Firepower is king

Chapter 464 Unloading

The ship departs from the Port of Kuwait, which is very close to the Port of Basra. It can be regarded as departing directly from the port of call, and then goes to Dubai Port to load the arms.

After staying in Dubai Port for two days, I loaded up a ship full of ammunition and set off again, heading towards Port Sudan.

Highlights had to pay $4 million in freight for the entire voyage.

Whether the freight is high or not depends on what kind of goods are being transported. If it is bulk goods such as crude oil, then the four million US dollars paid by Gao Guang is a sky-high price, and it is a serious blackmail.

But if the shipment is all arms, then four million US dollars can only be said to be a reasonable price. It is definitely expensive, but it is not too expensive.

Apart from the expensive freight, this voyage was so smooth that there is nothing to say about it.

This was never the last time the King's Defense had gathered so many people, because the people from the King's Defense had never been together like this before. Except for Fang Zhenwu's absence, no one was missing.

"Dog Master"

When Gao Guang disembarked as a crew member, the first person to greet him was Zhao Qian, and standing next to Zhao Qian was Langley. The armed escorts sent by Alpha 5 Company were all people who had cooperated in South Africa, and Langley was still the team leader. .

Alpha Company was able to receive Gao Guang's mission. In addition to his own good performance, the personal relationship between Gao Guang and Zhao Qian was also an important factor. Due to emotions and reasons, Zhao Qian had to fool the deputy team leader Dangdang no matter what, and took the responsibility of this mission The commission will be mentioned later.

I have to say that Chinese people must know etiquette, and this title is full of kindness.

Gao Guang shook hands with Zhao Qian and said with a smile on his face, "Brother Zhao, long time no see."

After greeting those close to him first, Gao Guang then extended his hand to Langley and said with a smile, "We meet again. I'm very happy to be able to cooperate with you."

Langley hugged Gao Guang very warmly, and then he said in slightly accented Chinese:

"Hello Mr. Gou, I'm really happy to be able to cooperate."

I have never been to Sudan, and my impression seems to be that the security in Sudan is pretty good, but Langley and Zhao Qian came directly to the dock with rifles and body armor.

Gao Guang looked back and saw that there were at least a dozen people fully armed waiting for him, but he made it clear on the way that these dozen people were not enough.

Friendship is friendship, business is business, Gao Guang glanced back, and then said, "Is everyone here?"

"Each container truck will be escorted by one or two armed guards. You have a total of fifty-six trucks. We have divided sixty people into these trucks."

After finishing speaking, Langley looked at the subordinates in front of him and said, "These people are our mobile troops. They are divided into four parts and escorted in separate cars at the front and rear of the convoy."

The arrangements are quite good, and the number of people is sufficient, but the most important thing now is not the escort, but how to unload the cargo and start shipping it.

Leon had already disembarked. He walked to one side and was alone with a black man wearing a green vest and a hard hat, muttering something next to him. Then he took out a wad of banknotes and stuffed them into the staff. hands.

Wherever he goes, he always talks with money, which makes things easier, but the person who collects the money is not the boss, he is just the staff unloading the cargo from the control tower crane.

If anything has been arranged long ago, it is impossible to contact the transportation company after arriving at the port. However, Leon had already called the local snake in Port Sudan and agreed to wait at the dock, but now It seems that the pick-up person here is still late.

Even being late for getting money is worthy of being a sultan.

A car drove over and stopped in front of Leon, and then three people got out of the car. All three of them had Arab faces. This was normal, because Arabs accounted for 70% of the total population of Sudan.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long. Leon and a few Arabs murmured in low voices for a while, and then Leon waved to Gaoguang and said, "Bring over the gifts we prepared."

Gao Guang waved towards the boat, and then Francisco couldn't hold himself back anymore and immediately walked out. Mike followed behind with a handbag. Behind Mike was Paul, who also held a travel bag. Bag, full of money.

John and Patrick held the line at the end, and followed them off the boat with solemn expressions.

The momentum was full, but when Yuanzheng and Carlos finally disembarked, it seemed that the combat power of the king's defense had been lowered. The image of the two of them as pure technicians really had no deterrent effect.

Gao Guang followed. At this time, it was just a pure transaction. The key was that Leon had no intention of introducing each other.

Leon still has his own plans, and he still wants to keep the communication lines he opened up in his hands, so that he can share the money as Gao Guang's partner instead of taking a commission from Gao Guang.

Gao Guang must have understood Leon's little thoughts, and he also respected Leon's little calculation, so he had no intention of getting acquainted with the people on the ground. He just pointed at the ground, and then Mike and the others put the two bags of money on on the ground.

Leon muttered in Arabic, and an Arab in a T-shirt leaned over and opened a travel bag, checked the banknotes inside, and then nodded to Leon.

The other bag was opened by Leon himself. This bag had obviously more money. He muttered a few words to an Arab who had obviously the highest status, and then stood up and left the money bag.

The two parties shook hands, and then the two bags were taken into the car with the door open. The three Arabs glanced at Gao Guang, then turned around and got in the car, and immediately left the dock.

Two bags of money, one bag is 1.6 million US dollars. This is the freight paid. It is the freight for 56 container trucks at least three times back and forth. This price is very reasonable. Again, is the freight expensive? It depends on your luck.

There was also a bag of money worth a million dollars, which was money to buy the road, money to allow the goods to be unloaded and loaded in Port Sudan, and money to have unimpeded movement within Sudan.

Once the other party collects the money, they can unload the goods, and they can also unload the goods first.

“There are not many container trucks in Sudan, so I chartered all the container trucks from my friend’s transportation company.”

With a hint of asking for credit, Leon said calmly, "I can only rely on them to do the business of raising people. Others may not be able to find these resources."

Gao Guang smiled and nodded, saying, "Then let's unload."

Next is the time for normal unloading, which takes some time. According to Leon's estimation, at least one container can hold almost 27 tons of cargo, which is 900 boxes of bullets, and 56 vehicles can transport up to 50,400 at a time. One hundred boxes of ammunition, 50,400 boxes, that is, 75.6 million rounds of ammunition.

Just the bullets would have to be transported three times by 56 container trucks, not counting grenades, artillery shells and large-caliber bullets.

This is the case for large-scale arms business. Shipping by ship, in terms of ton, must account for the majority of the cost.

The cost of armed escort is not low. For this shipment with a total value of more than 300 million U.S. dollars, Gao Guang paid at least 2 million U.S. dollars in commission.

Alpha only gave this price because the road was easy to navigate and there was no threat, so don’t think it’s too expensive. Private force is the price. If the War Group were to do the same job, it would cost at least two million. Just triple it.

Now we have reached the last moment. The entire shipment has been delivered. It will take a week at the earliest. If there is a slight delay on the way, it will take up to ten days.

And Gao Guang and the others were definitely not driving slowly with the goods under escort. The escort was Zhao Qian's business. Why did Gao Guang bring the king's defense over and be fully armed? Isn't it just to collect the debt?

The goods have arrived at the port and have begun to be unloaded and transported. Regardless of whether the goods have been delivered to the field or not, Gaoguang has to collect half of the payment first, because this is what you have to do when doing business with people who do not have a very good reputation. Cash on delivery is not allowed. Possibly, it would be a shame not to receive the full payment in advance.

I just hope that the next land journey will be as smooth as the sea journey.

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