Firepower is king

Chapter 336 It’s not about money

It was getting dark, and before it got dark, the seven of them had a sumptuous dinner.

We didn't eat much at noon, so everyone ate a few compressed biscuits or something. But knowing that reinforcements wouldn't come, we had to eat more.

So I had MRE self-heating food for dinner.

The taste is okay, the portion is not much, but the calories are definitely enough. One serving of Gao Guang is enough, but Mike has to eat at least two servings.

"How does No. 16 taste?"

"Not bad, how about the 15th?"

"It's not bad, then I'll have another No. 16."

There were two large cartons in the dormitory, and the cartons were filled with self-heating rations. Mike took another one, and then he said happily: "Actually, this is not bad. After getting used to the food in the cafeteria, I I think this is quite delicious.”

John said feebly: "I sincerely hope that you can always maintain this view. I very much hope that you can always maintain a good impression of self-heating rations. God bless."

John's answer: People who have never eaten self-heating rations for individual soldiers will not understand its profound meaning, and those who eat less will not be able to understand its profound meaning. However, as long as they eat it regularly, they will definitely understand.

Patrick suffered greatly from the self-heating rations for individual soldiers. He frowned and said, "I hope I won't eat this for more than two days. Three days is my limit. After four days, I will go crazy. I can't eat this food." Even the British can't stand it."

John curled his lips and said, "It seems you have eaten a lot."

"Okay, about a hundred copies."

John shrugged and said, "I've eaten at least three hundred servings."


Patrick didn't say anything more. He just put away the finished packaging and said, "I don't know if we need to eat these often. I don't think so. It's best not."

At this time, the door opened and Gao Guang came back with the phone.

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Eric Company has made a quotation."

The expressions of several people were different. Patrick and John were indifferent and had no reaction. Fang Zhenwu didn't seem to care very much, but Mike, Paul and Francisco looked expectant.

"Eric's company has three quotation plans. One is that starting from today, the daily commission will become two hundred thousand US dollars, and the daily settlement will be."

There was no reaction from several people. Obviously, this commission was not attractive.

Gao Guang continued: "The second option is that Eric Mining will give us US$14 million! US$7 million of which will be transferred to the account today, and the remaining US$7 million will be paid immediately after the reinforcements arrive."

The seven people started to look at each other, but no one cheered and wanted to earn the money.

Gao Guang continued: "The third option is that Eric Mining will give us 10% of the total value of gold as compensation, which is 50 million US dollars."

Everyone immediately became energetic, and then Mike couldn't help but said: "This is not bad."

"But there are conditions. We must wait until the crisis of Eric Mining Company is completely resolved before we can get the money. We will definitely get the money by then. The War Group is the guarantee. But if the gold is lost, the money will naturally be taken. Not here.”

John sighed helplessly and said: "I know this condition is unrealistic, and now I don't know how long it will take to completely resolve the crisis. I don't know how many people will survive by then. If no one survives, Eli The company doesn’t have to pay a dollar.”

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Yes, so this condition can basically be ignored."

Mike looked confused and said: "But I think the third option is the best, 50 million, 50 million!"

John said angrily: "Don't you hear the difference? The first option is to double the commission. According to the risks we are facing now, doubling the commission is not too much, but we can retreat at any time. The second option It requires us to hold on until the reinforcements arrive, but if we don’t insist on the arrival of the reinforcements, we still have at least 70,000 to get. According to the current situation, at least we are not too much at a loss, but the third kind..."

Francisco waved his hand and said: "The third condition is very harsh. Needless to say, if it succeeds, we can get 50 million, but what if we can't hold it? What if the gold is robbed? What if? Some of us died in the battle... Well, in short, you want to keep this batch of gold until the crisis is completely resolved. Who knows how long it will take. If we all die in the battle, then the gold will naturally not be saved, so we are likely to catch up. Life, but no benefits, do you think it’s appropriate?”

High risk and high return, it is fair to work hard to get paid for working hard, and fight to get paid for fighting.

So it just depends on which highlight they think is more suitable.

Mike could understand the relationship between risk and return. He thought for a while and said: "Forget it, 50 million is a lot, but we are bound to this place, and the possibility of getting the money... Wait, Alpha Company Woolen cloth?"

Gao Guang said honestly: "Alfa Company will not have this condition. This condition was fought for by the War Group."

Mike immediately said: "Forget it, people from Alpha Company won't make this kind of money. They have left and only us people are left. Forget it, we can't get it."

John looked at the highlight and whispered: "What are you going to do?"

Gao Guang did not answer John's question, but whispered: "What do you think?"

When this was asked, several people fell silent. After a moment of silence, John whispered: "Otherwise, we should withdraw. I want to see the situation before withdrawing, but it may be too late to withdraw after a fight. So before we fight, we should leave as soon as possible.”

Francisco said: "The enemy is probably ambushing around. Let's leave now. Can we leave?"

John thought for a while and said: "According to my experience, we are PMC. As long as we give up the mission and are willing to leave, why do people outside have to kill us? If we all leave, then the enemy can get the gold immediately. Why wouldn't they?"

Fang Zhenwu suddenly said: "The most troublesome thing is that Alpha Company may withdraw. If we don't leave and Alpha Company withdraws on its own, then we will be passive, so it is best to advance and retreat together. Boss, do you know what Alpha Company's plans are?"

Gao Guang was silent, and then he suddenly said: "I...I have to stay."

Several people looked very surprised, and John said with a stunned look on his face: "Aren't you? Do you want to earn that 50 million?"

"No, I don't want 50 million. The chance of getting it is too small, and if you fail, your death will be in vain, so I want to take the 7 million that I can get immediately, and the 7 million that will be given after the reinforcements arrive."

Why 14 million instead of 50 million? Because this plan can ensure that you get 7 million immediately. It's that simple.

Gao Guang said softly: "I owe Mr. Smith too many favors. Now he wants me to hold on until reinforcements arrive. I can't refuse."

John scratched his head vigorously, and then waved his hand helplessly.

Gao Guang didn't even look at the remaining people. He said slowly: "Seven million, I asked Mr. Smith to call directly. Well, I owe Mr. Smith a favor, but you don't owe it. And the risk of staying to fight is for you." Everyone knows that, so whoever stays will share the money equally. If you don’t want to stay, you can leave. Of course, it is quite dangerous to leave now, but it is safer than having to hold on to the end. "

If you stay, you will start a war, and if you start a war, people may die. Of course, the living think it is appropriate, but what about the dead? Even if the money is not greedy and not deducting, and every penny is given to the families of the war dead, the problem is that among those who make money with their heads up, how many of them are really doing it for their families instead of themselves?

No matter how family-oriented people are, there are very few people who are willing to sacrifice their lives in exchange for money for their families. It’s not completely non-existent, but it’s too few, and it’s so little that it can be ignored.

Therefore, Gao Guang did not expect everyone to be willing to make this money. He was mentally prepared.

Patrick suddenly said: "Seven million, how to divide it?"

"Of course it's divided equally. If all seven of us stay, we'll get one million each. If I'm the only one left, I'll get the whole seven million. Well, that's what it means."

Evenly divided, this time the highlight didn’t get an extra point.

Why should we divide it equally, why not divide the money according to the rules?

The answer is too simple, because this money is not dividends, commissions, or salary, it is life money.

If Gao Guang is thinking about making money now, he can swallow it all, or he can tell others that Eric's company will only pay one million, and he will swallow thirteen million without any problem, but he is going to do this , who of the other six people is willing to stay?

It’s very simple. If you earn a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan a month and see your boss being beaten on the street, will you rush up and take the beating for him?

If you earn a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and see your boss being beaten, will you go up and take the beating for your boss? But if you find that a beating is not enough and you have to get a knife, are you still willing?

Then go to the next level and earn a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan a month. If you see your boss being beaten, you go up and take a stab for him. Although you will be injured, you will not die. So, are you willing?

If you are willing to take a knife, but you find someone pulling out a gun, will you step up and block the shot for your boss? Even if it's a shot in the leg?

If you get a beating, a knife, or a shot, if all of these are no problem, then if you earn one million a month, are you willing to die for your boss? Are you willing to block a few or even dozens or hundreds of bullets from all around for your boss?

Are you willing to die for your boss with a monthly salary of 10 million?

Are you willing to die with a monthly salary of 100 million?

If you think it’s enough to give you enough money and your life doesn’t matter, then what if you can actually earn the same amount of money if you change companies? Because since you can earn so much in this company, even if you change companies, you can still earn a similar salary even if it fluctuates, then are you willing to die for your boss?

As long as anyone with a normal mind can answer this question, it's okay to be beaten and knifed for the boss. Only when there is something wrong will you die for the boss.

Any one of these people from King's Defense can go to other companies and earn a similar salary, whether it's Patrick or Paul, whether it's Mike, etc. People like Mike are responsible for taking bullets for their bosses, and they are always willing to take bullets. For a person, his salary will skyrocket countless times.

Don't compare ordinary bodyguards to Mike and Francisco, because it is a small probability event for a bodyguard to block a bullet. He may have trained for a lifetime, but in the end it will not be his turn to block a bullet. But Mike and Francisco are different. They follow In the high-gloss world, whenever there is a war, you have to wear a bulletproof vest in front, so it is a high probability that they will block bullets for the high-gloss.

Then Fang Zhenwu and John, as long as they change companies, they can still get the salary they deserve, at least the market price of PMC.

So Gao Guang is now willing to take out the money and share it equally, not just to buy the money for the people around him to accompany him on the adventure, but also for friendship, whether the people around him just treat him as a boss who pays his salary, or as a brother.

If the king regards his ministers as his hands and feet, then his ministers will regard him as his heart; if his ministers regard his ministers as dogs and horses, then his ministers will regard him as a fellow countryman; if his ministers regard his ministers as earth and mustard, then his ministers will regard him as a bandit. The truth is this simple, but unfortunately most people don’t understand it, and those who understand it may not be able to do it.

But those who understand this truth and can do it, although they may not necessarily be able to achieve great things, will definitely have a group of hardcore followers around them.

Now it's up to them to choose.

The situation is obviously bad to the naked eye, and judging from Matala's determination to win, the next battle will not be easy even with his knees.

Gao Guang is very nervous now because he thinks it is normal for anyone to leave now, but it is abnormal for someone to stay and earn this money. Although it is a lot of money, it is not worth paying for one's life.

So the test now is the relationship.

The six people were silent for a while, and then John suddenly said: "Is this money after-tax or before-tax? Well, Mr. Smith will definitely not fool people with pre-tax remuneration. You know my account number, so transfer the money to my account." Bar."

John took a stand, followed closely by Paul.

"Well, give me the money first, right? That's good. If I...and you stick to it until the end, then I can get two million. Well, I think it's worth it, because if I change my place, I'll probably get it in my lifetime. I can’t make any money, boss, you know my account number.”

In fact, Paul's second statement surprised Gao Guang.

Fang Zhenwu sighed lightly and said, "I want money."

Francisco spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Actually... but... uh... I don't know how to put it, well, as an Italian, I definitely can't leave my boss and run away. I have to take this money."

Mike looked at Patrick. Patrick thought for a moment and said: "First of all, I want to say that Italians are not synonymous with reliability. Then, in fact, I didn't make much money in King's Defense. And even if I get two million, it won't be enough for me." It’s not very attractive, but I’m optimistic about the future of Kings Defense. I’m willing to become the original shareholder of Kings Defense, because the boss has done a fair distribution before and also given me the dividends I deserve, so... I’m willing to invest in Kings Defense. The future is like this.”

Mike was stunned for a while, and then he said with a sad face: "If you don't leave, I... I actually don't want to fight. You know that I can't do anything else. My biggest role is to block bullets for my boss, so I am the most dangerous of."

No one spoke, not even Gao Guang, because everything he said now felt a bit like moral kidnapping, so it was better to stop talking and let Mike make his own choice.

Mike struggled for a long time, and finally said: "I really want to become a star, and I also want to integrate the zero-dollar shopping business in Los Angeles. I also think... there are too many things I want to do."

According to Mike's words, he seemed not to want to stay and be tied to death on the Gaoguang boat, but Mike changed the topic with a sad face and said: "If it weren't for the boss, I would still be a hopeless little gangster on the street. I don’t want to say that I have to repay the boss or anything, I want to say... I stay.”

Waving his hand feebly, Mike said firmly: "Don't say anything, just give me the money. I'm afraid I will regret it."

Patrick suddenly said: "Mike, actually you don't have to be so honest."

Mike said helplessly: "I also wanted to say something nice, but I didn't know why I just said it. I couldn't control myself. I...Fake! I just couldn't control my emotions!"

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said solemnly: "Then I asked Mr. Smith to pay, seven million, one million for each person, and one million for each person after the reinforcements arrive, and... Thanks."

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