Firepower is king

Chapter 271 There are still cannons?

There are still a lot of people in the area of ​​Kadimiye, but not too many. There are not too many cars, but not too many. There are not too dense buildings around. Logically speaking, this is not a very special place. Good ambush location.

But it is precisely because it is not that kind of small alley that people can relax their vigilance.

The sniper who was looking for a gun got out of the car and began to look around. Two cars followed him about a hundred meters away, and the people in the cars did not get out of the car.

Who doesn't hate liars? If given the chance, the Tiger Mercenary Group would definitely want to arrest the fellow villagers, so they would definitely follow.

The current situation is that Patrick and Francisco parked their car at a corner, and Gao Guang, they were at least two hundred meters away from Patrick in Curry, and the car stopped on the side of the road.

The position given by Sanji to the sniper was quite close to Patrick and the others, but the two cars that followed the sniper were tens of meters apart, and were actually very close to Gao Guang and the others.

Gao Guang lowered the car window, but his gun had not yet been placed on the car door, and the sniper had already begun to look around for places where the gun might be hidden, but eight people from the Tiger Mercenary Group stayed in the car. Didn't move.

If the liar hadn't been discovered for sure, the Tiger Mercenary Group probably wouldn't have moved.

The distance was a bit far, and there were some cars and people in the middle blocking the shooting range. The reason why Gaoguang didn't fire immediately and watched two cars drive past him was because he felt that it was not convenient for Patrick to do it.

We still have to find a way to change the position, but it doesn't necessarily have to move the Tiger Mercenary Group's vehicles. If the enemy doesn't move, we can move. Patrick and the others can take the initiative to get close to the enemy.

But at this moment, Patrick's voice suddenly sounded from Gaoguang's headphones.

"Alarm clock requesting fire, over."

Gao Guang was very surprised that Patrick wanted to fire directly, because he felt that Patrick's shooting position was not very good, or that the shooting was very difficult, but he didn't know why he was in a hurry to fire.

"Are you sure of the enemy's location?"

"OK! Request to fire, over!"


Gao Guang was not a machine gunner, and he didn't know what a top machine gunner would do, but since Patrick strongly requested it, let's fight.

As soon as Gao Guang finished speaking, he saw a car forty or fifty meters in front of him, which he had been paying close attention to, suddenly started to make a crackling noise, and then many white spots quickly appeared on the car body.

He hit as fast as he could, and all the bullets covered the body of the car.

The car that just stopped seemed to be driverless, and the people inside didn't react at all.

The gunshots rang out regularly and at regular intervals.

There will be a brief pause after seven or eight gunshots. This is a long burst, but the interval between bursts is extremely short. It sounds like firing a continuous shot while holding the trigger.

Paul is a knowledgeable person, and he immediately said in shock: "This is..."

It took about thirty rounds of bullets to punch dozens of bullet holes in the first car, and then the gunshots paused for up to two seconds before starting again.

At this time, the sniper actually realized that the situation was not good. He ran to the side quickly, and when he was about to hide behind a car, the machine gun rang again, just a short burst, and the sniper was immediately trapped. Next to the rear of the car.

Click, click, click. First, there was a short burst of three rounds, killing the sniper next to a car. After a very brief interruption in shooting, there was another long burst of seven to eight rounds. Patrick started to shoot the second one. car.

The other car acted as if no one was driving it, showing no reaction at all and not moving at all.

"Is this... produced by pkm? The spread is too small..."

Before Paul could finish speaking, the machine gun paused again. Patrick turned the muzzle and aimed another shot at the sniper.

This was a touch-up shot. After three rounds, Patrick started to touch up the first car.

There was no movement from either car, but after Patrick fired another twenty or thirty rounds at the first car, he turned his gun and fired another round at the second car.

Then the gunfire stopped. At this time, the back door of the first car opened, but a person could only open the door to the limit. He fell out of the back seat and lay on the ground, but his legs remained In the car.

"Cease fire! Reload!"

Patrick said on the intercom that he had fired about a hundred rounds, which was exactly a hundred-round magazine.

Gao Guang glanced at Paul in the front seat. Patrick had finished the work and finished it alone.

Patrick hits the car that is far away from him first, and then hits the car that is closer to him.

The car far away from Patrick was the car closer to Gao Guang and the others, so Gao Guang and the others could see clearly that there was unlikely to be anyone alive in the car.

"Uh... uh... what are we doing... I'm going to replenish my gun."

Paul finally found his sense of presence. He opened the car door, rushed out of the car with a gun in hand, and quickly ran to the car that had been shot twice by machine guns. After approaching with vigilance, he took off a grenade and threw it into the car. inside, and then ran back quickly.

Moments later, the grenade exploded, making it impossible for anyone in the car to survive.

In the distance, Gao Guang saw that it was Francisco who got out of the car. He ran to the car near him with a gun in hand, just like Paul did. However, the door of the car was closed, and there were only bullet holes on the glass, but no shatters. So he opened the door himself after getting close, and then threw a grenade inside.

Then Francisco trotted to the side of the sniper who was shot, and shot the sniper's head twice. Then Gao Guang heard Francisco say on the intercom: "Boss, there are five of us here, how many are there on your side?"

What is a master? A master can make a very complicated thing very simple.

Patrick really deserves his reputation.

Gao Guang sighed lightly, and then he immediately said: "Lobster, count the number of bodies,"

"Four! Confirmed dead, they have no chance to report the news, over."

Paul hurried back, he got in the car, turned off the safety of the AK74 that had not fired a shot, leaned the muzzle upward on the back seat, and then said to Gao Guang: "This is too simple."


At the order, Gao Guang also turned off the safety of the rifle, and then he said without hesitation: "Go back."

After shooting all the people outside the Tiger Mercenary Group, Gao Guang picked up the phone and dialed it. He said on the phone: "We have dealt with the people outside. Are there any unusual movements of the enemies over there?"

"No, they are not abnormal at the moment."

The action here was too fast, and Gao Guang noticed that those who stayed in the car were not wearing bulletproof vests. It is estimated that after a round of shooting, they would not even have a chance to make a phone call.

Radio or walkie-talkie is definitely a faster way to communicate, but the distance here is too far. Whether there is a repeater station or not, Gao Guang can't use the walkie-talkie to contact the hotel, so of course the people of the Tiger Mercenary Group can't.

That is to say, the battle here is over, but Otlov still doesn't know about it.

It depends on how long Otlov can receive the news. However, if Gao Guang and his team are fast, they can reach the hotel in 20 minutes, that is, the hiding place of Otlov's snipers.

With a calm mind, Gao Guang said on the phone: "We start to return, keep an eye on the enemy's movements, and don't let anyone leave."

After hanging up the call to Kuzsayev, Gao Guang called Fang Zhenwu. After the call was connected, he immediately said: "We succeeded here, go back immediately, you guys be alert and be prepared."

This battle was too easy. Of course, the difficulty of this ambush was not low, but Patrick simply handled it.

The car started, and after Paul drove forward, he suddenly said: "Patrick is too good, I have never seen a machine gunner like him."

Paul is knowledgeable, and he has more experience in cooperating with machine gunners than Gao Guang.

Gao Guang now feels that digging Patrick here with so much difficulty is one of the best decisions he has made in his life.

"Joining King's Defense is the best decision I have made in my life, no doubt about it."

Paul, who was driving, waved his hand, and then he sighed: "Think about it, I should have joined the Tiger Mercenaries. If I really joined the Tiger Mercenaries instead of the King, then I might have died in the car today. Think about it, I did nothing, knew nothing, and just died like this?"

"Yes, joining King's Defense is your best decision."

Paul continued to sigh: "They also just joined the Tiger Mercenaries, but what did he get? On the bright side, the biggest benefit they got was that they died without pain."

Gao Guang felt that Paul's words today were full of philosophy, so he couldn't help but say: "Yes, at least they died without pain . "

At this time, Patrick suddenly said in the intercom: "Guys, I now confirm that the blood recognition is useful. This gun feels great to use. I have used several PKMs before, but no machine gun can be as accurate and smooth as this one. I have established a wonderful connection with my machine gun. There is a special feeling, but I don’t know how to describe it. "

Gao Guang hesitated and said: "Uh, blood connection? Heart-to-heart communication? Man and gun as one?"

Patrick immediately said: "You are right, these are the feelings, boss, you are very familiar with this feeling, right?"

"Uh, yes, very familiar..."

Gao Guang looked at his rifle. He thought, why not quickly give his gun a blood recognition before the war?

But it is not right to lie to the point that he believed it.

Paul suddenly said: "Mysterious power from the East! The boss's blessing is so powerful. I also feel that my gun is completely different. Yes, I have this feeling too."

We shouldn't chat on the intercom, but now everyone is in high spirits. The key is that the effect of recognizing the master has finally been verified, so it is normal to chat on the intercom.

Now Gao Guang will never admit that he was just joking, so he said very naturally: "Correction, this is called consecration, not blessing. Consecration is a normal thing over here, and it is not very mysterious."

Patrick immediately said: "What is the relationship between recognizing the master and consecration?"

Is the rigor of the Germans reflected in this aspect? Fortunately, Gao Guang can still justify himself. He immediately said: "Recognition of the master is the result, and consecration is the process. Consecration is just a ceremony for your gun to complete the recognition of the master, that's it."

"So to recognize the Lord, you need your own blood as a medium, and then you need to preside over the ceremony, is that right?"

"Yes, that's right, that's it."

Very good, the consecration ceremony has finally been completed, but the topic is not over yet. Patrick continued: "So are there any restrictions on the recognition of the Lord? For example, only one gun can be recognized as the owner in a lifetime, or there is no limit. According to my understanding, there should be a quantity limit, right?”

"Uh, yes, the effect will definitely be worse if the number is greater."

Everything must have a degree. If there are too many, it will no longer be rare. If there are too many guns to recognize the master, it will no longer feel that way.

At this time, Patrick finally asked the ultimate question.

"So what sect does this ritual come from?"

Gao Guang started to scratch his head, and then he noticed that Paul was also turning his head slightly, looking at him in the rearview mirror.

At this time, Gao Guang didn't have much time to come up with a good name. He said without thinking: "Guns...the Cult? Well, it's the Cult of the Guns."

There was no sound on the intercom, and for some reason they were all silent.

After a while, Patrick said very slowly: "You just said guns, does that mean there are cannons that can fire?"

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