Firepower is king

Chapter 327 Mr. Dog

This is definitely a surprise battle that puzzles both the enemy and ourselves.

Those who were familiar with highlights, such as Mike and Francisco, were used to it, but later Paul felt a little unable to adapt. As for the first time he really saw how highlights were played by Zhao Qian, it was like It was thunder from the sky that exploded eighteen times in a row on his forehead.

Zhao Qian was so fried that his whole body became numb and numb.

Then Zhao Qian was not the only one in the audience. Patrick and the others were watching from the rooftop. Langley returned to the factory and was also watching from the rooftop. Even Andrew, who had no intention of fighting and just wanted to surrender if the situation went bad, also Watching it.

It's just that Gao Guang and the others were in the alley, and you couldn't see how they fought from the rooftop. Occasionally, you could only see traces of Gao Guang and the others from the rooftop when they ran out of the alley.

So Andrew couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why did they advance so fast?"

No one paid attention to Andrew, because those who knew the reason would not tell it, and they would not tell Andrew either.

What's more, no one would believe him if he said it, because his method of playing Gaoguang is unscientific.

Two shots were fired, and two more were killed without even reacting. They didn't know what happened before they died, and they were all confused after they died.

It's almost there, we can't go any further because there are more and more people.

You can already see the small building occupied by the Lion Mercenary Group. The people above resisted fiercely, and there were many people around who opened fire on the small building. Then the people from the Lion Mercenary Group were gradually moving closer. , one is to relieve the siege of their comrades, and the other is to bloom in the center and surround the miscellaneous soldiers who attack them from behind from all sides.

All in all, this is a chaotic war, but there are just more spoilers like Gao Guang and others.

There was a lot of gunfire in front of me. I took a look with my high-light probe and saw that there was a huge crowd of people in front of me. They had built a simple barricade with cars and bricks. Two machine guns fired continuously at the small building, suppressing the small building. There was a way to fight back, but these people in colorful clothes couldn't really get close to the small building, and they couldn't throw grenades or other weapons at it.

"RPG! RPG! Why can't it be delivered? Go get the RPG!"

A man in black clothes, but not from the Lion Mercenary Group, yelled urgently. He grabbed a black man next to him, pointed towards Gao Guang, and said angrily: "Go get the rocket... huh?"

When I looked through the high-light probe, I met the eyes of the man who was shouting about getting a rocket launcher.

The helmet was obviously different. The key was that the highlighter also wore a turban to cover his face. This made him completely different from the two parties who were exchanging fire, so the boss of the mixed soldiers immediately noticed the abnormality.

As soon as he released the black man he was holding, the soldier boss yelled: "Behind..."

Gao Guang raised his hand and shot.

How many people can be in the small building, so now the miscellaneous soldiers are suppressing the defenders of the small building. Their firepower suppresses the people in the small building to the point where they cannot fight back.

These miscellaneous soldiers were fighting happily around the enemy. Some people heard the commander's shouts, but more people were affected by the sound of their own gunshots and could not hear what anyone shouted at all. .

This is too simple, and the highlights feel like they are not winning.

Mike and the others came out from behind Gao Guang, raised their guns and fired at enemies within thirty meters from behind. There was no way they could miss them.

Zhao Qian was panting, he finally found the value of his existence.

He raised his hand and threw the grenade he had always held in his hand. Then Zhao Qian pulled off a grenade, pulled the tab, and threw one towards the enemy in front again. Then he held the gun and faced the howling enemy. One shot.

There were too many enemies, and it would be impossible to kill them all with a pistol, but there were seven of them. Shooting from behind and throwing a few grenades, it was not easy to take down thirty or so people.

Screams and cries quickly replaced the sound of gunfire, but the people who were struggling to defend in the small building were overjoyed, and then one person shouted excitedly: "Boss, our people have succeeded!"

There was a small team of people from the Lion Mercenary Group passing through, and they appeared in the right position, exactly in the direction where the Lion Mercenary Group should appear.

Gao Guang and the others quickly seized the barricade and shot those who still had the ability to move. Then they took the place of the previous enemies and hid behind the barricade.

The next battle will be difficult.

The small building is occupied by people from the Lion Mercenary Group. They are being besieged, so the small building is surrounded by another group of enemies. If Gao Guang and the others want to attack the small building, they will be attacked by both parties.

"Keep alive!"

Gao Guang looked at the small building and felt that the position was quite safe, so naturally he had to capture him alive and ask about the situation.

A wounded man who was shot but not dead was dragged over by Mike. He was a black man. He was wearing a body armor but no helmet. The gun he was holding was an AK. The equipment on his body looked okay. You should be able to tell.

"Tell me, who are you?"

The black man started chattering, several people looked at each other, and then Mike snapped: "Speak English!"

Still gibbering and unable to understand a word, Mike raised his hand and fired at Francisco: "There is still one alive, drag him over."

Francisco dragged a white man, who was shot in the stomach, and said quickly before anyone asked: "I can speak English, I can speak..."

It's a pity that this person who can speak English only said a few words, and then he died.

Everyone was speechless. At this time, Zhao Qian whispered: "Gouzi, no, mad dog, uh..."

Gao Guang never told the people in the factory what his real name was. Everyone knew his nickname of Mad Dog. At most, Zhao Qian knew that he also had a name called Otto.

Calling him Alto feels a bit inconsistent, but foreigners think the nickname Mad Dog is okay, but Zhao Qian, who is also Chinese and has the same cultural background, would not mind calling Gao Guang Mad Dog.

What is it called? Gouzi is a more affectionate and less insulting name.

So Zhao used to call Gaoguang Gouzi, but now, it’s not easy to call Gouzi.

Mad Dog is more formal, but it was just a bark in the past. Now it's always a bit strange, and I can't say it out loud. Mainly because after seeing how Gao Guang fought, I always feel guilty when calling Mad Dog, and there is something on the back of my neck. A chilling feeling.

It's the feeling that you can't call your elders by their first names when you see them, but you have to maintain respect when you see powerful people.

They were acquaintances, but not particularly acquaintances. The key point was that they were just acquaintances, not particularly good or close friends, so Zhao Qian felt that calling him anything else was inappropriate.

The mentality is very subtle and complicated.

So it was originally a title, but now I don't know how to say it.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Qian finally had an idea and found the best title for someone with the same cultural background.

"Master Dog, what's the next fight?"

Gao Guang was also worried about how to fight next, so he said without hesitation: "Wait a moment, we will retreat, and then give the signal to hit them with cloud bombs from the roof!"

It used to be that they couldn't use cloud bombs because they were too far away and couldn't hit the small building. But now they were close and couldn't use cloud bombs. But now it's different. Now they have reached the small building. Near the building, just retreat to a safe distance.

Now that the overall situation is basically settled, there is no need to fish in troubled waters. Those who stay on the roof can directly attack with the newly captured cloud bombs, or even conduct a large-scale indiscriminate bombing on this area.

Ordinary rockets definitely won't work, but cloud bombs will.

But Gao Guang had just put forward his idea when he heard Paul say in surprise: "Hey, the enemy, the enemy is out!"

Gao Guang quickly looked up and saw someone jumping off the roof of the two-story building. Some people first grabbed the eaves and lowered the height as much as possible before jumping off. After a while, someone was throwing things down from the roof. , the people below catch it and then put it aside.

What's happening here?

Gao Guang was excited and said in a trembling voice: "Those people who are surrounded regard us as friendly forces. Ha, they regard us as friendly forces!"

"Yes, it must be so!"

Zhao Qian was also excited, and he said in a trembling voice: "Master Dog, let's just reap the benefits!"

After Gao Guang and the others occupied this barricade, the besieged group was less blocked from one direction. And after Gao Guang and the others knocked down the barricade, they did not open fire. Then the besieged people thought that it was safe and moved in this direction. It makes sense to break out as a way out.

The distance was about fifty meters, so there was no rush to fight. Gao Guang said urgently: "Get down, lower your head, lower your head..."

Gao Guang lowered his head. He was wearing a sand-colored tactical uniform, which was different from the ones in the Lion Mercenary Picture. However, the people in Alpha Company wore black clothes and their helmets were all black. How could this be a fish in troubled waters? Not very convenient.

Gao Guang raised his head slightly and saw a total of six people coming out of the small building, including a limping wounded person, and each of them was carrying a lot of things.

Pulling his head back, Gao Guang said with great joy: "Here he comes, he comes, this battle is so good, hey, it feels so good."

The gunfire was fierce again, and then someone was heard yelling at the top of his lungs: "We are coming, cover! Cover!"

If Gao Guang and the others cover up, then these people have hope of escaping. No, they have successfully broken through, but the problem is that Gao Guang and the others will only attack from both sides.

The gunfire was fierce again. Zhao Qian stood up and took a look. Then he immediately stretched out his gun and fired a few shots in the distance. Then he said, "It won't work anymore. Another group came to intercept them."

Gao Guang and the others immediately stood up, only to see a group of soldiers coming out from the side and firing at the people of the Lion Mercenary Group, and then people on both sides were shouting.

"What are you doing! Are you done with death?"

"Will! Cover!"

Both sides were shouting, and they were all wondering why their companions had never moved, but Zhao Qian's two shots hit the crowd of miscellaneous soldiers.

As if there was no need to hide anymore, Gao Guang stood up, picked up the rifle, and said: "Fight!"

Gao Guang found that his rifle was pretty good, but compared to the pistol that seemed to be firing, it was really incomparable.

"they are……"

It was too late to say anything. People on both sides were fighting together. There were machine guns and rifles here, and they were also rifles with extremely strong penetrating power. After a volley of fire, all five members of the Lion Mercenary Group immediately lay down, while the other A group of miscellaneous soldiers also fell down.

The overall situation was decided and it ended successfully. Gao Guang put away his rifle with a clear mind.

Zhao Qian also felt very happy. He said to Gao Guang next to him: "Master Gou, what are you going to do next?"

"Next...what do you call me?"

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