Firepower is king

Chapter 446 The Qualified Choice

Headhunting companies are not just beheading people, but are commonly known as executive recruitment agencies, which are third-party companies that specialize in recruiting talents for those companies.

Finance is not that easy to find, but it is very fast to screen out the targets. Because Sara has several companies that need to recruit talents all year round, so she has contacts with several headhunting companies, and finance personnel are almost all headhunters. One of the key positions that the company pays attention to all year round.

The employer puts forward the demand, and the headhunting company looks for the candidate. If there are candidates that the headhunting company has paid attention to before, the information can be quickly sent to the employer for screening first.

While Gao Guang was still chatting with Sara, several talent profiles were sent over, including four who were currently employed and one who had just resigned and was looking for a new job.

Priority will be given to the person who resigned, but it is because he has not found a new job after leaving his job, which means that this person basically does not have any big advantages.

Sara just glanced at it, and then she immediately said: "This won't work."

Sara needs to wear a pair of glasses when looking at the computer, and the tablet she uses to read information was brought by her assistant.

Gao Guang couldn't see the email from the headhunting company. But he wanted to see and find out why Sara didn't want this guy who was looking for a job.

You must be good at learning and be able to learn. When you meet a boss with rich experience like Sara, no matter what opinions or insights she has on employment, it is always beneficial to take the opportunity to learn from her.

"Miss Sarah, can I see why this doesn't work?"

Sara brought the tablet over and said to the highlight: "Look at it."

Gao Guang quickly read the information. He was a 46-year-old senior accountant who once worked as a professional accountant in a large accounting firm. He graduated from a prestigious school and worked for many large companies. His resume was really beautiful.

"Isn't this great?"

Sara spread her hands and said: "He is in his prime, the golden age for an accountant, but he has never handled the finance of a company alone. The most important thing is that he has never done finance for a small company since he entered the industry. He Suitable for a Fortune 500 company, but not for you.”

Although this person is good, he is not suitable for the king's defense. If he is not suitable, he can be eliminated directly without thinking about the facts.

Sara clicked on the second person's information. She glanced at it for a few times, then nodded and said, "Look at this person."

Sarah casually handed the tablet to Gao Guang. Gao Guang looked at the information and said, "The financial director of a car sales and leasing company in Maine?"

Sara nodded and said: "Keep reading, keep talking."

"Graduated in 2004. After graduation, I joined a company established in the same year as the financial director. Well, I just graduated from a community college and didn't even have an accounting certificate. This..."

Gao Guang felt a little at a loss, and then he looked down and said, "Isn't this appropriate?"

Sara shook her head and said: "This candidate is the choice that the headhunting company really considers what we need to provide. Note that he has grown up with the company. From a small company with only three people, it now has more than 300 employees." employees, as the company grew from small to large, it became the largest car sales company in Maine. The most important thing is that he has never had any problems with his accounts for so many years, which is rare. This shows that he not only has rich experience , and has outstanding abilities.”

Gao Guang nodded.

But Sarah sighed: "It's just that he is really not suitable because he has a family and industry in Maine, but the most important thing is that he is not familiar with the rules outside the United States. His diploma limits his stage. He can do it in the United States, but if you want to do global business, then this person is not suitable. "

Gao Guang could only nod, but Sara looked at the third candidate and stared at it for a long time, then gave the tablet to Gao Guang again and said: "Look at this, if you like it, then this person is your target. ”

The third person's information was much simpler and his resume was not very complicated. Gao Guang looked at it for a long time and said, "This looks very suitable."

Sarah whispered: "We run a multinational logistics company. The company is in Arizona, but its largest business is in Los Angeles. The company has four hundred trucks, warehouses at the port, and operations in Europe and Asia, but its main business is highways. Trucking

Transportation is not sea transportation or air transportation, but there are also transportation channels for sea transportation and air transportation.

road. "

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Yes, it's exactly what I need."

Sara said calmly: "The business covers many places, but there are only more than 40 employees, and the annual revenue is about 100 million US dollars. However, the company has not had any financial problems, and it has very close trade with Mexico. Contact, but there are no legal issues.”

Gao Guang smiled bitterly and said, "You can't poach such a person, right?"

"It would be strange if this kind of company is innocent. It would be strange if this kind of company's finances have not had any problems for ten years. Look at the information of this company, and then look at the information of this person. Accounting at the University of Texas at Austin After graduation, he entered a large accounting firm as an intern, but he only worked for one year before joining this company. In the first year, he became the assistant to the financial director, and in the second year, he directly became the financial director. It has been eleven years now. Always the financial director.”

Sara reached out and scratched a few times on the tablet and said: "Before he joined, this logistics company would have financial problems every year. The tax would come to its door and it would be fined several times. But after he joined the company, there were no such problems. question."

Gao Guang nodded and said: "It means he is suitable for us? But how to recruit people?"

Sarah curled her lips and said: "This is a company with a 100% gang background. This financial person was either sent to school by gangsters for further study, or they were coerced into joining the company."

Gao Guang raised his eyebrows and said: "Coercion?"

Sara said calmly: "Don't think about it, this is the chosen one. God allows you to see him, then save him from the clutches of the gang. This is definitely the most suitable financial situation for you."

Great, now there is a candidate, but how to get it?

Gao Guang looked at Sara and said, "How should I dig him over?"

Sara bit her lip gently, then she turned to her assistant and said: "Call the headhunting company, we are very interested in this person, where did he buy his property, is he married, and does he have children? Let the headhunting company improve the information."

Gao Guang smiled and said: "It sounds like the headhunting company is engaged in intelligence."

"Headhunting companies are originally engaged in intelligence, just business intelligence. It would be strange if that headhunting company didn't also engage in business intelligence on the side."

Sara took off her glasses, and then she smiled and said: "If this company really has a gang background, it would be easy to recruit him. Let's contact him privately first, see his personal wishes, and then decide based on the situation. How to do it.”

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