Firepower is king

Chapter 531 Adding fuel and jealousy

If you have never heard the name of the Knights Mercenary Group, then you naturally don’t know that the King’s Defense defeated the Knights Mercenary Group, and it is not their turn to know such a thing.

But if Morris, who hired the Knight Mercenary Group, got this news, his jaw would really drop.

Morris was stunned and at a loss, and then he sat back in his chair.

I thought that it would be over if the knight mercenary group was mobilized, but the knight mercenary group was defeated. So how strong is the king's defense?

Morris is the boss. He is the one who pays for his life, not the one who exchanges his life for money. But this mad dog, he is obviously a PC. Why does he want to sell arms across the industry? When selling arms, he sells arms properly. Why does he have combat power? Still so strong?

This won't work. Morris is not the kind of person who is extremely proud. If the mad dog is really that powerful, then he will be in danger.

After swallowing and taking a breath, Morris whispered: "Don't worry about the knight. Come back immediately and bring our people back immediately. Ignore Baghdad and leave Iraq alone. I'll think of a solution later." Anyway, you bring our people back first, and now you tell me carefully what’s going on.”

We can't afford to die anymore at this time. The elite houses are very expensive, super expensive. No matter how much money you have, you can't afford such a torment.

Morris began to think about how to stabilize the situation, reduce losses, and how to create more trouble for Mad Dog.

Morris, who is very familiar with mercenaries, feels that the Knight Mercenary Group cannot just let it go, because no mercenary group is willing to do such things as revenge, but if they are forced to a certain extent, for example After decades of reputation being wiped out, and even the commission being beaten down, revenge is no longer a matter of emotion.

"About knowing the whole process, Morris thought for a moment, then dialed a phone number, and then he whispered: 6 I have news for you, I hired a knight mercenary group to kill the king's defense, but the knight was beaten by the king's defense (The whole army was wiped out) The lord was seriously injured, and finally he was able to escape by surrendering with a white flag. This battle was the end of the knight mercenary group. Also, in order to survive, the lord knelt down and begged for mercy and spent 200 million US dollars before letting the mad dog let him go. "Leave, who is Mad Dog? Don't you know King's Defense? Well, King's Defense is a PC company, a small company."

Morris began to add fuel to the fire and spread the news. He didn't believe that after the news spread throughout the underground world, especially the high-end market, after everyone knew that the knight was finished, the lord could still hold back and let the mad dog continue to live in the world.

"Boss! The knight mercenary group was defeated. The lord used our people as bait, but he was defeated...even the lord was injured!"

Although he didn't know that this move had a name called adding fuel to the fire and killing someone with a borrowed knife, Morris was very skilled at playing this trick.

News of the underground world spread very quickly, mainly because someone deliberately pushed it. In less than half an hour, everyone in the underground world who should know knew the news of the knight's defeat.

Even before Smith received Danny's call, he got the news faster than Danny.

"What? The King's Defense wiped out the Knight Mercenary Group? I... It's impossible, I really didn't participate in this) What? The mad dog broke both of the lord's arms and forced him to hand over 200 million US dollars? You Are you serious? No, the War Group is definitely not involved in this matter. I am neutral. Are you kidding me?

Smith was stunned when he heard this, because the person who called him was a very reliable information source known for its extremely high accuracy. The other person did not want to tell him anything, but knew about his relationship with the King's Defense and wanted to learn from it. He is here to verify the authenticity of the news.

But what shocked Smith was how could such a thing be possible? Even though Gao Guang had called for help, how could he actually defeat the knight and beat the lord to his knees and beg for mercy?

So this must be a rumor, but the battle at Mad Dog has just ended, and the black troops have just been dispatched. Smith doesn't even know the situation. It can be said that the battle is not over yet. Where did this rumor come from?

Smith was shocked and thought it was ridiculous, but he received Danny's call almost at the same time, so he hung up the phone to ask for confirmation and couldn't wait to answer Danny's call.

"What happened? Mad dog won?"

Smith lost his composure, and Danny's answer stunned him for a moment.

Before the lord gave the order to retreat, Monkey had the knack to escape because he didn't want to be killed because the knight wanted to block the news. That would be an unjust death.

"How do you know? Dawson just called. The knights suffered heavy losses and the lords were injured and retreated. Our people have arrived, but we only need to help carry the wounded..."

Smith was stunned, because he already knew the Knights Mercenary Group and was more familiar with the king's defense. When he heard the news, it was like dozens of thunders exploded in his heart, which blew him to pieces and almost left his body.

He couldn't tell what his state of mind was, but Smith could only say in shock again: "Are you sure it's true?"

"I don't know how to say it, eh, but I am definitely sure that Mad Dog defeated the knight, but our black troops were not used, and 3.6 million has been paid. Should Mad Dog bear this loss? After all, it was him who took the initiative. Asking for help) But I think Mad Dog should be a new legend after this battle. Otherwise, how about treating the 3.6 million as a favor investment, but the Iraqi branch must not be allowed to bear the expenses, boss, boss?"

There was a slight deviation in the matter, and Smith rarely verified it carefully. He heard a super sensational news before Danny. Now there are still people waiting to ask him to verify the authenticity, and the feedback Smith received from Danny was affirmative. have to.

The knight was really defeated, and the mad dog really wounded the lord.

Smith doesn't care about the $3.6 million now. What he cares about is that first of all, this matter is a big deal, and then his old friends in the intelligence community are still waiting for verification before selling an incredible piece of information as intelligence.

Therefore, there was a problem with the conversation between Smith and Danny, but neither of them noticed that the news they received did not actually mention the detailed results of the battle, or the battle damage of the Knight Mercenary Group.

The news was so exciting that it made Smith feel dizzy, so he hung up Danny's phone too hastily and called his long-term partner again.

Smith got through the phone, and then he said impatiently: "What you just said is true! The knight was defeated! The lord was seriously injured by a mad dog! Yes, I confirm that this is all true."

So run first, and then call the boss immediately to inform the boss, so that the boss will not be kept in the dark.

It was Smith's confirmation that a very important figure in the intelligence community took a breath of air, and then said: "The knight was defeated unexpectedly, and the lord actually... thank you, I owe you a favor, let's talk back."

Smith would have kept this secret strictly, he had to keep the mad dog's secret, but now that the news about him has spread all over the world, he still keeps it a secret, there is no need for it.

It was originally just embellished news. No one would believe it until it received authoritative certification, at least not very much.

But now that there is such a certification from authoritative information, no matter what the truth is, the Knight Mercenary Group is considered finished, and the lord is completely finished.

The most troublesome thing is that this news is not pure false news, it is just a little exaggerated. But the most troublesome thing is that this kind of news is only slightly exaggerated. It is false but seriously distorted.

Now, if the knight mercenary group does not destroy the king's defense, only one of the two S-class mercenary groups will be left.

Defeating the Knight Mercenary Group will not create a new legendary mercenary group, because King's Defense is just a PC company) But after this battle, King's Defense's commission is estimated to have skyrocketed tenfold, which is a pity, King's Defense Now the main business is arms.

An arms seller defeated the knight mercenary group head-on.

At this moment, Smith suddenly felt that he was old because he could no longer keep up with the rhythm of the world.

"What did you say? The knight mercenary group lost? The lord was seriously injured?"

If Morris didn't know how powerful the Knight Mercenary Group was, he wouldn't have spent a lot of money. So after hearing Monchi's report, his first reaction was that it was a mistake. But after thinking about it again, he felt that Monchi was impossible. To lie to myself, I immediately felt like I was being ambushed.

"Did the news leak out? Mad Dog was prepared to ambush you?"

If someone leaks the news in advance, it means there is a mole. At this time, the mole often feels that the ship is sinking) and plans to change a ship, so this kind of mole must be found out.

"It's not an ambush, it's the knight mercenary group who took the initiative to attack, but their attack was repelled. It's not a trap, Mad Dog doesn't have any foreign aid, it's just a head-on confrontation!"

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