difficult to deal with stubborn people. It's just that they didn't find the right way to open it.

But Highlights is different. His method is to take the initiative and let Patrick move along the topic track he laid out.

"Please introduce yourself in detail, such as your age, weight, and height."

Gao Guang is not looking for a girlfriend, but he has to ask these questions because this is the preparation before entering the orbit.

"Well, I am thirty-two years old, weigh 90 kilograms, and am 1.86 meters tall."

Answer whatever you ask, very good.

Gao Guang immediately asked: "What expertise do you have?"

"I'm a machine gunner. Isn't that why you are looking for me?"

"Yes, but we need the best machine gunner, because we are the best, the most elite, the strongest assault force, so we need a machine gunner worthy of the king's defense. We only need the best machine gunner." Gunner."

Patrick said without hesitation: "I am the best machine gunner. Whether it is an airborne machine gun, a vehicle-mounted machine gun, a heavy machine gun or a general-purpose gun, I can operate it very well. Also, I need to use small and medium-caliber machine guns." When accompanying the infantry, I was still the best machine gunner."

"Very good. Based on what we have learned, you are indeed the best. Congratulations, you are worthy of the King's Defense. You are qualified to join the King's Defense."

Patrick felt surprised again, and then he said in a daze: "You came to me several times, not me."

"Two-way selection, multiple inspections, this is normal. We value you very much, but this is not the reason why we have to beg you to join. Patrick, the choice is mutual, and the respect is also mutual."

Patrick felt that these words made sense, but it didn't seem to have any meaning.

It's the kind of thing where one word from you is worth more than one word.

But Patrick couldn't find the point of his rebuttal, which made him feel at a loss again.

Gao Guang said again: "If you want to know anything about the king's defense, you can ask me questions now."

Patrick immediately said: "What is your main business?"

"Private force contractors."

Patrick said helplessly: "Of course I know you are a private force contractor. I mean, what exactly do you do?"

"We don't have a main business at the moment because we won't be limited by any difficulties, but in the field of private force, we do any profitable business you can imagine. At this point, I need to ask you a question, Patrick , do you have a sense of adventure? Can you accept the request of carrying out missions all over the world? "

Patrick immediately said: "Of course! Of course I am willing to travel around the world. Who wants to stay in a ghost place like Iraq? It's too hot and boring."

Successfully changed the topic, thank you.

Gao Guang smiled and said: "Then you are indeed the person we need, and we are your best choice. Believe me, those mercenary groups with today and no tomorrow are not worthy of you. I think you should feel this way."

"Yes, I don't want to join a mercenary group with little strength."

Stubborn people tend to be confident, and Patrick is no exception.

Gao Guang was silent for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "Do you have any requirements for salary?"

"No, uh, yes, it can't be lower than my current income."

"Then tell me what salary you want."

"The monthly salary is more than 20,000 US dollars, settled on a monthly basis, plus various incentives. I require that the annual income should be no less than 300,000 US dollars."

Patrick offered a reasonable income for a top machine gunner. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that all machine gunners have this income. Only the top machine gunners who enjoy star treatment are qualified to make such a request. .

But Gao Guang shook his head and said: "We can't give you this treatment, it's too low. You are talking about the way to earn a fixed salary in a big company, but for a small but sophisticated, small but strong super team like us, "For me, offering you a fixed annual salary is an insult to each other. People who are capable should make a lot of money instead of earning a dead salary."

Patrick's eyes widened in surprise, because none of the senior executives of Clover Jungle spoke so forcefully as Gao Guang.

Gao Guang continued: "Since you are a satisfactory candidate for us, then we will naturally give you the treatment you deserve. Well, you will have a monthly salary of ten thousand US dollars, but we will give you the right to dividends and the distribution of spoils. Only in this way can you be worthy." Your status as a top machine gunner."

Mike received this treatment, so did Francisco, and the new member Paul received the same treatment.

Now Gao Guang wants to give Patrick the same treatment. Mike and the three of them were convinced after hearing the treatment Gao Guang said. They were very satisfied.

Gao Guang still understands the principle of not worrying about scarcity but inequality. Everyone else earns 10,000. Even if Patrick is worth 20,000, if he is really given a monthly salary of 20,000, will other people feel better? So the monthly salary is Same.

Strictly speaking, this is a salary cut for Patrick, but he can't stand the spotlight and can make big claims.

Patrick thought for a moment, then he nodded: "You are right, I can agree to your salary package."

We’ve already talked about salary, and Patrick agreed, so what else is there to say?

Gao Guang said seriously: "What kind of machine gun do you use? Do you have all the combat equipment yourself? Or do you need the company to equip it for you?"

"I have all the personal equipment, but I don't have a machine gun. Well, if possible, I would like to have more options. I can choose to use guns according to different needs, okay?"

"Okay, please tell me the specific model."

"If there is a vehicle and a secondary shooter, I am willing to use the MG3E machine gun. If I am using it alone, I choose the MG4 or PKM machine gun. If I need to accompany me in assault operations, then I would rather use the M249, so I will choose based on the specific situation. "

"Okay, you don't like the M60?"

"Yes, I have a bad impression of the M60."

Changing the topic to guns, Gao Guang wrote down Patrick's request, and then he said calmly: "When can you end your current contract and join our company?"

"Well, actually I haven't thought about it yet..."

Patrick looked a little hesitant, but Gao Guang said calmly: "It doesn't matter. You can make a decision after careful examination. Well, I thought you were a particularly decisive person, so I asked you this option directly, but it doesn't matter." , I’m taking the liberty, you can delay for some time and wait until you are sure that our company is suitable for you before making a decision.”

Patrick immediately said: "No, that's not the case. Well, what do I need to do after I join the King's Defense?"

"Be a machine gunner, be a good machine gunner, well, I tell you very clearly, you must do everything a best machine gunner should do, you don't have to worry about the rest, that is my responsibility."

"Okay! I'll join your company! I will return to Baghdad in four days, but I will not renew my contract with the original company. Please prepare the contract and we will sign the contract in Baghdad."

"It's great! I like people who do things simply."

Gao Guang stood up, stretched out his hand towards Patrick, and said, "Welcome to the King's Defense. Trust me, you won't be disappointed."

Patrick did not shake hands. He said seriously: "I haven't joined yet."

Gao Guang immediately said: "Welcome to join King's Defense in advance! You won't be disappointed!"

Patrick stretched out his hand to shake Gao Guang's hand, and then said with a serious face: "If the contract is not good for me, I will refuse it, but there is no problem in expressing welcome in advance."

The two shook hands, and Gao Guang immediately said: "Leave your phone number and I will send a car to pick you up. By the way, do you need to declare to Sanye Jungle in advance that you will not renew the contract? The contract clearly states the advance notice of resignation. ?"

Patrick shook his head and said: "Renew the contract when it expires, otherwise it will be automatically terminated. There is no need to say it in advance."

Okay, the overall situation has been decided. According to Patrick's character, as long as there is no big accident, he is a high-profile person and no one else can poach him.

Gao Guang let go of his hand, and then he said without hesitation: "It's time for us to leave. It's still a little unsafe outside the city after dark. After all, this is Iraq. Do you have anything else to say?"

Patrick thought for a while and said: "I have no problem. Now I want to tell my colleagues here that they have to start looking for a new machine gunner."

It would be nice to say it to make his colleagues laugh a bit. Gao Guang said nothing more. He smiled and said, "Okay, let's go now. Goodbye."

Patrick always felt that the progress seemed to be a bit too fast. He had not yet had time to ask the King's Defense what specific rules and regulations were there, but now that he had solved the new job quite happily, it seemed to be good.

The third update, please give me monthly votes, please give me everything.

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