Firepower is king

Chapter 291 Gather together

Los Angeles.

King's Defense now has seven people, and three new employees have come to King's Defense's headquarters for the first time.

As for the feeling, it doesn’t feel too big. After arriving in Los Angeles, the first thing Gao Guang did was to find a place for these people to live.

King's Defense does not provide food or accommodation, but Fang Zhenwu, Paul, and Patrick are all coming to the United States for the first time, so they must find a place to stay first.

And this happened to John.

After more than a month of recuperation, John was able to go to the ground. Although he couldn't do strenuous activities, it was always no problem to meet his idol.

"It's you, it's really you!"

John was almost in tears. He held Fang Zhenwu's hand and said with emotion and emotion that his dream had come true: "I never thought that we could become teammates. This is really... …Very good!"

Fang Zhenwu looked slightly embarrassed. He looked at the highlight, then put his eyes on John's round face, and chuckled: "Hello, uh... 伱好!"

"Can you teach me kung fu now?"

Fang Zhenwu knew that this topic could not be avoided. He and Gao Guang had also communicated on this topic, so he did not hesitate and said easily: "Yes!"

John was overjoyed and sad. He hugged Fang Zhenwu and sighed: "You are finally willing to teach me, thank you, Xifu!"

Fang Zhenwu wanted to push John away but was embarrassed, but at this time it was Mike who had to come to the rescue.

Putting his bag on the ground, Mike said proudly: "Hey, Bottle Cap, we will have the same master from now on."

John was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Mike in astonishment and said, "You also learn Kung Fu? Are you good at it? Don't make trouble, what kind of Kung Fu do you want to learn?"

Mike said with a proud face: "But Fang has promised to teach me. After his body fully recovered, he started to teach me. Fang has already taught me a naked choke move, which is very powerful."

"That's a fighting skill, not kung fu...ah, I understand."

John had a clear expression on his face. He felt that Mike was not worthy of learning kung fu like him. When he heard that these naked chokes were fighting skills rather than traditional kung fu, John suddenly understood Fang Zhenwu’s painstaking efforts, so he said to Fang Zhenwu repeatedly. : "You made the right choice. Mike is suitable for practicing fighting, not kung fu."

Unable to let John delay the business any longer, Gao Guang clapped his hands and said, "Okay, okay, everyone, put your things down and let's have a meeting to arrange the next things."

The King's Defense meeting room finally came in handy.

Sitting down at one end of the conference table, Gao Guang said excitedly: "Everyone has worked hard in Baghdad. Now we have nothing to do for the time being, so the company will take a one-month holiday, tentatively for one month. I will notify you when the holiday is extended."

The holiday was something that had been decided a long time ago. Needless to say, Gao Guang said excitedly: "I'm going back to China. If any of you want to travel to China with me, I can take you with me."

Mike said without hesitation: "I'll go, I'll go with you."

Francisco thought for a while and said, "I don't have anything to do recently, so I'll go to China with you."

Patrick said solemnly: "I haven't had a vacation for a long time. I have to go to Germany."

Paul hesitated for a moment and said, "I want to go, but can I go?"

Paul had a Russian passport, but he was in Los Angeles and came without permission, so he had to leave and come back would be a problem.

Gao Guang said to Paul: "Don't go. Stay and get familiar with the environment. Let's talk to you after your green card is processed."

Gao Guang looked at John and said, "Bottle Cap, do you want to go home with me?"

John just looked at Fang Zhenwu and said affectionately: "Mr. Fang, do you want to go back to China together?"

Fang Zhenwu shook his head and whispered: "I won't go, I want to stay here."

"Then I won't go either."

It was just right that John didn't go, so in the end it was Mike and Francisco who followed the highlight home, so the meeting was almost over.

Gao Guang originally wanted to announce the personnel appointment. He wanted John to be the deputy general manager of the King's Defense, but seeing John's little fanboy look, he was really unconvincing.

But it must be said that many things are uncertain now and will be difficult to deal with in the future.

Highlight pointed at John and said: "This is John, nicknamed Bottle Cap. He is the co-founder of King's Defense and the vice president of King's Defense. If I am not here, John will take charge of the company's affairs, except for business matters. "

There are only seven people in King's Defense plus Gao Guang. Except for John, there is no one reliable. If John is not the vice president, then no one else can be.

Although John is not good at business or running a company, he has no problem directing battles. Although Patrick is reliable, he is too rigid. If he becomes the deputy general manager, the company will be in trouble in a few days. Disbanded.

After the two most important things were said, Gao Guang patted the table lightly and said, "That's it, let's break up the meeting!"

Gao Guang just wanted to experience what it was like to be in a meeting, but he quit after the matter was finished.

After the official business was finished, it was time to talk about personal matters. Gao Guang said to Mike and Francisco: "I plan to go back in a few days. You two will apply for visas. After the visas are obtained, we will book flights."

At this moment, Patrick raised his hand, and then he said seriously: "Sorry to interrupt, boss, when will the guns promised to us by SIG be delivered."

"It's either today or tomorrow."

"Is it today or tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, I will tell the logistics company that delivers the goods and ask them to deliver it tomorrow."

Patrick nodded and stopped talking, but John said: "Before you leave, you'd better go see Wharton. Well, you know, Wharton has been promoted, and he is now the youngest in the entire Los Angeles area. District Sheriff, and now he's the Sheriff of North Hollywood."

Gao Guangren will not lose contact with Wharton in Iraq, so of course he knows that Wharton has been promoted.

All I can say is that it’s good to have an awesome girlfriend, and you’ll get promoted quickly.

"I made an appointment with Wharton and his girlfriend to have dinner together in the evening. During the meal, I will ask him when our plan can be implemented."

Gao Guang has not forgotten his goal, monopolizing the zero-dollar shopping market in Los Angeles. This is a long-term deal. As long as he can do it, he must start it quickly.

After speaking briefly, Gao Guang looked at everyone and said, "Does anyone have anything else to say?"

John thought for a while, and then he said seriously: "Well, Sophia came to the company to find you. I didn't plan to tell you originally, but after thinking about it, I might as well tell you."

Francisco looked at John in surprise, but Mike was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a slap on his legs and said loudly: "Ha! I knew it! I knew she couldn't forget you! Boss , you know where she is at the university, go find her!”

I'm stuck. It's really hard to write transitional chapters, so I'd better move forward quickly and move on to the next chapter.

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