Firepower is king

Chapter 43 Hell Level Difficulty

Among all terrain battles, jungle warfare is the most difficult, bar none.

Note that jungle warfare is the most difficult, not the most dangerous, because street fighting, especially indoor fighting, is more dangerous and has greater casualties than jungle fighting.

But whether it is a street fight or an indoor fight, as long as one of the two warring parties has an absolute advantage, the terrain will not be the main factor in determining the outcome.

Firepower superiority can greatly or even completely eliminate terrain advantages. A simple example is that during a battle, one side occupies a strong fortress, but the other side can use cannons to directly level the fortress. If one cannonball is not enough, ten cannonballs will be used. If ten rounds aren't enough, use a hundred rounds. If cannons can't solve the problem, then use ground-penetrating bombs, thermobaric bombs, or if that doesn't work, use nuclear bombs. They can always completely overwhelm the fortress.

The battlefield in urban warfare is destined not to be too large. The two warring parties are concentrated in one city, and no matter how big the city is, there are always boundaries. Therefore, every separated battlefield in urban warfare is small, which infinitely increases the intensity and intensity of the battle. .

But jungle warfare is different.

Of all terrains, the jungle is the most beneficial to the weak, because the characteristics of the rainforest render almost all high-tech weapons and equipment ineffective today.

The jungle makes aerial reconnaissance almost ineffective. Reconnaissance satellites cannot penetrate the dense canopy, nor can reconnaissance aircraft. Night vision devices can turn night into day, and thermal imaging cannot penetrate dense vegetation for detection.

Without detection, the firepower advantage cannot be exerted. Carpet bombing can destroy a city, but it cannot destroy a vast rainforest. There is no clear target covered by artillery fire. No matter how many bombs are fired, it is a waste of artillery shells.

It is simply impossible to use heavy combat equipment on a large scale in the rainforest. No one would be stupid enough to use tanks and armored vehicles to conduct a blitzkrieg in the rainforest. It is impossible to conduct large-scale airborne operations in the rainforest, even for helicopter airborne operations. This is the most rapid and flexible air assault method today, but it has been greatly restricted in the rain forest.

Give up all advantages, use the most basic infantry in the rain forest, use the most basic firepower, and fight the most basic low-intensity and low-intensity guerrilla warfare. This is basically the final form of jungle warfare.

Therefore, the rain forest is a natural ally of the weak party, and can even be said to be a natural protector.

In Colombia, the guerrillas are the weak side and the Colombian government is the strong side. However, the government forces have been encircling and suppressing the guerrillas for decades, and until now they have not been able to eliminate the Colombian armed guerrillas while occupying an absolute advantage.

Compared with the guerrillas, Gaoguang and the others are absolutely weak, so the good news is that from now on, the rainforest has become Gaoguang and their refuge.

No matter how long the guerrillas have lived here, no matter how familiar they are with the terrain here, as long as the line of sight cannot exceed thirty meters in the rainforest, there is no home field advantage.

As long as you can't get into the rainforest, it's impossible to find the person. The rainforest can swallow up the intruders on its own, but humans are not allowed to interfere.

Gao Guang understands the various characteristics of jungle warfare. As a military fan, if he does not know these basic knowledge, he cannot be said to be a qualified hard-core military fan. However, he knows the difficulty and characteristics of jungle warfare, but he really has no idea. How do you fight in the jungle?

He knew it but didn't know why. His theoretical knowledge even surpassed that of Frank and the others, but when he actually entered the rainforest, not to mention the battle, just searching and advancing in the rainforest was too much for Gao Guang to deal with.

He was so ashamed of himself that Gao Guang began to sympathize with Eraser.

There were only five people in total and one was arrested. Now there are only four people left.

And one of these four people was a rookie who had never been to the rainforest or fought in a war.

After excluding the rookies, among the three remaining veterans, there was a commander who had suffered a mental breakdown.

Excluding the mentally broken commander, there are only two people left who can still fight.

But that's not the end.

With just two people who can still fight, they have to carry out the most difficult hostage rescue operation among all combat missions in the most difficult jungle.

If this were a game, there is no doubt that this is a nightmare level dungeon to be cleared on hell difficulty.

So the highlight really sympathizes with the eraser infinitely.

Rubber is indeed following in the footsteps of the captain, who is already on the verge of a mental breakdown.

After only traveling a few dozen meters, Rubber knew how bad the mess he had inherited was. He stopped moving forward and raised his fist with his right hand to make a stop gesture. Then he stretched out three fingers and pointed diagonally to the right front, then retracted his right hand and pointed Binoculars...

Search and advance towards the three o'clock position, with two people guarding both sides, and one person watching behind you, stopping at any time and preparing for combat.

It is impossible to carry out particularly complex communication in sign language, only simple communication, so Rubber quickly and simply expressed a few messages in sign language, but he soon discovered that Gao Guang had a blank look on his face, while the captain was absent-minded.

Yes, Gao Guang cannot read sign language.

Gao Guang is a military fan. He has studied sign language, but the problem is that sign language does not belong to the category that military fans can study.

Sign language is most commonly used in special forces, but sign language, a simple means of communication on the battlefield, cannot be unified. It is just about confidentiality. Sign language cannot unify all gestures. Only after joining a unit and becoming familiar with it , it is possible to know what the sign language unique to this unit means.

So where is the sign language for Eraser, how can Gao Guang know what it means?

Fortunately, he looked back and saw that Rubber's hand that was making seals suddenly stopped. He looked helplessly at Gao Guang and the captain, but the captain seemed to be waking up from a dream. He stared at Rubber after a start, and then He made a gesture, meaning what you just said.

Rubber didn't want to make a sound, because in the rain forest, he almost relied on sound to detect the enemy, but now, he couldn't stop talking.

"Captain, could you please cheer up?"

Signaling George to be alert, Rubber retreated to the captain's side. He grabbed the captain's collar. He was extremely angry and helpless, but he could only keep his voice very low, which made him feel unable to show his anger.

"Bottle Cap is not dead yet. How can we save him like this? Kung Fu Boy doesn't know anything. You have to at least protect our backs! Fake, do you listen to what I'm saying? Don't act like that How about you want to die?"

If you don't dare to speak loudly, you can only use force with your hands. The rubber shakes the captain hard, and the captain is so shaken that he can only wave his hands and push the rubber away.

"I know, I didn't want to die!"

The captain's voice was a little loud, and his rubber eyes widened. The captain immediately lowered his voice and said, "I know what to do, you don't have to worry about me."

"I'm worried about ourselves!"

Rubber grabbed the captain again, and he said viciously: "It's not enough for you to kill Bottle Cap, you want to kill all of us! The four hundred million dollars are gone, but I don't want to lose my life here, bastard! You Stop hurting us, okay!"

Hearing the 400 million US dollars, the captain suddenly trembled. His face was full of unwillingness and anger, but soon, he sighed softly and whispered: "I'm sorry, I...I'm fine now, don't worry about me."

Rubber let go of the captain with a look of helplessness. He approached Gao Guang, grabbed the collar of Gao Guang's clothes, and said sternly: "Put your ears up now, listen carefully to all the sounds nearby, and follow me. Don’t get too close, but you must keep a distance where you can see me, do you understand?”


Rubber shook his head and sighed softly: "Keep going."

Gao Guang was ashamed, but all he could do was follow Eraser's instructions, follow Eraser obediently, and move forward bit by bit.

It's very hot in the rainforest, because this is not a plateau, so it's extremely hot and stuffy.

Sweating like rain, Gao Guang felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, but he wouldn't say that he couldn't bear it, he would just move bit by bit.

After traveling for two hours, Gao Guang had already made no distinction between north, south, east, and west. It wasn't until Rubber took out the GPS to confirm the direction and checked the recorded movement track that Gao Guang discovered that they had advanced 900 meters in a straight line, but the actual distance traveled was not the same. Four thousand two hundred meters.

The 4.2 kilometers in the rain forest is different from the 4.2 kilometers on the plains, and it is even more different from the 4 kilometers on the road.

Eraser once again gestured to stop and must rest now.

It was impossible to chat during the rest. The four of them drank water and ate the food they carried to replenish their strength. After resting in place for half an hour, Rubber stood up again and made a gesture to continue moving forward.

Just as Rubber made the gesture, he heard a faint voice not far away.

The words were not loud, almost inaudible, but when the voice came, several people were shocked at the same time.

Rubber immediately made a concealing gesture, and it didn't matter even if Gao Guang couldn't understand it. After seeing all three people squatting down and hiding, Gao Guang would of course hide as well.

This hiding place lasted for ten minutes, and no sound was heard within ten minutes. Finally, Rubber pointed at Gaoguang and told him not to move. He pointed at the captain again and asked him to be more vigilant. Then Rubber and George slowly He moved around, trying to find the source of the sound.

This wait lasted another half hour.

Half an hour later, Rubber and George came back.

The four got together for the first time to discuss.

"The enemy's camp was discovered."

Rubber's face was solemn and desperate. He waved his hand and whispered: "It's less than 200 meters away from us. We are on the edge of the enemy's camp, but no one has noticed us."

A camp in the rain forest cannot be protected by a circle of sentries, unless there are thousands of sentries in the camp.

Frank said in confusion: "Is the camp big?"

"It's very big and spread out, and we could only see part of it, but there's no doubt that this camp has been around for a long time because the houses are very old, so it's a complete large camp."

A complete camp that lasts for a long time is not the kind of camp that just stays for a short time, deals with it casually for a few days and then abandons it, because it is really difficult to build a camp in the rain forest, and no one can abandon it easily.

Frank sighed softly, and said feebly: "I'll go and observe. If it's a permanent camp, then... maybe we can negotiate."

I'm updating late today because I think this chapter is very difficult, so I have to work slowly and carefully. I'd rather be slower than write haphazardly just to rush for time.

But there are still very few book reviews now. I know there are many talented book friends. You have to write book reviews. If there are few book reviews, it will be difficult for me to copy them.

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