Firepower is king

Chapter 274 Ever-changing

The third target point is also very close, and there are only two floors. If Ortlov is here, then he should be at the third point.

Now that the Tiger Mercenary Group has been exposed to high light again, it can only be said that Ortlov is unlucky when encountering high light. If there is such a thing as a natural nemesis, then high light is Ortlov's nemesis.

"Call Mad Dog. There were people in Building No. 2 who escaped from the back door. They have all been killed. There were people in Building No. 3 who were trying to escape but failed to kill them. They escaped back. It's over."

Kuzsayev shouted on the walkie-talkie. Most of the people in the Black Sea Mercenary Group spoke Russian, and Gao Guang didn't understand them either. So the Black Sea Mercenary Group simply used a communication band themselves, and Kuzsayev didn't have to go into battle in person. Just complete the role of this relay station.

Hearing Kuzsayev's call, Gao Guang asked anxiously: "How many people are there?"

"Three people were seen and they tried to escape through the back door and our men could only open fire and they retreated into the building."

After finishing speaking, Kuzsayev waited for a moment, and then he said in a hurry: "Kill them with a rocket launcher. This is the easiest way."

The shop that sells electrical appliances is Building No. 2. Two snipers ran out here, but they were killed by the Black Sea Mercenary Group, which saved Highlight a lot of trouble.

Now the people in the last building are also blocked inside. They can't escape, and the possibility of being captured alive is very high.

But the people in the last building were already on guard and knew that there was no way out. They could only fight as trapped beasts. It was too dangerous to force their way in.

Of course it would be best to capture Ortlov alive, but if the cost of capturing him alive is too high, then just kill him. Ortlov cannot be allowed to escape.

"Use a bazooka."

Gao Guang agreed to use the rocket launcher, and then he said: "Hit a few more!"

Either don't use them, or just use a few more. It's easiest to kill people directly.

Gao Guang and Mike walked out of the store and looked at the last building, the two-story building.

There was a shed on the roof. The people inside could not escape directly and should have gone up to the roof to fight back.

Almost as soon as Gao Guang looked over, he heard a gunshot in the distance.

I didn't see where the members of the Black Sea Mercenary Group were, but they probably wouldn't have fired rocket launchers directly from the hotel where Gao Guang and the others were staying. After the gunshots on the roof rang out once, they were followed by continuous and rapid gunshots.

Then I heard Kuzsayev yelling on the walkie-talkie: "The rocket shooter was shot, two people were shot, the enemy is very strong, they..."

Kuzsayev's voice stopped suddenly. Just as Gao Guang was stunned, Kuzsayev's voice rang again. He said urgently: "Four of us were shot! Kill one by one. The enemy is too strong." "

Gao Guang was stunned because he couldn't imagine how Ortlov was able to fight back, and he didn't even know where the members of the Black Sea Mercenary Group were and how they were shot.

"Sniper! Large-caliber and medium-caliber rifles! The enemy is on the roof, two people! To the northeast, the enemy intends to break out from the northeast!"

Kuzsayev was on the top floor of the hotel. He could observe the enemy's movements, but they were on the west side of the target building. They couldn't see and couldn't attack the enemies on the roof.

Gao Guang swallowed, and then he said to Mike: "Back up the car!"

At this time, Kuzsayev said urgently again: "The enemy changed their position. They came to the side facing the street, on the south side of the roof."

Gao Guang had captured two targets and encountered almost no resistance. However, the enemy was still fighting in a corner and no longer tried to escape immediately. The counterattack that occupied the favorable terrain was so sharp.

Mike started to back up the Hummer that had crashed into the store. Gao Guang stood where the snipers couldn't see him. He waited for the car to stop next to him and jumped into the car. At this time, Patrick said on the intercom: "Wait until I take over." Favorable terrain!”

Patrick's position is at the back, and he is responsible for suppressing the enemy's firepower with machine guns, but so far, he has not had a chance to perform.

In this final attack, if Patrick can suppress the enemy with firepower so that the enemy's snipers can no longer shoot the rocket launcher shooters of the Black Sea Mercenary Group from the roof, it will be much easier to fight.

But the problem is that Patrick has to find favorable terrain.

"Go to the hotel! Go to the hotel!"

Snipers can attack the hotel directly, and conversely, snipers can definitely be attacked from the hotel.

Snipers are of course very powerful. Generally speaking, machine gunners are afraid of being beaten by snipers, but if the position of the sniper is determined, then the machine gunner can definitely suppress the sniper easily.

Mike backed up the car, and then started to drive towards the final target. At this moment, Kuzsayev said on the intercom again: "Two people are coming out! They are going to escape through the back door, my People…can’t stop it! Can’t stop it!”

There are still too few people. There are not many people in the Black Sea Mercenary Group. They are spread out to monitor and block the Tiger Mercenary Group. There are only two people at most at each point. It is okay to ambush and ambush, but Once there are casualties, this tight but not thick blockade will be broken immediately.

Mike pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and the Hummer roared past. Then when he was still about a hundred meters away from the last target point, there was a sudden loud bang on the car window, and then a small hole appeared in the windshield. on the glass.

The bulletproof glass was actually penetrated, but fortunately, the bullet penetrated the bulletproof glass, but did not hit Mike who was driving. Instead, it grazed Mike's shoulder, penetrated the driver's seat, and hit the back door of the car. It changed direction again and ended up hitting somewhere unknown.

The sound was very long and frightened Gao Guang into a cold sweat.

The large-caliber sniper rifle must be 12.7 mm, and there is a high probability that it is an armor-piercing bullet, otherwise it would really not be able to penetrate the bulletproof glass.

Kuzsayev said anxiously: "The snipers are down. I can't see where they went. Now I'll lead people to chase them!"

Kuzsayev couldn't wait any longer and wanted to join the battle. At this time, Gao Guang no longer had to worry about counterattacks from the rooftop, because after the enemy created a passage, he tried to escape for the second time, and this time no one could stop him. They are.

We can't blame the Black Sea Mercenary Group for their poor combat effectiveness. They planned to use rocket launchers. This was a correct choice. However, the enemy was very strong and the Black Sea Mercenary Group had no chance to fire rockets.

The defense line had been breached, and the final battle turned into a pursuit. At this time, Mike drove his car to the door of the last house.

If the enemy is not a fool, then it is normal for the battlefield situation to change rapidly. Gao Guang and the others have been choosing the opportunity to fight, and the enemy is not a fool. They also have to fight when they should fight, and retreat when they should retreat.

The battle situation remains unchanged, with both sides shooting at each other and fighting to the bitter end. This kind of battle will only appear in movies.

Gao Guang got out of the car, followed Mike and Francisco, and rushed into the house with an ordinary residence on the first floor.

Mike is in the front left, and Francisco is in the front right. The two of them are almost standing side by side, except that there is a gap of less than ten centimeters in the middle for the highlight.

When the enemy chooses a sniper position, they will naturally not look for a dead spot with only one door. The minimum requirement is two doors at the front and back.

A small back door was open, and Mike rushed to the door, where he was shot.

A string of bullets swept past, and Mike was hit by one of them, but Mike, who was wearing a heavy body armor, didn't even feel it. He also raised his gun and pointed a bunch of bullets at the enemy. Then he said angrily: "No. Hit! The enemy is here."

The sniper took cover and opened the passage, allowing his companions to take the opportunity to break out. However, the sniper's companions did not run away directly after breaking through first. They stayed and supported the sniper's subsequent evacuation.

Regardless of whether Ortlov is among these people, what is certain is that the enemies are very strong, and they are not mentally retarded. They will also cover and respond.

Mike continued to whisper: "Two people, one is carrying a sniper rifle and holding a rifle, and the other is covering him with a rifle. Do you still need to go up to check?"

Yes, do you still need to go upstairs to check? This is a question.

Gao Guang did not hesitate. He felt that the enemy would not be stupid enough to run away, but would stay upstairs to wait for death.

Just let Kuzsayev lead the search. Now Gaoguang has to chase the enemy.

"Kuzsayev, you lead people to search and clean up here, we will pursue the enemy." After quickly deploying on the walkie-talkie, Gao Guang glanced outside and said: "Chase!"

The three people walked out of the back door one after another. Outside the back door was a narrow alley, which only lasted about twenty meters before turning and there were forks.

At this moment, Patrick said on the intercom: "Give up looking for favorable terrain, I'll drive to the back to block the enemy, that's it."

The four people kept moving and chased towards the alley where the enemy disappeared. Mike and Francisco were still in front, and Paul followed Gao Guang. But when they were about to turn, Paul suddenly shouted sharply: "Stop! Directional mine!" "

There was a very thin fishing line at the corner of the alley. One end was a directional mine, and the other end was quickly nailed to the wall without even needing to be tied.

Mike barely stopped, his feet missing the line by about twenty centimeters, but stopping too quickly made him lose his balance, and he began to fall forward.

This enemy is indeed quite powerful. He is still a master at throwing a directional mine at this time.

Thank you for your concern. My condition is better today. I slept well last night and my blood pressure has gone down. But I am still a little dizzy, but it is not that serious. I have made an appointment to go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow to find out what is going on.

There are three updates today, and the third update is at 9pm.

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