Firepower is king

Chapter 359 It has nothing to do with you

"I knew it! I knew it, damn I knew it would happen!"

Gao Guang's eyes were dull and he had a bitter look on his face. He couldn't say anything except repeatedly saying, "I knew it."

Danny had to put his hand on Gao Guang's shoulder and said loudly: "Calm down! Don't panic! What do you know?"

Gao Guang gritted his teeth and said: "I knew things wouldn't be that simple! What does the CIA do? Who are those people in the CIA? Will they get the names of two people wrong?

Danny hesitated slightly, then he smiled bitterly and took away the hand on Gao Guang's shoulder.

Gao Guang looked manic and said anxiously: "From the first day I got the passport, I began to worry that it was not that simple to get the wrong name. I was worried that there would be problems. Now the problem finally came, but it was too late. Gram! My company is registered with the name Otto, my contract is signed with Otto, my driver’s license, my gun license, everything about me is bound to the name Otto. I have always I was just worried about what I would do if the real Otto showed up one day, but I didn’t expect..."

Gao Guang was about to cry but had no tears. He looked at Danny blankly and said: "I never thought that Otto Schmidt was the Shadowless One who has been on the top of the dark web for eight years! And now I have become the Shadowless One. ! Man, now my life is worth 100 million dollars, I want to kill myself and claim the reward!"

Danny scratched his head speechlessly.

Gao Guang continued with a look of fear: "The names of the two people are wrong, but the photos are correct, and everything else is correct. What is the probability of this happening? Is it possible for someone from the CIA to make such a low-level mistake? You Do you believe it?”

"Well, I don't believe it."

"Yes! So this can't be a coincidence. If it's not a coincidence, someone wants to change my identity with me and make me a scapegoat!"

After speaking hastily, Gao Guang said with a confused look: "Yes, I am not the real Otto Schmidt, but who am I to explain it to? If someone plans to earn this bounty, do you think he will let me explain it first?" Do you want to decide whether to kill me? What if someone kills me first and then slowly verifies the identity? I can’t afford such a mistake, I will die once!”

Gao Guang covered his head with his hands and said with blurred eyes: "One hundred million US dollars, one hundred million US dollars! In exchange for You, you saw the reward on the dark web and knew that I am Otto. Do you want to earn this hundred million US dollars? "

"No profit!"

" said you won't make any money?"

"I said I won't make any money! Not only will I not make this 100 million US dollars, I will also stay far away from you."


Looking at Gao Guang's puzzled look, Danny smiled bitterly and said, "Since you are also on the dark web, don't you know who the Shadowless One is?"

"A killer, right?"

Danny breathed a sigh of relief and said: "He is a killer, but a super killer. In other words, he is the number one killer. Well, I cannot express the status of the Shadowless One by saying this. Let's put it this way, whoever wants to kill If you can definitely kill someone, would you kill him for $100 million?”

"Why not? One hundred million dollars!"

Both of them felt that the conversation could not continue because they both felt that the other party was a bit of a fool and could answer such a weak question incorrectly.

For Gao Guang, getting 100 million US dollars can directly achieve financial freedom, and the people he kills are people from the underground world like the Shadowless Ones, and they are not assassinating some prominent figures. Since going to war is also a risk, why not Just try to kill the Shadowless Ones and then retire.

For Danny, there are countless ways for him to earn 100 million US dollars. Although it may take a long time and may not be earned in a lifetime, it is definitely more realistic than killing the Shadowless Man.

Danny said helplessly: "Man, think about it clearly, for a super powerful killer, should you kill him or should he kill you? One hundred million dollars is a lot, but you can't even exchange it for your life. Is this money? According to your Chinese Wouldn’t it be better to burn our traditions directly to you?”

Gao Guang said helplessly: "Man, Mr. Smith will definitely not kill the Shadowless Man for a reward of 100 million US dollars, and neither will Mr. Eric. No one with 10 million US dollars will do such a thing, but just There are many people who want to be famous but are poor, and they don’t care if they die.”

It must be admitted that what Gao Guang said this time makes more sense, because after all, there are few rich people and many poor people in the world, and there are also many people who are willing to take risks for 100 million US dollars.

Danny said again: "Calm down! First of all, not everyone can see the Dark Web. The threshold of the Dark Web is very high and has eliminated the vast majority of paupers. Those who can enter the Dark Web at least know the name of the Shadowless One. What does it mean!”

"What does the Shadowless mean?"

Danny said seriously: "It's not as bad as you think. Well, I'll explain it to you. Just listen to me calmly."

Gao Guang was indeed panicked, but now, he looked at Danny with a confident look, which indeed made him feel a lot more at ease.

"Okay, you say."

Danny said calmly: "The Shadowless Man became famous at least twelve years ago. The first time he took action was to kill a Russian oligarch who settled in the UK. The reason why he became famous is because he killed this The six bodyguards of the oligarch in his vacation villa finally killed the oligarch's family and then wrote the word "Shadowless One".

Gao Guang didn't know the origin of the Shadowless Man, and he didn't expect Danny to know this Shadowless Man very well, so after thinking about Danny's words, he suddenly said with a look of joy: "Twelve years ago? I was just a kid then, so great!”

Danny continued: "The Shadowless Man became famous quickly because of his quick and continuous attacks. His second target was a British man, a rich man from the Middle East. When he lived in London, the Shadowless Man killed this rich man, and then Again the word Shadowless was written next to the deceased.”

"Well, keep talking."

Danny said very seriously: "The Ascians mean people without shadows. Scotland Yard regarded the actions of the Ascians as a provocation, and they launched a long investigation. Then, in London, the third victim Two months later he showed up again, this time it was a man living in the apartment, but this man was a retired MI5 agent."

Gao Guang suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Retired agent? A killer kills rich people to make money. Why kill a British agent?"

"That's the problem. The Shadowless Man disappeared. Then a year later, he killed an old man in the United States. But the problem is... this old man was a defected Soviet agent. He had lived in the United States for more than thirty years, and then Let the Shadowless One be killed, and he still left his name and one more sentence."

"What words?"

"What is supposed to come will definitely come, Shadowless One."

Gao Guang said in a daze: "So the Shadowless Man is not a pure killer. The people he kills are all related. Is it for political purposes?"

"I don't know. If so, it would be simple. The problem is that the Ascians started killing people after this case. In South America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and then the underground world even circulated a public offer of one million. Life is the starting price, and you will be killed if you pay. The specific amount will be discussed separately. There are incomplete statistics. Well, Shadowless Man can do at least six to eight orders a year, with footprints all over the world, and leaving an exclusive mark every time. "

Gao Guang had nothing to say, but Danny spread his hands and said, "I know you don't know much about the killer industry, but what you can always think of is the importance of confidentiality to killers. Killers always want to do everything possible. To cover up their own traces, and the biggest pursuit of many killers is to make the assassination look like an accident, so it looks normal.”

"Yes, this is a routine operation."

"But the Shadowless Man makes his identity known. Every time he succeeds, he will leave evidence. The most powerful thing is that according to handwriting identification, a total of more than 40 Shadowless Man signatures were handwritten by the same person."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "That means that the Shadowless One is one person, not a group of people sharing the same name?"

Danny smiled bitterly and said: "Common sense seems to be the case, but now people are increasingly believing that the Shadowless are the name of a group of people. At least the Shadowless have many helpers. Therefore, the mainstream view now is that the Shadowless are regarded as a killer organization. Treat him as a lone wolf."

After finishing speaking, Danny said seriously: "No matter how much you want to make this 100 million, are you willing to provoke such an opponent? Do you dare to provoke such an opponent?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "According to my current development trajectory, I don't want to provoke him, because I have other ways to make money, but if I were a killer, then I definitely wouldn't mind taking risks."

Danny scratched his head with his hand again, and then he said very distressedly: "I don't want you to have trouble checking Otto Schmidt. Since the CIA can't get your name wrong but it still got it wrong, It can only be someone who did it on purpose, so the question is, if you insist on finding out Otto Schmidt's true identity, will you cause unnecessary trouble? But now, it seems that Otto Schmidt? Mitt made the first move."

Gao Guang said helplessly: "So what should I do?"

Danny waved his hand again and said: "Calm down, don't panic, this matter can be easily solved. The focus of the problem now is who issued the reward, and why the reward order can be kept for eight years."

"Do you know who posted the reward?"

Gao Guang was extremely surprised. He looked at Danny and said, "You don't look very familiar with the dark web."

Danny smiled and said: "First of all, let me tell you that the CIA is one of the main founders of the dark web. Then, the reward for the Shadowless Man was also issued by the CIA. The US$100 million was also paid by the CIA. And what happened Things have obviously changed since then. Believe me, the CIA will soon launch a comprehensive investigation against you. Then they will find out why the damn Otto Schmidt’s passport was issued by us? If the person is fooled, then the CIA will cancel the reward, because keeping the reward would be an insult to them."

Gao Guang looked confused, but Danny shrugged and said: "On the surface, the situation seems serious, but in fact it has nothing to do with you, so don't worry, calm down and relax."

"Why do you know this?"

He was surprised and happy, but Gao Guang was indeed said to be a lot more relaxed. He asked anxiously: "Why do you know so much about this matter?"

Danny shrugged and said very seriously: "I originally didn't plan to tell you so much, because it won't do any good if you know too much, but now to put your mind at ease, I'll just tell you a rough idea. It's enough for you to know. , In addition, this matter is a personal feud between the Shadowless Man and the CIA. You are not qualified to intervene, and I am not qualified to intervene. Mr. Smith is also not qualified to intervene, so please stop investigating this matter, do you understand?"

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