Firepower is king

Chapter 364 Bad News

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

All in all, I'm really good at making small fuss, and the King's defense is very powerful and professional.

But if they want to do some business, King's Defense will immediately reveal their true colors. The people led by Gao Guang are not the same material at all.

But this time John made a good suggestion. Since he didn't know what to do, he should find a knowledgeable person for consultation. It was nothing more than paying a consultation fee.

There is a channel called the dark web but if you don't know how to make good use of it, it does seem to be a waste of money.

"Let me see, the intelligence section..."

Gaoguang opened the darknet, and John watched excitedly. Then, when they didn't find any information related to arms, the first thing they saw was the reward for the Shadowless Man.

Now the information about the Shadowless Ones is more abundant, at least there are finally two photos.

The video provided by Gaoguang, and then the shadowless person in the video took two photos, one of an old image and the other of a young image.

When he saw the reward notice, Gao Guang couldn't help but read it several times, and then he said dejectedly: "No, I am being chased by the Shadowless Man now. I am in danger now. What I am thinking about at this time is not to escape, no." I’m hiding, but I’m thinking about how to make a lot of money selling arms. Do you think I’m sick?”

Fang Zhenwu couldn't help but said: "It's a bit, but it's quite unreliable anyway."

John said from the side: "Don't worry so much at this time, and quickly figure out what to do. At least we have to understand the process and key points of the arms transaction before we can move on to the next step."

Gao Guang took a breath and said: "Well, we can post a reward in the intelligence section, um... that's good, just say that we are urgently looking for an intelligence agent who understands the arms trade. Is that okay?"

John has a special interest in the dark web, because he has been fooled, deceived, and ridiculed by others, so he is now eager to verify whether the dark web is as powerful and magical as the legend says.

"Okay, I think it's okay!"

John said hurriedly: "Just say it like this, let's start now."

Gao Guang thought for a while, and he wrote a post with the title: Looking for an intelligence agent who understands the arms trade, private chat about specific business, and private chat about price.

After writing the post, I clicked Send, and then the problem came again.

King's Defense, headed by Gao Guang, is good at fighting and killing, but they don't know how to do arms business. Then they wanted to consult on the dark web, but found that they couldn't even play on the dark web.

"Why can't it be sent?"

"Be careful."

"I can't open it!"

Seeing that there was no response when the mouse clicked on the send icon, Gao Guang became anxious at first. He slammed the mouse on the table and said anxiously: "What's going on!"

Gao Guang is also a young man, and he has been playing with computers since he was a child. He cannot be considered a computer idiot, but there is no response to such a simple operation, and it is easy to drop the mouse.

Why do I feel like nothing can be accomplished smoothly?

Then, the prompt finally appeared.

A prompt box similar to a warning appeared on the computer, saying that there was no permission and the membership level was too low.

After taking a closer look at the regulations, I discovered that Gaoguang’s membership level can only read and reply to other people’s posts, but is not qualified to post one’s own posts.

Dejection and helplessness are really irritating.

Gao Guang sighed heavily, and then he said extremely irritably: "Since I got off the plane today, I feel that nothing has gone smoothly. Has our good luck all been used up in South Africa?"

After all his luck ran out, what was going well before was now so unfavorable. The highlight of being invincible on the battlefield now feels like the whole world is against him.

John said with a disappointed look on his face: "It turns out that your darknet is not good either. Unfortunately, I thought... forget it."

It was a mess, a mess, and now Gao Guang wished that someone could teach him and tell him how to solve the mess in front of him.

It's a pity that Gao Guang doesn't have such a master to guide him.

Just then, Gao Guang's cell phone rang.

Gao Guang, who was annoyed, took the cell phone that he had put aside. He thought it was a call from those acquaintances, but when he saw the number, it was a completely unfamiliar number.

Now it was a phone call that had to be answered. Gao Guang answered the call and said, "Hello."

"Hello, are you Mike's emergency contact?"

"What is wrong with me?"

"Mike suddenly suffered respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. He was in good condition, but I don't know why he suddenly..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, what did you say?"

Gao Guang couldn't believe his ears. Now all his worries were thrown away, and only fear remained.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but as Mike's emergency contact, I was wondering if you could come to the hospital right now."

The caller was a woman. Although she was polite and apologized for bringing bad news, her routine tone revealed that she actually had no feelings about the matter.

But Gao Guang was different. He only felt that his throat was tight and he wanted to speak but couldn't make a sound. After gurgling twice, he finally squeezed out a sentence.

"he died?"

"I'm sorry, uh, wait a minute, sorry, oh, God, are you Francisco's emergency contact too?"

Gao Guang felt his eyes go dark, his hand loosened, and the phone slipped silently from his hand.

Fang Zhenwu, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed the cell phone that was about to fall to the ground.

The woman on the phone still said in a gentle and apologetic voice: "I am very sorry to inform you that your friend Francisco... he... he is the same."

Fang Zhenwu said sternly: "It's the same for him! Make it clear, don't be vague! Are they dead or not?"

"There are no doctors still rescuing him, but there is little hope. I can only tell you this. If you want to see the patient for the last time, please rush to the hospital as soon as possible. I am very sorry."

Fang Zhenwu said angrily: "They were fine when they were sent to the hospital, why did they suddenly stop working!"

Gao Guang slumped in the chair. He thought he was very strong and had a particularly high endurance, but for some reason, when the bad news came suddenly without warning, it seemed as if his strength and soul were drained away.

Seeing Fang Zhenwu still roaring with his cell phone, Gao Guang stammered: "Give it to me, tell me, ask her, what's going on, is it a mistake? It must be a mistake, right?"

Fang Zhenwu said sharply: "We will go there immediately. In that ward? Where in the hospital? Where are we going..."

"Our doctors highly suspect it is a poisoning reaction. The patients are now receiving emergency treatment in their respective wards. Please come quickly. Sorry, I have to hang up."

The call was hung up. Fang Zhenwu's face turned pale. He looked at Gao Guang and said, "Don't worry, maybe I made a mistake."

Even if it's like this, you can still make a mistake.

Gao Guang's heart had sunk into the abyss, but he stuttered: "There must be a mistake, let's go to the hospital."

After getting off the plane, Mike and the three injured people were sent directly to the hospital by the people from the War Group. Then Gao Guang encountered many things immediately, so he did not go to the hospital, but Mike and the others filled out the contact information when they were hospitalized. People are high-profile numbers.

Now, with the call coming from the hospital and the names Mike and Francisco, it was strange that this could go wrong.

John sighed softly, and then he whispered to Gao Guang: "I'll drive, don't panic, don't be anxious, there's no point in being anxious..."

At this time, Carlos suddenly said: "No, Mike and Francisco's lives should not be in danger suddenly in any case. Their injuries are serious, but their current condition is also very stable, and there is absolutely no chance of sudden death." Case."

Gao Guang whispered: "The Shadowless One has taken action, I...I want it!"

Just when Gao Guang was gritting his teeth and wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, Carlos said again: "I heard what was said on the phone. As a doctor, I think there are too many doubts about this phone call. First of all, even if It was the Shadowless One who took action. As an excellent killer, Mike and Francisco were already dead instead of waiting for doctors to save them. Then, no hospital would call at this time. "

Gao Guang was puzzled, but he saw hope again, so he asked Carlos: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, the hospital will call you after the patient dies, but it's impossible to call now. No hospital will provide any hospice care at this time. What they should do is call 911."

Gao Guang said anxiously: "I don't care about this. I mean, do you think this is a scam, that the Shadowless One wants to trick me into going to the hospital, right?"

Carlos hesitated for a moment, but he finally nodded and said, "Yes, I think so. If you want to kill two people in the hospital, you don't need to poison. If you poison, it won't take so long." Not dead. The hospitals I know either inform you of the death or tell you that the patient is being resuscitated. In short, even if they call, they will never say so. "

Patrick suddenly said: "No matter whether Mike is dead or not, no matter whether someone poisoned them or not, this call tells us that the Shadowless Ones have taken action, because now only the Shadowless Ones may do this, but in this way Look, this scam is too obvious, even clumsy, the Shadowless One shouldn't be of this level."

Gao Guang's mind was in a mess, but after realizing that the Shadowless One had indeed taken action, he was calming down quickly.

When he was forced to put everything behind him and concentrate on dealing with the crisis at hand, Gao Guang's IQ seemed to rise a notch.

"Since the other party mentioned poisoning, it does seem like a very clumsy scam. It may be to lure the tiger away from the mountain, or it may be to throw stones at others, but now I only care about whether Mike is really dead!"

Gao Guang felt that the energy that had been drained was coming back. He whispered: "I don't believe that the Ascians can control the entire hospital. Call the hospital now. Just ask and you will know about Mike and the others. Make this call for me. Fight now."

Revising and modifying things will waste time, but the next route is determined, and there should be no glitches tomorrow.

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