Firepower is king

Chapter 281 Renewal

When Danny arrived in Baghdad, he certainly didn't come just to catch the spotlight, but had more important things to do.

Danny was there to put out the fire and cool down the growing hostility between the two companies, Armored Group and Warforged Group.

Everyone is here to make money. In business matters, some competition is normal, but it would be bad if normal competition turns into a life-and-death battle.

So cleaning up the mess for Gaoguang is secondary, but if we can get the relationship between the two companies back on track, then the Gaoguang matter will naturally be over.

Of course, the premise is that Gao Guang can't continue to wander back and forth in front of the people of the Armored Group. If Gao Guang doesn't leave, the Armored Group won't be able to vent its anger.

So Danny arrived in Baghdad late at night, but could only take off from Baghdad the next afternoon. Then the plane he built couldn't be called a private plane, but it should be called a business jet of the War Group.

It is a private jet that is really used for business.

Being a trapeze artist all day is tiring. Danny, who had flown all night and traveled around for a day, found a place to fall asleep after getting on the plane, but he was not even in the mood to explain the important points to Gao Guang.

But there was no need for Danny to say anything. He could see Smith as soon as he got off the plane. If Gao Guang had anything to say, he could tell Smith directly.

The flight time was still very long, and none of the rubes on the plane had ever flown on a private jet, except for the high-gloss ones.

“Private jets are so cool.”

Mike sat on the comfortable seat, patted the armrest, and said with emotion: "When I become a big star, I will also buy a private jet."

"May I smoke?"

There was indeed a flight attendant on the private plane. Then Francisco said to the flight attendant seriously: "I heard that smoking is allowed on private planes. Is it true?"

The stewardess smiled and said: "You can smoke, but I'm sorry, there are no cigarettes on the plane. If you bring your own, I can get you an ashtray."

Francisco looked like his curiosity was satisfied and said, "No, I don't smoke. I'm just asking, do you have any wine?"

"Sir, what would you like to drink?"

"I'm just asking, no, give me a glass of... champagne, give me a glass of champagne."

Gao Guang wanted to laugh. He wasn't at the point where he could make fun of people, but he just found Paul's excited and satisfied look amusing.

Patrick, on the other hand, was much more serious. He started reading a book after getting on the plane.

Reading is really a good habit, but Gao Guang felt that Patrick was just pretending, because he read the book for a long time without turning the page.

Only Fang Zhenwu was looking out the window. He seemed very interested in the scenery above the clouds.

In fact, Gao Guang was also interested in the scenery outside the window, because he had never flown on a plane many times, and at least half of the few flights he had experienced were at night. However, the flight was indeed quite boring, that is, it was a bit boring when he first took off. It felt fresh, so it didn’t take long for the highlighter to fall asleep.

The plane will land in Texas. The specific city is not yet known, but the last time Gao Guang saw Smith was in Houston, and it must be Houston this time.

It was night again when the plane landed. Gao Guang was in a daze, and was told to ignore the salute and just stay on the plane. Then he was taken off the plane.

This time, people from King's Defense went to meet Smith collectively, so several cars came to the airport, all of them luxury cars, instead of just a big car like Gao Guang thought, just to pick everyone up.

In short, most of the time, the style of rich people is beyond imagination.

Then when the car drove onto the highway, Gao Guang, who was in a car with Mike and Francisco, said in shock: "This is Dallas, not Houston."

The driver did not answer, but Mike asked curiously: "Does it have to be Houston? Why?"

Gao Guang can't say that he met Smith in Houston last time, so it should be Houston this time.

But this time, apart from the city being different, the place where we met was also different. Last time it was a luxurious villa in the city, but this time it was a manor in the wilderness.

It can be called a farm or a pasture. It’s hard to see both sides clearly at night. Anyway, there are fields on both sides. It looks so big.

The car drove to a place like a castle. There were four or five large houses here, and there were no walls. The car drove directly in front of one of the houses.

Smith was waiting at the door and watched Gao Guang and the others get out of the car. He opened his arms far away and smiled at Gao Guang: "Welcome to my farm as a guest, Gao. Nice to meet you."

Smith hugged Gao Guang, and then shook hands with Mike and the others enthusiastically. As a big boss, his attitude must be approachable.

The key is that Smith can also accurately name everyone.

"Hi, Mike."

"Hello, Francisco."

"Hello, Patrick, I'm glad you chose to join the King. Trust me, you made the right choice."

"Hi Paul, welcome to America."

"Oh, Mr. Fang, I'm so happy to see you here. Are you feeling better? Come in, everyone."

They shook hands and greeted each one one by one, and then Smith personally welcomed them into a large living room.

This living room looks much simpler, but there are stuffed deer heads hanging in it and several leather sofas that look very old, but it is not as splendid as the mansion in Houston.

But there was already a middle-aged man in a neat suit sitting in the living room, but he didn't know who he was.

"Let me introduce you to Mr. White House, the marketing manager of SIG Sauer. White, this is the Mad Dog Highlight I told you about."

White stretched out his hand towards Gao Guang and said with a smile: "I have long admired you, Mr. Gao, I am glad to see you."

Gao Guang shook hands with White, and then he said politely: "Hello, Mr. House."

"Please have a seat, everyone."

Smith sat down, Sig Sauer's manager sat on his right, Gao Guang sat on his left, and one of Gao Guang's subordinates sat down in a circle next to Gao Guang.

After Gao Guang sat down, Smith smiled and said: "Gao, you must be curious why I invited you over overnight. The main reason is that the National Rifle Association's annual conference will be held here tomorrow, and there will also be a firearms exhibition. It’s the largest gun show in the United States.”

Well, Gao Guang still doesn't know why Smith asked him to come over.

Smith pointed at White and said with a smile: "White will have to go to the gun show tomorrow to be busy, so he won't have much time, so today is just an opportunity for you to meet first. As for what's going on, White, tell me."

White coughed lightly and said: "That's right, we participated in the US military's next-generation squad automatic rifle program in February this year, but we received news that this program will be replaced by the NGSW program in October, and this program is comprehensive Replacement of existing squad rifles."

To be able to meet face to face with the top management of Sig Sauer and listen to his introduction. Although he didn't know what the matter had to do with him, Gao Guang always had an unreal feeling, as if everything was just a dream.

White continued: "And now we have learned in advance the latest needs of the Army. The new generation of firearms will use 6.8x51mm bullets."

Speaking of this, Gao Guang couldn't keep calm. As a military fan, he knew what this meant.

For light weapons, bullets are more important than guns. A bullet can be used for hundreds of years after being finalized. For example, the Parabellum pistol bullet has a history of more than a hundred years. There are many types of guns, but bullets cannot Change.


The 3006-caliber rifle cartridge has been around for more than a hundred years, and the Russian 7.62x54R cartridge has been around for more than a hundred years. One more thing, the PKM machine gun used by Patrick now uses this kind of bullet.

Speaking of bullets, many of them are really century-old. The Americans' 5.56mm caliber is considered new and has been used for half a century. The 7.62mm NATO bullet has been used for even longer.

If it is really necessary to switch to 6.8 mm caliber, it means that the rifle and ammunition systems of the entire NATO system must be updated. In short, this is of great significance and has far-reaching impact.

However, the United States has engaged in the selection of new rifles and new ammunition several times before, and has also had several small-scale changes in equipment, but in the end they all ended in vain, but I don’t know what the result will be this time.

"The 6.8mm caliber replaces the 7.62 caliber?"

Faced with the issue of high-gloss, White nodded and said: "Yes, although it will take a long time, the 6.8mm caliber should be the mainstream in the future, because the current small-caliber bullets are too ineffective against body armor. In urgent need of replacement.”

"Complete replacement?"

White said seriously: "Yes, complete replacement. Regarding the selection project of this new gun, our company has already produced sample guns to participate in the selection. The MCX-SPEAR rifle replaces the M4 and replaces the M24G-6.8 machine gun. These They are all products of SIG’s American branch, and we are qualified and hopeful to become the manufacturer of the next generation of rifles.”

After finishing speaking, White looked at Smith.

Smith smiled and said: "The new generation of pistols has been finalized. You are very familiar with it, an M17 and an M18. So far, you are the strongest shooter with these two types of pistols."

White stared at the highlight with great anticipation, while Smith continued to smile: "So why don't you sign a contract with SIG and become their competition shooter? In addition, regarding the selection of new guns, the military will definitely have its own The model verification team, but external help is still very important. If someone in the civilian market performs extremely well with these two guns, then of course it will also help SIG’s selection.”

Gao Guang nodded repeatedly, but Smith smiled and said, "That's why I invited you here."

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