Firepower is king

Chapter 316 Power Outage

How long has it been since the gold was stored in the warehouse? Three months, three full months.

Except for being attacked by an unknown person on the first day, nothing happened in the remaining three months. So after spending a period of nervousness in the early days, the next step was to relax, and then completely relax until numbness.

I spent Christmas, New Year, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, and even Valentine's Day in the factory, but nothing happened.

The situation in South Africa is very calm, as if no accident is possible.

Of course, Gao Guang and the others can't be considered trapped here now, because after the first few days of tension, although life has not returned to normal, there have been no major ups and downs. In the end, although they still have nothing to go out, they can If you really want to go out for a walk, there's no problem.

Even the employees of Armor Group and Alpha 5 have begun to rotate normally.

The people in the Armored Group rotate once a month, and now their people are basically all new faces. The people in Alpha Company are not changed so frequently, and there are not that many, but at least one-third are new faces.

Now Gao Guang also wants to rotate the people in the King's defense. There are seven people in total. Two people take vacations for one week at a time. It is not appropriate to leave South Africa, but it is always okay to go to Johannesburg for a week. If it doesn't work, you can go to the nearest Kimberley City for a week to repair it.

It's a pity that the main reason is that there are too few people in King's Defense. If there is a rotation, even the most basic battle lineup will not be able to come up with if something happens. As long as two more people can take turns to rest, so the other two companies rotate, highlighting them Just keep doing it.

But I am happy to spend so much time focusing on it.

Although staying in the factory is a bit dull and boring, the money is plenty.

It's just that PMCs like Gao Guang and others are idle, but the situation of Eric Mining Company has not improved.

If the situation improves, the gold has been shipped, the factory has been started, and the PMC has been withdrawn.

But having said that, other companies can withdraw, but Gaoguang and the others still have to stay here because they signed a one-year contract, and it has only been a little more than half a year.

Gao Guang, they just waste their days to get money, but Eric Mining Company is different. One more day of downtime is a loss, and they have to pay PMC every day.

So Malcolm's face has never looked good in the past few months, but Saxon is very high-spirited, because the development of things is as he judged, except for the slight shock on the first night, and for such a long time after that, it is not Has it always been calm?

All in all, the world is at peace.

It will be safe and sound for the foreseeable future.

So in the past three months when nothing happened, Saxon would chat with Gao Guang whenever he had anything to do.

Then Gao Guang went to chat with Zhao Qian when he had nothing to do. After chatting for a long time, he got acquainted with the people from Alpha Company. Now everyone is familiar with each other and the relationship is very good. Later, Zhao Qian left for vacation and did not affect Gao Guang's search for Alpha Company. people chatting.

As for the Armored Group, although a group of people have changed, Andrew is still there. Now the relationship between Gao Guang and Andrew is pretty good, because there are only a few people in the factory and they are colleagues. Then the people of the Armored Group in Baghdad were Gao Guang Damn it, what does it have to do with the people in his South African branch?

As for today, today’s highlight is in a particularly good mood because Zhao Qian is back.

There is no shortage of food and drink here, and even bullets can be easily replenished after consumption. What is missing is entertainment, so Gao Guang asked Zhao Qian to buy a PS4 and a dozen more during his vacation. game.

When they saw Zhao Qian carrying the box of the game console and the bag containing the games into the house, five of the seven people in King's Defense cheered.

John was not interested in games, he was busy practicing martial arts, and Fang Zhenwu was not interested in games either. He had no experience in playing games, but the remaining few were very happy because they finally had something to do.

I am so idle with tens of thousands of dollars a month. If I think about it from another perspective, this is really a wonderful life. Now with games, I can add some embellishments to this wonderful life.

Mike snatched the box Zhao Qian was holding and said happily: "I'll install it, I'll come, let me see what games there are."

After giving the bag containing the game disc to Mike, Zhao Qian said to Gao Guang, "Is there anything new in the past half month?"

"What's new? What a damn new thing. Oh, the factory next door has changed its owner. Now even the sign at the entrance of the factory has been changed."

Zhao Qian was stunned for a while and said: "Brother, you are holding back a lot of pressure. Changing the boss of the factory next door is a new thing."

Gao Guang said calmly: "We have two Chinese bosses. They are both young. One of them brought his wife."

Zhao Qian was stunned again and said, "You even know this?"

"Yesterday, everyone in the factory was lying on the roof to look at the beautiful woman next door. The factory next door used to have only one cook who was in her forties or fifties, but the one who came yesterday looked very young, and she also wore makeup. She was very beautiful. Asian beauties.”

Francisco was the one who spoke. He gestured with his hands to figure out his figure, and then said with a hint of regret: "It's a pity that he's a little out of shape, and he left this morning."

Zhao Qian smiled and said: "What about you, you guys..."

"You have the guts not to say this after a vacation." Gao Guang responded to Zhao Qian angrily, and Gao Guang said sadly: "I haven't seen a woman in three months."

"Then you should buy some nice games!"

Gao Guang shook his head and said, "No! Games are for playing. Besides, it's not good or indecent to buy games like that and let a bunch of strong men play them."

Zhao Qian thought about the possible scenes, and suddenly felt shuddering, and then said: "Well, well, that makes sense."

Several people started working at the same time, and the ps4 has been connected to the computer LCD screen. Although the screen is a bit old and slightly small, and the console is very stuck, and the game cannot be forgotten and the video cannot be viewed, but with a game console, it is different.

Gao Guang's foreseeable future is that his living room will become the most popular place in the entire factory. Fortunately, he bought six controllers directly, not to allow six people to play at the same time, but to prepare for them if they break. Some change.

Now, the game console is connected, and the man's happiness is about to come.

"Quick! Insert the CD."

"playing what?"

"Don't play solo. There are so many people waiting. Play a battle game. Street Fighter. I want to use Chun-Li!"

Everyone has different opinions, but there is a consensus that since there are so many people waiting, we must play something fast-paced and allow more people to participate.

Mike pressed the switch with a pious look, and Gao Guang put the disc in with a pious look. Then, the disc did not enter the game console, and the computer screen suddenly went black.

"what happened?"


"do not be like this!!"

A group of people were rioting because of panic and excitement. At this time, Paul ran to press the switch on the wall, and then he screamed: "Fake! The power is out!"

There is a power outage, why is there a power outage, why is there a power outage at this time?

This is an industrial area, and the power supply is very stable. It is the place with the most stable power supply in the whole of South Africa. How could there be a power outage?

Gao Guang said loudly: "It's okay, don't panic! There is a generator in the factory and it will generate electricity soon!"

"It will generate electricity soon, let's wait a moment."

Mike scratched his head anxiously, and then he said anxiously: "Boss, you will definitely call, right? There is no shortage of fuel for power generation in the factory, right?"

"That's right, I'll definitely call you back."

The electricity was not delivered, but the intercom rang at this time.

"I'm Malcolm, please come to the conference room for a meeting. Over."

Ever since he discovered that the three monks had no food to eat, Malcolm took charge of dividing the defense areas and scope of responsibilities of the three companies that day. However, if there was anything, they would definitely discuss it, but he had something to do and was fine. It’s just a meeting, so now that he’s asking for a meeting, it’s no big deal.

Gao Guang stood up and said, "I'm going to have a meeting and urge them to generate electricity quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from Zhao Qian's walkie-talkie. Langli said feebly: "All members, return to their positions immediately. It's over."

Zhao Qian was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes, I have to go back too."

Things seemed to have gone wrong somewhere. Gao Guang looked at Zhao Qian and said, "Is everything okay over there in Johannesburg?"

Zhao Qian said with a confused look: "It's okay, it's the same as before. I was fine when I set out in the morning."

"Well, I hope it's okay."

He picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and said to his men: "You... turn on the walkie-talkies, get all the equipment, don't worry about anything, just be careful."

Amid helpless wailing, Gao Guang and Zhao Qian left his dormitory, and then Zhao Qian returned to the team, while Gao Guang quickly walked to the conference room of the office building.

There were more people in the conference room today, and Saxon was also present. Gao Guang looked at Saxon, and then he found that Saxon's face didn't look good either.

This is a little bit ominous.

Malcolm said with a gloomy look: "Everyone is here, let me tell you the situation. Our power was cut off, and then our phone and Internet were also cut off at the same time."

Gao Guang's heart skipped a beat.

Although the phone is useless and the Internet is extremely slow, it is one thing whether it is used or not, and another thing if it is cut off.

Saxon lowered his head, and Malcolm continued with a gloomy face: "We have received the exact news that Jacob and Matala are going to have a final battle. Just five minutes ago, Pretoria and Johannesburg were at the same time. There were massive riots."

Andrew looked stern and said, "What does this have to do with you!"

Malcolm waved his hand meaninglessly several times, which showed that he was in chaos. Then, he said helplessly: "Our negotiations have broken down."

Langley said nervously: "With whom did the negotiation break down?"

Malcolm looked constipated and whispered, "Both sides."

Gao Guang was shocked again, because if it develops normally, Eric Mining Company will wait for both parties to come out with results and choose one side to be a partner. But if the negotiations with both parties break down, then... it will be over. !

Gao Guang can understand such a simple truth, and the other two people also understand it, so Andrew's face darkened and he said: "Please tell me the specific situation. I have to evaluate the next security situation, so please don't hide anything. Otherwise, we have the right to withdraw at any time, please explain the situation now.”

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