Firepower is king

Chapter 472: Ambush

Strictly speaking, the Ethiopians in the military camp were neutral. Although they cooperated with Morris's men to lead Gao Guang and his men in, they did not participate in the war after all.

If they did not participate in the war, there would be something to talk about.

Gao Guang kicked the seemingly fragile door, but the door did not move at all, so Gao Guang had to say in a tone that sounded like venting: "Open the door! I know you are inside!"

"Your business has nothing to do with me. Just continue on your way now. Don't look for..." Someone in the room spoke, and he spoke with confidence and a sense of fearlessness.

Mike took two steps to the side, and then he flew up, and his two feet kicked on the wooden door wrapped in iron sheets at the same time. With a loud bang, the door opened.

Mike fell to the ground, he turned over and climbed up again. Gao Guang couldn't help but look at Mike, then he raised his voice again and shouted: "Put down the gun! Otherwise, I will have to talk to you in a different way."

There was no light in the room, but Gao Guang was wearing night vision goggles now, so he could see a man with an AK rifle hiding behind the door, behind a desk, pointing the gun at the door.

He looked very nervous, but as the door was kicked open, the people in the room finally changed their mentality, and he shouted: "You... don't start, you are attacking the Ethiopian National Defense Force if you shoot."

The man behind the desk put away the gun, just changed the direction and no longer pointed it at the door, but Gao Guang still walked in.

Gao Guang turned on the flashlight and shone it on the person in front of him. It was a tall and thin black man, whose age was unknown. He was wearing a military uniform, and his shoulder straps indicated that his rank was a second lieutenant.

The commander here should be a lieutenant.

Gao Guang turned his head and saw a slightly fat officer behind a chair. Gao Guang immediately raised his voice and said, "Why, I came in to talk to you, but you still won't put your guns away?"

Shining the flashlight at the lieutenant, Gao Guang said bluntly, "You are Gadwan Hussein. Leon said you are his good friend, but you didn't treat him as a friend in what you did."

The lieutenant is the reason why Leon can take this path. He did perform well in previous transactions.

"Friend, I just keep this path and make a little money. Whoever pays is a customer, and every customer is my friend."

I knew it was like this, but Leon still wanted to hide it.

Gadwan was also puzzled. He stood up and pointed his gun at Gao Guang and said, "You can leave if you want. Why did you come in? Do you want me to kill the people who block your way for you? Listen, now that you are fine, you'd better leave here quickly. If there is a fight, we won't be afraid of you." Gao Guang shook the flashlight and said, "Put down the gun and let's talk." "What do you want to do?" "I definitely don't want to kill you, otherwise I won't talk." It's better to make it clear. Gao Guang was too lazy to beat around the bush. He said directly, "Leon was robbed. He needs surgery here. We can't leave. We can only wait here for Leon to finish the surgery." Gadwan was stunned for a moment and said, "That won't work. They will be back soon!" Gadwan treats all customers as friends, so he has no friends and no position. Whether it is Morris's people ambushing Gao Guang or Gao Guang and his people ambushing Morris's people, he will not participate in the war. And Gadwan is not afraid of Gao Guang's revenge on them, because if he retaliates, he will never think of taking this road in the future. Gao Guang said very seriously: "Tell me, how much money can make you cooperate, how much money can make you join the war?"

Gadewan is very tall, but very thin. He walked over, stood in front of Gao Guang, put the rifle on his shoulder, looked at Gao Guang and said: "No matter how much money, we will not join the war. I know how powerful those people are. did you get in? I didn't hear any gunshots. How did you get in?"

"Just broke in like that."

"How many of you are there?"

"Not many people."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said: "If you just want to guard this trade route and do business peacefully, and don't participate in anything else, it's okay. I respect your choice. No matter what happens later, you just hide in the house like you did just now. But since you can deceive Leon, you can definitely help me deceive our enemies, otherwise... Then, you just help them and don't help me, right? "Gao Guang's pistol moved intentionally and or unintentionally, and then he continued:" That's what you say, I can only solve the potential threat. Hurrying on the road, this requires your cooperation. "Gao Guang looked at the house without a radio station, so he continued to calmly say," Just like you just lie to us, if someone calls, you say that the people who stay here are dead, we have withdrawn it, you can always do it? " The ability to kill them all killed them, "Okay, I can cooperate with you, I said what you let me say." Gao Guang nodded, saying, "Good, soothe your men, tell them to continue to wait in the house, and then you stay next to the radio and wait for you. By the way, I will pay you."

Carlos and his team had already moved Leon over. Now they opened the door, which was already open, turned on the light, and then used several flashlights to perform a thoracotomy on Leon.

When Gao Guang walked out, he saw Yuan Zheng stumbling out of the room, holding onto the door frame, and trying to speak to Gao Guang, but before he could speak, he lowered his head and vomited all over the floor with a "wow".

Gadwan was very surprised, because a young man holding onto the door and vomiting wildly did not look like Xiangzi, who was very fierce in fighting.

"Uh wow..."

Yuan Zheng retched again, and then he said to Gao Guang: "No, no, no, I... I'd better stand guard outside, don't let me turn on the light."

"Yuan Zheng, you idiot! One more person, one more person! Hurry up!"

A thoracotomy is not a joke, it is a major operation. Now Gao Guang and his team don't even have an operating room, let alone a shadowless lamp. There is only a long conference table as an operating table, and three flashlights are used in turn as shadowless lamps.

All the capable fighters were setting up the ambush positions for later. They couldn't all come to help Carlos. Francisco was pulled over to help, and Yuanzheng was added. This was the limit.

But Yuanzheng couldn't stand it.

Yuanzheng wiped his mouth, stuffed the flashlight into Gao Guang's hand, and said, "You come, you come, I... I really can't stand it, the visual impact is too strong, hurry up."

Yuanzheng ran away, and Gao Guang ran in with a flashlight.

Francisco held a flashlight in each hand, and the flashlight shone on Leon.

Blood and flesh, disemboweled, revealing white ribs.

Gao Guang felt his scalp numb and his calves a little soft.

Killing the enemy is one thing, and watching the enemy's body is another, but watching a companion being disemboweled and bloody is really a different feeling.

It was really a bit nauseating and physically uncomfortable. Gao Guang walked to the side with a flashlight and shone the floodlight over.

Carlos didn't even raise his head, but whispered: "Hold steady, don't move, and try to talk less."

Gadewan and his lieutenant followed in. Mike held a gun, but the muzzle was not pointed at them, but it was obvious that he was monitoring them.

"How is he?"

"He's not dead yet. The bullet passed through the lung lobe. I need to stop the bleeding, temporarily block the lung tube, and suspend the respiratory function of the injured right lung lobe. Once I stop the bleeding and suture the wound, I can get at least twelve hours for a complete surgical treatment."

"Okay, you continue."

Gao Guang turned his head and looked at Gadwan who followed in and said: "You two stay here. If someone calls you on the radio, you reply. If no one calls, you just wait here with peace of mind."

The plan is just as Gao Guang said, very simple, just wait for the enemy to come while operating on Leon. If they come, then fight. If they don't come, then take Leon who has just finished the operation and leave directly.

But Gao Guang knew that the enemy would definitely come. He didn't need any premonition, because a small team of the enemy was wiped out here, so they had to come and take a look anyway. The enemy probably didn't expect that Gao Guang and his men would dare to stay and ambush.

In the end, there was no other way. As long as Leon was saved, no matter whether the next battle was an ambush or an encounter, he had to fight.

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