Firepower is king

Chapter 454: Stealing Business

People have to change and grow up after all.

According to Zhou Yi, Gao Guang is now a gentleman who has changed. To put it in a more popular way, he is in the process of changing from an ugly duckling to a swan.

Although he cannot have his own power like Smith, Gao Guang has already begun to build his own empire.

Tom finally took out his mobile phone again. He dialed a number and whispered, "Come over. Things can be done."

Gao Guang couldn't help but ask again, "Who is it?"

"Well, colleagues stationed in Dubai." Tom shrugged and said, "This kind of thing must be handled by someone familiar with the local situation. This is indispensable."

About five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Tom got up and opened the door. A middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties came in.

"Let me introduce you to the person in charge of the Middle East Department in Dubai. Just call him Scissors. This is Mad Dog."

He didn't say the name, but just introduced the nickname. The man called Scissors nodded and sat down opposite Gao Guang.

Dubai is the financial center of the Middle East and the largest city. It is naturally an intelligence center. No matter how high the level of the person in charge in Dubai is, his status cannot be low.

Scissors looked at Gao Guang, then looked at Tom, and said, "What do you say?"

"There are still 200 million in profits. You and the boss will share it. Let's take 20% of it. How about that?"

Tom was talking about 200 million in profits. After rounding off more than 80 million, 20% of 200 million is not a small amount. Scissors thought for a while and whispered, "Okay!"

"Sales and transportation are all handled by Mad Dog. We have to get through the joints in Dubai. Man, now you should come up with something real."

Scissors said without hesitation, "General Zayed Maktoum is in charge of the armed forces of the Emirate of Dubai. As long as he nods, the business will definitely be ours, but Zayed... is a member of the royal family of the Emirate of Dubai. His assets are at least several billion dollars."

Tom whispered, "What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say? What can we use to impress him?"

Scissors continued, "I have found out who is specifically responsible for the bidding. The logistics department A colonel, we need to find a breakthrough from him. As long as he is willing to help us get the contract, then this thing can be done. At least he will tell us which links we need to open up. "

Tom sighed and said: "Now we want more than just the batch of ammunition that is being bid for destruction, man, we want more, we want to get the money in one go, so we have to let Dubai eliminate and destroy more weapons."

Scissors whispered: "Then we have to bring in the person in charge of the arsenal, let him apply to expand the scope of destruction of expired ammunition, and destroy all bullets in stock for more than 20 years. That should be enough."

Gao Guang couldn't help but say: "Then We need to bring in two people."

"More than that."

Scissors spread his hands and said: "At least three people, the person in charge of bidding needs to be brought in, the person in charge of the arsenal needs to be dealt with, and their superiors, the people who manage the army logistics, also need to be dealt with. This is the link we must get through. If this step is not done well, there is no need to bother the people above for the following things."

Tom whispered: "Can you deal with these three people?"

"I can deal with two, but the third key person, the boss knows him."

Tom thought for a while and said: "You go to contact the locals, and I will contact the big guys in the Pentagon, how about it?"

"No, you have to go in person, I I'll help you make the connection. You and Mad Dog should at least show up. Dubai people don't like mysterious things. They like to be direct in doing business. "

Scissors finished speaking, and then he said helplessly: "The most important thing is that I have to stay in Dubai in the future. Man, you can't let me run around. I don't want to be transferred out of Dubai."

Tom spread his hands and said: "Okay, then contact now?"

"I'll send you there directly and talk face to face. "

Tom and Scissors are from the same system. They communicate easily and understand each other's difficulties. There is no need to be so pretentious when doing anything. In a few words, they decided to take action immediately.

Both of them stood up, meaning they were about to leave. At this time, Gao Guang couldn't help but say: "Wait a minute, how much should we give to the locals? Also, we have competitors. If competitors know that we are planning to steal our business, they will not be polite. What if Morris wants to kill us?" Tom and Scissors looked at each other, and Scissors immediately said: "This is Dubai. Dubai has good security. Even if Morris knows that we want to steal his business, he has to follow the rules and solve business problems with business means." Tom whispered on the side: "Now we are paving the way and putting the preliminary work The real decisive factor is still the boss. We are competing with Morris to see who has a stronger backstage, so you don't have to worry about fighting in Dubai. "Gao Guang whispered: "But what if we have to fight? We must always prepare for the worst possible situation. " "We can't let people kill us. If Morris really wants to kill us in Dubai, we have no choice but to fight back. "Gao Guang immediately said: "I couldn't bring a gun when I came here, how to solve the gun problem. "Tom said helplessly: "You went around for this? Well, of course we have a safe house in Dubai, and we can give you all the mission weapons you need. "

Scissors shrugged and said with a smile: "The entire Middle East has your back-up, but Morris doesn't have any. I will be responsible for any weapons needed. Is there anything else to worry about?"

"No, let's go."

Scissors came by car, a Land Rover. When he got in the car, he first looked at his watch and then said: "It's two o'clock in the afternoon. The person we are looking for should have gone home from get off work. Let's go directly to his home to visit. , I won’t show up then.”

At two o'clock in the afternoon, I came home from get off work, but didn't the person I was looking for have a military position?

Gao Guang felt a little confused, but he didn't say anything, because they were going to meet soon anyway, so let's talk about it after meeting.

The car drove for less than twenty minutes and stopped in front of a large white house. In front of the house was a lawn. An automatic spray faucet was watering the lawn. There were also two date palm trees on the lawn.

Scissors stopped the car and said: "This is the one. Get rid of him first, and then ask him to take you to the person in charge of the arsenal. If you have anything to do, call me. I won't show up if nothing happens."


Tom opened the car door and said to Gao Guang, "Come on."

Gao Guang felt that what he was wearing was a bit casual now, and he should change into a suit.

Don’t worry about being too hot to wear a suit when the temperature is close to 50 degrees, because any place in Dubai that is not open-air will have air conditioning, and the air conditioning is very strong. Wearing short-sleeved clothes will feel very cold.

Tom rang the doorbell directly, and a dark-skinned man opened the door. Judging by his dress, he was South Asian. He looked at Tom and Gao Guang, and then said in English with a heavy accent: "What do you want to do?"

"We went to your owner and told him that someone from the CIA wanted to discuss a business with him."

The servant said calmly: "My master is taking a lunch break. Please come back after five o'clock in the afternoon."

Tom said unceremoniously: "Now, go wake up your master and tell him what I just said. Besides, we are not the kind of people who can wait. Go!"

Is it so tough to visit people and ask for help?

Gao Guang was a little confused, but the South Asian man immediately returned to the room and closed the door.

After a few minutes, the servant opened the door again, and in these short few minutes, their clothes were already wet with sweat.

The door opened, and a man in a white robe turned around and angrily scolded the servant who had just opened the door. After scolding a few times, the man in a white robe said to Tom: "I'm sorry, my servant was so rude, I didn't invite you in. Please come in."

Tom was no longer as tough as before, he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter."

Wearing a white robe, a headscarf, and a full beard, the tall and mighty owner invited Tom and Gao Guang into the living room with a sofa. After asking them to sit down, he said directly: "I don't know, you two." looking for me?"

Tom smiled and said: "We are here for the batch of munitions that are about to be destroyed. We know that you are responsible for it. Now we will participate in the bidding first, so we came here specifically to visit sir."

stall wearing white robe

He raised his hand and said, "I'm afraid you guys are late. This batch of goods has already been decided, and I have no right to change it."

"It's not very late."

Tom smiled, looked at the highlight, and then said: "This is the president of King's Defense, Mad Dog."

Gao Guang nodded, and Bai Pao said calmly: "Hello."

"I'm from the CIA, and the CIA wants this batch of goods to support those in need."

Baipao's expression moved slightly, and he whispered: "CIA...well, it's useless for you to find me for this, you have to find someone above..."

Not letting Bai Pao finish his words, Tom continued: "We not only want this batch of goods, we want more, so we want to ask you to take us to see the person in charge of the arsenal."

The man in the white robe frowned. At this time, Tom looked at Gao Guang, who said lightly: "Five million dollars, we know that the competitors will not give you any benefits, but we will pay you five million US dollars in benefits." ”

The man in the white robe took a breath. He was rich, but five million was by no means a small amount. The most important thing was that he was just a handler. He could enjoy this kind of business, but Gao Guang was willing to give him a piece of fat. The amount is still set.

With almost no hesitation, the man in white robe immediately said: "It's useless to tell me."

Gao Guang said calmly: "Of course we will open up all the channels from top to bottom. There will be people to solve the problems above. You only need to do your own thing well. No matter others, the five million US dollars is yours."

The man in white robe smiled and said, "Okay, I'll help you contact the arsenal."

Tom smiled and said: "Shall we go now?"

"Okay, let's go now."

The man in the white robe stood up, said a few words loudly in Arabic, then reached out and lifted up the robe, revealing the slippers on his feet, and said: "Please, take my car."

I don’t know the name, I don’t know the specific position. Anyway, I brought the scissors to the place, then broke in and negotiated the price directly. I don’t know whether this transaction will be successful in the end. Anyway, I feel really happy now.

If only it were this simple to grab business. If only it could always be this simple.

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