Firepower is king

Chapter 410: Let’s help each other

Arriving in Baghdad is not the end, it can only be considered a temporary end.

When Gao Guang arrived in Baghdad, he really faced the test.

Both the people and the goods are safe, but what to do with the goods?

Gao Guang just wants to say that I have a headache.

It is impossible to sell it for the time being, and it is very difficult to find a place to store it. Now Gaoguang people have arrived at the headquarters of Zhanhuo Group, but the two trucks of goods are still in the car, and there is no place to unload them.

It's not impossible to find a random warehouse and unload the goods, but this is just delivering groceries to Morris.

Now that the fight has reached this point, it would be strange if Morris didn't try to find ways to regain face from the highlight.

As long as Gao Guang dares to store the goods in Baghdad, Morris will definitely send people to rob them, and even if they don't rob them, they will still destroy them.

Then it’s not easy to get the goods back to the United States.

It is easy to transport arms from the United States to other parts of the world, but it is much more difficult to transport arms from a place like Iraq to the United States.

That batch of unmanned reconnaissance drones was okay, but the batch of imitation Habib-2s were difficult because these drones were equipped with warheads and could explode.

When I came here, I used a military transport plane. If I wanted to transport it back to the United States, it would be impossible to use a military transport plane.

Again, it is very difficult to get freight out of the United States and into the United States.

"Master's wife, I have arrived in Baghdad."

Gao Guang carefully considered what he should say next, and then he said slowly: "I also brought my goods back. I encountered some small situations on the way, but they were all solved very well. It's just that my goods are temporarily under pressure." It’s not easy to deal with. Can you give me some advice?”

Jane was silent for a moment, and then she whispered: "As long as Morris is dead, it is basically impossible for your goods to be sold in the Middle East. If you want to ship goods quickly, you have only three options. One is to kill Morris, and the other is to kill Morris." The first is to send the goods to places where Morris’ influence cannot reach, and the third is to sell the goods to hostile parties in the United States, but I don’t recommend you do this.”

"Then you have to either kill Morris or find another place to ship the goods. Well, I choose to kill Morris."

Jane whispered: "Good idea, but how can you kill him? If you want to kill Morris, you must first find him. Do you know where Morris lives? Do you know what Morris looks like?"

Gao Guang whispered: "Buy the information. There is no other way. The Department of Homeland Security should have information about Morris. Can I buy it?"

"Morris is protected. Not everyone can see his information, and Morris never sells arms in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security will not put so much energy on Morris. I can't help him." Morris' information was found in the Department of Homeland Security's database."

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Chapter 410: Let’s help each other

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