Firepower is king

Chapter 277 Among the Crowd

Gao Guang once again stood in the middle of the two companies and was once again targeted by the vehicle-mounted machine gun.

Last time it was for a fight, but this time it was different. This time maybe it would be a real fight.

However, looking at the more cars behind them, it was clear that the War Group was ready to fulfill its promise. Gao Guang knew for sure. He bet that the armored group's men had no bullets in their guns.

No, I used the wrong joke. Gao Guang dared to bet that the people in the Armored Group did not dare to shoot.

The road was still very wide, but after being blocked by four Humvees, the bright light was immediately pointed at by black machine guns, which really made him feel a little guilty.

"Stop! Don't move!"

The person who spoke first was the person from the armored group. A man wearing a tactical uniform, wearing sunglasses, and holding a vehicle-mounted machine gun with both hands yelled at the highlight. Then he pulled the gun with a click and made a highlight. He looked like he would shoot if he dared to move.

The door of a car opened and a man in a suit jumped out of the car. He walked straight towards the highlight.

Dawson's car finally arrived. His car was a little late. With the sharp sound of brakes, the heavy armored vehicle almost hit Gao Guang.

But the car stopped in time, and before Dawson got out of the car, he stuck his head in the car window and shouted: "What are you doing! Get out of the way! Why are you blocking our way!"

After shouting unreasonably, Dawson immediately jumped out of the car. Then he ran quickly, pulled away the motionless Gao Guang, stood in front of Gao Guang, and shouted: "What are you doing?" ? Want to shoot? Come to me if you can, come on, shoot!"

The armored group did not fire, but they obviously would not be intimidated by Dawson's few words, let alone give way so easily.

With the sound of the car door opening, more people from the armored group got out of the car, but they did not look like they were going to fight.

The first person to get out of the car looked at Dawson and smiled slightly. Then he pointed to the highlight and said easily: "You, you have caused many terrorist attacks in Baghdad today. As a security employee of the Iraqi government, "According to Iraqi law, we have the right to detain you and hand you over to the Iraqi police for investigation. If you resist, we have the right to kill you on the spot."

As soon as these words came out, Gao Guang and Dawson were stunned.

It turns out that the Armored Group is not going to kill Gao Guang personally, nor is it going to fight with the War Group, but it is going to arrest Gao Guang in an aboveboard, reasonable and legal manner.

The problem is not why the armored group arrested people in Baghdad, the problem is that Gao Guang really beat them hard today.

The Armored Group actually planned to use this move, which was really beyond Gao Guang's expectation.

Gao Guang looked at Dawson, and then he found that Dawson had a look of astonishment on his face.

The bad thing will not really let the Armored Group succeed like this, right?

"This guy Danny..."

Dawson muttered something under his breath, and then he put his hand into his pocket with an unhappy look on his face.

"Dawson! I advise you to be careful!" I don't know who the person from the Armored Group is, but he obviously knows Dawson. After warning Dawson with a serious face, he continued: "You'd better not let him The war has fallen into an unstoppable situation. We have sufficient evidence and have obtained the authorization from the Pentagon. If you harbor the mad dog, don’t blame us for being rude. Today, we must arrest the mad dog.”

Dawson breathed a sigh of relief and took his hand out of his pocket. What he held in his hand was not a gun, but a folded piece of paper.

"Mad Dog is one of ours. He cooperated with the CIA and the Special Operations Command to investigate a terrorist named Ortlov. After discovering Ortlov's attack plan, he decisively launched an active attack and defeated Ortlov. conspiracy."

After finishing speaking, Dawson unfolded the piece of paper in his hand, and then he said slowly: "This is the official appointment of the CIA. If you have any questions, go and talk to the CIA."

Is this okay?

The atmosphere was a little solemn and a little awkward.

Gao Guang looked at Dawson in surprise, but Dawson nodded to him and said: "You have worked hard, but congratulations, you have foiled the conspiracy of the terrorists."

"Uh, well, that's what I should do."

Just when Gao Guang decided to be humble, he saw a man suddenly rush out of the Humvee, and then he pointed at Dawson and shouted angrily: "You are talking nonsense! You are the terrorist, you are all terrorists!"

A bearded man was extremely sad and angry. After getting out of the car, he rushed forward two steps. Then he pointed at Gao Guang and said hoarsely: "He launched many attacks in Baghdad today. I am not a terrorist. He is." Yes! If you say that I am a terrorist, then he will also arrest us both and have us interrogated!"

Today was really full of twists and turns. Although Gao Guang didn't recognize the person in front of him, he knew from listening to him that this person was definitely Ortlov.

Paul stood next to Gao Guang and whispered: "Boss, he is Ortloff."

Ortlov's eyes were almost red. He pointed at the highlight and trembled: "He, he killed my employees. We all work for the Armored Group. He is a terrorist. He killed A lot of people!”

"No! You don't work for Panzer Group!"

The person speaking was from the Armored Group, not Dawson.

The people from the Armored Group quickly denied what Ortlov said, and then he immediately said: "No matter who Mad Dog works for, he is now a suspect, and he should be investigated together with Ortlov, so we have to take him away. "

Dawson sneered: "Stop talking nonsense. Now that I'm here, do you still want to take away my people? This is the order I signed last night. You are late and failed. Admit failure and hurry up." Make way and don’t make the situation too ugly.”

The Armored Group planned to use a method that Gaoguang could not resist to deal with Gaoguang, but Dawson, no, it was Danny who had predicted the Armored Group's plan, and he had prepared earlier.

If you start early and seize the opportunity, you will be in an invincible position.

The man from the Armored Group had nothing to say. He thought for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "I suspect that your documents are forged. You can negotiate with the Iraqi side to prove the authenticity of the documents, but now, I want to send Mad Dog and Ortloff takes them all."

Dawson just said coldly: "Man, did you mess up on the first day you came out? Do you have to stay here and continue the stalemate? Okay, then let's wait here and see who is more embarrassed in the end. "

Dawson would not be fooled by his opponents. No matter what the armored group said or did, he only had one thing in mind, and that was that he would never let Gao Guang be taken away.

If the stalemate continues, since it is impossible for Dawson to hand over the highlight, and the Armored Group cannot shoot and fight under any circumstances, it will be the Armored Group that is more embarrassed in the end.

There was silence again. The man from the Armored Group took a breath. Then he waved his hand and said, "You will be responsible for what happened today. The War Group will be responsible for shielding the terrorists. Let's go!"

The Armored Group had to accept the reality after all, but at this moment Gao Guang suddenly said: "Wait, you can leave, Otrov can't leave."

This time, everyone was stunned again.

Dawson looked at Gao Guang in surprise, then he turned around and whispered in Gao Guang's ear: "Man, don't go too far, they can't hand over Ortloff, just like I can't let them take you away. Likewise, since it’s impossible to catch him, don’t make this request, otherwise it will be embarrassing to fail to do so.”

"I know how to do it."

Gao Guang didn't want Ortlov to run away like this, just run away like this.

Facts have proven that this incident was caused by Outrov, planned and promoted by him. He asked Morse to pay and also asked the Armored Group to kill Gaoguang without paying too much.

If Ortlov can cause trouble this time, he can cause trouble again next time. If we don't get rid of him, there will be endless troubles.

The Panzer Group men couldn't be bothered with the highlights, but Ortlov couldn't take it anymore.

His own brother was beaten to death by Gao Guang, and the Tiger Mercenary Group was wiped out by Gao Guang. Otlov was also capable. He raised the Tiger Mercenary Group again, and then, he was defeated by Gao Guang again today. The whole army was wiped out, not a single one was left.

The fact that Ortlov did not vomit three liters of blood and fall to the ground was considered a man of great courage and an indomitable hero.

When Gao Guang said he was a terrorist, Otlov did not get angry because he knew Gao Guang would bite him back.

But when he found out that the Armored Group couldn't even defeat Gao Guang, and that Gao Guang wanted to counterattack him, Ortlov really couldn't bear it anymore.

"you you!"

Pointing to the highlight, Ortlov said "you" harshly, but his mouth became a lot clumsy at this time, and he didn't know what to say next.

Gao Guang pointed at Outlov and said: "Your brother is dead, you... haha!"

Gao Guang spoke very skillfully. He just told a fact and then smiled.

Ortlov pointed at Gaoguang and said: "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you, and you, you!"

Gao Guang's expression changed and he shouted loudly: "He is threatening me! He is threatening me!"

Ortlov took a step back and stood behind the crowd, but he still raised his hands and said to the highlight: "I will kill you, I will definitely..."

Ortlov was almost furious, but he was not stupid. He would not stand in front of Gao Guang and say, "If you dare, beat me to death."

Knowing that the Armored Group must protect itself for the sake of face, Ortlov was not worried that he would be really captured by Gao Guang, but he was still very careful and carefully hid himself in the crowd of the Armored Group.

It is not unreasonable for Ortlov to survive until now.

But Ortlov can look directly at the highlight and point at it, which shows that there is no obstacle between the two of them.

Gao Guang looked at Ortlov, and then before he could finish his words, he suddenly waved his right hand, and there was a gunshot, and Ortlov in the crowd fell down.

He shook his hand, waved the gun, and fired. The bullet passed through the gap, driving two strands of hair, and hit Otrov between the eyes.

Put the gun away, put it in the holster, and that's it.

The movement was so fast that no one could react in time. When Ortlov fell to the ground with a thud, no one understood what happened.

The key is that no one thought that Gao Guang would dare to shoot Ortlov among the armored group, so after the gunshot, people's reaction was to see what happened to Ortlov, but no one opened fire and killed Gao Guang immediately.

Because everyone present knows that we can't fight, because we can't fight, because no one dares to fight.

Until Gao Guang put away the gun, he didn't know who was saying in shock: "Fake! He is so brave!"

Gao Guang raised his hand and said loudly: "You all heard it. He was threatening me, so I couldn't capture him and could only kill him on the spot. Thanks to the help of the Armored Group, I was able to surround Ortlov here. Now I Mission accomplished, everyone can leave, thank you.”

Take a break, two updates today.

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