Firepower is king

Chapter 284 Uncontrollable

Talking about science in the United States is a very strange thing.

This country has gathered a group of the best geniuses in mankind, attracted the smartest talents from all over the world, occupied the most advanced position of science and technology for many years, and led the world's science and technology trend. Even now, even though it has begun to decline, it is still the most technologically advanced in the world. s country.

But elite education is the national policy of the United States, and the elite only accounts for about one percent. Although it would be great to have this one percent of talents to lead the United States forward, it cannot be said that people outside the elite are all stupid. It can be said that many people are really ignorant.

It’s 2018, and there are still many Americans who firmly believe in the flat earth theory and firmly deny that the earth is round. Ordinary people can just talk about it. Even big NBA stars believe so, and they seize the opportunity to talk about it in interviews. Now, tell me how to deal with this matter.

Therefore, American education is polarized. The good ones are really good, and the bad ones are really bad. The upper and lower limits of education are reflected to the greatest extent.

As someone who has received a complete materialist education, Gao Guang takes it as a joke to consecrate himself to the Lord. But the problem is that people here in the United States have not received a materialist education, and occultism is very popular here.

Let's put it this way, as long as Gao Guang says that consecration is a mysterious Eastern witchcraft, at least 70% of the people in the pmc group will believe it, and at least 30% of the people will firmly believe it.

But here comes the problem. White seems to have received higher education, and Smith...wait a minute, Smith is a mercenary. He is not highly educated, but he is well-informed and has a high status. This has nothing to do with scientific literacy.

Gao Guang felt the crisis. He was worried that his casual joke would be believed by people within the King's Defense. But if it spread, he didn't know what would happen.

Patrick seemed very hesitant and troubled. He was thinking about whether he should tell the story about the consecration.

If this was supposed to be a secret, but he had already told it, wouldn't everyone know it?

White was already aware of what he said just now, but the complete ceremony and secrets cannot be disclosed, as these are business secrets.

Patrick exhaled and said to White: "Sorry, I can't say this."

There is a difference between "I can't say" and "I can't say".

White quickly discovered the key point. He looked at Gao Guang and said, "Can you explain it? As collaborators, if we have any special and effective methods, I think it would be better to bring them out and let us know a little bit. Please, Please tell me, I am really curious now, very, very curious.”

Gao Guang sighed, he hesitated for a moment, and then said very seriously: "Recognizing the master is just a very... ordinary ceremony, but it will cause strong psychological implications for people, so what is the use of this for a novice? None, but for a shooter who is already very good in technique and marksmanship, it will have a more positive effect.”

If the highlights could be more complete, he would definitely do a better job, but he only had so many words in his heart, so he tried his best to make it up as if it was something like that.

But the problem was that Gao Guang had to brag about how powerful and good his witchcraft was, so White didn't take it seriously. However, Gao Guang tried his best to apologize and insisted on explaining it in a scientific-sounding way. That made White even more...convinced.

I can't say that I believe it completely, I just have some doubts. It's partly curiosity, usually more intense curiosity.

At this time, Smith finally spoke. He waved his hand and said: "If this is your secret, everyone has their own secret, well, but I promise not to spread it."

What Smith meant was that you should stop showing off. Now I'm also very curious.

The thighs had spoken. What else could he do with the highlights? He could only say helplessly: "I didn't mean to hide it from you guys. It's really, uh, this method is not useful to everyone. I can only say... …Sincerity leads to spirituality! Yes! Honesty leads to spirituality!”

Sincerity leads to spirituality, and it is actually the best talisman of the magic stick throughout the ages.

If you are good, you are sincere, if you are not, then you are dishonest. If you say you are sincere, how can you prove it?

As long as you have this sentence, you are already in an invincible position. It is really a golden and good word that will be detrimental to you.

"Sincerity leads to spiritual success..."

This sentence had to be pondered for a while. It was obvious that White didn't have much contact with the Chinese, so he nodded and said: "It makes sense."

Smith said curiously: "Can you give a detailed demonstration?"

Gao Guang sighed, then he hesitated for a moment and said: "There is no way to demonstrate now, well, actually..."

Looking at his pistol, Gao Guang said helplessly: "My two guns... are normal. They have not been modified, and they are not particularly magical because of the light. I can shoot equally well with another gun. At the same time, The model is fine, or it’s okay to change it to another gun. If any of you have a pistol, let me try it.”

"I didn't bring a gun..."

White looked at Smith expectantly. Smith hesitated for a moment, and then he loudly said: "Give the mad dog a pistol."

A bodyguard, one of Smith's bodyguards, walked forward silently and took out his Glock 19.

There is not much difference between the Glock 19 and the Glock 17, except that it is a little shorter. He took the highlighter and shot it twice at the target. After confirming the accuracy of the gun and the feel of the gun when shooting, he raised it to the target. Hit the target with a bang.

Now we are shooting at a fifteen-meter target, because the center position of twenty meters has been damaged, and a fifteen-meter target is naturally more accurate.

However, Gao Guang's performance with Glock was not as good as that of Sig. The reason is very simple. He was comfortable with Sig.

Fortunately, White looked at the target that Gaoguang was hitting again, and then he said with a blank expression: "It's still faster than the limit."

Mike chuckled, and then he said triumphantly: "The magic is the people, not the guns. Our boss is all fired up."

Gao Guang was shocked. He looked at Mike, but he didn't know what to say.

Mike spread his hands and said, "Isn't it right? I can't shoot accurately with your gun."

The thing is correct, but it has been led astray.

Gao Guang was very depressed and distressed. He obviously relied on his own talent and hard training to become so good. Why should he say that he relied on consecration.

But how to explain it?

Smith waved his hand and said, "Give him the gun back and let him shoot."

Then Smith said to his bodyguard: "Fight well."

Gao Guang returned the gun to the bodyguard, and the bodyguard fired ten rounds. His skill must be good. After all, he could follow Smith as a bodyguard, so how could his marksmanship be poor?

After watching the bodyguard finish the fight, Smith said to Gao Guang: "Come on, give him a shot."

Speechless, outrageous, this matter is getting more and more out of control.

Gao Guang was silent for a long time, and then he finally said: "Actually, um, forget it, break your hand and drip some blood on the gun."

Mike said happily: "I'll help you, I'll do it."

The bodyguard took out a very delicate knife and cut a cut on his finger.

Gao Guang went up and muttered a few words casually, and the consecration ceremony was hastily completed.

I love you so much, I can’t explain it clearly.

He just hoped that the bodyguard would perform normally so that Gao Guang would not have to explain it again. He was tired of making up this nonsense and just wanted to get rid of this bad joke.

But the problem is that I don’t know whether the high-gloss mouth can really consecrate people or what. This bodyguard’s shooting is really better. Although the improvement is only a little bit, the results on the target paper are very intuitive and the shooting is better. Good is better.

For example, the last time I fired ten shots, let’s say it was ninety-five rings. Then this time the bodyguard shot ninety-five rings. The improvement is not very obvious, but everyone knows how difficult it is to make further progress. What is the concept of a five percent improvement that can make an immediate impact?

The bodyguard looked at Smith and said in disbelief: "It's amazing! It actually works!"

Gao Guang: "Psychological factors, forget it..."

I can't even explain it clearly with all my words, forget it, stop talking, just do whatever you want.

The consequence is that if Gao Guang is just a marksman, that's actually the case. There is really no shortage of marksmen in the United States, but if he is a marksman, it will be different. It will definitely be different.

White was in awe of Gao Guang. He said respectfully: "Can we try again tomorrow? I want to bring the same gun for a few more rounds of testing. Now the M17 is our original gun group competition gun. I want more Make some and test it."

"Okay, okay."

White breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said to Smith: "Mr. Smith, what I came here today is really... I have gained so much. I have never seen such a magical thing in my many years of work. Thank you for your help. "

Smith smiled and said, "See you tomorrow."

The two shook hands, and then White looked at Gao Guang and said politely: "Mr. Gao, I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's signing ceremony, so we'll see you tomorrow."

"great, see you tomorrow."

After shaking hands with Gao Guang, White left in a hurry, but Smith greeted Gao Guang and said, "Are you hungry? I asked the kitchen to prepare dinner for you. Gao, come on."

Are you finally going to talk about something in private? Gao Guang followed Smith to his small living room. After sitting down, Smith smiled and said, "I really didn't know you had such a magical side and such magical abilities."

Gao Guang sighed and whispered: "Mr. Smith, don't believe this. This is a little joke I made with my team members. I didn't expect that they all took it seriously, and what they said at the beginning was different from what they say now. , this, how is this possible!”

"I know, I know, everyone has secrets, but why are you denying it? Don't you know what Americans like? If you're a sharpshooter, you're just a sharpshooter, but if you're amazing, For example, if you are a gun god, it will be different. You will gain not only respect, but also admiration. "

"can you?"


After speaking very firmly, Smith suddenly said: "Is there a quantity limit for this opening? I have a gun here that has been used for many years. Please help me open it."

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