Firepower is king

Chapter 432: This is a technical means

Gold will always shine, and talents will definitely stand out.

Genius, why would such a genius join the King's Defense? Is there something wrong with his brain during the expedition that made him come along to make such a small amount of money?

Facts have proved that everyone is cheap. When a subordinate shows too dazzling talents and abilities, the boss will feel a sense of crisis.

Expeditions are great. Experts with this kind of technology are in high demand. An annual salary of one million is not a joke. Now he comes to Ethiopia to sell arms and only gets 100,000 in the end. Is this a bit of a problem?

The feeling of finding a treasure was put aside for now, but now Gao Guang felt that he was not worthy of being the boss of the expedition.

However, Gao Guang felt that talents like Yuan Zheng were not qualified in the king's defense, but Tafa felt that Gao Guang's men were full of talents. After all, he did not know the origin of Gao Guang, let alone Gao Guang's strength.

Now the request for the expedition is a little too much. He wants to investigate Tafa's men as well. This is a challenge to Tafa's dignity and authority.

Tafa thought for a moment. He did not agree directly, but looked at Gao Guang.

"He is your subordinate, are you sure he can do it?"

If Tafa wanted his men to hand over their guns, he would have completely lost control. At this time, Gao Guang, the boss, had to resist and don't let his men get ahead.

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "Of course, you can completely trust his ability."

Tafa exhaled, turned around, asked for an AK47 from his men, pulled the bolt with a click, and then whispered: "Put down all the guns on your body."

Now everyone put their guns on the ground in front of Tafa. Tafa immediately looked at Yuanzheng and said seriously: "What to do?"

Yuanzheng said with a relaxed look: "How do you check whether there is a locator on the car? Do you search for electronic signals in a signal shielding room, or do you check manually bit by bit?"

Tafa said without hesitation: "Both are available. Some key vehicles must be inspected every day."

Yuanzheng pointed at Kaqiu and said, "Where is his car?"

"We picked him up and his car was fine."

Yuanzheng nodded and said: "Okay, I believe for the time being that your technology is fine, and the person monitoring is indeed not following the GPS signal, because the GPS signal will not be interrupted. In fact, judging from the tracker's pattern, I know that the signal is not continuous, it is a signal sent by someone manually. "

After finishing speaking, Yuanzheng looked at a few guards who were obviously getting nervous, and said with a smile: "I don't think their IQ can use anything too complicated. I also believe that the monitors are not using things like triangulation and signal tracking." means, then there are only a few very simple things left.”

Yuanzheng said to Tafa: "Let them hand over all the electronic devices on their bodies, including mobile phones, satellite phones, walkie-talkies, and GPS."

Tafa whispered: "There are only two walkie-talkies and nothing else."

"Okay, let them all hand it over."

The two guards took out the walkie-talkies and placed them on the ground in front of Tafa.

Gao Guang was really curious about what technical means Yuanzheng would use. Then he watched Yuanzheng take his backpack, rummaged through it, and took out a small box he didn't recognize. There were two sticks on the small box. Wire.

"I have an instrument here that detects electronic signals. Even if no signal is emitted, the presence of any electronic components can be detected. Now, I want you to come to me one by one to be tested."

After Yuan Zheng finished speaking, he looked around and said, "It doesn't work here. It's too close to the source of interference. Let's go a little farther."

Drones are still flying in the sky, but these do not hinder the expedition to find the mole.

Tafa frowned and said, "How far away do you need to be?"

"It's not far, just ten meters is enough. You watch them here and don't drop the signal transmitter. I'm here to detect it. Let them put their hands on the signal detector. Even if they can't detect the electromagnetic signal, , but any electronic component will produce a weak reaction through the human body's bioelectricity. This is the latest product in the United States and was developed in our laboratory. I can definitely find the mole."

After Yuan Zheng finished speaking easily, he suddenly said: "How about you give me a gun and let our boss protect me."

This proposal is very good, but Gao Guang feels that Tafa will not agree because they are outsiders and Tafa will not hand over the gun to those who come to trade.

But Tafa picked up a gun from the ground without hesitation, walked up to Gao Guang, put it in front of him, and said, "Can you use it?"

"Uh, it will work."

Gao Guang took the rifle, a brand new 56 punch. He removed the magazine and looked at it. There were bullets in it. Then he inserted the magazine, pulled the bolt, and a bullet jumped out.

You must inspect the gun you receive from someone else. This is the most basic requirement for a shooter.

After emptying the chamber and reloading the gun, Gao Guang held the rifle up with both hands and said, "That's it."

Yuanzheng strode aside. His drone was still flying in the sky, but this did not prevent him from helping Tafa find the mole.

The expedition stopped behind a tree. He placed the small box on the ground, and then said loudly to Tafa: "Let them come over and touch this box one by one. If there is bioelectricity, it will ring, and there will be electromagnetic signals on the body." It will beep. From now on, I will not touch this detector until it beeps.”

Gao Guang remembered something, so he said calmly: "How dare you steal the latest technology from the laboratory, you guy..."

Yuan Zheng looked back at Gao Guang with a strange look.

The first guard came over. He seemed a little nervous, but he still walked to the front of the expedition with his hands raised. Then he squatted down and touched the box.

After pretending to wait for a while, Yuanzheng nodded, and then he said loudly: "You have no problem, just stand there and wait."


The first three people to be checked were the guards from Jilawotu. There was nothing wrong with the first three people, so when the fourth person came over, Tafa stared at the guard with a very fierce look.

The fourth man couldn't even walk very well, but he still arrived in front of Yuan Zheng, looked at Yuan Zheng nervously, and slowly squatted down and touched the small box.

"No problem with this, next one."

Tafa's expression changed again. He looked at the five men he trusted completely, then pointed at one of them and said, "You guys should go too."

A guard in casual clothes walked over. He didn't look nervous, just a little annoyed.

"No problem, next one."

Another one came over, checked, no problem, stood aside.

Gao Guang couldn't help it anymore, he whispered to Yuan Zheng: "You are so brave!"

Yuan Zheng said calmly: "I'm sure."

Four of Tafa's five guards were inspected, and there was still no problem. At this time, Gao Guang began to get nervous, and he was very nervous.

Because the last obvious status is different. After the investigation of the soldiers, it is finally time to investigate the officers.

Tafa also looked a little confused and annoyed, but after looking at his last subordinate, he still said: "Go and get checked."

The last guard walked over, squatted on the ground, put his hand on the box, and waited for a moment, but no sound was heard.

Tafa breathed a sigh of relief, and then he sternly shouted to the remaining people: "Go and get checked!"

The remaining people were also checked, but still no sound was heard.

Finally, Tafa couldn't bear it any longer, and Jilawotu couldn't hold his breath either. He said hesitantly: "Should we check it too?"

"No, come here." Yuan Zheng turned around and said with a proud look on his face: "Now stretch out your hands and hold them flat in front of you. No one is allowed to move."

Gao Guang was a little nervous. He turned his body slightly, and then he said weakly: "How dare you! I thought you really had some technical means, but you found the mole by trying to identify the thief."

Yuanzheng looked at Gao Guang and said: "You can actually see it? But this is a technical method, and psychology is also a technology."

Yuanzheng took out a small ultraviolet flashlight, the kind that can be used to detect banknotes, and then he began to shine it on everyone's hands.

Although it was daytime, green fluorescence appeared on the fingers of those undergoing the examination. It was a bit faint, but it was visible.

The face of the person who was examined at the end changed drastically. He pushed the people around him and tried to run away, but Gao Guang had a gun in his hand, and he was always staring at the people in front of him.

He raised his gun and pointed it at the person who wanted to run. Gao Guang said sternly: "Don't move!"

The distance was only three to five meters. The man in casual clothes, who was obviously the boss and the last person to be inspected, looked very flustered. He wanted to run, but was afraid of being shot in the head by a high-light gun, but he also knew that the consequences would be very unpleasant. good.

Jilawotu's guards reacted very quickly. Two of them swooped over and pinned the person who was trying to escape to the ground.

Yuan Zheng pointed his finger coolly and said: "That's him!"

Tafa looked at the person who was pushed down with a look of disbelief on his face, and then he said a few words in a language that Gao Guang couldn't understand.

Jilawotu was also very surprised. He said in English: "How could it be him? Could it be a mistake?"

There was no need for Yuanzheng to explain, because the man who was pressed to the ground looked desperate and had given up resistance.

"sorry Sorry……"

The person being held down could speak English. His hands were already twisted behind his back, so he lay on the ground and said to Tafa: "Please don't kill me, sir, don't kill me..."

Tafa looked a little dazed, and then he was heartbroken, and then he finally said angrily: "It's you! How could it be you! I understand! The three consecutive assassinations were all done by you! They were all the routes you provided. !”

Gao Guang didn't ask Tafa, he looked at Jilawotu and said, "Who is he?"

Jilawotu hesitated for a moment, but finally whispered: "He is responsible for protecting the safety of the top leaders of the Tiren Formation..."

Okay, this is the big insider. Although I don’t know the specific identity, because Tafa and Jilawotu both have a bit of a family scandal that they don’t want to expose, but this is helping the Tiren Formation solve a problem. There is definitely something wrong with having a serious problem in your heart.

The current expedition is very proud, but not to the point of being arrogant, just smiling happily.

Gao Guang couldn't help but said to Yuan Zheng: "If you dare to use the trick of touching a donkey and catching a thief here, I will convince you. You really look down on people."

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