Firepower is king

Chapter 429: The Reason for Thinking of Wealth and Honor

We must respect the profession and believe in the professionalism of professionals.

Specialization in skills is too obvious in the field of private force, just like bodyguards have bodyguard positions, and black troops have usages of black troops. You can't let machine gunners use mortars, and you can't let gunners go on assaults.

In other industries, the boss may like to point fingers, but in the private military industry, the boss will never interfere in the work of his subordinates. Why, because disorderly command will lead to death.

Some people feel that they are the most powerful, they like to take care of everything, and they want to show their authority as the boss in everything. Then this kind of boss is very annoying, but it is okay, as long as it is an industry related to force, This kind of boss usually dies quickly and won't disgust people for long.

So although Gao Guang didn't understand Leon's behavior, he would never say another word, and he would never give Leon a try.

If there's anything you don't understand, just come back and talk about it privately.

"You didn't tell me that you were going to tie it with other arms when you started."

"Because I didn't know the situation here at the beginning, but I know that there will definitely be no results from the discussion tonight. This is just our first contact to test each other out."

It wasn't until he returned to the hotel and entered the room that Gao Guang talked to Leon about what happened tonight, but he didn't mean to blame him in particular, and Leon also understood very well that he could make his own decisions, but he had to tell the truth afterwards. speak out.

Leon thought for a moment, and then he whispered: "I have to explain Kachu's identity to you first. First of all, he is indeed a major general. He was once a senior general of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, but he was dismissed last year. Now He is just an ordinary person, a civilian."

This matter is related to the situation in Ethiopia.

Tigrayans account for eight percent of the total population in Ethiopia, and until now the entire Ethiopia was controlled by the Tigrayans.

But starting in 2018, the Tigrayans lost power. After the new government representing the interests of the Oromo and Amhara people came to power, they drove the Tigrayans out of Ethiopia. A large number of Tigrayans in the army were also forced to go home. , but although these former Ethiopian and military generals have lost their official status, they are still big figures in Tigray.

To put it simply, the new Ethiopian Communist Party wants to cut down the vassals, and the TPLF, which represents the interests of the Tigray people, is the target of the cut. Why do everyone think that the Ethiopian civil war is inevitable? This is the reason.

Gao Guang motioned for Leon to continue.

Leon whispered: "The Tigrayans used to control the entire Ethiopian army. Now they have been driven away. A large number of mid-level and senior commanders have also been driven out of the army. But when the Tigrayans were driven away, they could not Taking away weapons, they are mentally prepared for war, but they are seriously short of weapons, and now there are many troops sent by the new regime in Tigray, and the people of Tigray are closely monitored by the new regime. "

"go on."

"I managed to transport a batch of ammunition last year. Speaking of which, do you know how much M43 military surplus ammunition sells for in the United States?"

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "I know that the cheapest price was seven rounds for one dollar, but now it has gone up a lot. I don't know the exact price."

Leon said seriously: "I'm talking about military surplus ammunition, the kind produced by the former Soviet Union decades ago. Those that are less than 40 years old are not considered military surplus ammunition. How much do you think this kind of ammunition should cost?" ?”

The M43 intermediate bullet is the bullet used by the AK47. Military surplus ammunition specifically refers to the huge amount of ammunition produced by the Soviet Union and any other country that could produce this kind of bullet during the Cold War. This kind of bullet has been in stock for at least forty years, because forty Bullets that are less than 20 years old are new and will not be treated as military surplus.

Gao Guang shook his head and said, "I don't know, don't ask me, just tell me."

"Now the United States no longer allows the import of this kind of military surplus ammunition, but the wholesale price to the United States was forty-five US dollars per box, and then it rose to one hundred US dollars, and then the import was banned. The normal price in American gun stores now is two rounds for one dollar _o_m ”

Leon held out two fingers, and then he whispered: "The bullets I sent here last year were also two rounds for one dollar. Do you know what this concept is?"

Leon begins to reveal that he is an arms dealer. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

The core business secret is his shipping price.

Gao Guang asked seriously, "What does it mean?"

"Ten times the profit!"

Leon breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Last year I shipped a thousand boxes, which is 1.5 million rounds of bullets. Leaving aside the freight and costs, I made half a million US dollars just by reselling this batch of bullets."

It’s only 500,000, why are you talking so seriously?·····

But Leon continued to say seriously: "Now Kachu has taken the initiative to raise the price, one dollar per shot. What does this mean? It means that the Tiren Formation is really short of weapons and ammunition. They are in a hurry. We can at least sell it for one dollar." One round, if we can ship 100 million rounds...?"

Gao Guang sighed, he held Leon's shoulders and whispered, "Man, talk about the drone."

Leon was interrupted. He hesitated for a while and said: "They will buy drones. One hundred million dollars is not a small amount, but the TPLF is not short of money. No matter how poor Ethiopia is, it is still a country. They take the initiative to set the price of bullets." Doubling the price means they are ready to be brutally slaughtered. If they can offer a slight discount on bullets and sell drones, they will definitely accept it.”

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "You mean, if you want to sell drones, you have to transport them bullets?"

Leon whispered: "This is the simplest way. They are not interested in drones, but if they are bundled, they have to buy it."

Gao Guang has specialization in the industry. No matter how Leon sells it, Gao Guang can just leave the task of selling drones to Leon, but Leon can't kidnap him in turn, forcing him to find a way to find guns and ammunition. In the end Only then can we sell the drone.

As a boss, only the results are enough. As for the process, that is what Leon considers.

Gao Guang shook his head and said: "I just want to sell drones now, not ammunition. You decide how to sell them, but you don't want to increase my business scope and workload."

I respect your professionalism and will not interfere with your actions, but if you dare to harm my interests, then don't blame me for being rude. This is what Gao Guang wants to tell Leon.

Leon knew what Gao Guang meant, and he whispered: "Today is just the first contact. Kachu just wants to know what we brought, so it doesn't matter whether the expedition goes today, but tomorrow will be different. , tomorrow is the key.”

After thinking for a moment, Leon continued: "Tomorrow I will make a quotation. The drone will be sold for 120 million US dollars. It will be fine if we can finally sell it for 110 million, but the extra 10 million belongs to Kachu." ”

"Oh, kickback, I understand?..." Gao Guang suddenly realized, "You should explain it more clearly, why are you so vague?"

Leon said helplessly: "Kachu is my personal relationship. What we discussed when we met was the base price. One dollar per round of bullets was the base price for me, but the minimum price for the Tiren Formation was one dollar per round, and the extra price went to Kachu. , I quote 100 million US dollars for the drone, and no matter how much it is sold in the end, the extra money will belong to Kachu.”

Gao Guang nodded and said: "Now I understand what tonight's meeting means. You should have told me earlier. If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have to let the expedition go."

"You respect me, of course I have to respect you. In fact, I don't want to increase your business scope, but??···?"

Leon swallowed, and said seriously: "You sell drones, and I sell arms. I will find a way to get the People's Liberation Army to pay for your drones first, and then I will transport the arms to them. The two of us just think of it as cooperation, do you think that’s okay?”

After going around in a big circle, it turns out that Leon is waiting for the highlight here. He has made quite a detour.

The Tiren Front paid 100 million U.S. dollars to buy the drone as a down payment for arms, but Gao Guang took the money away without leaving any cents for Leon, and then he achieved all his goals. @Essence\\/Shu Ge·The first mistake-free release~~

Leon used the spotlight to escape, and then he could make a lot of money from the Tiren Formation. Although the money for the drones had nothing to do with him, as long as he could make the subsequent arms business, he could still make a lot of money. .

This can be regarded as a win-win, because how much Leon earns or how little he earns is secondary, no matter how bad he is, it is better than him staying in prison.

After trying to understand the twists and turns, Gao Guang looked at Leon in surprise and said: "One hundred million US dollars is not a small amount. Are you sure you dare to accept such a large deposit from the recruitment team? (This chapter is not over yet!)

After I take the money away, will you still be able to continue the business? "

Leon would definitely not say these words to Gao Guang until he was on the ground, but now if he wanted to hide something, he would be seeking death, so he said whatever he said.

Leon was not a light-hearted man. He said calmly: "Kachu said he would try his best to facilitate our deal. As long as he said "try his best", there is basically no big problem, as long as we can satisfy him.

This is slang, or jargon. We met tonight and found out that Leon and Kachu had already reached a deal. Only the two laymen, Gao Guang and Yuan Zheng, didn't understand what it meant.

Leon continued: "I really have no capital, so I will promote your business first. After your transaction is completed, we will cooperate on the next project. After you get the payment for the drone, you will give me the money to invest." , let’s cooperate, you pay for me to buy the goods, I only need 30%, no, 20%, how about it?”

Killing two birds with one stone, Leon is killing three birds with one stone.

A hero does not care about his origin, but his wealth and honor should be related to his origin.

How Leon made his fortune can be seen from his operations.

This trick of borrowing a chicken to lay eggs is really amazing and has to be admired. First update @

Gao Guang sighed with emotion: "You are such a talent! Really!"

Leon was not proud, he just whispered: "I find the source of M43 bullets for one dollar per round, and I find the transportation channels. You only need to advance the deposit, and if you resell it, you will make ten times the profit! This is no better than selling drones." Is it fast? There are also grenades, rockets, rifles and machine guns?...Boss, this opportunity is rare. This kind of opportunity really doesn't come around all the time. It's faster than selling it to the Middle East!"

Gao Guang was moved, but he did not and would not lose his mind.

Remember what you are here to do, protect your capital first, and then consider expanding your profits.

Gao Guang patted Leon's shoulder again and said: "Sell the drone first, and then I can invest in your business with the money. If you can't sell the drone and get the money, then let's stop talking about it. "

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