Firepower is king

Chapter 505: Killing the donkey

Unexpectedly, chatting with Otto turned out to be quite fruitful.

Gao Guang felt that this gift was worth it. Not only was he in touch with his wife, but the key was that he had really squeezed some benefits out of Otto, a cheap master.

It's not the kind of benefit that comes from how much money you get or what you get, but that your high-profile vision has been greatly improved by Otto.

So when I saw Lloyd again, Gao Guang's mentality changed a little bit.

Originally, he regarded Lloyd as a partner and his future backstage, but now, Gao Guang is more cautious and cautious.

"General, I got this from Basha's house. It's not a very good thing.

Hope you like it. "

As for the trophy, although he didn't rush in and grab it personally, it was still obtained with his own instruction and support, so Lloyd was still very gratified and happy when he took the watch from Gao Guang.

"Royal Oak, well, I like this watch."

Unlike others, Lloyd put the watch on his wrist directly, and then he chuckled: "Not bad."

Gapello must have something, but it was Tom who gave it to him, so this time Gao Guang didn't see Gapello, only Lloyd.

That's fine, it makes it easier to say a lot of things.

Gao Guang took out the USB flash drive hanging around his neck, put it on the table in front of Lloyd, and then said seriously: "Basha's house doesn't have anything very good, but he did take most of the money with him. On the body, there is a

Ten thousand Bitcoins, we have verified it. "

How many things he got and what benefits he got have all been communicated before, so Lloyd knew what he would get. At this time, he would only be happy about the money he got.

"Bitcoin, this is a good thing."

Lloyd didn't seem to be very interested in the USB flash drive. He was still looking at the watch on his wrist, and then he said very calmly: "Bitcoin is just to facilitate transactions for us people, and we don't have to exchange it for money."

The reason why Bitcoin is pushed up to a high price is because this digital currency really facilitates the transactions of people like Gao Guang. To be precise, it facilitates the transactions of people like Lloyd.

It is not regulated and does not have to pay taxes. In short, there are many benefits. As long as it has these characteristics and is recognized by people like Lloyd, then Bitcoin’s

The value will not return to zero overnight, because there will be many people behind who will maintain the price of Bitcoin.

Gao Guang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll transfer your share to you."

Lloyd happily took off his watch, put it on the table, sighed, and said, "What are you going to do next?"

"After killing Basha, Morris will definitely take revenge. I don't want to endlessly guard against Morris' revenge. The best way is to kill Morris directly."

Lloyd's expression became more serious. He nodded and said: "Yes, it is good to kill Morris, but the problem is that there is no suitable opportunity. Let's see Morris' reaction first, and then I will report it on the intelligence I’m here to support you.”

Gao Guang whispered: "Maurice has been operating in the United States now, and I want to kill him in the United States."

Lloyd immediately shook his head and said: "No, if you take action in the United States, it will be troublesome. How will you continue to operate in the United States in the future? For future long-term considerations, you'd better not have this idea."

Sure enough, Otto was right. Competition within the Pentagon also has rules and a tacit understanding. That is, fight outside the United States as you like, but within the United States, it is best to maintain peace.

Gao Guang said helplessly: "Well, I hope Morris will not attack my company in Los Angeles. He knows where my company is. If he attacks first, I will be in trouble. All I need is to arrange a gunman." Kill me."

Lloyd said confidently: "It's impossible. He would never dare to attack you in Los Angeles. I can guarantee you this."

Morris should not dare to take action, because he has a family and business, and he is a man with shoes. If he takes action against Gao Guang in Los Angeles, he will lose everything he has.

But Gao Guang is different. He is not afraid of wearing shoes when he is barefoot. Compared to Morris, Gao Guang, who is still in the challenger position, undoubtedly has a lot less worries.

-Everything was as Otto said, everything was correct.

Gao Guang sighed secretly, and then, he indeed knew what to do.

"Okay, then I don't have to worry about my safety in the United States. Well, there's one more thing.

Gao Guang changed his expression, and he said to Lloyd seriously: "I have to talk to you about David, the precision shooter."

"Oh, how is he?"

Gao Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "He is so amazing. Really, David is the best precision shooter I have ever seen. His performance is perfect. It is so perfect that it is magical."

Lloyd laughed and said: "What's wrong with being good?"

Gao Guang whispered: "He is willing to participate in the battle against Basha because he wants to see you.

Tell you about the unfair treatment he received. I hope you can give him some advice.

He did justice and at least gave him the truth. "

Lloyd looked a little embarrassed and said, "Well, that's it."

"He wanted to see you very much. It took me a long time to persuade him not to come. But General

You said there was no trouble with him, so I

I would like to ask if you can meet him and give him some advice. "

"Oh, of course he won't be any trouble."

Lloyd spread his hands, then he smiled and whispered: "As long as he stays forever

Just shut up, you need a precision shooter, and time

Very nervous, but now that it's done, you don't need him anymore. "

Is it so direct? It's just like killing the donkey. That's what Lloyd has in mind.

No wonder Lloyd agreed so happily at the beginning. It turned out that he was planning to kill people and silence them.

Looking at Gao Guang with some surprise, Lloyd smiled and said: "What, you want to keep him?

Gao Guang nodded heavily, and then he said without hesitation: "I definitely hope to keep him. David is really very, very powerful. I am willing to keep him at all costs, but his current purpose is not In order to make money, he is willing to come out with me, just to get the truth from you. "

Lloyd looked a little solemn. He thought for a moment and said, "David is not a problem."


But his matter is really troublesome. If David insists on doing it,

If the truth is revealed, then he will be in great trouble, do you understand what I mean?"

Now Gao Guang and Lloyd are working together happily, and they can talk in depth about some topics that they would not have covered before.

Lloyd's meaning was very clear. Since Gao Guang needed a precision shooter to help kill Basha, then he would provide a precision shooter, and he was not worried about any trouble David would cause, because he could just kill and silence him afterwards.

Gao Guang understood what Lloyd meant, but he didn't want to kill the donkey and did nothing else.

He wouldn't let David go just because he was truly the best precision shooter.

Gao Guang whispered: "General, I need David. I must have a precision shooter like David in my team. He brings a chemical reaction to my team and significantly improves our combat effectiveness. I must keep him." "

"This is the value of a precise shooter." Lloyd seemed a little embarrassed. He smiled bitterly and said: "But David is really in trouble."

Lloyd doesn't mind showing his ruthless side now, because he believes that Gao Guang can no longer draw a clear line with him, so some things can be put on the table.

Lowering his voice, Lloyd said seriously: "I checked about David. At that time, all his teammates were dead, leaving only him and an injured teammate. The other person was in the hospital very quickly. He died, but David, he was lucky, he was injured but not dead."

Lloyd just stated a fact. Gao Guang didn't say anything. He was waiting for Lloyd to talk about the key points.

"But the question is, David should have died in the hospital, but someone saved him. His captain at the time cared for him all the time in the hospital. This allowed him to survive. This is what I can find out, but why? Will that happen, I don’t know.”

"You don't know the inside story?"

Lloyd spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "I checked, and the records in the file are very limited. That's all I can ask. If I check more deeply, then I will be in trouble, and we will all be in trouble. Trouble, think about it, the most elite team of Team D has carried out many secret missions, and all of them were bombed to death in their own camp. And after this happened, there was no follow-up. This kind of thing It must have involved the highest levels of the Pentagon, and even the president at the time. The smell of conspiracy is so strong, do you dare to investigate?"

Gao Guang sighed: "Yes, you can tell the depth of the water at a glance, but... I really can't let go of David."

"The fact that David can come out with you means that he doesn't have any big problems now. After all, it has been many years and many people are gone. In my judgment, as long as David doesn't insist on the truth, then he shouldn't have any problems. It’s a big problem, it’s not impossible if you want to keep him.”

"If he can stop pursuing the truth and keep his mouth shut, then he can do it for me, right?"

Lloyd nodded, and then he said solemnly: "If you want to use him, you have to bear the possible troubles and consequences, so you have to ensure that he will shut up, and that he will give up pursuing the truth. Otherwise, you have to get rid of him quickly. This is your responsibility. I don’t want him to cause unresolved trouble to you and me. "

If he doesn't shut up, then

Gao Guang nodded and said: "If you don't want him to shut up, then give him the truth. General, please do me a favor. Let's give David a white lie to make him think he got the truth."

Lloyd frowned. He didn't want to see David because he didn't want to get into any trouble.

Gao Guang could only say: "He is very important to me. The battle between Morris and I is not over yet. How can I give up the best precision shooter."

Lloyd finally nodded, and then he whispered: "Okay, give him the truth he wants, and I will prepare it. When you are ready, you bring him to see me."

Gao Guang actually wanted to help David, but now it's obvious that if David insists on finding the truth, he will die. Gao Guang really can't protect him, and he may have to involve himself.

After all, it was just a battle of cooperation. Let Gao Guang lead everyone in King's Defense.

To help David find out the truth at the cost of his life, what else can he do?

The non-highlights have to be really crazy.

Therefore, the wise way to protect yourself is to use a lie to deceive David in order for David to survive and for yourself not to get into unnecessary trouble.

Being able to get Lloyd to come forward and make this lie appear true is the limit of what Gao Guang can do.

David's matter has finally come to an end, and the next topic is here.

Gao Guang took out a mask from the bag he carried with him, and then he put the mask on

He stood in front of Lloyd and said with a wry smile: "General, there is something else I need from you.

Just help. Morris's men are all equipped with this kind of mask. I tried it in Baghdad. All the pistols and bullets I tried were unable to penetrate this mask. "

Lloyd frowned and said: "Really? Have you tried the 50 Desert Eagle or the Smith \u0026 Wesson M500?"

Gao Guang smiled bitterly and said: "I haven't tried it, because I can't go to the battlefield with these guns.

General, can you help me with a practical plan?

Solve my problem? That gunsmith you talked about, that Norberto, does he have a solution?"

Lloyd smiled and said: "Just kidding you, I know Norberto,

How can I let you use the Desert Eagle to go to the battlefield, hahaha..."

After laughing a few times, Lloyd said calmly: "Find the best gunsmith and use the best bullets. No mask can block your bullets. Let's go find Norberto now and set off. "

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