Firepower is king

Chapter 508: A close friend is hard to find

Browning M1935, or Browning Hi-Power Pistol, this gun is so famous that everyone who knows something about firearms should know this name. i6

Omit that this gun is the legacy of John Moses Browning, omit that this gun is the earliest large-capacity pistol, and omit the technical characteristics of this gun.

The most important thing to say is that although this gun has great power in its name, it was a name given to fool the French. In fact, this gun is not very powerful at all, and in the 1930s , with thirteen rounds of ammunition, it can still be considered a large-capacity pistol, but now, that gun does not hold more than this. 3

To talk about the longest-lasting light weapon, one is the M11935.

It is also a weapon designed by Browning. It has been the national gun of the United States since 1911, and the M1935 is still installed in the armies of many countries. The most famous Browning high-power pistol in recent years is probably the Fika. It's the gold-plated M1935 in my hand. i7

The old model of M1935 has a single-action structure. FN Company calls it P35. Today, when double-action structure has become the mainstream, FN Company has designed an improved version of M1935 called BDA. Just like 1911, it has a complex and huge family. category, so there are both single-action and double-action guns.

But Gao Guang is not someone who favors the past over the present. He would not think that guns designed decades ago would be better than those today.

Also, Gao Guang urgently needs to improve his armor-piercing ability, so he urgently needs to change his gun. Otherwise, he can use the two guns very well now, but he changed to the same 9mm caliber gun and fires the same Parabellum. Damn, then why should he change his mind?

What's more, Gao Guang didn't say anything, and Norberto chose for him after just a few glances. What does this mean, choosing a gun through metaphysics?

Gao Guang, who was a hundred dissatisfied and a thousand dissatisfied, said without hesitation: "No, I don't like the Browning Hi-Power pistol very much. I don't want to use this."

Gao Guang was very determined, but Norberto looked surprised. He looked at Lloyd and said, "Didn't you explain my rules clearly before you brought him here?"

"I...wait a moment."

Lloyd pulled the highlighter aside, and then he whispered: "Listen, you can use whatever Norberto tells you to use. Trust him. Yes, he knows better than you what gun is best for you. ."2

It couldn't be said that it was sneer, that would be impolite, but Gao Guang definitely disapproved of it in his heart.

"General, what I want is armor-piercing capability, not a pistol with a more comfortable handle! What I need is not accurate shooting, but a pistol that can penetrate bulletproof masks!"

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, because the need for highlights is different from others, really different from everyone else. Norberto should have never encountered this situation. 1

So Lloyd could only turn back to Norberto and said: "Well, he knows the rules, but his requirements are very unique, so how about you listen to his requirements and then help him choose a gun?"

Norberto was stunned for a while, and then he laughed out loud. Then he spread his hands and said: "It's different? What's the difference? Well, if the price can really tell me what unique needs it has, Come on, I can listen to you."

Gao Guang stepped forward and said without hesitation: "I need armor-piercing ability."

Gao Guang was carrying a small bag with him. There was nothing else in his bag but a reinforced bulletproof mask.

Putting the mask on the table, Gao Guang said without hesitation: "A pistol that can penetrate this mask, but the 9mm handgun obviously cannot. We have tried 7mm bullets and 6mm bullets, but they all failed." Don’t wear this mask, because this mask is designed to withstand current mainstream armor-piercing pistol bullets.” i6.

Norberto was obviously confused, because among the customers who came to him, very few people emphasized the armor-piercing ability of the pistol. Then, the high-gloss requirement must penetrate a reinforced bulletproof mask. This demand is indeed unique.

"This mask is too thick. Who would make this kind of mask? Does it make sense?"

"Yes, my enemies will be equipped with this mask. They are guarding me, so of course I have to find a way to penetrate this mask."

Norberto's face twitched, and he said with great confusion: "Designing a bulletproof mask for you? Haha, this... why?"

Gao Guang said very seriously: "Because I am good at using pistols. I use the pistol specifically to hit the face, especially in the fatal triangle area. My opponents have killed many people, so of course I have to focus on protection."

Norberto shook his head and said unceremoniously: "Okay, buddy, anyone can brag, but you went too far. You only slapped people in the face, and you were forced to design a bulletproof mask. Ha, what a joke."

At this time, Lloyd said helplessly: "Hi, hi, man, he's not bragging. We came to you just to solve the problems he faced."

Norberto looked at Gao Guang again and said, "Are you serious?"

Gao Guang waved his hand and said: "Don't tell me whether I'm bragging, just tell me whether you can meet my needs." Norberto breathed out, then he picked up the mask on the table, and after looking at it for a long time, Suddenly said: "We need armor-piercing capability, and the existing pistol bullets are not good enough. Forget about the Desert Eagle's 5OAE bullets, they are not pistol bullets." i6

Gao Guang whispered: "So you have nothing to do, right?" i3

"Sub-caliber discarding sabot armor-piercing bullets, high bore pressure, high muzzle velocity! It should be OK to fire tungsten core armor-piercing bullets." After Norberto finished talking to himself, he turned to look at the highlight and said with a fierce expression: " If that doesn't work, just use a smoothbore barrel, increase the muzzle velocity with all your strength, fire long armor-piercing bullets, and it will be able to penetrate heavy body armor! No bulletproof mask is useless!", 34

The solution provided by Norberto is very simple, which is to shrink the current tank gun countless times and put it on a pistol. That's probably what it means. 7

But the problem is that the armor-piercing performance of this kind of bullet is good, but it will hardly deform after hitting a person, because the tungsten core long rod armor-piercing bullet is too hard, and it will not roll because it is too stable, unless the enemy must have brought it. Bulletproof masks deform after being hit by bullets to increase lethality, or even real guns can hit the fatal triangle. ,3

Generally speaking, this kind of gun can definitely be achieved technically, but no one will use it, because when ordinary people use it, it can only hit a person with a small eye, and the stopping effect is almost non-existent, unless it is a vital wound. parts, otherwise no one would be killed even if hit by a dozen bullets.

But if the high light is acceptable, it can be used as a backup gun. Since Morris's people are equipped with anti-mad dog masks, then he will be equipped with a special anti-mad dog mask gun. Let's have an equipment competition. 9

"Hey, is this gun accurate enough? Can it guarantee accuracy within thirty meters?"

After solving the armor-piercing ability, the next step is to ensure accuracy, so Highlight naturally raised questions.

But Norberto said with a look of astonishment: "Accuracy, do you have something wrong with your brain? Are you a fool or a lunatic? Can't you see that I am being sarcastic? What is the use of this kind of gun? It only increases penetration It has armor capability and almost no other properties. Can such a gun be used? "

Gao Guang had a headache. Norberto was too opinionated and felt like he was sitting in a well looking at the sky. His ignorance made Norberto a person who was unable to communicate. i1

Gao Guang simply stopped talking, and Lloyd could only say helplessly: "It's my fault for this matter. Due to the need for confidentiality, I didn't tell you his identity. Now let me solemnly introduce him. This person is known as the left hand in the FBI. Have you heard of the Mad Dog of the Pistol God?" 1

Norberto shook his head. "You don't know Mad Dog, then you must have never heard of Baghdad's Gunslinger, uh..."

Lloyd was lost in thought, and then he said with a wry smile: "Man, what do you know better about? Shooting competitions?" i1

Gao Guang immediately said: "I am the champion of the long rifle category of the Texas Competition. I am from the Sig Sauer gun team. Have you heard of it?"

Norberto thought for a while and said: "I don't pay attention to the game now, and I don't know any famous shooters."

Lloyd scratched his head and said: "This is difficult to handle. You are a little out of touch with the outside world now. Otherwise, let the mad dog shoot you a few times. You will know his style by looking at his style."

Norberto suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Mad Dog, I have some impression, well, one of my clients once mentioned to me a man called Mad Dog, a guy who can fire a gun..." i2

Lloyd's eyes lit up, and he immediately pointed to the highlight and said, "It's him, it's him!" 6

Norberto's body suddenly shook and he said: "Really? Are you the magic stick?" 5

Gao Guang has a great reputation, but his reputation is definitely not spread among civilian circles, but a gunsmith who has heard of his name because of his consecration always feels that there is something wrong with this.

"Well, that's me, but regarding this consecration, I actually need to explain."

Gao Guang didn't know how to explain it. He hesitated for a moment and finally said: "This is because sincerity leads to spirituality..."

"Ha, I didn't expect to really see you."

Norberto began to look at the highlight up and down, and then he suddenly said: "Is your shooting really accurate enough to only hit the fatal triangle?"

"There is no other way. Nowadays everyone wears bulletproof vests, so we can only hit the head."

"The point is, can you really hit it?"

Gao Guang spread his hands and said: "I am alive and the enemies are dead. The result speaks for itself." Norberto stopped talking and his expression became very strange.

Gao Guang said cautiously: "Can you not be sarcastic, just from the perspective of use, is there any practical solution? If there is no other way, I can accept the sub-caliber long-rod armor-piercing shelling projectile, as long as it can improve the armor penetration Just ability.”i1

Nobel said bitterly: "I only make one gun. Do you want to use my gun as a backup gun?"

Ju Guangxu said without hesitation: "As long as we can solve the problem.

"No, it's an insult to me that my gun is used as a backup." 1

Gao Guang thought for a while, stretched out two fingers, and said: "Then make two guns. I'll give you face. The main gun and the backup gun are both your works. How about it?" 5

Norberto was extremely surprised and said: "You give me face? Do you want me to make you two guns, or do you give me face?" 9

As a human being, you can't be too low-key, especially you can't be too low-key all the time. You must be high-profile when you should be high-profile.

Gao Guang nodded and said: "Yeah, whatever gun I use now, the manufacturer pays me. Although you are the best gunsmith, you also need the best shooter to reflect it, right? I am The best shooter, no one is better than me. There was no one in the past, no one now, and no one in the future. The greatest pistol shooter uses your work. What is the point of using your work if it is not to give you face?" i9_

Lloyd turned his face slightly to the side, and then he whispered: "Well, Norberto's guns are all works of art, each one is unique. There is no precedent for him to make two guns for the same person." Gao Guang immediately said: "Works of art need to be appreciated by someone. Do you know what a soulmate means? A soulmate is, well, someone who appreciates you the most." 4 "That makes sense!" i2 Norberto suddenly exhaled a long breath, and then he said to Gao Guang: "Since you entered my studio, I know that you are a person with taste and appreciation. Works of art really need people who understand to appreciate them." 4 Lloyd was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly said: "So you can make two guns?" 4 Norberto nodded solemnly, and then he said with a serious face: "Since one gun cannot meet all needs, then we have to use two guns. Sorry, this is my problem." i5 Norberto also apologized to Gao Guang. He felt that it was his own problem that he could not use one gun to meet all needs. What else can Gao Guang say? He must have hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, just use two guns, I'm used to carrying two pistols."

Norberto shook his head and said helplessly: "No, two guns are an emergency solution. I will make two guns first to solve your urgent problem, but I will try my best to solve the needs of armor-piercing and daily use with one gun. Give me some time, I must give you the best solution, an ultimate pistol."i3 What should I say next? Gao Guang hesitated again and again and said: "Then... how much?"

"Money? Oh, I can't make bullets, you have to ask him to solve it for you. For guns, it's free. I will charge you when I have a satisfactory work."i5

Gao Guang looked at Lloyd, Lloyd shrugged and said: "I'll give him I have tried many seed bullets, whether they are available on the market or not, and I will give them to Norberto for trial. Otherwise, why do you think Norberto can give a solution so quickly? We have various test bullets in the laboratory. I will give you thousands of them later, enough for you to use for a lifetime. "

After that, Lloyd suddenly said: "The cost of an armor-piercing bullet is 160 US dollars, which is super expensive. I must tell you this." 28

Well, the problem has been initially solved. Gao Guang now seems to have the initiative, so he immediately said: "Since the bullet is the main thing, can any gun be used?"

"Don't say anything, try the gun, and you will know why you are asked to use the Browning High Power after the test."

Norberto was arrogant at first and respectful later, but when it comes to the gun, he began to stick to his principles again.

Confidently slapping the gun in front of Gao Guang, Norberto said loudly: "Let's talk about it after the shot." ,34

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