Firepower is king

Chapter 341 Anti-Mad Dog Mask

There are many types of masks, including gas masks, dust masks, masks that are just for decoration and camouflage, and of course there are also bulletproof masks.

There are many types of bulletproof masks. The most common ones are the ones worn by special police officers with a transparent cover on the front, which are similar to motorcycle half helmets. There are also bulletproof masks that are buckled directly on the face and made of Kevlar. mask.

Bulletproof masks have been invented for a long time, but few people use them because the visual effect of this thing is far greater than the actual combat value.

However, bulletproof masks can indeed block the vast majority of pistol bullets. All bulletproof masks on the market can basically block the power of 9mm Parabellum bullets and shell fragments at least three meters away, so this thing is very effective against rifles. The bullets basically have no effect at all, and they have no effect on pistol bullets with particularly strong penetrating power, such as FN5.7 bullets.

The highlighter uses 9mm handkerchiefs.

The 9mm pargun is not powerful enough. If you want to hit a fatal blow, the highlighter can only hit the head. But when encountering an enemy wearing a helmet, he can only hit the fatal triangle area near the nose. But after wearing the mask, this fatal triangle area But it was blocked.

There is a helmet on the head, a mask on the face, and a body armor on the torso. At least the front edge is slightly higher to block the neck. In addition, the position of the neck is deliberately covered during the battle, and the highlight only leaves the limbs to be hit.

The three shots just fired were aimed at the enemy who was shooting upwards. The highlight was from a high position and could hit the enemy's neck. Three shots were fired three times, so it was easy to finish them off quickly.

But if the enemy wants to break in, it will become a face-to-face firefight. Once the enemy has a bulletproof mask, Gao Guang's harvester will immediately turn into a weeder.

The power plummeted, the difficulty increased exponentially, and it was extremely targeted, making Gao Guangda feel the pain of a dog biting a turtle with nowhere to bite.

Gao Guang put the pistol back into the holster, then he held the rifle and hurriedly said on the intercom: "Who knows the model of the bulletproof mask used by the enemy!"

"It's the transparent bulletproof mask most commonly used by military and police."

"No, the enemy is wearing a black full-coverage mask."

"The enemy has two kinds of bulletproof masks!"

Hearing the results sent back by his teammates, Gao Guang's heart became even colder, because it was now confirmed that the enemy's bulletproof masks were not uniform equipment.

Many people may not understand. Isn’t it important to have unified equipment? Yes, it is very important whether a certain piece of equipment is equipped uniformly.

It is not unified equipment, which means that this bulletproof mask is not the equipment that the enemy has always used. They did not use it before, but now they all use it. It means that the enemy is well prepared and has specially prepared the bulletproof mask for a certain person.

To put it bluntly, this is an anti-mad dog mask.

So who would deliberately equip a bulletproof mask to prevent Mad Dog's fighting style? It must be the Lion Mercenary Group.

It seems that the last battle created a strong psychological shadow on the Lion Mercenary Group, and after they killed Andrew, they still came wearing bulletproof masks.

Gao Guang changed rooms, and he wanted to shoot the enemies hiding downstairs from a high position, but he had just stood in front of the window and before he had time to lean out, he felt a shock in his chest, and then he subconsciously fell down. On the ground.

Looking down, you can't see it, but if you reach out and touch it, you can feel a small bullet hole under the neck.

I was shot, a small and medium-caliber rifle could not penetrate the body armor, but the enemy was closely guarding, or in other words, staring at these windows.

The time from appearing in the window to being shot is definitely less than one second, which means that the enemy is very close, but the enemy is not aiming to ensure a fatal hit on the head, which means that the enemy is not too close, more than 200 meters away , within four hundred meters, three hundred meters is the most likely distance.


Gao Guang called out on the intercom, and then he didn't change rooms because he felt that his fall just now was enough to confuse the enemy.

Slowly got up, knelt down on one knee, first prepared the rifle, and calculated the possible location of the enemy. Then Gao Guang suddenly raised his head and pointed the muzzle at the possible location of the enemy's sniper. In the shortest possible time, Gao Guang, He fired a shot at a strawberry. He did not see the enemy, but on the bare ground, only the strawberry was the most likely enemy's camouflage and hiding place.

After firing a shot, Gao Guang saw the faint dust stirred up by the bullet next to the barley. Then he knew that his shot was a bit far from the target, at least three meters away.

Gao Guang squatted down again, and then he said helplessly: "I can't hit the sniper."

The battle was not too intense, because the enemy's assault group that was about to attack the small building was blown away by a round of grenades and lost its combat capability. The assault group was all wiped out, so no matter how fierce the fire suppression was, it was of no use.

Therefore, although the gunfire never stopped, the pressure on Gao Guang and others was not great.

The enemies who could move on both sides of the entrance insisted on crawling away, but three died on the crawling road, three died directly below, and two others persisted to both sides, and then when they were dragged away by their comrades, Let Gao Guang and the others seize the opportunity and kill them all on the spot.

The enemy launched more than thirty people in the first round of attack, but the battle lasted less than five minutes and at least fifteen people died.

According to Gao Guang's estimate, the enemy should be retreating. They don't have enough people left to continue the attack. With the assault team around the small building, the enemy can't use heavy firepower.

At this moment, John suddenly said urgently: "The enemy is forcing their way out! They are going to use heavy firepower!"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Go to the basement, quickly!"

Everyone began to run down quickly. They tried their best to run directly from the stairs into the basement where the vault was located, leaving only one person at the end of the corridor staring at the entrance.

Then, the whole small building shook slightly, and the dull explosion was not that loud.

"It's not a cloud bomb or an RPG."

"I feel like a rocket."

The enemy did not use rockets, but it seemed to be more powerful than RPG7. However, after only three or four rounds, the explosions stopped immediately.

Gao Guang looked up and said: "They definitely don't have many rocket launchers, otherwise they would have given us a round of volley fire before attacking. Moreover, there were not many enemies to attack. I suspect they probably didn't mobilize too many." People came over, and only the Lion Mercenary Group launched the attack."

John frowned and said, "Are you so sure?"

Gao Guang said helplessly: "Apart from the Lion Mercenary Group, who else would wear a bulletproof mask?"

Paul hurriedly said: "Yes, only those who have been psychologically affected will prepare for a pistol slap in the face, and now only the Lion Mercenary Group."

Reinster was also there, and he asked very curiously: "What? Being hit in the face with a pistol? And also having a psychological shadow?"

The reason is not enough to explain to outsiders.

John waved his hands and said: "Go up, go up! Prevent the enemy from entering."

Just rely on a disabled Lion mercenary group, then they can't even try to break in.

Gao Guang, John and Patrick came to the corridor again. It was uncertain whether they should go to the second floor because they were worried that the enemy would continue to attack with rockets. However, the exit of the vault on the first floor could block the entire corridor and entrance.

At this time, a head appeared at the entrance and took a look.

Then, at least a dozen grenades were thrown into the entrance from both sides, shock bombs, anti-personnel bombs, all thrown in as if they were free.

The old routine of storming indoors is that the entrance door must have been broken. After the door is broken, grenades are thrown first, and then the commandos swarm in and fire at every target they see.

No smoke bombs were thrown, because the smoke would obscure the vision of both the enemy and ourselves, so now is not the time to throw smoke bombs.

The two men who came in first dodged and opened fire, but Patrick certainly wouldn't wait. The corridor was only three meters wide at its widest. Wherever a machine gun was placed, it would be damned if the enemy could rush in.

The machine gun fired a round, and the two enemies who rushed in immediately fell to the ground. However, they did not enter as a whole, so they were dragged out from behind immediately after falling.

The enemy reached the entrance, but couldn't get in at all. However, Gao Guang and the others only used one Patrick, which was enough to seal the entrance.

If the enemy doesn't change their fighting style or equipment, then they should withdraw.

Sure enough, Gao Guang could vaguely hear someone outside saying angrily: "Retreat! Retreat!"

"Is there that face-slapping monster?"

"I don't know! Withdraw!"

Listening to the rapidly fading sounds outside, Patrick suddenly said: "I just heard someone talking about a face-slapping monster? Uh, did you hear it?"

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