Firepower is king

Chapter 267 Promise

If the Armored Group really takes action directly, then should we fight? If we want to fight, to what extent we should fight.

This is the most direct problem facing Gaoguang now, but with the size and strength of the Armored Group, it is simply not something Gaoguang can touch.

He couldn't even touch him, let alone hit him.

What level is the Armored Group? It has hundreds of thousands of employees, tens of billions of dollars in annual revenue, and is one of the top three super behemoths in the world.

Not to mention the highlights, even if the War Group puts it directly in front of the Armored Group, it is not enough.

So it is very strange that the Armored Group really has to deal with Gao Guang, because the Armored Group should not take Gao Guang as a small, tiny ant at all, since it is impossible to take it seriously. Here, how could there be any conspiracy against him?

This thing is weird inside and out. The only way to find out the truth is to find Ortlov and capture him alive.

It would be okay if it was a personal grudge with Ortlov. Gao Guang was not afraid of a mercenary group coming to him. But since the armored group might be involved, it was not a problem that Gao Guang could solve. Then he would find someone to help share the pressure. .

Who to look for, of course Dawson.

This matter couldn't be delayed, so Gao Guang didn't wait for Sangji to really find tangible evidence, and went directly to the headquarters of the War Group with a gun.

"That's the thing. I think if this matter involves the Armored Group, then the Armored Group's target cannot be me, it's probably the War Group, so I think I should tell you this."

There must be a reason for everything, and Gao Guang's reason is that since he is unlikely to be the target of the Armored Group, the Armored Group is likely to attack Zhanhuo, but only uses him as a breakthrough.

When the sky falls, a tall person will be able to bear it. Since the high light cannot bear it, the War Group will of course be the tall person.

After listening to Gao Guang's explanation of what happened, Dawson's face looked strange. Then, he frowned and said, "Do you think that just after a fight, the armored group is going to attack us? Man, Do you know the concept of direct war between armored groups and war? "

"What concept?"

"I can't tell."

Dawson scratched his head, and then he said helplessly: "It is impossible for the two companies to directly conflict, conflict is impossible, let alone a full-scale war."

"Shopping malls are like battlefields, not to mention that you are originally a force company. If it is really the Armored Group that wants to attack me, you have to help me."

What Gao Guang means is that if the Armored Group really wants to deal with him, then the Zhanhuo Group cannot stand by, because he has nothing to do with the Armored Group. If there is any relationship, it is just because he helped the Zhanhuo Group to fight. Now the Armored Group If the group wants to get rid of him because of this, they can't just sit idly by while the war rages on.

"If the Armored Group really wants to kill you, then of course we can't let people kill you easily. But the problem is, I think this is still a personal grudge."

Dawson still had to keep his glory, but he still didn't believe that the Armored Group would end up personally.

After thinking for a moment, Dawson said seriously: "It's just your guess now. You can't think that the Armored Group is trying to get you because of this little bit of evidence, because the Armored Group really doesn't have any need to do this. Let me tell you the truth. Come on, mad dog, you are not qualified to let the Armored Group personally attack you. I think this is just a coincidence and you are overthinking it."

Gao Guang smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "I also hope that I am overthinking, but I have to think so. I am not afraid of Ortloff, but if the Armored Group is really the mastermind behind it, then I will kill Ortlov." Troff is useless."

Dawson waved his hand and said: "Let's talk about it after we have solid information. If it is really..."

Gao Guang's phone rang, and Dawson didn't finish speaking, just waved Gao Guang to answer the phone.

The call was from Sanji. Gao Guang answered the call, and then heard Sanji whisper: "Otlov is in the Kendrol Building. After he arrived in Baghdad yesterday, he went directly, and then he was never there. left."

Gao Guang put the phone on speakerphone and said, "Are you sure? Are you sure it's Ortlov?"

"Confirmed, Ortlov is inside now. They live in the dormitory of the Armored Group for employees to take turns. They occupy four rooms, but one room is empty now. After four people left today, they have not been there until now. Didn’t go back.”

"Okay, do you know how many people Tiger has now?"

"Not sure yet, but there are no less than twenty people. My source of information is a doorman at the Kendrol Building. He saw Ortloff and a group of people entering yesterday, but he didn't observe carefully at the time. The specific number of people, in addition, was brought in by a manager of the Armored Group. "

After finishing speaking, Sanji breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mad Dog, I can ensure the authenticity of this news, so I have completely completed this commission, and you can pay."

"Okay, I'll pay right away."

Sanji was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "Mad dog, I suggest you leave Baghdad. Well, it's not that you are afraid, it's just... you know, the power gap is too great."

What's wrong with Gao Guang being able to call in bombers? So what's wrong with Gao Guang being able to defeat the Tiger Mercenary Group by himself? Now it's the Armored Group that's going to end it personally. Gao Guang's little strength is nothing in front of the Armored Group.

Gao Guang was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "Well, I will consider it, first like this, and then contact you."

Gao Guang hung up the phone, then he spread his hands to Dawson and said, "You heard me."

Dawson reached out and touched his beard and said solemnly: "The problem is serious."

Standing up from his seat, Dawson walked a few steps back and forth in the room, then he looked at the highlight and said: "The Armored Group really shouldn't have to leave the game personally, even if they won the game because of you, they I shouldn’t kill you directly because of this, it would be beneath my dignity.”

Gao Guang could only spread his hands again. He had nothing to say. Apart from knowing the name of the Armored Group, he knew nothing about the rest.

Dawson exhaled and said: "It is indeed the easiest and safest way for you to leave Baghdad directly, but... we can't feel at ease unless we understand the true intentions of the Armored Group."

Gaoguang's opponent is Ortlov, King's Defense's opponent is the Tiger Mercenary Group, but Armored Group is the opponent of War.

It is normal for the backstage to face the backstage. Now the biggest pressure is on the War Group. Gao Guang still only needs to deal with Ortlov. Therefore, from this point of view, it is not surprising to find out where Ortlov is hiding in the Armored Group. It's not a bad thing, but I don't know if the War Group can withstand the pressure of the Armored Group.

But Dawson obviously didn't see enough. He was just a regional manager, and now he had to report it.

Dawson took out the phone and was about to make a call with a serious face, but he didn't call Smith directly. After the call was connected, he whispered: "Danny, something happened, I feel a little trouble. No, it’s not a trouble, but something strange. It seems that the Tiger Mercenary Group is going to attack Mad Dog, but the Armored Group is directly involved. "

Gao Guang couldn't hear what Danny was saying, but soon, Dawson nodded and said, "Yes, this is the key. Okay, I understand, please explain it to him clearly."

Dawson handed the phone to Gao Guang. Gao Guang took the phone and heard Danny say unhurriedly: "Explain to me carefully what happened. Don't miss any details."

Gao Guang told him in detail the whole process of how he received Sanji's warning, discovered what was abnormal about Outrov, and how he followed a liar to find the Tiger Mercenary Group.

To peel off the cocoon, there must be a thread to pull out. For Gao Guang, he felt that he had pieced together a logical and self-consistent chain of evidence, but for Danny, that was not the case.

"In other words, everything is based on conjecture. Everything is what you think, you think, you think, it should be like this, it's probably like this, right?"

Facing Danny's question, Gao Guang was speechless because all of this was indeed based on speculation.

But the problem is, Gao Guang's life is at stake, and he must think on the negative side for the sake of safety. He can't just turn a blind eye to these danger signs and wait for others to knock on his door before hastily responding.

"Yes, it's just a guess, but I can't wait to regret it after being shot in the dark."

Danny said without hesitation: "I understand your worries. Preemptive strike is the only option for you, but there is a problem. If all the conjectures are based on the fact that it is impossible for the Armored Group to go to war with the War Group, then all The conjecture loses its meaning.”

The code of conduct of large companies cannot be guessed by Gao Guang, so since Danny is so confident that it is impossible for two large companies to go to war, what else can Gao Guang do except believe it.

"So what's going on now?"

Danny said without hesitation: "Based on the analysis of the existing evidence, it is impossible to make an accurate judgment. However, I agree with your judgment about Ortloff, that is, he does want to retaliate against you."

What he said was like he didn't say anything. Gao Guang didn't answer, waiting for Danny's next words.

"It is impossible for the Armored Group to take action against you personally, because they know your relationship with the War Group, but there is a possibility that the Armored Group's branch in Iraq helped Ortlov privately. They tried their best to help Ortlov. The Tiger Mercenary Group provides convenience, but that is all, because no matter how much they do, they will not be able to bear the consequences. "

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "In other words, the Armored Group has no intention of ending the fight personally. It just provides some conveniences to Ortlov to vent his anger."

"Yes, that should be the case. In other words, no matter how you fight with the Tiger mercenary group, the Armored Group will not take action personally, so you don't have to worry about retaliation from the Armored Group. However, as long as the Tiger mercenary group The Corps is still hiding in the armored group, so you can't attack him."

Danny is not smarter than everyone, but he is in a position where he has access to more information and has a higher perspective, so he can make a more comprehensive judgment.

Gao Guang is definitely incomparable to Danny in terms of resources, so he must listen to Danny.

"That is to say, as long as Ortlov leaves the Armored Group's territory, I can do whatever I want without worrying about anything else."

"Yes, I can guarantee you that."

Gao Guang took a long breath and said, "Okay, then I will kill Ortlov and destroy the Tiger Mercenary Group."

Danny immediately said: "What are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but there must be a way to lure the Tiger Mercenary Group out."

"I don't doubt your ability to kill Ortlov, but the question is, if Ortlov plans to use a sniper to kill you remotely, how do you lure him out?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "I don't have a particularly perfect idea yet, but I think I can draw him out."

There was no mention at all of asking Danny to put pressure on the Armored Group and let the Armored Group drive Ortlov out, because Gao Guang knew it was impossible. Everyone was doing things according to certain rules. It was calm above the water, and everyone had their own rules below the water. ability.

The opponent of King's Defense is the Tiger Mercenary Group. Knowing and confirming this is enough for Gao Guang.

Danny didn't ask Gao Guang what he thought. He just said calmly: "This time, we can't provide you with any direct help, but I can also guarantee that the Armored Group will not provide any direct help to Ortlov. They always You can't even fire bullets. If they fire a shot, the War Group will directly intervene. This is my promise."

"Okay, that's enough."

"But I suggest that if you can capture Ortlov alive, then try to capture him alive, because this thing seems a bit strange, and it is best to figure out what happened. Of course, this is just a suggestion. If the situation does not allow, It’s definitely about ensuring your own safety.”

Capturing an enemy alive is much more difficult than killing it. Needless to say, Danny said that if he could capture Gao Guang alive, he would definitely not kill Ortlov, but if it was inconvenient to capture him alive, then Gao Guang would definitely not be too risky.

"I will try my best to capture him alive. Is there anything else?"

Gao Guang looked at his watch. It was now half past eleven at night. If possible, he wanted to do it as soon as possible to avoid a long night and many dreams.

Danny just said: "Give the phone to Dawson, Mad Dog, good luck to you, be careful."

Gao Guang handed the phone to Dawson, and Dawson said a few words to Danny. Then he hung up the phone, took a long breath, and said, "Unfortunately, I can't do anything directly for you this time, but I We will provide you with support as much as possible. If the armored group dares to cross the line, we will attack directly. "

The younger brother is fighting in front, while the older brother is watching from behind. This is normal and there is nothing to say.

Dawson waved his hand and said, "Tell me how you need me to cooperate now."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "Stay still. If you make any big move here, Ortlov will know that his hiding place has been exposed. Now I have the initiative. As long as I can lure him out, You can kill him easily."

"Do you have a plan?"

Gao Guang looked at the sniper rifle he brought and said: "Let's start with this gun, or use that liar as bait. I haven't figured out the specific details yet. I need to plan carefully."

Dawson looked at the AWM, then he scratched his head and whispered: "Well, you are also good at conspiracy."


"Uh, slip of the tongue. You are also good at tactics. It's tactics, not conspiracy."

Dawson, who had made a slip of the tongue, patted Gao Guang's shoulder and said: "Let me know before you take action. I have to bring enough people to suppress the situation for you. That's it. I'm waiting for your good news."

Third update, please vote for me.

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