Firepower is king

Chapter 491 Two Feet

Kuzsayev came out with Nikolai.

It was Nikolai who broke his leg, and he did it very skillfully. The leg bone of his left leg was broken directly, and the calf bone of his right leg was broken directly.

Nikolai was in so much pain that he wanted to roll over but did not dare to move. His face was suffocated and blue. This young man had tears in his painful eyes but refused to cry. Anyone who saw it would have to sympathize with him sincerely.

Kuzsayev was so anxious that he almost cried. His face was full of panic and fear. He looked at Nikolai next to the stretcher, as if he really wanted to break his leg for him.

In theory, and in practice, Kuzsayev could indeed replace Nikolai, but he didn't, so this was the real source of his pain.

In the largest hospital in Sulaymaniyah, two strong men carried Nikolai, while Kuzsayev and a strong man wearing sunglasses stood on both sides of the stretcher. They rushed into the emergency room, and then Nikolai When Gula was put on the gurney, he suffered for more than ten minutes before the real orthopedic expert finally arrived.

From the emergency room to the orthopedics department, he went to the orthopedics department to take a film. After the film was taken and sent to the expert's office, the orthopedic expert with two assistants looked at the film and said without hesitation and nonchalantly: "Fracture, let's do the surgery. "

Kuzsayev was extremely surprised and said: "Surgery, is surgery necessary?"

"Yes, surgery is required on both legs."

Kuzsayev was really anxious and scared. He said helplessly: "If the operation is performed, there will be no sequelae, right? How long will it take to recover? It won't affect his walking in the future, right?"

"No one can guarantee this. I will tell you about the possible sequelae and complications. You can decide for yourself whether to have surgery or not."

The expert seemed a little careless. He waved his hand and said, "It's up to you whether you want surgery or not. I'm very busy. Go to the hospital first. My assistant will help you."

Nicholas said with a painful expression on the hospital bed: "Uncle, I can't operate. I don't want to have my bones filled with steel nails. I have to go to Baghdad. The doctors here are not good enough!"

Kuzsayev looked at the man who had been following him.

He has a Middle Eastern face and always wears sunglasses. He looks very cold. He was the one who sent Nikolai here, but he also had to see if Nikolai really had a broken leg.

Now it is confirmed that Nikolai just broke his leg. What is confirmed cannot be confirmed anymore.

The medical level in Sulaymaniyah is indeed poor. No, it should be much worse. If someone is injured and wants to go to Baghdad to see a better doctor and get better treatment, it can be justified regardless of emotion or reason.

"It's better to go to Baghdad and go to an American clinic."

The man in sunglasses had no intention of embarrassing Kuzsayev. He looked at his watch and said, "I can't send you to Baghdad, but it's easy to get there. I wish you a speedy recovery."

After blessing Nikolay, the man in sunglasses whispered to Kuzsayev: "Get your nephew settled and come back as soon as possible. We are hiring people these days, so try not to delay too long."

"I know it won't take long."

Nodding, the man in sunglasses tilted his head, and the man who helped carry the stretcher followed him out of the doctor's office.

Kuzsayev breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said in a deep voice: "We are going to Baghdad and need to be transferred to another hospital. I want to use your hospital's ambulance. I just need to pay how much."

Doctors who are not trusted by patients will not be in a good mood, but the orthopedic surgeon waved his hands in relief and said: "Let my assistant take you to the ambulance. You can go."

Tom the Intern can take over.

He was worried that Basha Kuba would send someone to follow Kuzsayev to the hospital. In fact, he did follow Kuzsayev to the hospital, but Tom had arranged everything in advance.

To be on the safe side, Tom came to pick them up in person.

Baghdad is still hundreds of kilometers away from Sulaymaniyah. It would not be safe for Gaoguang and his team to take all their troops to Sulaymaniyah before meeting Kuzsayev, but meeting in Baghdad would basically be Very stable.

Kuzsayev was worried, and Nikolai, who was in unbearable pain, received treatment, and he finally fell into a deep sleep in the ambulance.

When the ambulance drove onto the highway and started heading towards Baghdad, Tom, the doctor on board, finally said: "Mad Dog says hello to you, who was that person just now?"

"Basha's more trusted bodyguard."

Kuzsayev felt that it was impossible for Gao Guang to just let go, but he never knew Tom's identity. It wasn't until Tom revealed himself in the ambulance that he was able to confirm Tom's identity, and his heart finally fell.

As a mercenary, Kuzsayev had never done such a delicate job. Now he felt like he was a spy, doing a completely different job than before.

In fact, Kuzsayev didn't feel wrong. Tom brought the four CIA people just to cover his arrival in Baghdad. He made preparations at the hospital one day in advance. Otherwise, how could he be transferred so easily.

Tom is not only professional when it comes to doing these things, he is also the best. Not to mention that Basha's bodyguards can't tell, even if someone from a certain national team comes, they can't see through their arrangement at a glance.

Nicholas had fallen into a deep sleep, and the painkillers and sedatives could save him from pain. Tom looked closer at Nicholas' leg, which was quite hard and looked a bit scary.

"What happened?"

Kuzsayev sighed and whispered: "I jumped from a six-meter-high roof, my legs were not broken, and then I added two more feet."

Tom felt a little cold behind his back, he couldn't help but shrink his neck, and then he whispered: "'s pretty good."

Kuzsayev didn't say anything, he just sighed softly.

If you have to choose between breaking your leg or losing your life, it will be easy to make the choice, and you can be ruthless in your actions.

There was no words all the way until the ambulance arrived at a clinic in Baghdad's Green Zone, a clinic famous for its surgery and orthopedics.

This clinic really wants to treat the patient, and they don’t have to perform surgery to insert steel nails. Instead, they treat the fracture by manually resetting the broken bone and then fixing it with a plaster.

At this time, Nikolay was naturally under the care of a doctor, and it was time for Kuzsayev to meet Gao Guang.

In order to meet, Kuzsayev paid a lot of money. Although he could explain things clearly on the phone, due to various factors, he could only let Nikolai break his leg.

It doesn't matter if the leg is broken, just reconnect it, but if the person dies, it cannot be saved, so this is why Kuzsayev would rather let Nikolai break his leg.

Gao Guang had to meet Kuzsayev because he didn't want to take risks. He and Kuzsayev really didn't trust each other enough to trust each other with their lives.

To be subtle and nice, Nikolai was sent out just to ensure that he would not die in the bombing of the plane.

To dig a little deeper and be more straightforward, Nikolai is the hostage. When he comes out and is hospitalized, Gao Guang can rest assured, Kuzsayev can rest assured, and everyone can rest assured.

Tom saw Gao Guang first, and then his first sentence said: "I advise you not to tell the truth, just think of it to take care of Kuzsayev's feelings. If Kuzsayev knows that the bombing is not If it might happen,'s not appropriate, so just treat it as a white lie."

Kuzsayev came in and saw Gao Guang. A smile finally appeared on his tired and uneasy face. Then he stepped forward and held Gao Guang's hand and whispered: "Thank you, thank you for telling me." Help me get Nicholas out first, if he dies here, I really..."

With a long sigh, Kuzsayev shook his high-gloss right hand vigorously, and then he whispered: I will send Nikolay back to his hometown right away. He has already got enough money to spend a lifetime. Let’s take advantage of his short legs. , just let him go home. "

In fact, we didn't bomb. I was lying to you. It's hard to say this to Gao Guang. It's not a moral issue, but he really isn't that thick-skinned.

Gao Guang, suddenly ashamed, whispered: "Well, sit down and talk."

Kuzsayev sat down, and then he immediately said: "I have to rush back, so I can't delay too long."

Gao Guang was also willing to omit useless links. He whispered: "What is the defense situation inside the fortress?"

Gao Guang was well prepared and took out a top-down plan map. It was very large and already the most detailed map. The heads on it could be seen clearly. If it weren't for the angle, even the faces could be photographed.

As soon as he looked at this picture, Kuzsayev knew that bombing was not just a casual talk. Satellite pictures are not so clear, and small drone lenses cannot take such clear pictures. Only the military's large unmanned reconnaissance aircraft can take such clear pictures. Only at a high enough safe height can we take such clear photos.

Kuzsayev took a marker, drew a circle on the map, and said: "Our defensive position is here. Here is the inner circle that we are not allowed to enter, and the outer circle is defended by four mercenary regiments. , respectively here, here, and here.”

The marker quickly drew marks on the photo. When he was almost done, he whispered: "We guard an area separately and divide it into three shifts. At any time of the day, there are at least fifty people watching. Following the movements from the outside world, for some unknown reason, Basha suddenly strengthened his defense intensity last month. Well, he seemed to know that he would definitely be attacked, so he was very careful and heavily guarded. Even Nikolai was injured and had to leave. We need to send two people to follow him to the hospital to confirm."

After finishing speaking, Kuzsayev breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I don't think he could have imagined that he would be attacked by an airstrike."

Gao Guang suddenly felt very ashamed, but before he spoke, Kuzsayev shook his head and said: "No, no, Basha seems to know that he may encounter an air raid. He has an underground air raid shelter, although I have no chance to talk directly to him. But according to my observation, his bedroom is very close to the mountain, so if his bedroom is directly connected to the underground air raid shelter, I think it is normal. "

Gao Guang whispered: "What about firepower? How is their firepower? What weapons do they have and how are they arranged? Please explain it carefully and draw it."

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