Firepower is king

Chapter 535: This is called turning against guests

The three people in the King's defense who were completely uninjured were Gaoguang, Yuanzheng, and Carlos.

Two people were slightly injured, David and Patrick. David had two grenade shrapnel on his leg, but luckily, his left leg was already lame, and it would not become lame if he was injured again.

However, compared to the losses of the Knight Mercenary Group, the King's Defense was a complete victory, a complete victory, because no one in the King's Defense died, while nearly half of the Knight Mercenary Group was killed, and the lord was also maimed. .

But having said that, although the king's defense was a complete victory, the knight mercenary group could not be said to have been completely wiped out. Although the lord was beaten and his arm was broken and his right hand was disabled, he also withdrew on his own. , and then the battle was ended through negotiation, and it could not be said that he was beaten and knelt down to beg for mercy.

So there is a problem with this rumor, and it’s a big problem.

This cannot be regarded as sowing discord, because Gao Guang and the lord have a hostile relationship to begin with, but the problem is that the Knight Mercenary Group originally only used money to do things, and if they lose, they will lose, but this rumor is too ugly, and the entire army will be wiped out and kneel down. Begging for mercy, isn't this forcing the lord to take revenge?

There is no mercenary group that does not die, and there is no mercenary group that does not lose a battle, so there are few mercenaries who will seek revenge without any special reason.

But this rumor has damaged the foundation of the Knights Mercenary Group, which is the reputation the Knights Mercenary Group has built over decades. Originally, a mission could cost you 10 million, but after this extravagant defeat, you can only ask for... Five million or even lower.

This is a rhythm that forces the lord to seek revenge and the knight mercenary group to fight back in order to clear their name. Unless the king's defense is completely wiped out, the knight mercenary group will never be able to hold its head high.

The meaning of praise is so obvious, it would be stupid if Gao Guang didn't notice it.

But Morris's move was too strong. If the lord didn't realize that this was Morris's conspiracy, then the lord was stupid.

No, this is not a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy.

Patrick had a cut on the top of his head. It was not serious, but it would definitely take some time to recover.

A good move is to use a borrowed knife to kill people, and using a variant counter-intentional strategy, he directly created a killing move that can drive away tigers and devour wolves.

Even if the lord knew that this was a rumor spread by Morris, he could not tell everyone that it was all false news. The key was that no one believed what he said. In the end, he could only turn around by killing the king's defense.

This trick must be defeated by him, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Gao Guang's mind was already running wildly.

"When did you hear the news?"

Quickly clarify the consequences of this rumor for yourself. The first thing Gao Guang needs to do is to figure out the scope of the spread of this rumor.

Heidi also looked surprised. She said without hesitation: "I got the news last night. We don't have close relations with the mercenaries, so we got the news relatively late."

Gao Guang whispered: "You started coming here immediately after our phone call yesterday, and now it's been... sixteen hours."

"Those who should know already knew it yesterday. You want to block the news? It's impossible. It's too late."

Gao Guang nodded, and then he continued to think deeply.

Then Francisco's injury was supposed to be serious, but Dr. Lin's magical rejuvenation meant that Francisco only needed to rest, so it was considered a minor injury, but he had to rest for at least a month.

Heidi frowned and said, "If what I heard is false news, what is the truth?"

"Almost twenty people in the knight mercenary group died. The lord was kicked by Fang and broke one of his arms, and I broke his right thumb."

Heidi said in shock: "The knight mercenary group was not completely wiped out. They retained considerable strength. Oh, Shet, it would be fine if the knights were really dead, but now, they have to kill you. okay."

"Yes, so this is flattery, a conspiracy played by Morris."

Heidi looked at Gao Guang with sympathy and said: "Even if you kill Morris, the Knights Mercenary Group will still have to kill you. No, if you kill Morris, the Knights will have to kill you even more, otherwise their reputation will be ruined." It’s completely over.”

"Let me think."

How could the ancient Eastern wisdom lose to Morris?

It's impossible to block the news. It's been too long. Just like Heidi said, those who should know already know.

It is even more impossible to ask Morris to change his story.

This kind of thing is the most difficult to deal with when neither party can defend it, and no one is willing to listen to the defense. The reason why a conspiracy can become a conspiracy, such as extending the order of favor, besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao, is because there is no solution.

Mike was also injured by the explosion of a grenade at close range. His injuries were between minor injuries and serious injuries. However, when Dr. Lin was treating his injuries, he also found some old injuries and treated them with care. You have to rest for a month.

It is impossible for Gao Guang to start from this aspect if he spreads rumors easily and refutes them quickly.

It's impossible to do this kind of thing completely, so why should we turn against customers?

He raised his eyebrows, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but said: "Yes!"

"What's left?"

"Of course there is a way."

Heidi was stunned, then shocked.

Heidi was worried about Gao Guang, because she thought of several ways, but felt that the effect would not be very good, so Heidi would be very shocked when Gao Guang said that he had a way.

People who use their brains have a problem, that is, if someone else finds a solution to something that they cannot figure out, their first reaction is definitely disbelief, and then they must ask for clarification.

"How do you do that?"

"Now I say it won't work without annihilating the Knight Mercenary Group. Although I am the person involved, no one will believe me if I personally refute the rumors. So when I refute the rumors, I just follow Morris' route. I must turn against the customers."

Three people were seriously injured. Paul was beaten and lost a quarter of his mandible and half of his teeth. He will have problems eating in the future. Fortunately, the place where the upper and lower jaw bones are connected can be preserved. Over there in the United States The best dental hospital has given a treatment plan, which is to use what kind of material to repair the mandible, and then install a set of dentures.

While speaking, Gao Guang took out his mobile phone, and then he said calmly: "I will post a message on the dark web, and then ask Edelweiss to help spread the news."

Heidi said impatiently: "What news?"

"You'll know right away."

Gao Guang had already called Edelweiss. He said to the phone: "I am a mad dog. I want to ask you to help me publish a message on the dark web and help me spread it as soon as possible."

"you say."

"I, the mad dog of the King's Defense Company, after a battle with the Knights Mercenary Group, I deeply feel that the Knights Mercenary Group is powerful, so now I want to hire the Knights Mercenary Group to kill Morris, with a commission of 500 million! That's the news , published publicly on the mercenary section of the dark web.”

Heidi's eyes were about to bulge, and No. 3 who answered the phone said in the same disbelief: "Are you kidding me?"

Gao Guang said without hesitation: "I'm not kidding, but I don't want to be fooled by Morris's conspiracy, and I believe the lord doesn't want to be fooled by Morris like this, right?"


Gao Guang said confidently: "Since Edelweiss and the Knights Mercenary Group are in a cooperative relationship, you must be willing to help the Knights Mercenary Group with this favor, right? I won't pay any money. Will the Knights Mercenary Group be willing?" It doesn’t matter if you’re willing to kill Morris. Anyway, if the lord doesn’t want to admit that he has to kneel down and surrender to me, he has to take over my big task of 500 million US dollars. You can communicate the rest.”

Paul could never eat anything hard again in his life, but he was relatively lucky.

Heidi took a breath suddenly, because she felt that the highlight method was feasible. As a smart person, she was wondering why she didn't think of this originally simple idea.

Number 3 was silent for a moment, and then he whispered: "Well, although it has not been confirmed yet, I think it is unlikely that the lord will refuse this mission."

Gao Guang said easily: "That's it, no need to thank me."

"If you issue a designated mission on your own and the knight accepts it, you will have to pay the full amount, so I must contact the lord first. If he agrees to falsely report you, then the next step is for you two to communicate on your own, or for me. Convey what you both mean?"

"No need to convey it. I'm very busy right now and don't have time to care about this kind of thing. Let the lord handle it by himself."

No. 3 was silent for a moment, and then he said with emotion: "Mad Dog, you are really... you are really... then the specific wording of this designated task, well, please be more careful about the task to be released."

After talking for a long time, he didn't say what Gao Guang really was, but Gao Guang didn't take it seriously. He said without hesitation: "You can just decide what to say. You can speak in a low-key tone or even be flattering. It's okay. I "I don't care about this) as long as the Cavaliers can regain their face and let the Cavaliers take over the task of killing Morris. After all, I won't pay a penny, so it's appropriate to lower my attitude."

"You don't have to stress that you won't pay a penny."

"I can't stress it enough, you charge so much."

"Okay, the cost will be borne by the lord. I will talk to him. Is there anything else you want to add?"

John simply lost a leg and became disabled.

"No, I'll contact you if you need anything. Goodbye."

Gao Guang hung up the phone, and then he said to Heidi: "I think this solves the problem. Morris wants to use the Cavaliers to kill me, so I will use the Cavaliers to kill Morris in turn. The point is that it doesn't cost a penny. The Cavaliers We have to continue, this is called turning against the guest.”

Heidi nodded involuntarily, then spread her hands and said helplessly: "Well, this is pretty good. This method is really good."

Gao Guang said with great fascination: "It would be great if the Knight Mercenary Group could really kill Morris. Do you think... can I really kill Morris with the Knights? Well, I think it is feasible."

Among the three people who were seriously injured, Fang Zhenwu was considered the luckiest. Although he almost died, he survived after all, and after recovering from his injuries, he was completely fine. Therefore, Fang Zhenwu was the one closest to death, but he was still relatively the closest. Lucky one.

The losses were heavy, and the King's defense would lose all combat effectiveness in the short term.

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