Firepower is king

Chapter 511 What Mission?

Something that looks particularly good to you as an ordinary person may be worthless in the eyes of experts or critics.

You are ordinary

Look at something you can't see, but experts say it's a work of art.

Therefore, art cannot be explained clearly. Either there are so many schools, such as realism, impressionism, and abstraction. In short, no matter what kind of mess, as long as experts say it is a work of art, it is a work of art.

Anyway, as long as you can make people understand it, that's half the success.

Of course, the remaining half of the success is capital. As long as someone supports it and throws real money into it, critics from all walks of life will praise it, and then increase the popularity, and that's it.

So Gao Guang doesn't understand art or appreciate art, but he knows how to make an artist famous.

The most important thing is that Gao Guang is rich and he has connections. Sarah knows so many celebrities. Is it a big deal to send a sculptor to an art exhibition?

The real part of the favor is to pay as a shill, just ask the collectors to buy a few of Norberto's works at high prices, and then return the money when you're done. If you want to keep the things, you can keep them. Just smash it and throw it away if it takes up space, it doesn't matter.

So it doesn’t matter if Gao Guang has never done this before. Just make a few phone calls and tell Sara, don’t ask anyone to advance money. It doesn’t cost much to send Norberto to an art exhibition. Then rent a venue. Norberto can hold an art exhibition for less than a few cents. He can definitely do it all for one million.

Spend a million

The key to the favor is to allow Norberto to shorten the construction period to one week, worth it!

The total cost was three million. The price of these two pistols was not low, but Gao Guang thought so. First of all, this gun was the capital of his livelihood. Furthermore, no matter how much money he spent, he would never be able to buy a gun of the same level. Since In this way, three million is not too expensive.

Norberto's art exhibition didn't need to be organized by Gao Guang himself, so he could have stayed in Miami and waited for his gun to be ready, but there was no way, there were too many things in Baghdad.

The main thing was to quickly appease David's restless heart.

As long as a precise shooter of David's level falls into Gao Guang's hands, it is impossible for him to fly out again.

It was midnight when we flew to Baghdad this time.

Flying around with his tired body has been Gao Guang's normal these days. He was too lazy to sleep now due to jet lag, but when he arrived at the hotel, he found that he was not the only one who was up at three in the morning.

Gao Guang walked for more than three days, almost ninety hours, but when he returned to the hotel, he found that the person waiting to greet him was not David, who was waiting for him, but Mike.

"You're back?"

Mike's skin is naturally dark, so there are no dark circles under his eyes, but his fatigue can be seen by anyone.

because he is talking

When I was there, it was as if I was about to die.

Leaning at the door of his room, Mike kept saying: "Is everything okay at home? Did your work go well this time? I heard that you want to customize your own pistol. Isn't it great?"

Gao Guang said cautiously: "What's wrong with you?"

Mike sighed lightly, and then he said feebly: "I ate too many energy bars.

I can't sleep. I still can't sleep. "

Gao Guang took a breath of air and said, "You haven't slept for the past few days?"

Mike nodded, and then he said helplessly: "This thing is too strong.

, now I'm starting to regret it, they can all fall asleep, but I

I just can’t sleep..."

At this time, David's door opened, and he stuck his head out from behind the door, looking at Gao Guang nervously.

Gao Guang said to Mike: "You go back and try to get some sleep. David and I have something to talk about."

Mike reluctantly returned to his room, and Gao Guang went directly to David's side and said, "Go in and talk."


David seemed a little nervous. He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, so he was extremely excited at this time.

"You...have news?"


Gao Guang sat down. He looked at David, who looked expectant but nervous, and felt very uneasy.

Don't tell any white lies, or for the sake of David. Lying is lying, and covering up the truth is covering up the truth. This is the reason why Gao Guang will be uneasy.

Sitting on the chair in silence for a long time, Gao Guang finally said: "I went to see General Lloyd.

Ask him to tell me the truth, well, the truth may make you unable

accept. "

David took a gentle breath, then nodded, and said solemnly: "Just tell me! No matter what the result is, I can bear it!"

"The truth is that it wasn't an accident..."

David slammed his right hand on the palm of his left hand. Then he noticed that the highlight had paused and said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, please continue."

Gao Guang continued: "That was not an accident, but the's not what you think. It was not an accident but a conspiracy."

David swallowed and said nervously: "Say it!"

Gao Guang said helplessly: "The most unacceptable part of this matter is that it was not a conspiracy against you, but that you were so unlucky that you happened to catch it."

David ignored it, and then he said in shock: "The conspiracy is not against us? How is this possible?"

"The truth is that an officer was dissatisfied with his superiors and planned to cause some big trouble, so he put a bomb. Then he thought your plane was a certain commander's plane, so he detonated the bomb, killing many of you."

David's eyes straightened, and he said in shock: "Are you kidding me! This argument is full of loopholes! You are not lying to me, are you? Or is Lloyd using this poor excuse to send you away?"

Gao Guang smiled bitterly and said: "I just said that the truth is difficult for people to accept, but it is the truth, and the truth should be like this. Think about it, if General Lloyd wanted to lie to you, at least he would not use such a clumsy way. Let me lie to you. I can make up a story that sounds reasonable, instead of using reasons that sound impossible to you at first sight. "

David was stunned for a while, and then he nodded with a blank face and said: "It makes sense. If you want to lie to me, you should at least make up a better excuse, but... I want evidence, otherwise, otherwise I can't believe it. ”

Gao Guang spread his hands and whispered: "There will be evidence. General Lloyd said that he can see the top-secret files. I am just telling you the truth of the matter first. In fact, this matter has already passed. The fabricator The person who bombed the bomb has long been arrested, but how could such a scandal be made public? So it became a secret. If you want evidence, General Lloyd can give it to you, but it can only be a photocopy. It is impossible to transfer the file The original is for you."

David seemed confused and helpless. He slowly sat down on the bed and was stunned for a while. Then he suddenly said: "Is it true?"

"Really, General Lloyd has seen the file."

The simpler a lie is told, the easier it is for people to believe it, and Gao Guang is really good at lying, especially his confident look which makes him more convincing.

It stands to reason that this matter would have been smoothed over, but David thought blankly for a long time and suddenly said: "No, you have been deceived."

Gao Guang was stunned, but David raised his head and whispered: "You have no idea what mission we performed at that time, and General Lloyd doesn't know what mission we performed. If he knew, then he wouldn't believe this." Damn top secret files.”

Lloyd really didn't know what mission David was performing at that time, because he didn't want to investigate, because if he investigated, he might not get results, but he might get into trouble.

David is a special force of the military. What they perform is nothing more than a military mission. What else can they do? That's why the lie created by Lloyd was made up in a big way. It is full of loopholes but it is not impossible. Pull in the direction.

But now it seems that the task David performed is not that simple.

Gao Guang was helpless. He could only say in shock: "What? General Lloyd was also deceived.

The records in the top-secret files are also fake? Then... you

What mission are you performing?"

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