Firepower is king

Chapter 442 Night chat on the plane

The meeting place was a bit special, we met on Smith's private jet.

The plane was ready for takeoff, but it had not yet reached the runway. Smith was the only one on the private plane, and his personal flight attendant was not there, so he had to do everything by himself.

"Want something to drink? A glass of wine."

Smith was sipping a glass of wine, and there was half a glass of whiskey in front of him. It was obviously prepared for Gao Guang, so he asked what to drink, but the only choice for Gao Guang was spirits.

Gao Guang picked up the wine glass and said to Smith: "Didn't you just attend the cocktail party? I thought you had drank a lot."

Smith raised his glass and touched it with the highlighter, and said: "A cocktail party is never a place for drinking. If a drunk person is at a cocktail party, he is a fool. Stay away from him. Even if you get excited after drinking, it will be a fool." It’s dangerous, so I always serve the last glass of wine at cocktail parties.”

Smith took a big sip of the liquor, exhaled, and said: "So only when I get on the plane, in the next few hours, I can't control anything, can't do anything, everything is left to the pilot. , I will indulge myself and drink until I am excited.”

Hearing this, Gao Guang picked up the wine glass he was about to put down and drank a little more.

Since Smith had laid out the wine and said such sincere words when he came up, he must have something to say today. However, Gao Guang felt that Smith wanted to see how he would behave after drinking too much.

The quality of the wine reflects the character, and it is not necessarily true after drinking, but after drinking too much and getting excited, many people seem to be a different person. Gao Guang felt that Smith wanted to see the other side of him after he got excited.

So the highlighter drank up half a glass of whiskey in one sip. Fortunately, I didn’t feel choked or punchy, but I did feel that after half a glass of wine, I started to feel a bit on my head.

This foreign wine actually tastes good when you drink it. It's not as strong as white wine, but it's too easy to get drunk.

Gao Guang picked up the wine bottle placed aside and poured himself a little less than half a glass. Then he raised the glass, stood up, and said respectfully to Smith: "Mr. Smith, according to Chinese tradition, I respect You, you do whatever you want, I’ll do it first as a courtesy.”

After drinking it all in one gulp, Gao Guang forcefully drank the two of them out of the atmosphere of a Chinese wine shop, and it had to be the kind of northern wine shop.

Smith laughed, but in order to save his face, he drank the remaining half glass of wine in one gulp.

Gao Guang felt a little dizzy, so he poured half a glass of wine for Smith again and half a glass for himself.

I can't drink anymore. If I drink any more, I'll faint and I won't be able to ask for advice.

Since Gao Guang's debut, no, it should be said that he has been branded as a member of the War Group since his debut.

Frank came from the War Group, and Gao Guang followed Frank and became P. Then Frank couldn't continue, so he took over the Kings Defense, but he embraced Smith's golden thigh, and everything went smoothly from then on. It can be said that Gao Guang can achieve today's achievements and net worth , it is really inseparable from Smith’s support and the resources of the War Group.

Originally, Gao Guang was attached to the Zhanhuo Group, but now he is going to go it alone and go into the arms business.

At best, it was Mr. Smith who promoted him. At worst, Gao Guang and his King's Defense were both vassals of Smith.

No one saw that the vassal he had supported was leaving him, and Gao Guang always felt that Smith refused to lend him money, but wanted to go through Danny's hands and lend him a war loan, which was Smith's way of trying to continue to control him. .

But no matter what, Smith is still Gao Guang's noble man, so even though Gao Guang wants to go it alone and break away from his dependence on Smith and the War Group, he still has to make his words clear and leave politely. It's best not to turn into an enemy. It was best to maintain a relationship of friendship and cooperation, so Gao Guang asked Smith for advice, and Smith asked him to come and meet on the plane.

It's just that he's not sure how Smith will react to the highlight. So far, Smith is at a level that he can't touch, and he doesn't know how people at this level do things.

Smith exhaled and said: "I knew that one day you would go it alone, but I didn't expect that day to come so quickly. How long has it been? You have reached the age where you can be your own boss. It's amazing!"

It was Smith who spoke first, but what he said sounded like irony or sarcasm. Gao Guang didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

Smith still looked emotional, and he said seriously: "But have you thought about it? Selling arms is different from being a mercenary. Being a mercenary is very simple. What you earn is a commission. As long as you can fight, as long as you If you dare to go up, then you will have a steady stream of tasks to take on and money to make. Now that you are known as Mad Dog, King's Defense has gained a certain status. If you continue in this industry, you will definitely make money. You can make a lot of money, and the resources I have here alone are enough for you to make a fortune.”

Before Gao Guang could speak, Smith changed the subject and said: "But arms dealers are different. P and arms dealers are closely related, but they are two completely different industries. When you are P, you work hard to make money, but when you are an arms dealer, you are still Fighting with your life is even more dangerous than the battles you have to fight as a p, but in business there are always losses and profits, and even if you risk your life, you may lose nothing."

Gao Guang thought for a moment. Now he was not drunk, but his mind was indeed excited.

"I just think...actually...I just saw an opportunity to make a fortune and couldn't help but do it. So I don't plan to be an arms dealer in the future and completely break away from the p industry."

After Gao Guang finished speaking, he was telling the truth, but he did become braver after drinking, so he continued: "But I have seen the ceiling of being a p, and I don't want to be a bodyguard to take bullets for others. Now, I think it’s time to fight for myself, not for my employer. I deserve to fight for my business, but I still feel it’s not worth it for me to fight for my employer.”

Mercenaries can do any kind of work, but it is more of an offensive nature. P can become a mercenary at any time, but as long as it is the identity of P, it is indeed more defensive.

Gao Guang picked up the wine glass and whispered: "So when I saw the opportunity, I took it."

Smith smiled, and then he suddenly laughed. Then he raised his glass and said to the highlight: "Cheers."

Gao Guang drank it all in one gulp again, and then he felt even more dizzy.

Smith said with a smile on his face: "You drank too fast. Young people are like this. They don't know the taste of fine wine. My wine costs more than six thousand dollars a bottle. It is the best liquor."

Gao Guang's head was dizzy, and he didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he opened his mouth and said: "To be successful in life, you must have all the joy, and don't let the golden cup stand in the sky against the moon. No, this sentence is inappropriate, it should be a luminous cup of grape wine... …It’s not appropriate either.”

Smith waved his hands and said: "If you don't understand, don't memorize your poems. Now let's get down to business. Don't drink anymore. If you drink anymore, you won't be able to remember it."

Smith pushed the wine glass aside, placed the ashtray between the two of them, took a wooden box, pulled out a cigar from the leather case and handed it to Gao Guang.

"I can't smoke..."

Gao Guang was so frank and cute, Smith laughed, picked up the cigar scissors, cut off a little, then turned the cigar upside down and handed it to Gao Guang, and picked up an airbrush lighter.

Smith lit the lighter, Gao Guang caught the cigar and leaned over, took a few puffs and lit the cigar.

“Smoking a cigar does not stop your lungs, let the smoke swirl in your throat, and feel the aroma of the cigar.”

Smith also had a cigar in his mouth. Gao Guang picked up the lighter and lit it for Smith respectfully.

Smith blew out the smoke and said: "In less than a year, you have gone from being a young man with nothing to having everything you dream of as a p, including fame, strength, resources, and connections. You It’s amazing that you can give up these things without hesitation and sell arms.”

Gao Guang muttered in a low voice: "I haven't given up on these..."

Smith didn't listen to Gao Guang's excuse. He waved his hand and said: "You are going to be your own boss. I am very happy to give you some guidance and help on the road. Your rise is too fast and smooth. You There is a lack of experience accumulation, so you feel confused now and don’t know how to take the next step.”

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Yes, that's how I feel. It's very strong."

"It's normal. You are just a p. who can fight. You are not a businessman. It is not easy to transform from a thug to a boss."

Gao Guang said sincerely: "Now

There are a lot of people in King's Defense. We just made a fortune, but I don't know how to divide the money. "

Smith shook his head and said: "We'll talk about how to divide the money later. Now, what do you think is the biggest problem faced by switching from P to becoming an arms dealer?"

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Well, I didn't find any big problems..."

Smith looked at Gao Guang with helpless and contemptuous eyes, and said: "You are a humble young man. You should be lucky to come to me for advice on a key point of transformation. The luckiest thing for you is that I am willing to give you advice."

Gao Guang said firmly: "I know you will help me, and no matter what happens, I will always respect you, Mr. Smith."

"The first problem you encounter in the transformation must be the unreasonable personnel composition. You need to understand that your P is mainly for defensive tasks, but the arms business can only be carried out by someone with a strong fist. You have to When you are an arms dealer, you must have a stronger force than being a P, so the arms dealer's force must be more comprehensive, the personnel composition must be reasonable, and you must have the ability to fight independently. "

Gao Guang thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes, that's true."

Smith pointed at the highlight with his cigar and said: "The first step in transformation is to improve your personnel composition and form your core team. You used to be vague about the positioning of your employees, but now, you have to have a clear understanding of them. It takes a clear understanding and positioning, so that you can form a team with a clear division of labor.”

This is the advice that Gao Guang desperately needs, and this is Gao Guang's luck, because not everyone can get advice from a big boss, and Smith is no longer just giving some random advice, Smith is teaching Gao Guang step by step how to do things.

Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading.

This sentence is sometimes not an exaggeration, but a fact.

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