Firepower is king

Chapter 481 Precision Shooter

Now instead of recruiting people, we can select people.

Gone are the days of paying big bucks and begging people to join, now you can pick and choose your highlights.

"I need snipers, and I also need precision marksmen who can accompany us in combat, excellent precision marksmen."

Gao Guang made the request directly. Snipers were undoubtedly the talent he needed most, but precision shooters who could cover his charges, assaults, and even follow him in assaults seemed to be even rarer.

Snipers are difficult to practice and easy to master, while precision shooters are easy to practice and difficult to master.

The roles of snipers and precision marksmen sometimes overlap, but most of the time, snipers and precision marksmen are actually two different things.

The simplest difference is that precision shooters follow the team and use semi-automatic sniper rifles or even fully automatic rifles. So from some perspective, precision shooters are an upgraded version of infantry, only with upgraded marksmanship. .

Snipers more often act alone or form sniper teams. Although snipers have been mythologized by movies, TV series and games in recent years, snipers are indeed very important.

It is difficult to clearly define a sniper and a precision shooter. Generally speaking, it depends on the gun used. For example, a precision shooter usually uses a 7.62 mm caliber semi-automatic rifle, which is more powerful than a small-caliber automatic rifle and has a strong The key to rapid shooting capability is that it is not too heavy and can keep up with the pace and speed of the infantry squad.

Snipers now use large-caliber sniper rifles. 12.7mm is commonly used, and 8.6-caliber is becoming the mainstream. No matter how bad it is, you have to start with medium-caliber rifles. There are basically no small-caliber rifles, and in order to pursue accuracy, non-automatic snipers are often used. rifle.

However, these differences are still relatively vague. They are just differences in most cases and cannot be generalized or black and white.

Then why is it said that snipers are difficult to train and master? Because sniping is a very profound art. Most snipers in the army are specially selected talents and then sent to special training to learn everything needed to be a sniper. There is a screening mechanism here for knowledge and skills, and the people selected are at least qualified in talent, so the success rate is high. As long as they specialize in sniping, more than 90% of them can become qualified snipers.

But precision shooters are different. Every team has a precision shooter, and the precision shooter in the team is likely to be a person randomly assigned by the squad leader, who is just a person with relatively better marksmanship.

If a shooter is particularly talented, he will be selected as a sniper and will not be retained as a precision shooter in the team.

Therefore, there are very few precision shooters who are specially trained. It’s not that there are none, but there are relatively few.

Compared with snipers, there are ten positions with very low thresholds for precision shooters. Everyone can be a precision shooter, but very few can produce excellent precision shooters. Furthermore, precision shooters cannot be easily seen from the training ground. Yes, because he was a precision shooter who performed extremely well in training, he was transferred to be a sniper.

Precision shooters are really an embarrassing role. Why do many people think that precision shooters are not as powerful as snipers? It's because precision shooters are very important to their team, but they cannot have a particularly big impact on the battle at the company and platoon level.

There is a view that is not very common in the military, but is generally recognized, that is, good snipers can be trained in batches, but good precision shooters can only be cultivated in actual combat.

Therefore, precision marksmanship is easy to practice but difficult to master.

In the talent market for mercenaries and shooters, snipers are valuable, but they are still easy to find. As for precision shooters, an extremely rare species, they cannot form a mature talent classification at all. They are so rare that no one is deliberately looking for precision shooters. Finally reached the point.

Gao Guang had never thought about looking for a precise shooter before, but today, Lloyd has let him choose as he pleases, and can also designate the team's picks, so why should Gao Guang be polite or hesitant? ?

Snipers are definitely needed, and precision shooters must also be mentioned. There is still hope, just in case it comes true.

"You want a precision shooter?"

Needless to say, sniper, because

Because Lloyd can definitely find a sniper, and he can find a very powerful sniper who has proven himself, it will be no problem to select the sniper for the designated unit.

But precision shooters are different. The one who can make Lloyd remember his name is definitely the best precision shooter. However, Lloyd searched the memory bank and only came up with one name.

"If you want to be a precise shooter...that will be more troublesome."

Lloyd crossed his arms, frowned, and said: "To attack this kind of fortress, precision shooters are indeed very important, but I only know one precision shooter, and he is a bit too old."

"how old are you?"

"I must be sixty years old this year."

Lloyd was not very sure. He said with a tangled look: "And he retired due to injury. I don't think he can adapt to the fast-paced battle. I have heard of his name, but I have not directly commanded him. Otherwise, let me ask you."

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, "Okay, you can help me ask."

I'd rather take a bite of fresh peaches than eat a basket of rotten apricots. I want the best. It doesn't matter if I waste a little time. The more careful I ask, the better. It's definitely better than Lloyd just picking someone up to fill the bill.

Lloyd took out his mobile phone. He thought for a while and dialed a phone number. After waiting for a long time, the call was connected. He said directly: "It's me, Lloyd. I want to ask you about someone. The one you have is very The outstanding precision shooter, that David Steen, where is he now and what is he doing?"

"David? He has returned to his hometown. He went home after being seriously injured. Now I don't know what he is doing. He...he is a very lonely guy. He has no contact with his comrades. In fact, he has never No contact with comrades."

Lloyd continued: "Tell me his details."

"I remember it very clearly. Can I give you an oral report?"


"David Steen is a fifty-six-year-old Texan. His last battle was in Afham. He was not on duty. He was exploded by a shell at close range while in the military camp. His left leg was disabled and his left arm was disabled. He became disabled and retired from active service. That was seven years ago, sir."

He retired seven years ago and is still disabled...

Gao Guang was speechless, and so was Lloyd.

After being silent for a while, Lloyd sighed and said: "Then... you also know that that outstanding precision shooter, similar to David, has retired."

"General, there are no more accurate shooters like David. There is no second shooter like him in the entire army. It is impossible for me to name the second person for you, but if you want an excellent accurate shooter, I can Let me give you a list. There are a few names, but I have to say don’t compare them with David.

Lloyd looked at the highlight, and then he said softly: "Then send a list, with contact information and home address. The ones that are reliable and can come out, you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, General."

Lloyd hung up the phone, and then he said to the highlight: "It's a pity that the best precision shooter is gone."

After finishing speaking, Lloyd himself said with regret: "I remembered wrongly, I was not sixty but fifty-six years old, but it's a pity that I am disabled. It's a pity..."

No matter how good a precision shooter is, what can he do? He is almost 60 years old because of his disability. What is he doing here? Is he looking for him to provide for his retirement?

Gao Guang also said with regret: "Yeah, it's a pity, but there are other candidates, two will be enough."

Lloyd nodded, and then he suddenly said: "Mad Dog, your current team is seriously... incapable. Your team was not formed for combat and lacks many functions."

"I was looking for someone to be a bodyguard in the beginning. I didn't look for professional combatants, and I didn't have the resources."

When Gao Guang first debuted, there was no money and no people. How could he just focus on recruiting retired soldiers from the special forces? It would be great if someone was willing to follow him. Mike and Francisco both came at that time. Paul was recruited openly in Baghdad, and only Patrick was hired with a high salary.

If the troops serving in the army are regarded as

In terms of academic qualifications, only Paul can barely be considered a graduate from a prestigious school, while Patrick can only be considered a capable person without a diploma.

It's different now. Now Lloyd can directly find a prestigious school for targeted recruitment and select the best.

"How about Team D? They are Green Berets. The person I just contacted is a Green Beret. If you think Team D is good, then you can choose others from it, snipers, assaulters, anyone. I’m just a little older, but I have a lot of combat experience, and I can choose from those who have participated in the war in Iraq.”

After finishing speaking, Lloyd said easily: "It's time for you to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the king's defense. I suggest you choose from a unit. Also, the army is the army, and the navy is the navy. Their combat styles are different. , when people from the same army are brought together, they will cooperate better. "

Green Berets seem to be possible, but Gao Guang actually wants to find people from the SEAL team, because SEALs seem to be more famous in recent years.

Just when Gao Guang was thinking about choosing someone from the Green Berets, Lloyd's cell phone rang. He picked it up and took a look at it, then said: "Why is David the first one? Well, he Even if he is disabled, he is still the best precision shooter. This must be admitted..."

Gao Guang finally started to get curious. He couldn't help but said: "David is really that powerful? Even if he is disabled, you will never forget him. How strong is he?"

Lloyd thought for a moment, and then he said seriously: "David is one of the few soldiers who served in the ordinary army and was forcibly taken over by Team D. He was not tested and did not have any entrance test. Green Beret After Mao took a fancy to David, he asked me to be the coordinator and transferred David from the 10th Mountain Division to perform a mission, and then held him captive, so he got David over."

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said, "This is considered a special case. No, is this considered a selection?"

"It's not selection or special promotion, this is robbing people."

Lloyd shrugged and said: "It was very unpleasant at the time, but David eventually went to the D team, and then he became a fire core. He is... He is the fire core, and he is worthy of being snatched by everyone. That kind of thing, it’s just that Team D has good vision and quick moves, that’s all.”

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