Firepower is king

Chapter 381: Deep love between master and disciple

If you want to die, everyone will die together. If you dare to touch me, I will have you cut off your descendants and your whole family.

The two sides trust each other with their lives, and there is nothing more profound than this between master and disciple.


There is so much hatred in my heart that I know what it means to have a mouth that is hard to express.

Otto had to close his eyes. He couldn't see the highlights, otherwise he wouldn't be able to continue with the task of teaching students and solving puzzles.

Gao Guang said respectfully from the side: "Teacher, I'm listening."

Otto took a deep breath, and then he whispered: "I..."

The secret that he had carefully hidden all his life was forced to be revealed and handed over, and was used as a handle for his good student to hold him hostage. Otto felt really filled with panic.

Gao Guang said cautiously: "Teacher, you are not in good health right now, otherwise... you should rest first?"

How can you do it if you don't tell me, how can you scare the spotlight if you don't tell your trump card.

Otto finally said in a deep voice: "I am the Shadowless One, and the Shadowless One is just my code name, but now the Shadowless One is about to become a killer organization."

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Okay."

Otto thought for a while, organized his words, and then he continued softly: "There are four Ascians now, but including those who assist and work behind the scenes, there should be twenty people."

Gao Guang whispered: "Don't you know the specific number of people?"

Otto breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I don't know, I am the Ascian, but the organization of the Ascian was not started by me. It was my assistant. He used to be an assistant, but now he is mine..."

Otto didn't know what to say. He looked at Jane and suddenly said: "Let's talk alone."

Some things are not convenient to say in front of a woman, but how can Gao Guang let Jane leave? Sarah can leave, and so can the female doctor, but Jane cannot leave.

Gao Guang was not easy to speak, but at this time Jane whispered: "This woman is called Heidi, Hoss. She calls herself Otto's wife and lover. She is extremely controlling and possessive, and she is very good at pretending. She packaged herself up as an obedient little girl, and it wasn’t until she controlled the Ascians, restricted Otto’s freedom, and posed a fatal threat to us that Otto discovered her true side.”

Sara directly called the woman behind Otto Bichi, while Jane's words were much more polite and did not directly curse, but the meaning was similar.

There were some words that were inconvenient for Otto to say, but it was much easier to say them through Jane's mouth.

Jane continued: "The Shadowless One was originally just the code name of a person, but under her management, the Shadowless One has become a killer organization, but the actual controller is Heidi, not Otto, but there is no doubt that woman She loves Otto deeply, and if she knows who hurt Otto, she will definitely take revenge."

These words are a warning, warning Gao Guang not to care whether Otto is dead or alive, but there must be someone to avenge him.

But this statement is of little help to Gao Guang's understanding of the Shadowless Ones, because there are no details.

Jane just started, and then she said to Otto: "Tell him the specific operating mode of the Shadowless One."

Otto said calmly: "It means someone initiates a commission to the Ascian, and then Heidi will decide who to execute it based on the difficulty of the goal. The executor will take half of the commission. For now, I am old and my ability In fact, it has declined compared to before, so most of the business in recent years has been carried out by young people, and Shadowless is just a brand."

After finishing speaking, Otto said seriously: "There is no fixed location and no fixed personnel. Heidi controls this organization with only a few people. Even if I want to find them all, it is impossible, so the Shadowless Ones It is a killer organization that cannot be destroyed or discovered."

Until now, the conversation has been dominated by Otto and Jane's threats to Gao Guang. Gao Guang must know that if he kills the two of them, he will face an endless pursuit.

This was originally a negotiation, and it was enough to have Otto and Jane's children as talismans. There was no need to say anything else, but Otto had to keep him and let him know that it was best not to take advantage of his children.

It is originally a process of threatening each other and compromising with each other. If others want to show their chips, Gao Guang has to listen even if he doesn't listen.

But the highlights cannot follow the Austrian

To provide you with the fastest update of "Firepower is King" by the great master Ru Shuiyi,!

Chapter 381 The deep love between master and disciple is free to read:,!

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If Tuo's route is adopted, he has to counterattack.

"Well, this kind of thing is very troublesome."

Gao Guang sighed with emotion at first, and then he said to Otto: "So, Ms. Heidi, can she tolerate you, teacher, coming to settle in the United States?"

There is a woman behind Otto who is a killer, but the problem is that if Otto is not dead, then Jane, Sarah, and the female doctor will be in danger.

But Otto seemed extremely confident. He said firmly: "She must respect my choice, and she will respect my choice."

Gao Guang suddenly said: "Then what is Ms. Sara's identity?"

Otto frowned, but Jane said without hesitation: "She is the largest shareholder of the Semi-Odawi Group, owning 47% of the shares, and has many other titles, but you only need It’s enough to know that she is the largest shareholder of Semiostarway Group.”

If you have a name, you can check it, and if you have a company name, it's even easier. A woman like Sara is like a spotlight, she can't be invisible.

Gao Guang feels that the negotiation should be over now. Sometimes, appropriate demands and legitimate demands for interests are actually ways to make the negotiating opponent relax.

Gao Guang waved his hand and said to Otto: "Your excuse for coming to the United States this time is to kill Mr. Smith, right?"

Otto nodded.

Gao Guang said naturally: "Can you give up assassinating Mr. Smith? Also, can you tell me who commissioned you to kill Mr. Smith?"

Otto said without hesitation: "I definitely can't kill Smith anymore, and I can also notify Heidi and ask her to give up this commission, but I will never tell you who the client is."

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Okay, that's settled, I respect your bottom line and principles."

The atmosphere was not particularly tense, but the two sides still lacked mutual trust, so it was impossible to be too harmonious. At this time, the door knocked twice, and then Dr. Lawrence entered the ward with two nurses. They were about to collect blood from Otto.

Gao Guang stood on one side, and Jane stood on the other. The female doctor watched with concern as the nurse collected blood. Then when she got the collection tube containing the blood sample, she suddenly said: "Have you... discussed it?"

Gao Guang didn't have much fondness for this wife, but now he felt that the doctor's wife who brought him here was quite pitiful.

Otto smiled and whispered to the doctor: "We had a good conversation, and he will be my student from now on."

The doctor looked at Gao Guang in surprise. Gao Guang nodded and said, "Thank you, doctor."

Gao Guang didn't know what to thank, he just had nothing to say.

At this time, a man in a suit walked in from outside the door, and then he whispered: "Please give me the blood sample. I only have a backpack. Do you need any special container for the blood sample?"

This person was left by Sarah and was just waiting to get a blood sample. The doctor hesitated and said, "If you need it, um, please come with me and I will get you an incubator to put the blood sample in."

The doctor and the man waiting to take the blood sample left again, and at this time, Fang Zhenwu peeked in at the door.

Gao Guang made a gesture that everything was fine, so Fang Zhenwu retracted his head again, but it was obvious that he would still wait at the door.

There are people on both sides outside, and it is impossible to catch them all in one fell swoop. There is no point in continuing to entangle. Now that what needs to be said has been said, and those who need to be threatened have been put in place, then it is time to let them go.

Gao Guang coughed lightly and said, "It's time for me to say goodbye. Uh, teacher, please take care of yourself. If nothing happens, we probably won't see each other again. I wish teacher a speedy recovery."

Bowing slightly, Gao Guang planned to leave the ward backwards, but he did not leave backwards to show respect, but because he could not turn around and show his back to Otto.

But this time the highlight failed. He was about to retreat when Jane suddenly said: "Please wait a moment, did you just say that you are in the arms business? According to my understanding, King's Defense does not seem to be engaged in arms trading."

Gao Guang stopped and said politely: "I will do it in the future. We have a good opportunity now to make a lot of money."

Otto is worth 100 million U.S. dollars. With so much money, people will naturally worry that Gao Guang will be tempted and want to make this money, but Otto has nothing to do now.

To provide you with the fastest update of "Firepower is King" by the great master Ru Shuiyi,!

Chapter 381 The deep love between master and apprentice is free to read:,!

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It is right for Jane to be worried about her ability to resist.

Therefore, Gao Guang had to exaggerate his earning power to dispel Jane's doubts.

But Jane obviously couldn't get rid of it in a few words. She smiled slightly and said to Gao Guang: "I think the interests are more stable than the master-student relationship. If you want to do the arms business, we can just introduce ourselves separately, Lauren. .Jane, working in the Department of Homeland Security.”

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment, and then although he was very surprised, he immediately said: "Uh, okay, Master, let's talk alone."

Jane should have investigated the king's defense, and she should know the details of Gao Guang, but since she took the initiative to bring up the arms deal, she wanted to talk about it alone, and she also specifically mentioned the bundling of interests.

Is this a pillow falling from the sky when you are dozed off? No, this is a force-fed meal from God.

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To provide you with the fastest update of "Firepower is King" by the great master Ru Shuiyi,!

Chapter 381 The deep love between master and apprentice is free to read:,!


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