Firepower is king

Chapter 489: Making something out of nothing

Professional matters are left to professional people. Gao Guang has moral shackles in his heart, but Tom doesn't feel any guilt.

Tom was overjoyed when he learned the whole story from Gao Guang.

"The Black Sea Mercenary Group is actually inside the fortress?"

Tom couldn't hide his surprise, because the impenetrable fortress had already revealed its weakness before it could be attacked. How could he not like this?

"Very good!"

Tom has always been a person who keeps his emotions secretive, but now, he couldn't help but start to cheer.

Gao Guang was a little dazed in his sleep, because Tom came back just ten minutes after he fell asleep, and he hadn't had time to wake up yet.

"They were the ones we hired in Sulaymaniyah last time. I didn't expect it would be the Black Sea Mercenary Group this time. This is really great!"

Tom had a look of emotion on his face, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Get up, wake up, and solve this matter quickly. This opportunity cannot be missed. If you waste time, you may miss the only opportunity."

Gao Guang said helplessly: "I don't know how to persuade Kuzsayev. He seems to be a very principled person and is unwilling to betray his employer."

Tom said without hesitation: "Don't be stupid, don't be naive, you told me that mercenaries also have loyalty? No, Kuzsayev refused to agree because your price was not high enough."

Gao Guang didn't say anything, just looked at Tom quietly.

"We don't know much about the composition of the people inside the fortress and how the defense is arranged, so I've been thinking of ways to get more information. As for relying on force to break in, frankly I never thought it was possible. ”

Tom said very excitedly: "It's different now. If the Black Sea Mercenary Group can cooperate inside, everything will be possible and our time will be greatly shortened."

"The truth is this. Just tell me how to get Kuzsayev to agree to cooperate. There is no need to say anything else."

Tom thought for a moment and said, "Why doesn't Kuzsayev agree?"

"Actually, I didn't tell him what he wanted to do. I just got the information out of him. Then he hung up the phone after being alert. Then, I wanted to ask him if he was willing to help me, but I still Before I could say anything, he blocked me. Fortunately, I left a topic so I could continue talking to him. He should answer my call. "

"What did you say the first time?"

Gao Guang recounted it in detail. When he said how he got what Kuzsayev said, Tom shook his head and said, "There is something wrong with your approach."

"What is the problem?"

"You shouldn't try to trick him, you should ask him directly."

Gao Guang was stunned for a while and said: "But I called Kuzsayev before and asked about his mission. He was inconvenient to disclose it and refused to tell me."

Tom just looked at Gao Guang with strange eyes. Gao Guang didn't know why. He waited for a long time and finally said: "You mean last time is the last time, and this time is this time?"

Tom spread his hands and said: "The last time you called him, you wanted to hire the Black Sea Mercenary Group to do work for you, but the Black Sea Mercenary Group had a mission, so Kuzsayev could only refuse you, and he didn't tell you. That’s because you don’t have much need to know what he is doing. Of course he must abide by the rules of mercenaries.”

Gao Guang nodded and said, "Yes, that's right."

"But this time is different. This time you just need to know what Kuzsayev is doing. If you tell him that you need to know information about Basakuba, maybe he will make a choice between the mission and your friendship. Choose the conduct of the mercenary or the friendship with you.

Gao Guang thought he found the problem.

Tom continued: "But you didn't ask him directly. You were trying to trick him. You thought you were very smart and could easily tell people things they didn't want to say or couldn't say. But in this way, Kuzsaye What would my husband think?"

Gao Guang slapped his leg hard and said, "I'm being smart!"

"You are not smart, you are really smart, but there is a problem. Smart people like to take shortcuts. You used a simple word to trick Kuzsayev into his position. It is not because he is too stupid, but because he trusts you." You, but you took advantage of his trust, or you abused his trust."

Tom shrugged and continued: "If Kuzsayev is wary of you from the beginning, no matter what you say, he will not be fooled by you, so this is a simple psychological phenomenon, no matter it is Anyone who has their trust taken advantage of will be unhappy.”

Gao Guang nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, that's what happened!"

It was true that his cleverness was misled by his cleverness. Gao Guang felt a little regretful. If he had not had an idea at that time and quoted Kuzsayev's words in a few casual words, then things might have been simpler.

"What should I do next? Kuzsayev is wary of me now. He is afraid that I will let him break the rules, so...should I apologize to him?"

Gao Guang looked at Tom expectantly. He felt that Tom would have a solution.

And Tom smiled and said: "Apologise? Why apologize? Apologizing proves that you are using him and deceiving him. Let me tell you, when a person no longer believes in you, then no matter what you say, he will not will believe you, he will never believe you again."

"Then there is no chance? No, then we can only use money to smash it, and Kuzsayev will have to agree to cooperate with us?"

"How much will it cost? The cost is too high, and there is not enough time."

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "What should we do? Are we going to give up on Kuzsayev's line like this?"

Tom whispered: "It's very simple, too simple. At this time, not only can you not apologize to Kuzsayev, but you also make him full of guilt for you, make him feel sorry for you, and make him feel that his suspicion is simply It’s not something that a person should have. Only by asking him to help you willingly can you make up for his mistakes, that’s all.”

Gao Guang seemed to understand, but he was still trying to figure out what Tom said.

After pondering for a while, Gao Guang suddenly said: "Confusing right and wrong?"


"Originally we asked Kuzsayev to help us, but I made something out of nothing and made Kuzsayev think that I was helping him, which made him full of guilt and felt that he should not doubt me. He had misunderstood me. Is that so?"

Tom spread his hands and said, "Okay, you already understand."

Gao Guang was silent for a while and said: "I always feel like this is a bit...well, it's just not good."

Tom patted Gao Guang's shoulder and said seriously: "Man, wake up and think about what you are doing."

Gao Guang still has moral shackles in his heart, because he feels that he cannot continue to lie to honest people. In the past, he felt that Kuzsayev needed to break through the bottom line, but now it seems that he is the one who needs to break through the bottom line. .

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