Firepower is king

Chapter 493: Shortcomings

The mountains are bare and there is no vegetation, but because of the high altitude, the temperature is not particularly high, about thirty-five or six degrees.

If it weren't for the fact that the altitude was about two thousand meters and it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise the temperature wouldn't be so low.

Gao Guang has never been a soldier. He has received relatively complete military training, but he has only completed basic recruit training. However, he is not good at exercise and physical reserves.

It’s really hard to imagine what kind of people are like who have to pass the five-kilometer armed cross-country run in 26 minutes, and those who have to run in 23 minutes to be excellent. Anyway, Gao Guang now knows where the gap is.

The only difference is that he was forced to march for five kilometers with full load and then he fell down. There was no need to run, and there was no time limit. He just couldn't hold it while walking because he was too thin and too weak.

The battle plan was to cross the ridge during the day, hide in a position where the cameras could not observe, approach concealedly, and ambush until dark. After taking care of the sentries sent from the fortress, they would then attack the fortress as quickly as possible.

To summarize, it's a bit more complicated, that is, sneak close, hide, draw eyes, continue to approach, enter with the cooperation of someone in the fortress, release the dog, and after the battle, let the convoy come over and move.

To sum it up simply, there are three steps: approach, open the door, and kill them all.

This is the battle plan. As for why we have to walk and act under the scorching sun, it is because with the current technical means, it is easier to approach during the day than at night.

Low-light night vision, coupled with thermal imaging, would make it more difficult for them to approach the fortress at night. However, during the day, as long as there were no drones monitoring the entire mountainous area, it would be easier for them to approach.

It's a little hot, a little bitter, and a little tiring, but to the special forces all over the world, it's nothing.

At the moment, it seems that the only thing I can’t stand is the highlights.

Highlight's forward speed is not even as fast as David's.

But David was lame in one leg!

Gao Guang really tried his best. He wanted to stick out his tongue to dissipate heat. He just wanted to throw away the rifle on his back to reduce the weight. As for the heavy body armor weighing 16 kilograms, he would definitely not wear it, so he wanted to wear the body armor. Also lost weight.

It's so tiring.

Gao Guang began to envy David next to him.

David only has an M21 sniper rifle, a low-light thermal imaging two-in-one scope that can only be used at night, 200 rounds of ammunition, a tool pliers, and a helmet and a The total weight of the bulletproof vest is about 20 kilograms. Relatively speaking, his load is the lightest.

So David carried a gun on his back. Although he was limping with long and short legs, his speed was stable and there was no sign of collapse.

As for Gao Guang, he has two pistols, each with three spare magazines, and a rifle with six magazines. In addition, he also has a helmet and body armor, a water bag and a large bucket of water. , as well as a telescope, a walkie-talkie, a satellite phone, a helmet night vision device, a flashlight, a saber, three grenades, and a pack of compressed biscuits. The total load was just shy of 40 kilograms.

Therefore, this mountain cross-country march launched at ten o'clock in the morning, although the whole journey was only ten kilometers, successfully killed more than 90% of Gao Guang's combat effectiveness.

A professional is a professional, and an unprofessional is an unprofessional. You can't tell the difference when shooting. Civilian shooters and military shooters seem to be the same, but when you put them in an extreme environment and compare them, you can judge the difference.

"You can't do it anymore?"

David had already seen Gao Guang's embarrassed appearance. However, David would not chat with Gao Guang during the march, so he never said anything. But now it seems that Gao Guang can't walk anymore. He has already moved from the front of the team. After falling to the end and about to fall behind David, David had to ask.

How can a man say no?

"I can not make it."

Gao Guang wanted to insist that it was okay, but what he blurted out came from his heart.

"Stop moving forward and rest on the spot for fifteen minutes."

David said something on the intercom, and the five-hundred-meter-long team immediately stopped.

Hearing that he could rest, Gao Guang sat down on the stone. After waiting for two seconds, he couldn't stand the heat brought by the hot stone. He jumped up again with difficulty, then took off his backpack and simply sat on the backpack.

Someone at the front of the line looked back.

A long-distance armed mountain cross-country can well reflect the level of this team, but the overall performance of King's Defense was very good, except for the highlights, there was not a single crotch lift.

At least Patrick didn't look like he couldn't hold on while carrying the machine gun and carrying the heaviest bullets.

Carlos is not a professional, but he has no problem. Even the expedition brought several drones and also wore body armor, and they all followed the team down.

And Mike, who is also a non-professional, has an easier time. However, his physical reserves cannot be compared, but he can withstand any expedition.

"What's wrong? It's not working anymore?"

John came back from the front. He looked at Gao Guang and said with a look of disgust, "I didn't expect the biggest problem is your physical fitness."

The high-gloss explosive power is good, and the sprint speed is already very fast, but the endurance is really not good. I can't see the difference usually, but now my shortcomings have finally been exposed.

In the past, no matter where he went or what kind of battle he fought, Gao Guang basically took a car. The car was air-conditioned and he could get off the car and go directly to the place. How could he have suffered like this?

John continued: "Give me your load and I'll help you share some of it."

David suddenly said: "You can't."

After saying that John couldn't do it, David said on the intercom: "Lobster, beast, you two come here."

I don't know if his brain was deprived of oxygen due to walking or something, but the high light couldn't remember who the lobster and the beast were. He had to use his brain to remember that the lobster was Paul and the beast was Mike.

The main reason is that when we are together every day, we always call each other by name instead of nicknames. When we say nicknames rashly, we have to think about who it is, so our response is slow.

But David was different. He didn't remember names, only nicknames.

Mike and Paul walked over. David looked at the two of them and then said: "The beast helps Mad Dog carry the backpack, the lobster helps Mad Dog carry the gun, and the bottle cap helps Mad Dog share the weight of the combat vest."

In order to facilitate the use of heavy-duty body armor, Gaoguang used a split combat vest, which is also very convenient to take off.

David only left a body armor for Gao Guang, which basically disarmed Gao Guang and only left him with something to protect his life.

Gao Guang waved his hands and said, "No, I can do it."

"If you can do it, you won't slow down the team's progress."

David rudely punctured Gao Guang's self-esteem, and then he said calmly: "Hurry up, we still have two and a half hours, we must reach the scheduled ambush location."

John was quite convinced, because he found that although David was very unfamiliar with King's Defense, his eyes were really poisonous. He could see the physical superiority of several members of King's Defense without asking or communicating at all, just with his eyes. inferior.

With this hand and this vision, to be honest, few people can do it.

This is an exchange between experts. Laymen have no idea what is going on, let alone how difficult it is.

"Listen to the sickle."

John said anxiously to Gao Guang: "Hurry up, unload the things and give them to us."

The high-gloss weight was reduced by half, leaving only a body armor, and David said to him: "Put it on."

"too hot."

"When your movements are obviously slow, you should put on your body armor first, put on your body armor and follow me."

After talking about the highlight, David said to several other people: "Keep going."

The team resumed its slow crawling rhythm, and Gao Guang traveled lightly. This time he was able to follow David without being left behind.

David couldn't help but look at the highlight and said, "I can't understand the point of you carrying two pistols."

Before the war, they must understand each other's combat characteristics, but David knew that Gao Guang was an assaulter and was good at close combat, but the problem was that everyone was definitely better at shooting at close range than at long range, so in David's opinion The advantage of using highlights is not established, at least not obvious.

So David really can't understand an assaulter carrying two pistols. In his opinion, it's better to carry two more rifle magazines instead of one more pistol.

"My main weapon is a pistol, so I must bring an extra one."

David couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Gao Guang.

Gao Guang said breathlessly: "You don't know me well enough. My pistol is the most powerful. I'm different from you. I...I..."

After taking a few breaths, Gao Guang said helplessly: "It's better to stop talking and hurry up."

The mountain is much steeper and there is no road to speak of. Fortunately, there is no vegetation, so it is actually much easier to walk than the rain forest.

It is true that just to get around the cliffs that cannot be walked together, the distance will inevitably increase a lot. The last section is not very far, but it is the most difficult to walk.

This armed mountain cross-country tour with a total length of almost fifteen kilometers, which has a great impact on the highlights, is not the most difficult part for others.

As a special forces soldier, parachuting into the air is no problem, and taking a helicopter to rappel is also good, but if you can only walk on your feet, then just walk, no problem.

The advantage of highlight must be reflected at close range, so the psychological comfort he gave himself was not to be afraid, don't panic, wait until he rushes into the fortress, and then let David open his eyes.

Anyway, you have to get back the lost face.

Finally, after crossing the pass and going down the valley, avoiding the cameras in the fortress, they reached the predetermined hiding place after twists and turns.

The time was four minutes later than expected, but no problem, twenty-six minutes earlier than the time when sentries were sent out in the fort.

There were not many places to hide. Everyone gathered behind a huge rock. Once here, everything was ready.

The attack would not be launched until two o'clock in the night, so Gao Guang had enough time to recover his strength, so this battle finally gave him a chance to regain his face.

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